Because they are stronger and thinner at the same time, their awakening is much more difficult than Xiaoji's bloodline awakening.

Of course, as long as they can wake up smoothly, their combat power is definitely no less than Xiaoji.

As for why it won't surpass Xiaoji, the reason is very simple. Although Xiaoji's ancestor is not as powerful as Laoyan's ancestor, he is only a god king, but the other party is a comprehension of the law of destruction.

If it is the limit of the god king, Xiaoji's ancestor may not be able to beat Laoyan's ancestor.

It's just that the first ancestor of Xiaoji already had a god of destruction on his head, so there is no possibility of breaking through to the supreme god.

Otherwise, who is stronger is not necessarily! Of course, Qin Yan's final potential.... The ultimate potential of the younger brother is absolutely terrifying. Of course, the premise is that Qin Yan can make a move Increase their blood concentration.

If Qin Yan doesn't act, their ultimate potential will be here! " power of blood!!"

Chi You, who was beside Qin Yan, also shrank slightly as he looked at the old Yan Jiao Kong, who was bursting with a terrifying aura.

At the same time, his heart was also shocked. The gap between those with bloodline power and those without bloodline power was actually so strong. It seemed that he still underestimated these powerful races in the universe.... .

................."This breath! What's going on? How could this subordinate of His Highness Qin Yan have such a powerful bloodline? !"

At this time, Arthur Kokong, who had been watching Qin Yan, shrank violently.

He couldn't....... looked at the old flame with such a powerful breath below him in disbelief.

Of course, Lao Yan's strength is still not worth mentioning in his eyes, but the nobility of Lao Yan's blood power actually surpasses himself as a god king!! You know, even if his blood concentration was rubbish, as long as he is now If you are a god king, your bloodline will definitely reach the strongest group except for the bloodline of the supreme gods.

And their children and grandchildren will also enjoy this benefit.

But now, Lao Yan's blood power is actually more noble than his own, that is to say, Lao Yan is definitely a descendant of a supreme god! Thinking of this, Arthur was a little shocked when he looked at Lao Yan.

You must know that to achieve such a powerful bloodline fluctuation, that is... the descendants of the supreme gods are definitely able to achieve it, and even the descendants of some supreme gods may not be able to achieve such a strong bloodline concentration.

"This breath seems to be the breath of His Majesty the Ember Fire Emperor Lion!!"

Arthur frowned slightly, although he had a correct guess in his heart, but because he only had high-level authority, he could not directly scan Lao Yan's body like Qin Yan to compare with the bloodline of the supreme god of Jhin and the Emperor Lion of Jhin Fire. .

Of course, it's not that Lao Yan's bloodline power can't be scanned, but it's just that the bloodline of Cinder Fire Emperor Lion can't be called out for comparison. After all, the opponent is the strongest in the universe and a supreme god!  … ..."Roar!!!!"

At this time, with a roar that shook the sky and the earth, the aura emanating from Lao Yan's body began to violently riot, and the terrifying aura began to spread throughout his body.

At the same time, Zao Wou-Ki used the [-]% Spear: Intent and Artistic Conception before, and the endless spear glow that burst out had also come to Lao Yan's body.

Thousands of spear lights directly wrapped Lao Yan's whole body in it.

In just an instant, these....... the spear will tear Lao Yan into pieces.


And Lao Yan looked at these.... Gunmang, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then the blood power in his body began to violently riot.

The power of endless bloodline directly condenses a huge barrier around his body.

And this barrier directly enveloped Lao Yan in it.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At the same time, in the next instant, countless spear lights instantly enveloped Lao Yan, and his whole body was directly enveloped by countless spear lights and began to bombard frantically.

A terrifying roar shattered the surrounding space directly.

But looking at the sky shrouded by his own spear glow, Zao Wou-Ki's heart was extremely solemn at this time.

Because at the moment when he was enveloped by his spear, Lao Yan's demeanor was too relaxed, as if his attack was of little use...


However, at this moment, a cold humming sound came from the sky.

