In the endless void, seeing Qin Yan easily turning the domain master-level master into nothingness, Arthur Kokong also shrank slightly.

He has only heard of the horror of space element comprehens, and has never seen it before. When he saw it, he suddenly felt that if he had such strength, if he reached the level of immortality, it would mean... the powerhouse of the immortal level would not be his opponent. .

Perhaps, a god-king-level powerhouse who understands the laws of space is not necessarily able to fight against ordinary supreme gods.

At this time, he finally knew why any comprehension of space elements in the universe would be killed by the supreme god in the next moment.

"This kind of existence is really too terrifying, but this time, the comprehension of space elements is still a cub of a yin and yang Chaos Beast clan, those... the supreme god, His Majesty is afraid that There is no other way!"

Arthur smiled helplessly when he thought of this.

He didn't know what other supreme gods would think, he only knew himself at this time, but he didn't dare to take action, and he didn't even dare to repair the damage Qin Yan caused to the virtual universe.

................................"Wow! What is this, it feels so dangerous!!"

At this time, in the entire virtual universe talent competition space, apart from... Qin Yan, only Mo Yu was still alive.

At the same time, Mo Yu, who was enveloped by Qin Yan's power of space, also felt that a force wanted to tear him apart. Fortunately, his strength was terrifying.

Compared with Qin Yan, he is more powerful and close to the three realms. Therefore, he only felt a slight discomfort. Of course, even a powerhouse of his level felt discomfort. I'm afraid it will turn to ashes in an instant.

"Hey! Isn't that big brother? It's a domineering feeling!!"

At this moment, Mo Yu looked at Qin Yan's eyes not far away, whose whole body exuded a terrifying aura, and envious rays of light suddenly bloomed in his eyes.


And at this moment, the surroundings were still there: the riotous space disappeared into the void in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

The whole world calmed down in such an instant.

The surrounding space also slowly recovered its original shaking.

"Whoo! It's finally over!!!"

Qin Yan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked into the void with a burning gaze.

He saw Mo Yu looking at him with excitement.

"Do you think the national treasure is very handsome!"

Qin Yan narcissistically used his small paws to comb his hair, and then said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded after hearing this.

"Brother, your aura just now is so powerful, how is it different from the aura that erupted from our Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts!"

Mo Yu asked Qin Yan curiously, Mo Yu has never felt any power other than the power of yin and yang from any elder in the clan. Therefore, he is very interested in... Qin Yan just now. The breath that burst out was a little curious.

"That's the power of space, you haven't seen it, it's normal!"

Qin Yan said slowly.

Immediately, he turned his gaze towards his attribute table.

In an instant, I found that my realm has been greatly improved from before.



And the myth-level exercises have never appeared in the entire universe, let alone the myth-level... the legendary-level exercises have never appeared in the entire universe.

As a mythical-level exercise, the power that a space holy book with a level of only tenth rank can burst out has reached a terrifying 200 times that of the original 25, a full tenfold increase.

Combined with the strength of the power of space, it is extremely easy for Qin Yan to obliterate the limit of the domain master level, and even the general world master level super power.

"By the way, everyone else is gone!!!"

Qin Yan suddenly said to Mo Yu who was beside him curiously, just now, his mind was all about rapidly controlling the power of space in his body, and he hardly paid any attention to the outside world.

"I don't know, maybe it was torn apart by the power of space you just gave me!!"

Mo Yu scratched his head and then remembered the powerful force that enveloped him just now, and then slowly said to Qin Yan.


It's really troublesome to be accidentally killed by me!!"

Qin Yan thought of this and shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, it's just those who were killed by the virtual universe because of this... The younger brother will appear in other places soon, and there will be no loss in the slightest, and Qin Yan will not care.

"However, we seem to have finished all the arenas now, and we don't know what happened to the supporter this time...the one called God King Arthur! I won't come out and talk about what rewards will be given after this battle is over. Something like that! I know hiding in the dark and peeping, and I don't know if it's a pervert!"

Looking at the empty surroundings, Qin Yan glanced at the space where Arthur was hiding at this time, and found that the other party was peeking secretly and couldn't help but complain.

"Yeah, yeah, I managed to get a first place, but I didn't expect him to hide in the dark and peek.

The civilization of the Shadow God actually has such perversions."

Mo Yu on the side also nodded in agreement.

And Arthur in the endless void immediately turned black when he heard the conversation between the two yin and yang chaos beasts, and he became a peeping pervert! "Cough cough cough!!"

Embarrassed, he slowly walked out of the endless void and flew over to Qin Yan with a smile.

"Two highnesses, congratulations on your success in winning the cosmos-level and world-level division champions. As a reward, you will be rewarded with an advanced civilization along with the other eleven division champions. Of course, this advanced civilization you Wherever you need it, you only need to choose in the virtual universe, and after you choose it, we will send the appropriate personnel to solve the matter!"

Arthur slowly explained to Qin Yan and the others as a reward for the championship of the competition area.

"It's actually an advanced civilization! That means, with Xiaoji and the others, I can get four or five, 45 advanced civilizations as a territory!"

Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up.

An advanced civilization contains hundreds of billions of intermediate civilizations like the Milky Way.

Of course, for the general world masters, a high-level civilization is not very precious, but for Qin Yan, who is still poor and has only one earth as his territory, it is still relatively good. .

Besides, there are still four or five, 45 advanced civilizations, if all of them are sold, I am afraid that I will get a lot of advanced virtual universe coins! "In addition, after three days, wait until all the champions of the civilization of the gods are all selected. , I will take all of you in the second competition area of ​​the civilization of the shadow gods. The [-] billion players who have won the game will go to the arena chosen by the top powerhouses of the civilization of more than a thousand gods for the final battle. In the finals of the field, the winning rewards will be even more generous!"

Arthur seemed to see that Qin Yan was very interested in the reward, and immediately tempted Qin Yan.

Qin Yan nodded in satisfaction after hearing this.

Although I don't know what the generous rewards are, there are still some small expectations.

"Okay, since that's the case, we'll leave first, and we'll talk when we meet!"

Qin Yan didn't talk nonsense with Arthur either. The war in the past few days was finally over, and he wanted to go back to sleep for a long time. After all, Qin Yan was also irritable after such a high-intensity battle and strength improvement.

Therefore, after speaking, he directly turned into a light spot in the sky and disappeared in place.

"Brother, wait for me!!!"

Mo Yu became anxious after seeing Qin Yan disappear, and immediately disappeared in place with a cry of exclamation.

After watching Qin Yan and Mo Yu disappear, Arthur's originally smiling face slowly became solemn.

"The power of space can even see through my position at will. It really is a power that makes all the gods fear. This time, this power appeared on a yin and yang chaos beast. I don't know what... will the Supreme God choose!"

Arthur has a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he has already passed all the things about Qin Yan to the shadow god.

As for the rest, it is not something he can intervene and solve at this time.

Immediately, his figure also slowly disappeared in place. As for the reward and the rules for the next match, he also sent it to all the players who could fight on the final arena through the elf.

Before that, his duties were completely over.

.................................Virtual Universe Company Headquarters! The headquarters is located in the center of a terrifying continent with a diameter of tens of millions of light-years. Here a huge tower towering into the sky stands here.

The height of this tower reaches a terrifying [-] light-years.

At the same time, the tower also exudes endless power of fate and destruction, as well as the power of death and life! This tower is called Tianyan God Tower! It is the four ultimate supreme gods countless years ago. A supreme artifact created together to fight against the supreme gods of space.

It was this weapon that severely injured the supreme god of space, whose strength was terrifying to the extreme back then, and finally could only escape to the ancestral star of the ancestor of the yin and yang chaos beasts to restore his strength.

Of course, it can also be said that if there is no such supreme artifact, the one that dominates the entire universe now is the supreme god of space.

With the death of the supreme god of space, the Tianyan Divine Pagoda was also placed in the center of this Tianyan Continent.

It is also the location of the new headquarters of the Virtual Universe company.

It can be said that the data of the virtual universe of the entire universe is placed in this Tianyanshen Tower at this time.

And only more than a thousand supreme gods can enter in the tower.

Even, even they can only appear here in virtual form.

Only the four ultimate supreme gods can appear in real form.

In the depths of the core, an old man in a white robe sat quietly on a throne.

In front of his eyes is a huge round table, around the round table, there are more than a thousand gods, and the gods are made by the power of more than one thousand different laws.

“Buzz buzz!!!”

With the waves of space fluctuations, illusory figures slowly appeared here! And these ...... figures are more than a thousand supreme gods in the entire universe .

These...the heights, races, and even the breaths of the supreme gods are completely different.

There are the Shenlong Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Ember Fire Emperor Lion Clan, etc... It can be said that almost all the top races in the entire universe have appeared here.

And all the supreme gods did not make any sound after they landed on their own thrones, but quietly looked at the supreme god of destiny on the throne, and the two empty green beside him. The Throne and the Blood Red Throne! "Om!!!!"

However, at this moment, the pure and extremely pure life force instantly shrouded the core of the entire divine tower.

The runes of the law of life inscribed on the surrounding walls also began to vibrate rapidly with the appearance of this life force.

"I'm late!!"

And with a soft voice, a woman with a gorgeous green dress and a peerless beauty slowly walked out of the void and then slowly sat on her throne.

The countless supreme gods present couldn't help but shrank violently after seeing this woman.

And she is... the only female among the four ultimate supreme gods, the supreme god of life.

According to rumors, she is the first tree in the world to transform into a spirit, no matter what...

Whether it is status or strength, it is far higher than almost everyone present.

"Death can't come this time, let's start together!!"

But at this time, the supreme god of destiny slowly spoke his words, and the more than a thousand supreme gods around were slightly stunned.

The supreme god of death can't come, but they don't dare to have the slightest opinion about the supreme god of death, and they don't dare to say anything about whether the other party comes or not.

The reason is..., after the death of the supreme god of destruction, the strength of the supreme god of death can be said to be the most powerful among all the people present.

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