Mu Yuan's hole shrank slightly, and then he still smiled heartily.

But Qin Yan, who also comprehended the power of space, clearly felt the violent fluctuation of the space law in Mu Yuan's body.

It also shows that this kid is not so calm on the surface.

"By the way, since it's all out, I don't know if that place is about to open!"

Suddenly, Mu Yuan's words turned and he raised his head to look into the endless starry sky.

His eyes seemed to have traveled through endless dimensions and reached an unknown place.

However, this look made his face darken.

"Impossible, it shouldn't, it shouldn't be opened so early, at least three trillion years away! What's going on?"

Then he murmured in surprise.

Immediately, he frowned and looked at Mu Lingshang solemnly.

"After I die, do other space law comprehens appear!"

Mu Yuan spoke to Mu Lingshang in a heavy tone.

As for his words, Mu Lingshang, who didn't need to answer him, was slightly taken aback, but he still answered the other party immediately.

"Since you died, there have been seven powerhouses in the universe who understood the power of space, but each of these powerhouses was killed without transforming the power of space into the laws of space.

You need to know these...what are you planning to do!"

Mu Lingshang spoke to Mu Yuan in a solemn tone.

After Mu Yuan heard this, his brows furrowed.

"It's impossible to kill all of them, there are definitely omissions, and this omission person will definitely successfully transform the power of space into the laws of space within a month! Check it out, there are definitely omissions!! Or just... .The number of supreme gods in the chaotic universe now exceeds [-]!"

Mu Yuan suddenly spoke to Mu Lingshang in a solemn tone, and his words made Qin Yan speechless.

"The person I'm talking about isn't me, right? The National Treasure will successfully transform the power of space into the laws of space within a month! Is it possible? Well, the current power of space for the National Treasure seems to be far behind. !"

Of course, what he wanted to know more was what Mu Yuan meant when he said this.

"What are you trying to say! I know the person you said... who understands the power of space, but he will never do any harm to the universe like you!"

Mu Lingshang's brows were slightly wrinkled, and at the same time, terrifying power of the source of life law burst out from her body instantly, shrouding Qin Yan and herself in it, for fear that the other party would directly attack Qin Yan.

And her obvious action was instantly noticed by Mu Yuan.

His eyes looked directly at Qin Yan, and his hole shrank violently in an instant.

Sure enough, from Qin Yan's body, he felt the power of space elements that was abundant and condensed to the extreme. The power of space was definitely a quality that he could only possess when he was at his peak before he had not transformed the power of space into the laws of space.

"I didn't expect it to be you!!!"

Mu Yuan's hole shrank violently, and his eyes suddenly turned to Qin Yan: very tangled.

With his own strength, even if Qin Yan is absolutely impossible, he is only a remnant soul, and the strength that bursts out is only at the level of an ordinary god king.

But he is facing the supreme god of life.

Of course, at the same time, he didn't want to do anything to Qin Yan either.

As for letting the supreme god of life do it himself, it is absolutely impossible. The existence who killed him at the beginning would never allow his clan to be killed.

It can be seen from the degree of understatement when the opponent killed him back then.

"What the hell are you going to say and what do you mean in a month! Could it be that the universe crack is your fault!"

Mu Lingshang sneered at Mu Yuan with a cold and stern gaze.

Her tone made Mu Yuan feel helpless.

It seems that in the end, nothing can be saved.

"It seems that the old god of destiny has already figured out something, but unfortunately, he can only calculate some superficial things!!"

Mu Yuan shook his head helplessly.

And his words made Mu Lingshang frown.


Suddenly his whole body began to tremble violently, and then he slowly raised his hands, and found that his hands began to become: blurred.

"The time has come so soon! Master, your skill has declined!!"

Mu Yuan said helplessly.

Hearing his complaints, Mu Lingshang frowned.

And when she wanted to speak, Mu Yuan spoke again.

"Little panda, since you have already understood the power of space law, when your strength reaches the immortality level, go to the void dimension when you have time, maybe you will know why I did this in the first place.

Also, what's your name!"

