Thinking of this, his head suddenly ached.

"Ah...I don't want it anymore, I'm so sick of it, no matter what level he is now, anyway...I have nothing to do with him!"

Mo Yu irritably rubbed his head with his small palm.

Not wise enough, he immediately chose to comfort himself.

"No, my lord, your bloodline concentration is very similar to that of His Highness Qin Yan. According to the closeness of your bloodline, you should be of the same age as him. That is to say, His Highness Qin Yan is your brother!"

It's a pity that Mo Yu's face changed immediately after the next sentence of the elf.


Looking at Qin Yan who was watching his younger brother fight from a few light years away, Mo Yu was stunned.

When did he have a younger brother? Could it be that his parents gave birth to a second child after giving birth to him? Qin Yan, who seemed to have noticed something, also looked in the direction of Mo Yu.

Two pairs of panda eyes.

Immediately, his eyes widened.

Mo Yu hurriedly turned his head and instantly disappeared into the ring as a light spot.


This Mo Yu is actually nearby and why does he feel like he is afraid of me!"

Seeing that Mo Yu was actually slipping away, Qin Yan suddenly scratched his head curiously.

"hold head high!!!!"

At this moment, a thunderous dragon roar reached Qin Yan's ears, and he saw the one in front of Qin Yan's... three-headed Ghidorah followed with a roar, and directly smashed the one in front of him. The warrior turned into nothingness in an instant.

After killing his opponent, Xiaoji also glanced at Qin Yan, then nodded respectfully at Qin Yan, and disappeared in place.

"Xiao Jidu has won the tenth game, it seems that this battle is also in the middle!!"

Qin Yan looked at the disappearing Xiaoji's little head and thought slowly.

At this time, he basically looked at all the fighting situations of the younger brothers. It can be said that the current strength of all Qin Yan's younger brothers has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Even Xiaoji and Jiange who have been promoted by one level should be able to reach the first level.

As for the other Zao Wuji and others, this is even more so.

You must know that Zhao Wuji and the others at this time are fighting on the seventh-level arena with the strength of the seventh-level limit. It can be said that the only difference now is..., who are they who are the champions of the seventh-level arena?

Now, what has been confirmed is..., the eighth-level arena champion, Xiaoji is definitely a bag.

The ninth level is... Jiange, the tenth level is naturally Chi You, and the cosmic level Qin Yan has it all by himself.

In other words, above the thirteen arenas, there are four of the 44 arenas who will be Qin Yan's younger brother.

"By the way, I just saw that Mo Yu's strength seems to be a little weak! Although it won't be eliminated, it is almost impossible to get the top ten, let alone the championship!" Suddenly, Qin Yan thought of the moment with himself Mo Yu who was scared away after looking at each other.

"Forget it, if you don't win the championship, you won't be able to win it. After the end of the divisional competition, let Chiyou find him, so that maybe the championship of the cosmos-level division can also be won."

Qin Yan touched his chin and thought to himself, and if his thoughts were known to the outside world, he would probably say that he was a little crazy.

A virtual universe genius battle, let all the younger brothers swept all the five champions of the 55 divisions, such a terrifying strength, if it really happened, I am afraid that the entire universe.

Because anyone can guess that this is not normal.

However, Qin Yan didn't care at all, that is... the supreme god is absolutely abnormal, and dare to do it to himself! The final result is not to suppress this.

"I just don't know, if my younger brothers all win the championship, will I get any benefits!!"

The corner of Qin Yan's mouth smiled.

"Ding... Release mission: the peak of the universe! Description of the first stage: The host is now considered a little famous in the universe, but as a candidate selected by the system, how can the host be satisfied with this little fame.

Mission Objective: In this cosmic genius battle, the host's younger brother wins the division championship and the overall championship, and will receive corresponding rewards.

In the end, the system will calculate according to how much the host's younger brother gets the reward... how much is the final reward the host gets...!"

However, at this moment, a sound from the system suddenly made Qin Yan feel a little stunned.

"'s another mission!"

Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly widened.

Before, the system released a reward task for itself!".

Whether this system has been upgraded or what, it has given so many tasks, and it seems that these tasks are done if you want to do it, and there is no punishment! Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't do it for nothing, don't do it for nothing. Besides, how the national treasure was originally planned, and now there are corresponding rewards!"

Qin Yan smiled, and at this moment he was in a very good mood.

After all, if you take all these tasks as your own, your strength will definitely be greatly improved, not only your strength, but you can even gather all your spatial elements directly in this task.

At that time, the legendary power of space will be directly synthesized under the strength of the system. At that time, one's own strength will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. At least speaking, one's own safety can definitely be guaranteed.

You must know that if the power of space is comprehended, there is not can touch yourself.

Unless the strength is far beyond its own existence.

