"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 52"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 12"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 38"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 15"

................. One after another, the sound of the virtual universe sounded into Qin Yan's mind.

Of course, these points are useless to... Qin Yan now, after all, his strength has become stronger and stronger.

However, even if thousands of people were killed in an instant, there would still be tens of thousands, tens of millions of people traveling through the space and appearing directly in front of Qin Yan! Of course, in the face of the teleportation sent by Qin Yan around In the barrier of strength, no one could enter within a radius of [-] kilometers of Qin Yan.

And everyone around them immediately became obedient after seeing that Qin Yan actually possessed the power of teleportation.

The power of teleportation has many uses, but in general it is just an auxiliary element under the power of space.

The attack power is not very strong, but Qin Yan's method of leveraging strength is the most worry-free.

It's a pity that these people are old fritters, and there are many ways to make Qin Yan come out obediently.

"Everyone, smash the surrounding space so that he can't mobilize the surrounding space elements!"

I don't know who it is, suddenly shouted, and all the strong people who were still trying to get Qin Yan out in that way sneered.

Space, you have to have space to control it! These....... the powerhouse at the peak of the universe cannot smash the space, as long as the surrounding space is all smashed, the space cannot be mobilized Qin Yan naturally had only one dead end.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Therefore, almost instantly, the hundreds of billions of people who have gathered around them frantically burst out with all their auras.

"Crack clap clap!!!"

In an instant, the surrounding space began to crazily shatter under the terrifying aura.

Large tracts of space collapse appeared in front of countless people, and in just an instant, the space on the first floor collapsed.

As for the space on the second floor, only the superpowers of the world master level can be mobilized.

Even a powerhouse who understands the power of space needs at least the ultimate strength of the domain master if he wants to control it, and if Qin Yan has this strength, he can slaughter most of the people present by directly using his body.

And as the space around Qin Yan was completely shattered, the power of teleportation was naturally useless at all.

Of course, it was actually very difficult to do this. It was only after knowing that the surrounding powerhouses that had risen to trillions over time exploded their own aura at the same time, and shattered all the light-years of space around Qin Yan.

If a single or a small number of strong people found Qin Yan, they would have to leave or be killed by Qin Yan! This is the power of space law comprehens.

"Kill him, whoever gets the points in the end is who it is!!"

"Hands on!!!!"

................................. After the loud shouts, the surrounding powerhouses suddenly moved towards Qin Yan's direction in a terrifying manner. The speed rushed over.

Countless people directly burst out with all their power!".

It's a bit too much for so many people to use such a shameless method to make a national treasure!" Qin Yan felt helpless when he saw all the shattered space around him and the powerhouses who were rushing frantically.

The reason for my helplessness is not that my attack method has been disrupted, but that I have bullied others by relying on more people. Since this is the case, I can only make these people recognize the reality.

Qin Yan's pair of small claws stretched out directly toward both sides.

"Break it, space!!!!"

The next moment followed Qin Yan's low voice.

The surrounding second layer of space began to shatter frantically in everyone's unbelievable eyes.

"Crack clap clap!!"

The powerful tearing force brought by the space crack made the expressions of the surrounding powerhouses change drastically.

"No, this kid pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, this is the power of shattering!!"

"Grass, isn't one of the space elements extremely difficult to comprehend? Why did this kid comprehend both!"

"The broken law that can break the second layer of space is not something we can resist now, quickly retreat!!"

..................It can be said that for a moment, everyone present was terrified.

The second layer of space can only be torn apart by the powerhouses of the world master level, and it also shows that the formidable power brought by his tearing has reached the attack power of the world master level! In other words, these... .... If the powerhouse at the peak of the universe level is encountered by this continuous space crack, there is absolutely only one possibility of being torn apart.

In an instant, countless people began to rush towards the outside world frantically.


Knowing that I am a comprehension of the power of teleportation, I still want to run and eat!!"

Seeing these strong men who started to run away, Qin Yan immediately spoke with disdain.

The next moment, all the powerhouses were horrified to discover that the space within a few light years seemed to be controlled. No matter how they flew or escaped, in the end they just couldn't move in place.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

And behind him are countless cosmos-level extreme powerhouses that turned into blood flowers all over the sky at an extremely terrifying speed.

Fear instantly spread to the eyes of all the strong people present.

At the same time, there are countless unknowing powerhouses who rely on teleportation to directly rush into this space that has been controlled by Qin Yan.

