Qin Yan looked at Zao Wou-Ki and Huo Yan Mad Lion on the arena, who were facing each other again after a few months, and suddenly said to Chi You curiously.

Chi You's eyes narrowed slightly. To be honest, he didn't know much about Zao Wou-Ki's strength at this time, but he knew about Zao Wou-Ki's [-]% ultimate gun: meaning.

"The [-]% limit of the spear: meaning, can definitely bridge the gap caused by Xiao Yanzi's Jhin power! But I always feel that there is a trace of strange blood power flowing in Xiao Yanzi's body.

Your Majesty, do you know what Xiao Yanzi's blood power is!"

However, Chi You's words made Qin Yan all stunned.

Lao Yan still has a strong bloodline! Suddenly, Qin Yan remembered that Lao Yan is the only one who has the ultimate talent besides...... Xiaoji, although the ultimate talent is now in Qin Yan Under the strengthening of , almost all the younger brothers have it, but the flame lion who has the ultimate talent before being strengthened definitely has something extraordinary that belongs to him.

"There are other bloodlines! I don't know about the national treasure! Elf, scan Lao Yan carefully to see what kind of bloodline his bloodline is."

Qin Yan suddenly spoke to the elf curiously.

And as soon as his words came out, the elf instantly appeared from the void.

"Okay king, the scan results will come out soon!"

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan.

Of course, the scan of the virtual universe is that no one can find it! Therefore, even after the scan, no one finds that they have been scanned.

"Master, the scan results are out!!!"

The elf spoke to Qin Yan quickly, and a piece of data instantly passed into Qin Yan's mind.

Qin Yan was stunned when he saw this data.

Name: Laoyan Level: Level [-] Ultimate Talent: Legendary! Bloodline Race: Emerald Fire Emperor Lion Bloodline Level: Epic Level!......"Your Majesty, this so-called Ember Fire Emperor Lion bloodline But, the ruler of the civilization of the God of Jhin, the supreme god of the law of Jhin, has the power of the bloodline, which is one level higher than the bloodline of Ghidorah in the universe!"

Chapter [-]: The powerful blood of the human race!Earth is lucky! ! (four more)

The elf's words suddenly made Qin Yan frown slightly.

"The bloodline of a supreme god! It's so powerful! However, how could Lao Yan have the bloodline of this so-called Ember Fire Emperor Lion!"

Qin Yan was a little surprised when he heard this.

This bloodline will never come for nothing, even if everyone is a lion, it is impossible to have a bloodline connection! "Return to the master! After I collected all the big data, I found that all creatures on the earth seem to be the same. The descendants of some powerful creatures! The ancestors of these....races are at the lowest level of the god-king level! For example, Lao Kong is the first bird creature in the universe, and It is the supreme god of Lihuo, the descendant of the phoenix! The serpent represented by the snake is the supreme god of Xuanmu, the descendant of the blue dragon! Even... King Kong is also the descendant of the supreme god of rage and the chaotic demon ape.

As for the reason why it doesn't show in my data.

Although these blood vessels are thin, but now I see most of them are slowly awakening.

These... should all have something to do with you, Master!"

The elf slowly spoke to Qin Yan.

But her words made Qin Yan a little confused.

Almost all the creatures on the earth have such an awesome background, and so many are descendants of the lowest level powerhouses!".

It seems that this earth still has a lot of secrets hidden in it!!”

Qin Yan's small eyes lit up slightly, since there are so many powerful bloodline descendants on the earth at this time, then he can directly upgrade the creatures of the whole earth in the future.

The younger brothers from other places will not accept them in the future.


However, on the arena at this time, Zao Wou-Ki and Lao Yan's living pair had reached the point of white-hot, and the power of Jhin emanating from Lao Yan's whole body at this time became more and more intense and terrifying.

And so is Zao Wou-ki himself.

The power of the long spear in his hand is also getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Yan, who was vaguely aware of it, actually felt a hint of an impending upgrade.

After thinking of this, Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly looked towards Zao Wuji seriously.

"Meteor Shootout!!!"

With a low shout, the long spear in Zhao Wuji's hand slammed into the void frantically, and in the next instant, spears like falling meteorites burst out from his hand instantly.


And Lao Yan, who was covered in black flames, roared, and the power of Jhin in his body began to spurt frantically, making the surrounding space tremble, "Jin is gone without a trace!!!"

A loud roar burst out from Lao Yan's mouth instantly.

The next moment, a terrifying behemoth roared out from his body in an instant... tens of millions of kilometers high, this... behemoth opened its huge mouth and directed towards Zao Wou-Ki and the countless meteors he blasted out. The ordinary gun man bit it.

In an instant, Zao Wou-Ki and all the spears were swallowed into his huge mouth.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In the next instant, countless terrifying and extreme roars rushed out of the beast's body that was condensed by the power of Jhin.

"What kind of power is this, it seems to be more than pure elemental power!!"

