At this time, Arthur can be said to have no idea how to take measures, especially everyone is dead, and the third game is still used to find the game! Moreover, at that time, on top of the finals of the whole universe, his shadow god According to Qin Yan's urination, if the Civilization of China only sent Qin Yan a player to the competition, if it jumps directly to the domain master-level competition area, it does not mean that the cosmos-level competition area of ​​their Shadow God Civilization will directly collapse across the board!" !!! That's the only way, if His Highness Qin Yan wants to challenge the powerhouses of other civilizations of the gods alone, he can only go alone!"

Arthur thought helplessly. As for whether he could choose another [-] million players who performed well in the second game, or the strongest to enter the third game, Arthur had never thought about this, nor did he dare to think about it. .

Qin Yan even used top-level privileges in order to clear the entire competition area. If he didn't know the current affairs and added people, Qin Yan would definitely be angry at that time.

................. And Qin Yan on the other side was stunned by a system prompt! "Ding...  ..Congratulations to the host, ending the second game early, because of your outstanding performance in the second game, you will get a very generous reward! Reward attribute......"

Chapter [-]: Destroy the elements, come back to life! ! (Three shifts!)

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, for ending the second game ahead of schedule, due to your outstanding performance in the second game, you will receive extremely generous rewards! Reward attributes: Constitution + 30 billion, soul + 30 billion ! Get the ultimate elemental power: Destruction Elements! Get the talent: Reverse Yin and Yang!"

"Power of Destruction: One of the four ultimate elements, and also the most terrifying element of the four ultimate elements, it is the ruler of the damage of all elements. Before the comprehension of the elements, other elements The damage that can be done will be zeroed out and lessened.”

"Reversing Yin and Yang: A sky-defying skill that can only be used by the strong with the power of the source law of Yin and Yang, and can reverse Yin and Yang to resurrect the dead at will!! Because this skill is a talent class, therefore, the host will be able to comprehend the source law before. You can use this skill now!"

.................However, the three consecutive system prompts were also transmitted to Qin Yan's mind at this time. After listening to it, his small eyes suddenly lit up.


It's actually the power of Xiaoji's law of destruction! Although it's not the last branch of the law of space, it's also earned!!"

Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction immediately, that sentence that can clear and weaken the damage caused by any element will definitely make anyone feel incredible.

Weakening and clearing! That is, the legendary damage immunity, it is not invincible! Of course, it is not true, invincible, as long as it is attacked by people far more powerful than itself, even if the damage is weakened, it will eventually lead to death .

Moreover, some special types of attacks are not immune, such as the death decay of the death element, which directly makes you die, and this ability cannot be avoided.

Or the life element directly draws the life force away, or you have to die.

But in general, just the power of the element with the highest damage except...the two supreme elements is enough to make the destruction element one of the four ultimate elements.

However, what made Qin Yan more concerned was the talent of reversing yin and yang, so that he could actually come back from the dead! He just didn't know where the limit of this element was, and what level of powerhouse could be resurrected with his current strength.


However, at this moment, mysterious warm currents began to rapidly emerge from Qin Yan's body. These warm currents began to flow crazily throughout Qin Yan's body. , and Qin Yan's whole body cells also began to be rapidly strengthened under this power.

At the same time, Qin Yan also discovered that a huge black light ball was rapidly forming in his sea of ​​consciousness. The power contained in this pitch-black light ball was almost the same as that of the yin light ball. One of the great ultimate elements, just one element has reached the sum of Yin and Yang elements.

, However, the yin and yang element light ball is the original element, which is much stronger than the power of ordinary elements, and the ordinary power of yin and yang can compete with the ultimate power. When the two are added together, it is definitely beyond the level. Destruction element.

However, the power of yin and yang elements is biased towards assistance, but the element of destruction is biased towards destruction, so the attack power of the two is much stronger than the power of the element of destruction.

