As the surrounding space distorted, Qin Yan's figure instantly appeared in the starry sky outside the earth.

And in front of him is Mu Lingshang.

"You still found out!!"

Mu Lingshang is not much surprised. After all, she can block any exploration, even... a supreme god with other attributes on the earth can't detect her movements, but she is the only one who can't block space. force.

After all, as the power of the supreme law, the mystery of the power of space may be said that no one other than...Mu Yuan can completely analyze it.

Not to mention a thorough analysis, that is... a little bit of analysis is difficult to do.


What are you doing when you don't sleep at night!"

Qin Yan scratched his head and asked Mu Lingshang curiously.

When Mu Lingshang heard Qin Yan's words, she smiled slightly.

"Let me tell you a story, maybe you'll know after listening to it!!"

Mu Lingshang looked at the cute Qin Yan for some reason, but she always felt a familiarity and kindness in her heart.

It was as if she had seen Qin Yan before.

Of course, she knew that this should be because Qin Yan also possessed the power of space laws.

But even if she knew this, she still had a good sense of Qin Yan.

"Story, what the national treasure likes most is... Listen to the story, come and come, let's talk slowly!!"

However, Qin Yan's small eyes lit up after hearing Mu Lingshang's opening, and excitedly took out the seat from his storage space and sat down, as if listening to a story.

Seeing Qin Yan's actions, Mu Lingshang's eyes flashed a hint of doting, and then she slowly sat opposite Qin Yan.

"This story starts from [-] years ago! According to one era, one trillion years is counted, that is, before [-] years!"

Mu Lingshang's green eyes slowly revealed traces of memories.

..............Three thousand epochs ago, Mu Lingshang had become the supreme god for a hundred thousand epochs.

But the universe, under the guardianship and management of the supreme god of destiny and the other three supreme gods, is already in order.

At the same time, the martial arts civilization and scientific and technological civilization of the universe have also achieved unprecedented development.

The virtual universe technology is already very mature, and at the same time, the number of supreme gods in the entire universe has reached a terrifying number of more than [-].

It can be said that the chaotic universe of the year was... the chaotic universe at its peak.

However, the turning point was... a day before the [-]th Era.

"On that day, I perfected the functions of the Life God Realm in my Life God Realm, but when I inspected the entire Life God Realm, I accidentally discovered that in my Life God Realm I didn't know When did a baby appear!!"

Mu Lingshang's red lips slightly opened and she spoke slowly, but Qin Yan was stunned when she heard this.

Isn't the God Realm of Life a small world built by the legendary supreme god with the power of all his laws? This kind of small world is different from the small world built by the king of the realm.

The small world built by the supreme gods is already a complete ecological system, in which there is time, space, and the power of all other laws. Of course, the small world with the world master only has the power of the laws that the world master understands. It can be said to be quite different.

The small world of the High God can even be called a small universe.

And the supreme god is the only god in this small universe. Anything that appears and destroys is blessed by his will.

It was absolutely impossible that a baby appeared out of thin air in the God Realm of Life, but Mu Lingshang didn't know that.

Unless, this baby is a being that transcends the supreme god and put it into the life god realm.

"In order to find out why this baby appeared in the God Realm of Life, I looked for the predecessors of the supreme god of destiny, and the other two supreme gods. Unfortunately, they did not see any difference in this baby."

Mu Lingshang's eyes flickered slightly, as if: recalling the events of the past.

“Zi Liu!!!”

Hearing this, Qin Yan was also a little excited and took a sip of the milk tea in his small paws.

"Because it appeared in the God Realm of my life, under the suggestion of the other three 3 ultimate supreme gods, this baby was raised by me, and I named it Muyuan!"

Mu Lingshang explained slowly.

Muyuan grew up healthily under the nurture of Mu Lingshang, and at the same time, under the education of Mu Lingshang, the supreme god of life, it can be said that the moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor developed in an all-round way.

In addition, she is extremely handsome and powerful, and it can be said that she was the object of secret love and pursuit by girls of all human races in the entire universe.

"Tens of thousands of years of getting along, plus tens of thousands of years of observation, at the beginning, I and the other three supreme gods all felt that Mu Yuan was the next leader of my chaotic universe, and also my hope of the chaotic universe. And when his strength broke through to the world master that year, he realized the powerful power of space!! Since then, his strength has skyrocketed wildly, and he even killed hundreds of immortal-level powerhouses at the realm of the world master. !"

Mu Lingshang said here and paused.

And Qin Yan was stunned after hearing this.

The super genius who understood the power of space before the [-]th Era! "Wait...!! Could this Muyuan you speak of is the supreme god of space!"

Qin Yan suddenly felt that the milk tea in his mouth became more fragrant, and the fire of gossip was raging.

The supreme god of space was also killed before the [-]th Era, and now Mu Yuan is also a super genius who understood the power of space before the [-]th Era.

