But come to think of it, my storage space doesn't seem to be of much use!!"

Qin Yan suddenly scratched his head and said helplessly.

However, the improvement in strength is already very good, so he is naturally very satisfied.

"hold head high!!!!!"

At the same time, with a roar that shook the sky and earth, a giant beast that covered the sky and the moon appeared from the void by the way, and landed not far from Qin Yan, Chiyou and Lao Yan.

And he is naturally... Xiaoji who won the first place by leaps and bounds! "Meet the king!!!"

Xiaoji respectfully lowered his huge head to Qin Yan, and at the same time his gaze was solemn at Lao Yan who was not far from Qin Yan.

For some reason, he actually felt a strong threat from Lao Yan's body at this time.

And Lao Yan also glanced at Xiaoji with a warlike expression on his face. At this time, after the power of his bloodline was awakened, his combat power was definitely not inferior to Xiaoji.

Of course, if there is a fight, who is stronger then I don't know.

However, at this time, he was still very eager to fight Xiaoji.


And the next moment, after another wave of space fluctuations, the figure of a young man appeared in front of several people.

"Brother Qin Yan! I won!!!"

The boy is... Jian Ge, the corners of Jian Ge's mouth rose slightly after seeing Qin Yan, and there was a hint of unreality in his tone.

With his previous strength, let alone the number one, it is almost impossible to enter the top [-], and this is the result of his sword intent reaching [-]%! And now, he not only won the first place , and even crossed a great realm and crushed the ninth-level strongest man of the Shadow God civilization, which was a great realm higher than him, into pieces.

Such a terrifying improvement was just a random favor given by Qin Yan. Thinking of this, he was extremely fortunate that he had become friends with Qin Yan after meeting Qin Yan.

"Hey, it's good to win, it's good to win, now we're just one person away!!"

Qin Yan looked at the people present and nodded with satisfaction.

But his words made the people around him stunned.

Isn't Qin Yan's younger brother only in the seventh-level, eight-pole, ninth-level and tenth-level arenas! Now that these arenas are over, there is still one person left! Could it be that Qin Yan still sent his earthlings to participate in the competition, but he signed up before, when Isn't it just a few of them? If you don't sign up, it's absolutely impossible to get in midway.

Of course, if it was Qin Yan's words, it would be hard to say.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your little brother, Mo Yu, has successfully won the championship of the world master stage at this time! Acquired attributes: Constitution + 50 billion! Soul + 50 billion!"

However, at this moment, a system prompt sounded instantly in Qin Yan's mind.

Qin Yan suddenly raised his brows, and it was finally over.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, you and your subordinates have won a total of six 66 division championships in the Shadow God's Civilization Division! The system starts to count rewards!!" However, at this moment, a system prompt sounded It was passed into Qin Yan's mind, and Qin Yan raised his brows immediately after hearing it.

"I won six 66 division championships in a total of thirteen divisions. I don't know what rewards I can get this time!!!"

Qin Yan's heart suddenly had a trace of anticipation.

With six 66 division championships, there are definitely a lot of benefits that you can get.

"Ding... The settlement is completed, congratulations to the host for your reward: Physique + 10 billion! Soul + 10 billion! Obtained elements: the power of shattering the void! Climax"

A system prompt sounded in Qin Yan's mind instantly, and after hearing this prompt sound, Qin Yan couldn't help grinning in excitement.

"Hahaha, developed and developed, and finally got the power of the last element!"

Qin Yan laughed excitedly, but the younger brothers around him all looked at each other and didn't know what Qin Yan was laughing at, but they were also slightly happy when they saw Qin Yan so excited.

After all, it looks like a good thing.


However, at this moment, terrifying warm currents began to surge wildly in Qin Yan's body.

At the same time, a mysterious elemental power instantly emerged into Qin Yan's body and began to gather in Qin Yan's sea of ​​consciousness.

And this is one of Qin Yan's eight space elements, and it is also the last space element that Qin Yan has not yet comprehended, the power of shattering the void! "Boom!!!!"

The power of Shattering Void began to surge frantically in his body, and then a huge ball of elemental light slowly condensed in Qin Yan's sea of ​​consciousness.

This elemental light ball is getting more and more solid, and the breath it emits is also more and more terrifying.

After only a few minutes, the elemental light sphere of Shattering Void power converged into an elemental light sphere that was almost the same size as Qin Yan's other elemental light spheres.


And after the power of this shattering emptiness was gathered, and after a wave of fluctuations, the huge space light ball that Qin Yan used to condense the space holy book suddenly exuded a force of attraction, and the last shattered emptiness was smashed. The elemental light ball of power attracted a past towards the position of the space light ball.

As the shattered phantom light ball gets closer and closer to the space light ball, more and more rune powers begin to emerge on the surface of the space light ball, and these rune powers begin to condense with the previous seven space element light balls. The powers of runes come together.

After the shattered virtual light ball was completely integrated into the huge space light ball, the surrounding runes were finally connected into a whole.

“Boom rumble!!!”

At this moment, the more terrifying aura began to burst out from Qin Yan's body, and at the same time, the power of endless space surged out of Qin Yan's body.

The surrounding space began to chaotic rapidly under the aura that Qin Yan unintentionally exuded.

The space within hundreds of billions of light-years around is beginning to collapse rapidly.

The countless arenas that were originally scattered in this white space were instantly shrouded in this terrifying power of space, and eventually all were torn into pieces.

