"No, so fast!!"

These young powerhouses exclaimed, and their faces turned pale, knowing that [-]% of the gun: Yi of this level can have a certain position in a civilization of gods even with their own gun: Yi.

Domain Master Level [-]% Spear: I mean, this strength can already be ranked in the top [-] level of the ladder. Moreover, his strength at this time is more than [-] times stronger than these teenagers! Unfortunately, it may be that the other party is older than As a result, he did not participate in this virtual universe cosmic genius battle.

To know that this kind of powerhouse is extremely rare, it is simply... incredible that they can see it here.

And they were unlucky enough to meet them.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

These teenage strong men, who had no resistance at all, were immediately penetrated by these terrifying spear lights, and instantly disappeared into the virtual universe as light spots all over the sky.

And the middle-aged man who killed these young strongmen also frowned slightly.

"These... The strength of young milk is actually good, definitely far beyond the existence of the same level, so many gathered together and all are young people, is this some god The battlefield of the civilization's cosmic genius battle!"

The middle-aged man immediately guessed the cause and effect of the incident, and his eyes flashed when he thought of this.

"Hahaha, since you have met me, even if you are unlucky, these youngsters are almost all at the limit of the universe, which means that this is the arena of the universe. If I clear the arena, I don't know whether it is It's not going to be fun!"

The corners of the middle-aged man's mouth suddenly rose slightly.

And if there is a person from the civilization of the Dark God here, you will be surprised to find that this person is actually the fifth person on the cosmos-level ladder of the civilization of the Dark God, named Shun Wushang!! At the same time, the combat power is also extremely powerful, and he actually appeared on the assessment site of the civilization of the Shadow God this time.

"What race is this little black and white thing, and its strength is so powerful! Could it be a legendary starry beast!"

Holding a pitch-black spear, Shun Wushang watched as he was shrouding the power of space law not far away, and then frantically killed those... Unknowingly, he continued to use space jump to come here. A cosmic powerhouse in a world.

After seeing that the people who came here to die are basically teenagers at the limit of cosmic level, Shun Wushang has completely confirmed that this is definitely the cosmic level competition area of ​​a certain god's civilization in the universe genius war! But He did not directly fight Qin Yan, but only used the spear technique in his hand to jump some space here, but did not enter the area of ​​Qin Yan's space power to kill the players.

In this way, one of the two killed almost [-]% of the powerhouses in the middle, and the other killed all the fish that Qin Yan couldn't attack...the fish that slipped through the net.

The population of the cosmos-level competition area is getting lower and lower. The original [-] million, before Qin Yan came, only a mere [-], and now the number of people who died in Qin Yan's hands exceeded the terrifying [-]. .

And the rest of the people are still rushing towards this position frantically.

It's not that they are stupid and don't know Qin Yan's strength, but that all the people with the top [-] million points at this time are all within Qin Yan's shroud. ........The players naturally attacked quickly after seeing so many people around.

Therefore, as early as the first batch of people died, all the people who came to this dimension became a mess.

And Qin Yan deliberately did not kill all of them in an instant in order to attract more desperate people to come here to die.

After all, the first [-] million were all within Qin Yan's range, and no matter how fast they were collecting items in the distance, they couldn't compare to killing a warrior here at will.

Anyway... they were all eliminated in the end, and there may still be a chance to get some points at the last minute to advance to the third round.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that the reason why these people survived after coming to Qin Yan's vicinity was only because Qin Yan was seducing them.

The fluke in their hearts would be wiped out by Qin Yan in the last few seconds of time.

"I didn't expect to attract an outside powerhouse here."

Qin Yan looked at the one not far away... Shun Wushang, who was holding a black spear, immediately scratched his head.

The other party killed the person he missed outside, but he didn't come in. What's the situation! Qin Yan was a little curious, what the hell was the other party doing.

Could it be that he also wanted to clear all the cosmos-level powerhouses just like his own thoughts?

"This person is so sinister, but it seems that this kind of idea has not been realized for countless years. If it is really realized, this person will be recorded in the history books. Unfortunately, he seems to be planning to wait for me to put the surrounding people around. After all these powerhouses are killed, they will shoot at me! The young man is still too naive."

Qin Yan had already guessed what this person wanted in just a few minutes.

Therefore, Qin Yan wanted to give this kid a last surprise.

................."Only the last [-] billion players left!!"

More than an hour passed quickly.

At this time, there were only [-] billion players on the entire cosmos-level arena.

Of these three trillion players, more than two hundred trillion are within Qin Yan's control. As long as Qin Yan makes his move, there will be only the last tens of trillions of cosmos-level players in the entire arena.

However, Qin Yan is definitely not satisfied with this statistic! "There are still so many players who haven't arrived yet, and there is less than an hour left if they don't attract all of them, it will be over!"

At this time, Qin Yan felt helpless when he saw that there were only more than [-] trillion players left in the end.

However, if Qin Yan wanted to kill all the last tens of trillions of players, he could only find them one by one, and it would take at least a few decades.

However, it is unrealistic to want all these people to come to my place. After all, almost everyone now knows that as long as they come to Qin Yan's surroundings, it is... a death.

It's better to hide than... Qin Yan is cheaper, maybe there is a possibility of promotion in the end.