Mu Lingshang sighed helplessly after hearing this.

"That's right, Mu Yuan, it's... the supreme god of space you're talking about!!"

:, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything ah ah ah!!!

Chapter [-]: Summoning, the supreme god of space! ! (two more)

"That's right, Mu Yuan, it's... the supreme god of space you're talking about!!"

Mu Lingshang spoke to Qin Yan calmly.

And Qin Yan's eyes widened immediately after hearing this! The news that the supreme god of space is the supreme god of life is a bit of a blast. If anyone knew about it, it would terrify all the powerhouses in the entire universe. .

"Huh! No, if you press: If you say that, isn't this so-called Mu Yuan a good student? Why is it still black!"

Qin Yan suddenly said to Mu Lingshang curiously.

And his words made Mu Lingshang silent.

"Mu Yuan started to kill and slaughtered after he became the supreme god.

After his strength reached the limit of the god-king level that year, his strength stopped improving.

In order to seek a breakthrough, he began to practice in dangerous places in the universe, until one time, he disappeared, and this disappearance was only [-] billion years.

And when he came back, he was already a powerful supreme god, and his temperament also changed greatly.

Directly issued an announcement asking all the supreme gods to obey him, and naturally none of the more than [-] supreme gods took him, who had just entered the realm of the supreme gods, in their eyes.

In the end, he launched the battle that year, and that battle directly killed more than a thousand supreme gods. If there is no beast god, that is, the ancestor of the yin and yang chaos beast, he may be the only one left in the entire universe. The supreme god."

Mu Lingshang spoke calmly, but her heart was extremely uneasy.

The only disciple that I had cultivated and grew up with, but eventually developed into this way, the taste in her heart as a master is naturally not something ordinary people can comprehend.

"After disappearing for [-] billion years and coming back, he has changed a person! What's the matter!"

Qin Yan was suddenly a little stunned, and curiously touched his chin, guessing any possibility that might appear.

However, even Mu Lingshang hadn't figured out what had happened for countless years, how could Qin Yan have guessed it in such a short period of time.

"Then what does your purpose of coming here have to do with Mu Yuan!"

Qin Yan suddenly asked curiously.

Could it be that the other party still wants to rely on the blood of the earthlings to revive Mu Yuan, but if you think about it carefully, it seems impossible! How powerful is Mu Yuan? Not clear.

It is almost impossible for such a strong person to revive it.

"This is naturally impossible. My strength is not strong enough to revive a supreme god who is stronger than me! However, using my strength to summon the other party's remnant soul will ask what happened that year. Start clear what can be done.”

Regarding Qin Yan's question, Mu Lingshang smiled and said slowly.

At the same time, her eyes were also looking not far away.

I saw that there was already a sphere of light gathered by the power of endless space, and in the sphere of light, the power of blood was flowing.

This ball of light is beating slightly in the starry sky like a heart.

And Mu Lingshang, who was looking at this light ball of space law, slowly stretched out her right hand, and her right hand stretched out directly into the void in front of her, and at the same time, a powerful breath burst out from his hand.

This endless breath is naturally the law of the origin of life.

In Qin Yan's curious eyes, the law of the origin of life instantly shrouded the light sphere of space law in front of him.

In the next instant, the power of the endless law began to rapidly penetrate into this space law light sphere.

"Life is reversed, soul is revived!!!"

And with Mu Lingshang's low voice, her whole body instantly burst into endless brilliance.

These beams of brilliance instantly enveloped the space of hundreds of billions of billions of light-years.

At the same time, the scope of the shroud is still: crazy expansion.

Soon, the entire civilization of the Shadow God was shrouded in the power of her law of life.

However, at this time, the scope of the brilliance of life is still expanding rapidly.

Soon, the second civilization of the gods was added to it.

Next is... the third, the fourth, the fifth!!! With the passage of time, hundreds of civilizations of the gods have been shrouded by the power of the origin of life law that erupted from Mu Lingshang. in.

"Life Extraction!!!"

However, in a quiet low voice, Mu Lingshang's little hand clenched slightly towards the void.

In an instant, the life force of countless living bodies within the range shrouded by the power of her life law began to be rapidly extracted.

Some powerhouses were horrified to find that their vitality suddenly changed greatly after being rapidly extracted.

Even the only Shadow Supreme God who did not go with the Supreme God of Fate and others to the place where the rift in the universe was about to appear felt that his own vitality was beginning to be absorbed crazily.

The Shadow Supreme God suddenly turned pale.

"Why did the supreme god of life attack me? I don't seem to have done anything."

He was horrified and hurriedly burst out the power of the law of his whole body to stop his life from flowing, but he still underestimated the supreme god as the four ultimate laws.

Although his resistance was useful, it only slowed down the rate at which his life was absorbed.

But fortunately, after one tenth and 10% of one's own vitality was drawn, that power would stop! Otherwise, the whole universe would be in chaos.

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