And even that kind of existence can only destroy all the surrounding space, and then bring Qin Yan into the right small world.

To do this, at least the strength needs to reach the level of immortality.

And as Qin Yan's strength increased, his immortal-level strength couldn't touch him either.

At the same time, after Qin Yan comprehended the power of space, the gap between him and the normal yin and yang chaos beast came out.

The Yin-Yang Chaos Beast's yin-yang power cannot be compared with the general ultimate power because it is the power of the source, but it is definitely a lot worse in the face of the space element of the supreme level.

Don't you see, the supreme god of space, who is also the supreme god, can one person single out more than [-] supreme gods of other elements, and it is still a one-sided massacre.

As for the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast, it is exactly... one, if the supreme god of space also has the corresponding bloodline, he can definitely kill the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast, and now Qin Yan only needs to raise his realm to the supreme god If he is only at the rank of [-], he can become the new supreme god of space, and in this way, his own strength will instantly become the ancestor of Chai Le's Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

Because the ancestor of the yin and yang chaotic beasts has a terrifying bloodline, and as Qin Yan's strength improves, he will gradually have it, and even surpass it directly.

And Qin Yan will have the space origin law that the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast does not have! Under the combination of the two, the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast is... no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be compared with Qin Yan.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully occupying the cosmic champion of the competition area! Obtained attributes: Physique + 10 billion! Soul + 10 billion!"

However, at this moment, a system prompt sounded into Qin Yan's mind.

Then a warm current poured into Qin Yan's body and began to frantically transform Qin Yan's body.

"Is it even me? It seems that the reward this time is a bit rich!!"

The corners of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly.

At this time, his strength is already at the tenth level, eight stars, 8, which has directly improved a small realm. Of course, for.. Now his strength has not improved much, but, it doesn't matter as long as his strength is improved to After the cosmos level, the strength of each small realm will double Qin Yan's strength.

"Since there are rewards now, then the world leader in the ring can't let go!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan directly touched his chin, reward, if there is one more champion, the level of the reward may be doubled, and it will become even more terrifying to improve his own strength.

"Hehe, looks like it's time to meet Mo Yu!!"

Thinking of Mo Yu who was scared away by him just now, Qin Yan grinned, and immediately spread his consciousness towards the surroundings, instantly covering the entire competition area.

At this time, the number of people in the competition area was only a few hundred thousand, so the number of people was very small.

Qin Yan's mind immediately found Mo Yu who was fighting with his opponent not far away.

At this time, Mo Yu, who was in the third game, was no longer very dominant.

In the first ring match, he was still able to single out a thousand opponents, but now the opponents he faces are all of that level.

Moreover, because he didn't have a lot of combat experience, he was already a little powerless when facing opponents.

"Damn, why are these people so powerful, it's okay to beat them casually, so what are they doing so desperately!"

Mo Yu looked at the young man who was holding a long sword and slammed towards him frantically in front of him. He felt extremely helpless.

Didn't he just think that he would be too boring along the way to pass the time in the Cosmic Genius Battle? Who would have thought that these....... Cosmic geniuses are so powerful, even if they are powerful, they are still so cruel , as if he will never give up until he kills himself.


Mo Yu, you will lose if you go on like this!!"

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly reached Mo Yu's ears.

Mo Yu was stunned when he heard someone call his name.

"good chance!!!"

But the young man opposite him lit up and slashed towards Mo Yu with a sword.

"Cha, it's over, it's over, I'm going to die!!!"

Seeing this scene, Mo Yu quickly hugged her head in fright.

This scene suddenly made Qin Yan outside speechless.

This guy looks like a group of pandas in his giant panda breeding base who are eating and waiting to die.

And it's a virtue.

Of course, Qin Yan thought about it carefully, and he was relieved. Maybe pandas in the whole universe have this virtue, but it is not necessarily true.


However, at this moment, a golden light that only Qin Yan could see cut through the void and enveloped Mo Yu who was not far away.


In an instant, countless knowledge of martial arts and martial arts poured into Mo Yu's mind crazily.

You must know that the exercises that Mo Yu cultivated at this time were collected in the universe by some big bosses in the yin and yang chaotic beast group when they were idle and bored.

Each one is epic level! It can be said that the difficulty of training is extremely terrifying, even Mo Yu has only just cultivated it to the level where he is just getting started, and even getting started is a bit reluctant.

The true power of kung fu and martial arts is not even 10% or [-]%.

However, under Qin Yan's strengthening technique, the proficiency of this exercise technique increased by two crazily in an instant.

In just an instant, Mo Yu felt that all his martial arts and martial arts had reached their limit.

"Ah! What's going on here!" He looked at his hands in a daze and suddenly became a little puzzled.

However, at this moment, the opponent's long sword also slammed into Mo Yu's body.

"It's done!"

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