Fortunately, the battle is basically over now, and almost all the champions of the ring have already won the final, so this time the huge change did not cause too much riot.

After all, in this match, as long as the loser will be teleported out, in the end, only the winner of each arena will remain.

Of course, under Qin Yan's space tear, the champions of the first to sixth level arena were instantly shrouded by the power of space, torn to pieces.

"No! Something went wrong, run away from here first, this aura seems to have started to get out of control!"

Chi You, the most powerful, didn't know what was going on after seeing this, and immediately spoke with a solemn tone. As soon as his words came out, all Qin Yan's younger brothers present changed their expressions.

Although they didn't know what happened to Qin Yan, they knew that if they didn't... slip away, they would be torn to shreds.

Unfortunately, they are still one step behind.

The power of endless space instantly enveloped them in it.

“Bang bang bang bang!!!”

With the bursts of explosions.... Qin Yan's younger brothers disappeared into the void in an instant and turned into light spots all over the sky.

................."This breath! Impossible, absolutely impossible!!"

However, God King Arthur, who was watching this scene in the endless void at this time, suddenly looked solemn.

What did he see? He actually saw Qin Yan, a yin and yang chaotic beast. At this time, he actually started to awaken the power of space elements, and it was still the power of complete space elements! "Damn, the legend does not say that the yin and yang chaotic beasts are in addition to... ....besides the power of yin and yang, won't he comprehend the power of other elements The space is gone! What's the situation!"

Qin Yan's appearance this time was his accidental discovery. Who would have guessed that in this era, in addition to...a Mo Yu, there would also be a second yin and yang chaos in childhood. beast.

Even if it appears, this... yin and yang chaotic beast seems to be different from any... yin and yang chaotic beast in the legend, not only has the powerful wisdom that other yin and yang chaotic beasts do not have.

At the same time, there are other fighting talents that yin and yang chaos beasts are discouraged by.

Now even the power of space element has been comprehended by Qin Yan, and it is still a complete power of space element.

You must know that from the records, all the comprehens of the power of space elements added up, the number is even rarer than the number of yin and yang chaos beasts.

The supreme god of space back then was... the first one to understand the power of space elements, and of course the only one who survived to achieve immortality after understanding space elements.

Because after the incident of the supreme god of space, among the more than a dozen space power comprehens who have comprehended the power of space elements, each of them was powerful after comprehending the power of space elements. The supreme god of the gang shot directly to kill! Yes, they are afraid, you said that if a supreme god of the four ultimate elements appears, even if he wants to rule the universe, as long as the other three 3 ultimate supreme gods appear Do not agree, then the final result is that this supreme god is besieged to death.

However, if there is another space supreme god, as long as he shows the slightest idea of ​​wanting to rule the universe, it will be a disaster for the entire universe.

Although there is an extremely powerful existence in the entire universe, that is the beast god, and the ancestor of the yin and yang chaos beast is suppressing, but even the supreme god of space back then was only killed because he provoked the other party. If the ancestors of the yin and yang chaos beasts are provoked, even if the newly emerged supreme god of space obliterates almost all existences in the universe, the beast gods may not pay attention.

Therefore, in order for such uncontrollable things to occur, all the supreme gods have decided that as long as any space element appears, the comprehension will kill it, and all the factors that destroy the universe will be strangled in the cradle.

Unfortunately, this time the situation is completely different. The one who awakened the power of space element this time is Qin Yan, the cub of a yin and yang chaos beast! "Boom!!!!"

The surrounding space is still collapsing crazily, and the countless arenas floating around are also rapidly turning into nothingness in the collapse.


In the finals of the domain master-level arena, a young man with a longbow shot his opponent to death on the ground of the arena and was relieved! "Hoo, it's finally over!!"

The corner of Yi Yuntian's mouth rose slightly as he looked at the opponent who had disappeared into the sky and disappeared above the ring.

"Boom rumble!!"

However, at this moment, a terrifying roar instantly spread throughout the arena.

Yi Yuntian was horrified to discover that the arena condensed by the supreme power of the virtual universe actually began to collapse crazily under the tear of an invisible force.

"How is this going!"

Chapter [-]: The most beautiful existence between heaven and earth!The supreme god of life! ! (two more)

"How is this going!"

Yi Yuntian frowned instantly as he watched the surrounding arena disappearing madly.


However, this power shrouded Yi Yuntian in an instant after a wave of fluctuations.

The arena instantly turned into nothingness.

In an instant, the endless tearing force spread to Yi Yuntian's body.

The endless pain directly drowned him.

"Damn, what's going on 1"

Yi Yuntian, whose strength has reached the limit of the domain master level and at the same time the combat power has reached the level of the world master, actually felt that his body began to collapse rapidly under this tearing force.

"Force retreat, give me a fast retreat!!"

Yi Yuntian frantically roared at his elf, however, his elf seemed to have not heard it, and still let him be torn apart by this invisible force.


And the next moment, his body shattered into pieces and disappeared into the void.

At this time, Qin Yan, who had just awakened the power of space, died without even the ability to resist. It can be said that Qin Yan at this time was even lower than his competition level. Promote to the powerful domain master level, and finally get the final champion.

It can even be said that even the most powerful domain master level in the entire universe came to Qin Yan, under the power of his space, there was not much resistance.

And such a terrifying increase in strength is enough to see the horror of Qin Yan's power of space at this time.

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