Even the supreme god of life was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Okay, you should all know the theme of this time to call everyone here. I will make a long story short. I am a chaotic world. This time, there is danger!!"

Chapter [-]: Large-scale confession scene!Damn, this hair is a Chaos Demon Ape! ? (three more)

As soon as the words of the supreme god of destiny came out, the surrounding holes of more than a thousand supreme gods shrank violently.

Although this prophecy was issued not long ago by the supreme god of fate, it only said that a major event might happen.

And this big event is that no one knows whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

But now the words of the supreme god of destiny have been confirmed, what will happen this time is definitely a very terrifying event.

At the same time, it is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination to be able to be said so solemnly by the supreme god of destiny! "Senior god of destiny, what happened, please explain carefully!!"

Among the crowd, the supreme god of life, the red lips, opened his mouth slowly.

And as soon as her words came out, everyone hurriedly looked at the supreme god of destiny.

After hearing this, the supreme god of destiny nodded slightly, and then his fingertips were slightly touched, and in an instant, beams of brilliance appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Guanghua instantly transformed into a picture, but what appeared in the picture was a silent starry sky.

"Crack Kick!!!!"

And the starry sky suddenly cracked open slowly in the sound of shattering sound.

The next moment, a hole split open instantly, and the endless power of the void erupted from it.

The aura of heaven and earth in the universe, the law of heaven and earth began to flow through this opening at an extremely terrifying speed.

And this opening is also opening faster and faster, and the speed of the energy in the universe is also getting more and more terrifying.


And the screen disappears immediately in the next instant.

However, the supreme god of destiny is already sweating profusely at this time, as if consuming extremely terrifying energy.

"This is what's going to happen in a month!!!"

After Fate Supreme God finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes and began to regain his strength.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Just talking about a space crack that will appear a month later makes the supreme god of destiny weak like this, what is going on! You must know that even the supreme god of destiny predicted that the supreme god of space would slaughter the entire universe. When being a strong man, he did not consume such terrifying power.

"The crack just now doesn't seem to be a space crack in the ordinary sense. What is it!"

The supreme god of life frowned and said doubtfully.

However, the Void Supreme God above the venue changed his face at this moment! "Could it be that... the crack is the crack that appeared in the legendary cosmic barrier? How could it be possible to open the cosmic barrier? The crack is only the space of the year. The Highest God did it!"

The Void Supreme God suddenly exclaimed.

And as soon as his words came out, the expressions of the supreme gods with extremely terrifying whole body strength also changed drastically.

The supreme gods of space can open the space cracks in the cosmic barrier. Of course they know, you know, with this trick, as long as any supreme god is touched by the cracks in the forehead of the cosmic barrier, the body will be torn to pieces, and the serious ones will directly lose their souls. disappear, disappear into the universe.

And almost all of them have participated in the war that year, so they are still vivid in their eyes at this time, and it is precisely because of this that each of them is aware of the laws of space. Those who comprehend are extremely apprehensive.

"But the supreme god of space has died, so how did this crack in the universe appear!"

The supreme god of life raised his own question again, and everyone frowned after hearing it.

They know that there are only two ways to open the cracks in the universe. One is to use their pure power, and the horror of this power may only be achieved by beast gods in the entire universe.

All the supreme gods present are... they may not be able to open it with a joint strike.

The second method is afraid that it requires the supreme god of space to take action.

It must be the pure supreme god of space, not even the supreme god of the void, the supreme god of the broken void... The supreme god of the space system cannot do it.

A month later, a cosmic rift will appear! But what effect does the appearance of this rift have on the universe? Why is the supreme god of fate so anxious?

I don't know how long it took, but the supreme god of destiny finally recovered a little bit of strength, and then slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes turned towards everyone around him.

"I know all your questions. Now I will tell you everything in my language. In the next month, I hope that you will all go to the place where the space crack appears with me, and prepare for the next step!"

