"What the hell happened!"

The Shadow Supreme God watched with lingering fears as his health turned into a streamer and flew towards the universe with a solemn expression on his face.

At this time, he also discovered that the vitality of almost all the life forms under his jurisdiction had been extracted by one-tenth and 10%.

And these forces are all converging towards the same place.

"Little Elf, what direction is that place!"

The Shadow Supreme God asked solemnly to his elf.

"Return to Your Majesty the Shadow, that direction is... the direction of the earth where His Royal Highness Qin Yan lives!!"

However, as soon as the elf's words came out, the complexion of the Supreme God of Shadow changed suddenly.

"It turned out to be there, but why is it there!!"

With a solemn gaze, he did not know why the supreme god of life appeared in the direction of the earth.


The endless power of life began to gather crazily in the void, and the power of life quickly poured into which space light sphere.

Qin Yan saw that the power of life around him could be said to be infinite.


With such a powerful life force, I really don’t know how many people’s life force this Mu Lingshang has absorbed! I’m afraid it has drained the civilization of several gods!”

Qin Yan was a little horrified and said that it was too terrifying. As Qin Yan who had just realized the power of life, he had the most intuitive view on such a terrifying vitality.

You must know that the entire galaxy at this time has been filled with life force that is so dense that it is almost liquefied.

Such a large handwriting means that there is a slight possibility that the supreme god of space will be resurrected.

Of course, unless Mu Lingshang has the ability to revive other people, it is still impossible.

"Boom boom!!!"

However, at this moment, a heartbeat after another suddenly came from the space light sphere.

What surprised Qin Yan was that with the sound of his heartbeat, the speed at which the energy of life around him was absorbed instantly skyrocketed countless times.

The original force of life that gathered crazily could not resist the absorption speed of this space light sphere.

“Boom! Boom!!!1”

At the same time, the sound similar to a heartbeat became more and more obvious and clearer.

Qin Yan suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart, this is the supreme god of space, if there is any backhand, if he accidentally resurrects the other party, his [-] pounds of red panda will explain it. here it is.

"I hope this Mu Lingshang doesn't play with fire by himself!!" Qin Yan, who swallowed, couldn't help but glance at Mu Lingshang beside him.

At this time, Mu Lingshang still looked calm, but Qin Yan saw a trace of solemnity on the other's face.

Obviously, the other party is also extremely nervous about what he will do next.

After all, the remnant she summoned was a maddened super-strong man who almost destroyed the entire universe with his own power.


However, at this moment, a wave of soul fluctuations suddenly came from the endless void at this time.

The intensity of this trace of soul fluctuation is very strong, that is... Qin Yan can clearly feel it.

Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up after feeling this trace of soul fluctuation.


Appeared, appeared, the soul of the legendary god of space!!"

Qin Yan looked at the scene in front of him with a little excitement.

After all, humans on earth are creatures created using the blood of the supreme gods of space.

Therefore, in other words, the supreme gods of space can be regarded as the ancestors of human beings on earth.

And Qin Yan's previous life was also a human. Although he didn't know if his previous world was the same as the human ancestor of this world, Qin Yan was still looking forward to seeing the first powerhouse in this universe from its creation to the present! Of course, the ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast was just... one, not something he cultivated himself.


However, at this moment, an endless sigh instantly spread throughout the entire starry sky.

This sigh caused Mu Lingshang's hole to shrink violently in an instant.

Chapter [-]: Qin Yan?Your name is Qin Yan?What the hell! ! ! (three more)

This sudden sigh made Qin Yan jump in shock.


Are these people so surprised when they speak? They scared the national treasure to death!"

The speechless Qin Yan thought in his heart.

"Master, we meet again!"

At this moment, a hearty voice came from the front in an instant, and then I saw that the power of space that was originally suspended in the void began to shake crazily.

At the same time, after combining the power of the surrounding blood, a figure slowly emerged in the void.

This figure was condensing at an extremely terrifying speed, and finally when the figure was completely condensed, a young man with sword-brow and star-eyed eyes appeared in front of Qin Yan.

