In just an instant, hundreds of millions of warriors were involved and instantly turned into nothingness.

That's right... nothingness, nothingness that no longer remains! But because after the time is up, Ghidorah's body also turns into a spot of light and disappears in place in the next second.

Of course, the powerhouses who were killed at the last moment were just a little helpless.

After all, those whose points have reached the limit will still not be eliminated or the same promotion, and those whose points have not reached the limit are no different from dead!  … ..."Om!!!!"

On this side, with a burst of space teleportation, countless powerhouses instantly appeared in a huge space.

The number of these powerhouses this time is only [-] billion.

The remaining players who were eliminated have been banished from the arena at this time.

The figures of Ghidorah, Chiyou and others also appeared in place in an instant.

Qin Yan's younger brother is not missing a single one.


And Qin Yan's side also appeared in this huge space after a wave of space fluctuations.

But at this time Qin Yan was lying on a sun lounger and sleeping comfortably.

No way, the cosmos-level arena has been emptied by him, and the points have reached an unprecedented terrifying level.

When he was bored, he could only find a quiet place to sleep, and was teleported here at the last second.

And the younger brothers who saw Qin Yan still sleeping suddenly held their breath for fear of making Qin Yan sleep.

"Cousin cousin is getting up soon!!"

However, there are always some who are not afraid of death. For example, Brother Pingtou ran over to Qin Yan and started shaking after seeing Qin Yan actually falling asleep.

The faces of the little brothers around him suddenly turned green.


Zao Wou-Ki instantly appeared behind Brother Flathead, grabbed him by the back of his neck and kicked him up.

Immediately, he kicked it straight away and shot it into the distance.


At this time, Qin Yan also hit Hache and then stood up from his Tianyang chair with sleepy eyes and looked around suspiciously.


The second game is over!"

Qin Yan, who stretched his waist, slowly walked down from his chair, then looked around suspiciously and said.

"Yes, King, the second game is over!!"

Chi You smiled slightly, and then answered Qin Yan respectfully.


However, at this moment, Arthur's voice came from the sky.

Fortunately, Arthur's voice came after Qin Yan woke up.

In fact, it stands to reason that Arthur will speak when these people are all together, but who knows, he saw Qin Yan sleeping, and he could only wait helplessly as he did not dare to wake Qin Yan.

Fortunately, Brother Pingtou appeared and shook Qin Yan awake. Otherwise, this time, I'm afraid I'll have to wait a few hours or a few days.

After all, who knows how long Qin Yan can sleep!" The second competition has ended, congratulations to everyone present, you not only passed the second competition, but also successfully entered the finals of the entire universe.

You will go directly to the final arena on behalf of the civilization of the shadow gods after the finals of the shadow division, and fight with all the superpowers of the civilization of more than a thousand gods in the entire universe.

In the end, in the finals, the most powerful genius in the entire universe in the past [-] million years!"

Arthur, who had just appeared in the sky, spoke slowly.

And his words suddenly made almost everyone present tremble with excitement! However, at this moment, Arthur spoke again, and his speech this time instantly made everyone in the entire competition area sluggish! "However, this time the competition is a bit special. In the cosmos-level competition area of ​​my Shadow God Civilization, only one player survived to pass the second game. Therefore, there is no need for the third competition. He is... the universe-level competition area. Division Champion!!"

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Chapter [-]: Chi You erupts, Mo Yu is shocked! ! (four more)

"However, this time the competition is a bit special. In the cosmos-level competition area of ​​my Shadow God Civilization, only one player survived to pass the second game. Therefore, there is no need for the third competition. He is... the universe-level competition area. Division Champion!!"

As soon as Arthur's words came out, everyone present opened their mouths in shock, even Xiao Ji Chiyou and others showed a trace of disbelief in their eyes! "How is it possible that only one player survived?" ! This is absolutely impossible!"

"What's going on? Is there an immortal or even immortal powerhouse battle in the cosmos-level competition area and then spread to everyone in the competition area!"

"It's impossible. If so, the distance between us is only a dividing line. How can we not know that there is such a strong battle, and how is it possible for the player who survived in the end to survive!"

.................................. more than one billion powerhouses are beginning to speculate in horror. At this time, each of them's hearts are full of Incredible.

"You said, could it be that this player slaughtered the powerhouses in the entire competition area!"

However, at this moment, someone uttered an idea that everyone had thought about.

As soon as his words came out, everyone was stunned, and then looked at the speaker in disbelief.


In the next instant, sarcastic laughter spread throughout the entire competition area.

"Hahahaha, do you have a hole in your brain! This kind of idea can come up!"

"Hahaha fooling around, you're done, let's not talk about whether you have... this strength, that is... with this strength to gather so many strong men in such a short period of time, you think you are joking 1"

"Poor child, the brain is so funny at a young age!!"

.................The endless sarcastic voice suddenly made the one who said this thought...the contestant felt ashamed, and even wanted to give himself two mouths, thinking carefully If you think about it, you know that it is almost impossible.