The supreme god of fate spoke slowly.

As soon as his words came out, everyone around him nodded solemnly.

"The existence that opened the crack in the universe, I probably counted it, it is a powerful race from outside the territory, from other universes, as for the strength, number and race of the other party...... ..I didn't count.

But one thing I know is that if we don't prevent the other party from entering my chaotic universe, then my chaotic universe will be directly slaughtered by the other party. The final result I think everyone is very clear!"

The supreme god of destiny spoke slowly, and as soon as his words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed.

A powerful race from another universe and the other party's purpose is to slaughter everyone in the entire chaotic universe. Thinking of this, all the supreme gods are extremely shocked in their hearts.

All of them are very clear about how terrifying the powerhouses who can break through the barriers of the universe are.

At least they are powerhouses of the same level as the supreme gods of space, and the opponent is different from the supreme gods of space. The opponent is a powerhouse of a race, not alone.

If such a strong person comes to the chaotic universe, the people present are... all together, they will not be able to escape one death in the end! "The good news is that the other party can open the cosmic barrier, not because the other party is extremely powerful, but because the other party is extremely powerful. Among them are the most supreme god-level magicians, that is to say, we still have hope to protect our chaotic universe!"

The supreme god of destiny looked at the despairing supreme gods, and then smiled and said.

As soon as his words came out, the desperate supreme gods around him were all surprised.

There is a ray of hope that they will pass naturally.

Since it is a cosmic barrier that was opened only by using the formation method, it naturally means that the strength of the strong among them has definitely not reached the level of the supreme god of space.

As long as it's not that... the existence of the terrifying level, their hope of protecting the entire universe is not small.

"This is the one thing I'm looking for you all to come here, and the second thing!!"

And at this moment, the supreme god of fate spoke slowly.

As soon as his words came out, the expressions of all the supreme gods present were a little strange, because they knew what the second thing was.

Sure enough, with a wave of the old hand of the supreme god of fate, a phantom of a red panda appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

And this cub panda is naturally Qin Yan.

"Everyone may have also received news that this is the second infancy yin-yang chaos beast that appeared in the civilization of the Shadow God. From the bloodline analysis results, he is not only a brother of Mo Yu, but also the bloodline concentration has reached [-]%% of horror!"

This time, it was the supreme god of life who spoke up! Her eyes flickered slightly at Qin Yan in the picture.

The more than a thousand supreme gods present also nodded solemnly, these were the messages they received when Qin Yan first appeared.

However, among the crowd, there was a middle-aged man in a black robe with a strange expression. He was... the supreme god of shadows. Looking at the new message that Arthur had just sent him, he was a little afraid to make friends. out.

This piece of news was just handed to him by Arthur, and he was the only one on the scene who knew it, that is... the ruler of the virtual universe, the supreme god of fate, didn't know it yet.

"Shadow! You should know the information about this little yin-yang chaotic beast best, can you explain it to everyone!"

However, at this moment, the supreme god of life opened his mouth with a smile, still: the tangled shadow supreme god was startled, and he was a little helpless when he saw the eyes of his colleagues looking at him.

"I hope you don't get scared by waiting!"

Thinking to himself, he slowly stood up and nodded respectfully to the supreme god of life.

"Since that's the case, let me briefly introduce that this yin-yang chaotic beast cub's name is Qin Yan, and his talent is very powerful, and he can easily create some super geniuses that look down on the entire universe.

According to estimates, there are four levels of champions in the competition area of ​​the Civilization of the Shadow Gods created by His Royal Highness Qin Yan!"

The Shadow Supreme God spoke slowly, and as soon as his words came out, the expressions of the surrounding... Supreme God changed.

The information they received was the information when Qin Yan was just discovered, and there was very little recorded in it.

"Hey, arbitrarily creating a genius battle champion of the civilization of the gods, how can this be a shadow, are you out of your mind!"