But the appearance of this young man made Qin Yan suddenly stunned.

"This guy's decent protagonist looks like... that... the supreme god of space who almost destroyed the entire universe back then!"

Qin Yan complained a little, thinking that this kid is about to look more handsome than before his rebirth.

"Hey! By the way, I seem to have forgotten what the national treasure looked like before it was reborn for a few months!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan scratched his head with a confused look on his face.

But then he put this matter behind his head, anyway... Now he makes a living by being cute, no matter what he looked like before, "I'm not your master, so you won't be allowed to use this title in the future. I!!"

However, Mu Lingshang on the side spoke coldly.

Seeing this young man in front of her, her heart was filled with endless regrets, why did she not take good care of him in the first place and let him disappear for [-] billion years.

She knew that it was the three hundred years of disappearing time that completely changed the young man's heart.

"Since Shizun doesn't like to hear it, then I won't call it!!"

Mu Yuan smiled slightly, and then said slowly, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Qin Yan beside Mu Lingshang.

In an instant he laughed.

"The giant panda didn't expect that the creature that killed me back then would be a giant panda. This memory seal is really powerful! It won't be unlocked until I die!"

However, at this moment, Mu Yuan spoke slowly, and his words were filled with endless reminiscences and a trace of vigilance.

At the same time, his eyes narrowed slightly after looking at the earth on the side.

But then it returned to calm, as if the earth had never been seen before.

And as soon as his words came out, this time it was Qin Yan's turn to be stunned.

"Damn the panda, how does this kid know the memory seal of this term? Could it be that he is a legendary traveler!"

Qin Yan's heart was suddenly stunned. The term giant panda is definitely a name that only exists on earth and even in modern times. In the big universe, there is only one name for pandas, and that is the legendary The Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

In ancient times on earth, there were also many names for giant pandas, such as iron-eating beasts.

However, this Mu Yuan in front of him actually knows the term giant panda, which is simply... incredible.

"This... pretty boy, you are also from Earth!"

Qin Yan asked Mu Yuan curiously.

A pair of big eyes stared at Mu Yuan.

But Mu Yuan laughed after hearing this.

"These... are no longer important. As a giant panda, you may have the potential to reach the strength of the... existence that killed me back then. If you want to know things then You can come and find me directly!"

Mu Yuan said to Qin Yan with a smile, and his meaning is naturally self-evident, that is... let Qin Yan revive himself at that time.

Immediately, his eyes turned directly to Mu Lingshang beside him.

"I don't know what the supreme god of life called me out this time!"

He respectfully said to Mu Lingshang that he did not have the domineering arrogance he used to fight the entire universe by himself.

And Mu Lingshang's eyes flickered slightly. You must know that in the first battle of the year, he was the weakest among the four ultimate supreme gods, but even after the war ended, he did not suffer much damage.

Of course she knew the reason.

"I want to know everything about that year! Why did you do those things!!"

Mu Lingshang took a deep breath and finally spoke slowly.

As soon as her words came out, Mu Yuan's body froze.

He knew that when Mu Lingshang asked himself this question, he naturally believed that what he had done back then had definitely had some difficulties.

However, did he really have difficulties? Or was he really forced by some people? After thinking of the scenes he saw in those [-] billion years, his eyes suddenly became: extremely firm.

Immediately, he turned his gaze towards Mu Lingshang in front of him.

"All this! It's no different from what you see, I want to kill those... The supreme gods are naturally out of my own thoughts, if you give me another chance, even if I know I will, The choice remains the same!"

Mu Yuan spoke calmly.

And this time, as soon as his words came out, Mu Lingshang's moment became: she became cold and there was endless regret in her eyes, but what she regretted once was why she wanted to summon Mu Yuan to put what was in her heart. The last fantasies held are direct destruction.

"Sure enough, I was wrong. I shouldn't have raised you back then."

Mu Lingshang's trembling voice spoke to Mu Yuan.

This sentence is exactly like what a mother would say when she sees her unfilial son.

Mu Yuan's body trembled slightly after hearing this.

"Maybe it's what you said, I shouldn't have grown up in this world!!"

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