The next moment made Zao Wou-Ki incredulous....... The picture of disbelief spread to his eyes.

I saw that this attack that broke out with all his strength and even at the risk of his own life was directly blasted away with a cold snort from Lao Yan in the sky.

The surrounding guns and guns: Intended to disperse directly under his cold snort.

At this time, Lao Yan was unscathed.

But no wait: Zao Wou-Ki was shocked too much, the next moment, Lao Yan moved.

The huge animal claws pressed down directly into the void.

The endless power of destruction shattered the surrounding space crazily.

You must know that at this time he is only at the limit of level [-], and he is still far from being able to break the void at will at level [-].

But under his powerful strength, the surrounding space began to shatter like a crazy proportion.

However, the terrifying power brought by his beast claws directly made Zao Wou-Ki unable to move on the spot.

"I didn't expect that I still lost!!!"

At this time, Zao Wou-Ki was helpless again, he chased Lao Yan and Xiao Ji since he entered Qin Yan's subordinates, but now, the reality has given him a mouth.

That is, everything he has done from the beginning to now is in vain, and the gap between his strength and Lao Yan seems to be more and more terrifying.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

And with a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, Zao Wou-Ki's body was directly slapped into pieces by Lao Yan.

Lao Yan, who used this slap, looked like it was just a random slap.

From this, it can be seen that the strength gap between Zhao Wuji and Lao Yan at this time has reached at least three times the level of terror.


I’m afraid that Lao Zhao will shut himself up when I go back this time!!”

Qin Yan looked at this scene with some helplessness.

Human Race is... so, although Zao Wou-Ki comprehended [-]% Spear: Intention to increase his strength to an extremely terrifying level, compared to the bloodline of Lao Yan's supreme divine beast, it was still a lot worse.

Of course, it doesn't mean that in the future, Zao Wou-Ki will definitely not be able to surpass Lao Yan. Perhaps as long as his spear intent reaches more than [-]%, he will be able to make up for the gap caused by the blood of the supreme divine beast.

It's a pity that [-]% of the artistic conception is... that most god kings who cultivate the artistic conception cannot achieve it.

Of course, there is another way, and that is to see if Zao Wou-Ki can have any powerful bloodline.

"By the way, the elf, isn't the bloodline of the human beings on the earth a powerful bloodline? After all, even the bloodline of these creatures is so strong, the bloodline of the earthlings should not be weak!"

Qin Yan suddenly asked the elf curiously.

But after hearing this, the elf had a tangled expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, the bloodline of Earth's human beings, I compared the bloodline database of all the supreme gods and found no existence that is the same as the bloodline of Earth's human beings, but I can feel a wave in the bodies of Zao Wou-Ki and Chi You. About to awaken the hidden and terrifying blood power! The strength of this blood power is definitely at least at the level of the highest gods!"

The elf said to Qin Yan with a solemn expression.

His words made Qin Yan's small head even more filled with doubts.

"At least it is the bloodline of the supreme god level, but it is the bloodline that all the supreme gods in the entire universe do not have. Could human beings be the descendants of the powerhouses in other universes!!"

Qin Yan said with some doubts.

"No master, Earth humans are definitely the descendants of this universe, otherwise they will be expelled by the heavenly way of this universe! The only possibility should be that the ancestors of Earth humans were before the supreme gods of space slaughtered the universe. A descendant of a strong man!"

Chapter [-]: Advance to the cosmos level and gather the power of space elements! ! (one more)

"No master, Earth humans are definitely the descendants of this universe, otherwise they will be expelled by the heavenly way of this universe! The only possibility should be that the ancestors of Earth humans were before the supreme gods of space slaughtered the universe. The descendant of a certain powerful man! Because before the supreme god of space slaughtered the universe, the blood power of the supreme god of the entire universe was not collected.

The reason for doing this is because other supreme gods sought to find the descendants of the supreme gods in that battle to protect and nurture them. After all, more than a thousand powerful supreme gods died in the battle and survived. These... The supreme gods are considered to have received their kindness, so they collected almost all the blood information of the supreme gods at that time to search for those in the entire universe...... ..the descendants of the supreme gods who died in battle! Again, the virtual universe has never recorded any information about the bloodlines of the supreme gods!"