In the body of the giant beast, Zhao Wuji was extremely shocked when he saw the power of Jhin surging around him. At the same time, the spear in his hand also began to frantically attack the power of Jhin that was blasting towards him.

The meteor shootout he just broke out was instantly destroyed by the endless ember power in the body of this giant beast.

This filled his heart with endless shock.

, "It seems that I can only use the ultimate trick, I didn't expect Lao Yan's strength to be so difficult to surpass!!"

At this moment, Zao Wou-Ki sighed helplessly.

I thought that my strength has now become after countless training: extremely powerful, but I didn't expect to see that my strength is still just a random kneading existence for Lao Yan in front of him.

The next moment, a dazzling ray of light burst out from his eyes, and this ray of light contained endless spears: meaning.

"Gun: Intent pours into the body!!!" At the same time, after Zao Wou-Ki's mouth drank lowly, the spear: Intent that burst out of his body began to frantically emerge towards his body.

The endless power of artistic conception began to flow rapidly in his blood.

When the outside world saw Chi You here, he was slightly surprised.

"The mood is filled with the body, this kid is so stupid!!!"

Chi You frowned slightly.

It has been explained a long time ago that the level of the power of artistic conception is calculated according to the degree of fusion of the power of the soul and the weapon. Of course, if it can be integrated into the weapon, it can also be integrated into the body. among.

But if you want the power of artistic conception to merge with your own body, what you need most is... a strong understanding of artistic conception. Therefore, to do this, you need [-]% or more of the power of artistic conception to do it. .

If the artistic conception level is too low and the power of the artistic conception is forcibly integrated, the spirit will collapse into a vegetative state, and the spirit and soul will be destroyed!

Even in the virtual universe, it is difficult to recover from such terrifying damage to the soul.

In other words, at this time, Zao Wou-Ki was just... trying to die.

"Don't worry, old man. Although Lao Zhao is impulsive, he will never do anything to let himself die in vain!"

Qin Yan on the side smiled when he saw the black line on Chi You's face on the side.

"I hope so!!"

When Chi You heard this, he only sighed helplessly.

If the artistic conception fills the body, it is absolutely terrifying for the improvement of strength! Therefore, this is also the biggest killer move of a powerful artistic conception comprehension, and it will only be used at the juncture of life and death.

After all, as long as you don't comprehend the power of your own artistic conception, there may be problems using the artistic conception to fill the body.

And if anything goes wrong, it's a huge loss.


At this time, Zao Wou-Ki, whose body was filled with endless madness, was rapidly dying of necrosis.

Even the blood vessels in his whole body began to burst open, how terrifying the harm to the human body caused by the artistic conception, but at this time Zao Wou-Ki did not pay any attention to his own changes, because as long as he was distracted, more likely to die.

"Break five, let's go!!!!"

When Zao Wou-Ki's spear: Intention reached its extreme level, with his roar, his whole body instantly burst out with breaths that made the world start to tremble! "Crack!!!!"

A bottleneck that was originally horizontal in front of his mood was instantly shattered by him.

His [-]% limit gun: Yi instantly broke through to a powerful [-]%.

In an instant, his aura doubled.

"Meteor Marksmanship!!!!"

And at this moment, Zao Wou-Ki moved again.

The long spear in his hand instantly erupted with terrifying spears: Yi.

Then the long spear slammed into the void one by one in a frenzy.

Under his terrifying gun: intent, the surrounding space began to collapse crazily.

“Boom rumble!!!”

With a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, Zao Wou-Ki's spear: Yi slammed again on the body of the behemoth that was condensed by the power of Jhin.

But this time, the result was completely opposite to the last time when there was no achievement. In just a split second, the body of the behemoth was directly blasted out of a huge pothole, and a terrifying spear shot out from the pothole. Instantly cut through the sky and blasted towards Lao Yan's huge body.

"Good boy actually broke through at this critical juncture!!"

And when Lao Yan saw Zao Wou-Ki again at this time, his hole shrank slightly after reaching the spear glow.

But the next moment he laughed, and then his whole body instantly burst into endless blood fluctuations.

And with the appearance of his bloodline fluctuations, the breath of his whole body instantly began to skyrocket wildly.

"I didn't want to use this trick originally, it seems that I don't need it!!"

Lao Yan's eyes instantly turned cold.

The endless power of blood burst out and began to condense black runes on his body.

When Qin Yan from the outside world saw this scene, his small eyes suddenly lit up.

"Cha, Lao Yan has actually been able to mobilize the power of his own blood, and he seems to be very strong!"

Qin Yan suddenly looked a little surprised at the old flame who was shrouded in endless mysterious runes.

It seems that after the last time he raised his.... little brother's realm level, their blood power has been awakened more or less.

The earliest awakening was naturally Xiaoji, but Lao Yan, Lao Kong and others woke up late, not because their bloodline power was not as strong as Xiaoji's, on the contrary.

After the power of their bloodline is fully awakened, they are definitely beyond the existence of Xiaoji's bloodline.

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