What else slaughtered the entire competition area... Everyone rushed to a place as soon as the game started. In the end, most of the people couldn't reach that place, because the size of the competition area was very terrifying.

If Qin Yan hadn't had top-level authority, he wouldn't have been able to do this.

It's a pity that they don't know, and the simplest conjecture they don't want to believe is the final correct answer.


In this way, the national treasure does not have to go up and fight, so it's so beautiful!"

Qin Yan already knew about the content of the third game, it was nothing more than... a one-on-one battle.

According to the current number of [-] million people, a battle in which the number of players will be halved and ten battles will be reduced by a thousand times.

[-] million people is... It takes more than [-] games to decide the final outcome.

If he wants to fight a group of people who can be instantly killed by him for more than 10 games and there is no reward, Qin Yancai is too lazy to go up! "Ding...Congratulations to the host for winning the championship in the cosmos-level division, and the reward: physique +10 [-] million! Soul + [-] billion!"

And just after Qin Yan accepted the championship of this division, a system prompt sounded to Qin Yan's mind.

"To only give [-] billion, this time the system is really stingy!"

: Qin Yan couldn't help but complain about the system and then ignored it.

"Your Majesty, you just said that you don't need to fight anymore. Are you the champion of the... Cosmos Division!"

At this moment, Chi You asked Qin Yan with some doubts, and at the same time there was a hint of disbelief in his tone.

In addition, isn't Qin Yan from the tenth-level division? He also saw the video of Qin Yan killing countless cosmic powerhouses. He didn't expect Qin Yan to become the division champion of the cosmic division. 1 "Hahaha, I just Well, the powerhouse who can have such a terrifying record is definitely... the king, and only the king has such a powerful strength to do this!"

: Lao Kong on the side immediately spoke excitedly, and his tone was as excited as he had won this first place! "Hi... Brother Qin Yan can actually do this, my current Even if the strength is just that, facing a slightly weak cosmos-level powerhouse is still not an opponent, how long has it been, is the gap between me and Brother Qin Yan so terrifying!"

And Jian Ge was also shocked for a while.

Once upon a time, still: more than a month ago, Qin Yan also needed to explode his full strength to kill himself.

But now, Qin Yan has actually been able to kill hundreds of millions of domain master-level powerhouses, but he is unable to kill even a cosmos-level powerhouse with average strength.


It's just a small matter, isn't it just a group of cosmos-level little brothers, when your strength is stronger, you will not be able to only be kneaded by you, but this time your goals are those...... First, and first few!"

The corner of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly, and then he said confidently that as an old nature, he was very clear about his younger brother's strength.

Even if it is under the leap, it is not necessarily the opponent of the strongest group of players.

"As ordered!!!"

"Good king!!"

"Brother Qin Yan, don't worry!!"

.................Qin Yan's younger brothers immediately said respectfully to Qin Yan.

"The next third game, the final is about to start, everyone get ready!!"

However, at this moment, a loud voice came from the sky in an instant.

In the next instant, everyone on the arena turned into streaks of light and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he found that everyone had come to a ring.

And there is an opponent on the opposite side of him! The content of this competition is almost exactly the same as what Qin Yan thought before.

With the start of the competition, all the players on the ring in the entire competition area immediately began to fight frantically.

And Qin Yan's younger brother is also a very powerful strength and began to frantically kill his opponent.

However, to Qin Yan's surprise, Chi You directly skipped the ninth-level arena and came directly to the tenth-level martial artist's arena.

But because he had crossed two great realms, his performance was a little bit inferior! It was only a few minutes after the battle that there were signs of defeat.

Of course, the most shocking thing was his opponent. He never thought that a person of this level would actually be able to comprehend the terrifying [-]% limit of the sword intent.

And most importantly, ".

The old man is about to lose, so miserable, he was beaten in the face!"

At this time, Qin Yan just happened to find the arena where Chi You was, and watched the old man be beaten and immediately watched the play with schadenfreude.

"Your strength can support me for such a long time without using [-]% of my strength. It seems that I can't keep you!!"

At this time, Chi You's opponent also snorted coldly.

To be honest, he was extremely shocked right now, because at this time, Chi You had persisted for such a long time without losing at a level lower than his two realms.

This made him a little scared. With such a terrifying combat power, if he was below the same level, who else would be his opponent! But he didn't know, Chiyou's bloodline at this time after being strengthened by Qin Yan The level is no longer an ordinary level, it is even stronger than some divine beast bloodlines of the same level! Therefore, it is possible to become such a terrifying level under the circumstance of leapfrogging. After all, if it is just an ordinary warrior, it will be... The level of martial arts and martial arts has been comprehended to the limit, and then [-]% of the ultimate sword intent, and even almost all blessings are the same, and his combat power can at most be able to fight with the strongest in the eighth-level division.

Of course, it may be stronger, but it will definitely not be as strong as it is now.

And Qin Yan is similar, if he loses his yin and yang chaotic beast blood, his combat power will not be so terrifyingly improved.

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