But what awaits them is only one result, that is death, "kill a player and get all the points of the opponent: 54"

"Kill a player, get all the opponent's points: 25" Kill a player, get all the opponent's points: 54"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 15"

.................Countless sounds of the virtual universe are still echoing in Qin Yan's mind, and Qin Yan can do anything in the face of these sounds. The thing is... block it all.

I've heard enough before.

Of course, although there are a lot of these.... prompts, but compared to Qin Yan's background data, the improvement rate is still extremely weak.

It can be said that it is almost like there is not much improvement.

After all, Qin Yan's number of points is simply too terrifying.

"Yo, there are still so many people who can escape from the confinement of my space. I'm not weak!"

Of course, if someone was killed by Qin Yan, there would naturally be someone who escaped.

Some of the top-ranked superpowers managed to escape after exhausting almost all their strength.

And looking at the purgatory behind him, these... The powerhouses who were originally ranked at least in the top [-] in the civilization of the Shadow God suddenly turned pale.

It was too terrifying. At this time, Qin Yan's strength was definitely dozens of times stronger than what he had seen in the video before.

After all, those who Qin Yan killed in the video......the cosmos-level powerhouses are some wandering warriors in the cosmos, or some middle-level powers.

The strongest batch of combat talents are only about the same as the weakest ones present.

After all, the real powerhouses do not lack extraordinary martial arts and martial arts! But the powerhouses that Qin Yan has killed now are all at the top level of combat effectiveness in the entire universe.

Don't look at the first [-] million of the civilization of the Shadow God, but there are so many cosmos-level powerhouses in the entire cosmos.

However, in front of Qin Yan, these powerhouses were like ants, killing them at will.

"It's terrifying, he was still in the tenth-level division before, that doesn't mean that his current realm is only about one star in the universe at most:! But, how is this possible!"

Chapter [-]: Empty the entire competition area!God King Arthur's speechlessness! (two more)

"It's terrifying, he was still in the tenth-level division before, that doesn't mean that his current realm is only about one star in the universe at most:! But, how is this possible!"

After successfully escaping, these powerhouses looked at Qin Yan who had already emptied all the powerhouses around, and couldn't help taking a deep breath! You must know that at the level they are now, the gap between each small realm is It is extremely terrifying! But now the difference between one star and ten stars is a full ten 10-level realm, that is, from the innate level above, it is 512 times weaker than others. If this terrifying level wants to be pulled back, It can be said to be extremely difficult.

In the big universe, there are countless strong people, let alone more than 11 times, it is... It is extremely difficult to make one's strength reach [-] times that of the same level.

Moreover, these powerhouses present are all disciples of some great powers or disciples of some super powerhouses in the universe.

Under the countless resources and teachings of their ancestors, they have achieved their current achievements, but now Qin Yan has crossed the gap of 512 times the realm to slaughter them.

This scene suddenly made everyone present doubt life.


However, at this moment, a middle-aged man with a spear crossed the endless void and slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh! I didn't expect to see such geniuses here!"

The middle-aged man slowly landed in the void, looking at Qin Yan who was slaughtering not far away, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

And some talented teenagers around them all frowned when they saw this middle-aged man again.

"This person is not a player, but a strong person who has come to experience!!"

"It's actually a five-star powerhouse at the domain master level. However, the matter here is the grievance between all my players. I can't let him intervene and kill him first!"

"Well, let's kill it first!!"

:.................Although these young powerhouses are very jealous of Qin Yan, but this is a game, if anyone outside the arena is If they intervene, their pride as a strong man is absolutely not allowed! Therefore, a young man stood up directly.

"This is our personal grudge, Your Excellency, please leave first! Otherwise, we will start!"

The young man spoke slowly and calmly to the middle-aged man.

, However, after hearing his words, the middle-aged man suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Oh personal grudge!"

The corners of the man's mouth rose slightly.


However, in the next moment, the long spear behind him shot into the sky in an instant.

The faces of all the teenagers suddenly turned dark, but they were just an ordinary warrior, even a domain master-level five-star 55 faced them... Super geniuses are just serving food, look When he came to the other party, he regarded himself and others as some ordinary warriors.


However, just when these teenagers were about to start a change, a change occurred, and the long spear in the sky instantly erupted with terrifying spear beams.

Gunmang carried endless guns: Yi smashed down towards these young strong men madly.

These... The speed of the spear light made all the teenagers' faces turn pale instantly.

"No, this is a [-]% spear: I mean, this person is very strong!"

"Damn, stop him quickly!!"

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