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan nodded suddenly after hearing this.

"It turns out that human beings may be the descendants of a certain supreme god in ancient times! It seems that Lao Yan will be beaten back by Lao Zhao in the future!!"

Qin Yan said with a smile.

At this time, Lao Yan did not realize the seriousness of the matter at all, and flew out of the ring with a cheerful expression and flew towards Qin Yan.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your little brother, the flaming lion, has successfully won the championship of the seventh-level arena! Obtained attributes: physique + 10 billion! Soul + 10 billion!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your little brother, Ghidorah, has successfully won the overall championship of the eighth-level arena! Obtained attributes: Constitution + 10 billion! Soul + 10 billion!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your little brother, Jiange, has successfully won the championship of the ninth-level arena! Obtained attributes: Constitution + 10 billion! Soul + 10 billion!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, you and your little brother have successfully won the five championships in the 55th arena! Please make persistent efforts"

........ However, at this moment, the system beeps one after another also passed into Qin Yan's mind.


In the next instant, Qin Yan's whole body began to burst out with terrifying warm currents, and the warm currents began to frantically transform Qin Yan's whole body in any cell in his body.

At the same time, his realm is also rising wildly during the transformation, ten-level nine-star 9... ten-level ten-star! And the huge warm current, after a terrifying impact, Qin Yan's realm instantly broke through to a powerful cosmic level .

At the same time, his sea of ​​consciousness also began to expand wildly.

Ten times... a hundred times... After reaching the cosmos level, the strength of the martial artist's sea of ​​consciousness will begin to rise, and the size of the sea of ​​consciousness will also begin to rise rapidly. A warrior who awakens the power of the elements may usher in a second chance to awaken. If successful, he will have an extra powerful trump card.

Of course, for someone like Qin Yan, who already has more than ten kinds of elemental power, the strengthening this time is to make his spiritual power even stronger, and let him understand the power of elements. The speed is faster, and at the same time, it can also strengthen the control of the elemental force and the damage of the elemental force.

Even for... the speed of comprehension of martial arts and exercises will be greatly increased.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully advancing to the cosmos level!!"

And as the warm current in Qin Yan's body slowly stopped, Qin Yan suddenly heard a system notification sound that was instantly transmitted to his mind.

The sound of the system's prompt shocked him.

"I didn't expect to reach the cosmos level so quickly, these.... The little brother is really powerful!"

Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at his attribute table.


Outbreak 10 Space Holy Book 25th Grade Intermediate, Epic, 20 times Talent: Beast God Transforms Combat Power 78 Storage Space Diameter [-] Light Years Strengthening Technique can strengthen all things in the world! Healing technique can quickly heal any injury! Turn the power of yin and yang into the power of the source! The reversal of yin and yang can bring back the dead and revive the dead! Weapons: space bracelet [-]th grade intermediate, epic! [-], five elements bracelet [-]th grade intermediate, epic thunder bracelet [-]th grade intermediate, epic earth bracelet Tenth-Rank Intermediate, Epic....... Looking at his realm at this time, Qin Yan suddenly sighed with emotion about his decision to prepare to participate in the battle of the cosmos powerhouse.

In just a few days since the start of the competition, his realm has reached the current cosmos level from the original eighth level, and he has even obtained the power of destruction of the ultimate element, and the difficulty of making his own bloodline is reached. A terrifying rise! "However, after the level was upgraded, my storage space has actually increased so much that it has reached a terrifying level of one light-year in diameter!"

Qin Yan was a little surprised when he saw that his storage space had expanded by more than ten thousand times, but when he thought about it, he was relieved.

It seems that his storage space is calculated by the strength of his own soul. This time, after his own realm has been improved, the size of the sea of ​​​​knowledge has directly increased thousands of times terrifying.

Therefore, it is normal for the storage space to become larger.


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