After hearing the words of the Supreme God of Shadow, the Supreme God of Light, who has ten pairs of 10 huge divine wings, immediately sneered! .

Of course, these are all private matters, but now that he heard that the Shadow Supreme God was talking nonsense here, he immediately laughed.

"Emperor Yu, you don't know these things.... I can forgive you, but you can see if I'm bragging just by looking at this!"

Normally, the Supreme God of Shadow would definitely scold each other, and then the Dark and Light Elements would scold each other again, but this time it was different.

He glanced at the supreme god of light, Yudi, the supreme ruler of the feather clan, with incomparably mocking eyes! Immediately, he waved his hand to mobilize all the images in the virtual universe.

And the pictures that appeared in front of everyone's eyes suddenly made them stunned.

Jhin's power is the supreme god, Jhinhuo Emperor Lion can't believe it looking at that... Jhin's phantom who directly killed Zhao Wuji! Isn't that his dharma sign? "What a pure Jhinhuo Emperor Lion's bloodline! Old lion, This kid is your illegitimate child!"

The supreme god of wind, Baihu, looked at Lao Yan in the picture, and immediately said to the Golden Fire Emperor Lion with a mocking expression.

The Ember Fire Emperor Lion gave the white tiger a white look, and then looked at Lao Yan with a solemn gaze.

Lao Yan's bloodline concentration has even surpassed some of his own children. It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that this bloodline concentration is his own parent-child, but he seems to have no illegitimate children in the past few hundred billion years! However, it is not only him, When Qin Yan's younger brothers appeared, some of the other supreme gods were stunned.

"Fuck, this dangling hair is my Chaos Demon Ape clan who was actually slung by a dangling hammer. What's going on?"

The violent supreme god Chaos Demon Ape widened his eyes and looked at King Kong, who was rubbed against the ground by the big hair in the picture, and his face was filled with hatred.

He was so irritable that he even wanted to run to pull King Kong back to his Chaos Demon Star and temper it.

"This is the descendant of my son's Kong Xuan! Isn't it extinct and the five-color divine light has been awakened? What's going on!"

And Feng Zu, one of the Four Holy Beasts, looked at Lao Kong, who was defeated by Lao Yan of the Cinder Fire Emperor Lion clan, and frowned.

The opponent that Lao Kong encountered this time was too strong, and he still restrained his existence. You must know that her son Kong Xuan's most powerful five-color divine light can make all weapons and magic weapons useless.

If you encounter a strong human who can use weapons, that is... the combat power is stronger than Lao Yan, and you will eventually lose in front of Lao Kong.

After all, his Kong Xuan talent is many times stronger than hers, but if Kong Xuan wants to become the supreme god, he can only achieve the supreme god with the power of the five elements.

The power of the five elements has been controlled by the corresponding five supreme gods since ancient times.

Otherwise, if Kong Xuan becomes the supreme god, I am afraid that the combat power is only below the four ultimate supreme gods.

But what she was surprised was that there was a peacock family here. You must know that the peacock family was completely wiped out in the battle between the supreme gods of space.

Therefore, looking at Lao Kong now, her eyes are extremely tangled, as if she saw her son who had been dead for countless years.

"The kid actually has the pure blood of the Shenlong family, but it looks like a dragon. It seems that what the shadow said is absolutely true!" And Qinglong, the head of the four holy beasts, was looking at the big snake in the picture at this time. A wrinkle.

Even the eyes of the supreme god of fate were turned to Ghidorah.

Because, the supreme god of destiny is the master of destroying the supreme god, and Ghidorah, as the pet of destroying the supreme god, is naturally very familiar with him.

For countless years, he wanted to cultivate a supreme god of destruction again, but he still failed to do it. Now, after seeing Xiaoji, he actually had a slight hunch in his heart. .The next one to destroy the supreme god! Even the others....... Qin Yan's younger brother is no worse than Ghidorah's.

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