Moreover, with the power of destroying elements, the damage of other warriors to Qin Yan was also reduced a lot.

Therefore, the appearance of the element of destruction greatly improved Qin Yan's strength.

At the same time, which of the destructive elemental light balls in Qin Yan's sea of ​​knowledge was also condensed at a rapid speed, and the entire process of starting from nothing was realized in just over ten seconds.

The size is also a full [-] million meters in diameter, which is the same size as other elemental light spheres.

According to legend, as long as the size of the elemental light ball can exceed one trillion meters in diameter, it can condense into the power of the law! As for the condensing method, Qin Yan does not know yet.

Of course, there is still a lot of distance from a distance of one trillion meters in diameter. According to Qin Yan's current strength improvement speed, he may be able to successfully condense the power of the law when he is at the level of the world master. You must know that the power of the law is only A terrifying existence that can only be understood by warriors above the immortality level.

And after the power of the elements is converted into the power of the law, its power will undergo earth-shaking changes.

It is rumored that no matter how powerful a genius is, it is almost impossible to fight against a powerhouse above the immortality level without understanding the power of the law! Of course, there are some exceptions, and these... ...exceptions are all super geniuses who are ranked in the forefront of the entire universe, and it is unknown how many billion years will it take for a genius of this level to appear.

This is also the reason why a powerhouse who has reached the immortality level can rule a top civilization. You must know that the number gap between the world leader and the immortal level powerhouse is extremely terrifying.

Perhaps only one of the billions of world masters can break through to the level of immortality.

"Hey, I don't know when I will have enough strength to touch these... Eternal life-level powerhouses!"

When Qin Yan thought of this, he thought helplessly, but he didn't care too much. After all, it's only been a few months since he started cultivating, maybe a few years later, his strength can far surpass that of immortality. Even the powerhouses say not necessarily! "By the way, please open my attribute table!!"

Qin Yan spoke slowly to the system.

I didn't expect that not long after I came to this competition area, my strength has been greatly improved.



Even the improvement of attributes will allow him to defeat the opponent by a small level when facing the domain master-level powerhouse. "Although the improvement is not much, it is not bad!!"

Qin Yan nodded in satisfaction, and then turned his gaze towards the direction of Shun Wushang, who was smashed into the ground by himself and smashed into a huge deep hole in the distance.

I saw that at this moment, the other party had just climbed up from the ground, and at the same time, his whole body was dripping with blood. If the injury was more serious, it would turn into a light spot and disappear into the virtual universe.

However, even so, his injury made him almost lose all mobility! "Damn, Jingjing is just a shock wave that has been seriously injured, what kind of terrifying existence is this!!"

At this time, Shun Wushang's heart was filled with endless horror.

Who is he, that is the top five of the cosmos-level ladder once the dark and bright.

If you wait for your realm to reach the limit of the domain master level, there may be hope to enter the top ten existences of the domain master level.

And this kind of genius, who can be said to be an extremely rare genius among the whole gods, was almost killed by a cosmic little thing.

"Are you talking about national treasures!"

However, at this moment, a voice that caused Shun Wushang's complexion to change suddenly came into his mind. He looked behind him in disbelief, but found that Qin Yan's figure appeared at an unknown time. behind him.

"You, what are you going to do!"

At this moment, Shun Wushang suddenly felt a little panic! Even though he knew that he was not really dead after dying in the virtual universe, he still felt panic.

"doing what.

This sentence, I should be asking you!"

Qin Yan was speechless when he heard the other party's words, it seemed that the other party came to the door first, "I just passed by, I happened to see you guys fighting and came to see, there is no malice!!"

Shun Wushang didn't know why, so he was a little cowardly.

Looking at this round and somewhat cute figure, a trace of fear appeared in his heart for no reason.

Naturally, he didn't know that this was the congenital suppression of blood, and it could be said that any creature in the universe would show corresponding fear in front of Qin Yan.

