When the young genius saw his long sword slashing at Mo Yu, his heart suddenly became excited, however, his expression changed drastically in the next instant.

And at this moment, Mo Yu's cultivation technique, which had already reached the extreme, started to operate subconsciously.


With a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, the entire space was instantly shattered by this terrifying attack.


And the terrifying power brought by the explosion also slammed into this young genius in an instant.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth in an instant, and his body was instantly shattered by the shock wave brought by the explosion.

Not only that, his body also turned into a streamer and crashed on the ring barrier not far away.


With a loud noise, his body exploded directly and disappeared into the sky as a spot of light.

"What's going on here!"

At this time, Mo Yu's little head was even more stunned! He was still a child with a low IQ, and even he was a creature of Yin-Yang Chaos Beast whose original intelligence was... a shortcoming.

Therefore, the scene in front of him suddenly made him crash.

"Cough cough cough!!!"

However, at this moment, a coughing sound instantly reached Mo Yu's ears.

He stared blankly at the place where the sound came from, and suddenly took a few steps backwards in fright, only to see a creature that was a circle smaller than himself and was obviously also a yin-yang chaotic beast in infancy really standing beside him and looked at him .

"You, you...how did you get in!"

Mo Yu didn't know why, but after seeing Qin Yan, she felt a little panic in her heart.

Perhaps it was because he had seen the fierce patriarch in the residence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan.

The Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan is not without a grumpy existence.

At this time, Qin Yan's bloodline level was similar to that of the patriarch, so Mo Yu subconsciously combined his own eyes and the fierce patriarch.

"It's not normal for me to come in, please, we have top-level authority, even this trivial matter can't be considered top-level authority! Qin Yan couldn't help but give Mo Yu a blank look.

Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Qin Yan was getting along well.

However, the next moment, what Qin Yan said made Mo Yu stunned.

"By the way, I'm here to tell you something! Chi You is now my younger brother, do you want to be my younger brother with him too!"

Chapter [-]: Receive a Yin-Yang Chaos Beast as a younger brother! ! (Two more!)

"By the way, I'm here to tell you something! Chi You is now my younger brother, do you want to be my younger brother with him too!"

At this time, Qin Yan looked at Mo Yu and smiled expectantly.

At first, Qin Yan didn't know what attitude he would take to face Mo Yu, after all, according to the level, the panda on the earth was just a remnant of some clones made by Chi You using Mo Yu's blood.

It can be said that even if the strength of these inferior products is increased to the highest gods, they will not be able to awaken the bloodline of the yin and yang Chaos Beast.

Therefore, after all, Mo Yu can also be regarded as the ancestor of Qin Yan, but, what makes me sad is..., if Mo Yu is divided according to the age of the yin and yang chaotic beasts, he is only in his infancy.

But it's just a little bit different from Qin Yan's cub stage, and then there's the growth stage, and then the maturity stage! If you ask the other party's ancestor to look at the other party's cute little panda, Qin Yan won't be able to tell it.

However, because this giant panda on Earth was made from Mo Yu's blood, their genetic sequence is almost identical to Mo Yu's, which is the legendary clone.

Although Qin Yan was slightly different after the bloodline upgrade, but because the gene sequences were still very similar, Qin Yan was considered Mo Yu's peer.

In order not to be recognized as his younger brother by the other party, Qin Yan decided to take the lead and take the other party directly as his younger brother.

For this reason, Qin Yan shamelessly moved out of Chi You, and said that Chi You was also his little brother.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan couldn't help but smile proudly for his IQ! "Pfft!!!"

However, at the same time, Arthur, who hid himself in the endless void, was afraid of fighting each other after seeing the two yin-yang Chaos Beast cubs meet.

He didn't even dare to look at the two of them, but when he heard Qin Yan's words, he almost choked to death with a mouthful of saliva.

He looked at Qin Yan with a serious face in disbelief.

Huh, even if you don't even look at your own size until it reaches the other's neck, you are embarrassed to accept the other as your little brother! This is a bit too much.

And the seriousness on your face is that you think there is nothing wrong with your words! "Two little ancestors, don't fight here!!!"

God King Arthur's face was extremely tangled, because he was afraid that Mo Yu would get angry after hearing Qin Yan's words and fight Qin Yan.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the nerves of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan.

"Ha Chiyou is also your little brother!"

On this side, Mo Yu was immediately excited when he heard Chi You's name. You must know, he forgot to ask how long it would take for his bloodline to improve, and when he woke up...it was [-] years later.

In my heart, I am still very embarrassed for Chi You.

Fortunately, Chi You is not dead.

"That's natural, if it weren't for the national treasure, Chiyou and his ashes would be ashes now, don't worry! Following this eldest brother, the benefits are indispensable to you, isn't it great that your strength has improved just now? It can skyrocket!!”

After Qin Yan heard Mo Yu's words, he immediately re-emphasized his great kindness to Chi You. Of course, the truth is..., even if Qin Yan didn't go to Chi You, Mo Yu would be able to bring Chi You back when Mo Yu came back.

After all, Chiyou's own life supply device can still keep him alive for thousands of years.

At the same time, after talking about Chi You, Qin Yan also used his strength to tempt Mo Yu.

After Mo Yu heard Qin Yan's words, her small eyes suddenly brightened with excitement.

In particular, the sentence that one's strength can be improved while lying down and sleeping struck Mo Yu's heart instantly.