Therefore, there are not many people who are still rushing towards Qin Yan's position.

"Little Elf, is there any way to get all their remaining players to come over?"

Qin Yan is helpless, this has already killed tens of trillions, and it is only the last tens of trillions. Of course there is a way, but if Qin Yan really did this, it would be a bit funny. After all, in this way, Qin Yan is the only person left in the entire cosmos-level competition area.

There is no need to engage in the third round, and even speaking, when the finals of the genius competition in the entire universe, his Shadow God civilization will eventually only have Qin Yan as a contestant.

However, in the face of Qin Yan's question, the elf knew that he had to answer.

"Your Majesty, there is a way, as long as you use your top-level authority, you can force everyone around you! Moreover, under the rules of the virtual universe, they will not be able to move!"

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan.

And as soon as her words came out, Qin Yan immediately touched his chin.

"Hey! There is such a vicious method"

Qin Yan was also a little shocked. The top-level authority was so powerful that everyone could appear in front of Qin Yan uncontrollably and then be massacred by Qin Yan at will! Thinking of this, Qin Yan smiled.

"Although it's a bit ruthless, but I like it, little elf, to force everyone into the space enveloped by my shattering power. As for the ability to move, there is no need to force it, and the national treasure will not use any shameless method!"

Qin Yan smiled and then ordered to the elf.

As soon as his words came out, the elf was speechless. Although he said that he could fight back just by getting the opponent over, to be honest, who would be Qin Yan's opponent in the current cosmos competition, even the most powerful one? A few things that faced Qin Yan were afraid that they would be stunned in an instant.

Oh, by the way, the strongest ones have been killed by Qin Yan! It can be said that although Qin Yan gave them the ability to resist, this ability is almost identical to none.

"Okay king, I will teleport everyone else to your location within ten seconds, please get ready!"

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan.

And the so-called "ready" in her mouth is nothing more than... getting Qin Yan ready to start the slaughter.

"If that's the case, these... Little old watch doesn't have to struggle here!"

Qin Yan nodded slightly, then turned his gaze to the more than two hundred trillion players who were imprisoned in the void not far away, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Qin Yan's strength can be so terrifying is because his Beastmaster Fury has become a talent after being promoted to the Beast God Transformation, that is to say, Qin Yan can use it almost unlimited times! And the infinite use of the beast god transformation means that Qin Yan's strength can always be at its peak, which is why Qin Yan can directly control these people for several hours.

Since Qin Yan had already decided to kill all the people in front of him, he would not be soft-hearted.

Soon, a terrifying aura burst out from his whole body.

The endless power of yin and yang began to flow crazily in Qin Yan's body.

"Yin Yang! Mahamudra!!!"

Facing a low voice, Qin Yan's figure instantly appeared in the sky above the space blocked by him.

The next moment, his little paw slapped directly into the void.


As the surrounding space began to shake wildly.

A giant panda palm that seemed to be formed by a Tai Chi figure crashed down from the sky.

The surrounding space is starting to shatter like crazy.

Shun Wushang, who was not far away, saw that the hole here suddenly shrank violently, he quickly stepped down and turned into a stream of light and fled wildly into the distance.

He actually felt the endless threat of death from this huge handprint.

"Impossible, this kid is just a cosmos-level peak martial artist, how could he threaten me with death! What's going on here 1"

Originally, he planned to kill Qin Yan when Qin Yan had almost killed those geniuses and powerhouses. At that time, his civilization of the dark gods would lose a powerful opponent in the final final.

And as long as he sends the recorded battle clip to the virtual universe, he will definitely become popular throughout the virtual universe.

You know, he killed one of the most powerful players in the civilization of the gods.

He was able to kill a monster-level genius like Qin Yan, who single-handedly singled out all the geniuses of the entire civilization, and his reputation would have grown by then, and even many civilizations of gods would thank him.

However, now he has discovered that the strength of this black and white little beast that was originally under his control has surpassed his imagination.

Even his existence, even the top five of the civilization ladder, is beginning to be afraid.


However, at this moment, an earth-shattering roar instantly came from behind him, and the next moment he was directly hit by a powerful shock wave.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

At the same time, under the bombardment of this terrifying force, his figure smashed into the distance like a meteor.


With a loud bang that shook the sky and earth, Shun Wushang's body smashed directly on the ground, smashing the ground out hundreds of billions of kilometers deep.

Horror craters close to hundreds of trillions of kilometers in diameter.

............"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 54"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 12"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 38"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 15"

......... The sound of the virtual universe beeping one after another was also transmitted to Qin Yan's mind.

And below, a huge Tai Chi sphere evolved after the explosion of the Yin-Yang Mahamudra is still suspended in the void.

Countless cosmos-level powerhouses who were transported here by the elf fell into this huge black and white sphere and instantly turned into light spots and disappeared into the virtual universe.

And after the ten seconds 1 time expired, no more warriors were sent here! It also meant that Qin Yan had emptied all the warriors in the entire cosmos-level arena.

Arthur, who was watching this scene in the endless void, was very painful at this time.

"Empty, from the birth of the virtual universe to the present, this kind of thing has never happened in billions of universe genius battles.

Even in the competition that year when the supreme god of space slaughtered the powerhouses of the same level, the supreme god of space only killed [-]%% of the players!"

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