Because, the bloodline level of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast is the highest existence in the entire universe.

"Is it okay to pass by, let's go!!"

Qin Yan lost interest in seeing the other party so cowardly.

I originally thought that the other party would come to fight back violently or something, but now it seems that I let the other party do it, and the other party will not do it.

After speaking, Qin Yan immediately disappeared in place with a teleport.

After seeing Qin Yan disappear, Shun Wushang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Alas, I am so timid in the virtual universe, if I were in the real world, I would be scared to pee directly by him!"

The self-deprecating Shun Wushang smiled and then clicked offline and disappeared on the ground instantly.

.................The time will soon come to the end of the second competition.

"Attention to all players participating in the second competition, the competition is over, and the teleportation is about to start, please be prepared."

However, at this moment, a resounding sound of the virtual universe instantly spread throughout the entire space.

All are still there: The battling players were stunned for a moment, and countless people shook their heads helplessly.

Their points will definitely not pass the second game. Of course, they have been prepared for a long time and they will soon let go.

And after a wave of space fluctuations, these people were all forced to teleport away.

Their opponents were stunned.

................................"Is it time!!"

In the ninth-level competition area, the corners of Chi You's mouth rose slightly, who slashed his opponent upside down and flew for dozens of kilometers.

Not far away from him is a super powerhouse whose strength has reached the cosmic level of three stars.

It is also the ruler of an advanced civilization.

"My points are already second now, but I still haven't surpassed that kid Jiange!" At this moment, Chi You looked at his ranking and shook his head helplessly, and immediately turned into a ray of light and disappeared in place! "Grass, what does it mean to run away under the name! I'm just waiting here to see when your kid goes online!"

However, the one who was almost killed by his knife... the ruler of the advanced civilization scolded when he saw that Chiyou actually disappeared.

But in the end, he reluctantly put away his weapon, he knew that if he and Chiyou continued to fight like this, the one who died in the end would definitely be himself.

It's not that his strength is too weak, but Chi You is really too terrifying. With [-]% of the ultimate sword intent, plus his extraordinary level of martial arts and martial arts, Jingjing's strength is only at the peak of the eighth level. It is simply too brutal for the strong to press and fight.

"Hey, I don't know that... the civilization of the gods has such terrifying strength!"

After sighing helplessly, he still left. As for what he said, waiting for the other party to go online and kill himself is still embarrassing!  … ...."hold head high!!!!"

On the other side of the eight-pole competition area, a giant starry beast that covers the sky and the sun is being attacked frantically by countless cosmic geniuses and powerhouses.

However, they were horrified to find that their attack disappeared instantly after landing on Ghidorah, who had only three huge heads.

And the power of destruction sprayed out from the opponent's three huge heads, as long as it touches any one of them, that person will turn into a spot of light and disappear into the void in the next instant.

Therefore, the points of Ghidorah, surrounded by them, have reached a terrifying seven trillion billion.

It can be seen that he killed an unknown number of players.

"Attention to all players participating in the second competition, the competition is over, and the teleportation is about to start, please be prepared."

However, at this moment, the voice of the virtual universe instantly reached the minds of everyone present.

"What! It's time!"

"Grass, my points are more than [-] points short of the first [-] million."

"Hahahaha, I'm in the third round!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the one in front of me... bro was in the top ten thousand just now, but the next second... Ghidorah was beaten by this one, and now I'm afraid I'm going to die of anger!"

.................All geniuses and powerhouses stopped their attacks.

After all, even if they killed Ghidorah now, they wouldn't be able to get any points.

Besides, they don't seem to have that power either.

"hold head high!!!!!"

Unfortunately, they did not expect that Ghidorah, who is known for her tyranny, did not intend to let them go at this time.

After a roar, Ghidorah's whole body instantly turned into a terrifying sphere like a black hole.

The sphere expanded towards the surroundings at an extremely terrifying speed.

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