As a yin-yang chaotic beast, it has been forced to cultivate since being picked up by the clansmen. It can be said that every day is like a year.

Although it was only a few hundred years later that he was sent to improve his bloodline level, Mo Yu said that he absolutely did not want to experience that kind of life again.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the powerhouses of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast are so diligent.

It's just that any living thing is something that cannot be done by itself, and hopes that the next generation of its own can do it.

Therefore, the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast family has always wanted to cultivate a more diligent descendant, so they are very strict with their cubs.

Of course, the main reason is that the descendants of the yin-yang chaotic beasts are really too few. I don't know how many hundreds of millions of years have passed since the beginning of the world, and there are only seventy or eighty-headed yin-yang chaotic beasts in the entire universe.

Of course, it is said that the blood vessels are successfully awakened.

Before Mo Yu appeared, the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts had not had any cubs for tens of billions of years.

Therefore, these energetic yin-yang chaotic beast clan elders have all rushed back from all parts of the universe in those hundreds of years, in order to experience the feeling of carrying a baby.

This today teaches Mo Yu this, that... tomorrow I will teach this.

Even if one person teaches for a year, it will take nearly 100 years in one round.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to have any boredom and dislike, which has led to the miserable batch of Mo Yu in those hundreds of years.

At this time, Mo Yu felt that Qin Yan had directly raised the martial arts and martial skills in his body to the limit, but Mo Yu already had a corresponding idea in his heart.

"The big brother is on top, and the younger brother will bow down! From now on, I will be... your younger brother. I will share the blessings, and the younger brother will fight against it!!"

Mo Yu hurriedly bowed three times to Qin Yan, who was a circle smaller than him.

A pair of Taoyuan Sanjie looks very loyal.

And Arthur in the endless void instantly widened his eyes.

Looking at Mo Yu who was clumsily arching his hands towards Qin Yan, he subconsciously took a breath, and even felt that the world was joking with him.

This yin-yang chaotic beast has no dignity at all? It was bought for a little profit to improve its strength! "But then again, what kind of powerful talent does His Highness Qin Yan control, and it can actually increase the strength of others out of thin air!"

At this time, God King Arthur was also horrified. You must know that Qin Yan can improve his younger brother's strength and even his talent. He has long known about it. However, too much shock, because, in the records, some Extremely powerful divine beasts will have extremely powerful talents.

According to legend, the yin and yang Chaos Beast One, that is, His Majesty the Beast God can even bring a supreme god back to life.

And such a terrifying ability also makes countless supreme gods in the universe extremely and fearful.

There are actually many people who can kill you. They don’t think there are many people who can kill them outside this universe. However, if they can kill them, they can be resurrected at will, and they don’t seem to have any influence on themselves. This kind of existence is terrifying. to the extreme.

That is to say, if the ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast wanted to, he could even revive the supreme gods of space directly.

This kind of thing is absolutely possible.

In addition, some other yin and yang chaos beasts have some powerful talents, as for how powerful they are, it is just a legend.

Now, after seeing Qin Yan's talent, although Arthur was horrified, he felt it was reasonable.

It's a pity that what he didn't know was that the talent of the ancestor of the yin and yang Chaos Beasts could resurrect the supreme gods, but it was only the performance of the extreme use of the power of yin and yang.

Qin Yan can also bring people back to life now, of course, the strength of the opponent is not very strong.

But in general, as long as Qin Yan's strength can be improved to a certain level, it is extremely simple for him to resurrect a supreme god.

However, the talent Qin Yan used to improve the strength of others was unique.

........"Not bad, since that's the case, from today onwards, I'm your big brother, and your strength is now stronger than before. More than ten times, it is very easy to win the first place in this competition, come on!!”

Qin Yan nodded his head with satisfaction and said to Mo Yu.

When Mo Yu heard this, only her chest was raised, and she nodded very proudly.

"Hahaha, I was laughed at by the elders of the clan when I said that I was going to participate in the genius battle: I said that I was here to make up the number of people. Although the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan was powerful in the later stage, it was basically not before becoming an immortal-level powerhouse. Some super talented opponents, this time I will take a championship back and surprise them!"

Mo Yu said to Qin Yan excitedly.

Qin Yan was speechless when he heard it, what's so special, he has the top talent in the universe, and he actually said that he was not strong in the early stage. Qin Yan thought about it carefully and was relieved. The speed at which the realm rises is extremely terrifying.

Even if you don't practice much, you can reach the level of immortality in hundreds of thousands of years.

And this makes the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast not have much time to hone his martial arts skills.

You must know that although the level of martial arts and martial arts cultivated by the yin and yang chaotic beasts is extremely terrifying, but because they are only cultivated to the entry level, even if they add their own powerful blood power, the yin and yang chaotic beasts are in front of them. For those... super geniuses who also have strong bloodline and strong martial arts skills are a bit weak.

As for the immortality level and above, that's easy.

As a result, after reaching immortality, even the strength of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast will slow down.

Although it is still far beyond all races in the universe, it is different compared to the situation where even the martial arts and martial arts are too late to practice.

At the same time, after reaching the level of immortality, the energy system used will become the power of the law! And the power of the law will enhance the strength far beyond the physical body.

Therefore, at the level of immortality and above, the gap between physical combat power and legal combat power will become: extremely terrifying.

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