Mu Yuan ignored Mu Lingshang and spoke slowly to Qin Yan.

But the void dimension in his mouth made Mu Lingshang's hole shrink slightly, because she had never heard the name of this place.

And listening to Mu Yuan's meaning, he was... trapped in the void dimension for [-] billion years! Qin Yan was also slightly taken aback after listening to the other party's words.

Since he didn't know why he had a hunch, this Mu Yuan didn't have any ill will towards him or even looked right, how could he feel like the eyes he had when the children in the giant panda breeding base saw him, "Is it again? He is a handsome boy who covets the beauty of a national treasure!"

Qin Yan was even more certain in his heart at this time. Nine times out of ten, this kid is really... a person who has passed through the earth. At the same time, it seems that the other party's memory has been sealed, and the seal is only released after death.

It would be interesting if this were true.

However, since the other party is already dead, Qin Yan naturally doesn't care much... After all, if the dead want to be resurrected, only himself and the ancestors of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts can do it.

By the time he can revive the opponent, his strength will already be a few blocks away from the opponent.

Moreover, the other party is the supreme god who took hundreds of billions of years to fight, and the self who has the system, I am afraid that it can be done in decades or even years.

Thinking of this, he didn't have much fear.

At this time, looking at Mu Yuan's increasingly illusory body, Qin Yan immediately spoke up! "Is it a national treasure?

Just call me Qin Yan!"

Qin Yan said his name indifferently.

However, as soon as his words came out, the opposite Mu Yuan suddenly widened his eyes.

"Qin Yan, your name is Qin Yan, !!!"

With a sound of international use, Mu Yuan instantly transformed into the power of the laws of life, the power of space, and the power of blood, and disappeared into the void.

Qin Yan was immediately stunned.

Because what Mu Yuan said just now seems to be in Chinese! "Fuck, is it really a transmigrator!"

................................: Don't think too much, the other party is not a traverser, in this book there is only one traverser, the protagonist, and only one protagonist People have golden fingers! There will be explanations later!!

Chapter [-]: Improve blood control! ! (four more)

"Fuck, is it really a transmigrator!"

At this time, Qin Yan looked at Mu Yuan, who had disappeared into the void, with a dazed expression, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

This Mu Yuan, from the very beginning, had an unfathomable appearance, and looked extremely pretentious.

But after talking about it, Qin Yan concluded that this fellow didn't seem to say anything.

Of course, the only thing that is useful is... about the one he said after he just said... Roshizi's cosmic crack, I think it is related to the power of the law of space that he is about to comprehend.

But, I don't know what this thing is.

"You are Mu Yuan's master, do you know what the crack in the universe he just mentioned is!"

Qin Yan curiously asked Mu Lingshang who was beside him.

And Mu Lingshang was still staring at the place where Mu Yuan disappeared just now.

After hearing Qin Yan's words, he came back to his senses in a panic.

"The rift in the universe, as the name suggests, is... the universe has cracked a gap for some reason, and we are not very clear about the reason for the crack, but, according to the senior god of destiny, the universe will be in one month. Then a crack will open and then the catastrophe of the whole universe will begin.

According to our guess, there may be an extraterritorial powerhouse on the opposite side who forcibly opened the space barrier of the chaotic universe.

If I let them in, the entire universe would be in danger! Therefore, I summoned Mu Yuan's remnant soul to ask him if he knew about it.

Now it can be confirmed that he does know that a crack in the universe is about to appear, and even the appearance of this crack has something to do with him."

Mu Lingshang slowly looked at Qin Yan and said calmly, from Mu Yuan's tone, she guessed that the space crack appeared this time and Qin Yan realized that the power of space law is all light, and at the same time she also It felt that although Mu Yuan knew about this matter, even the other party didn't seem to want the space crack to open.

Thinking of this, her brows were slightly furrowed, and if she thought about it this time, after the crack in the space opened, there would be an existence that even a powerhouse like Mu Yuan was terrified. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt in her heart.


Cosmic cracks are... the universe is cracked. Your explanation is quite clear!"

Qin Yan touched his head and said helplessly.

Isn't that the same as not saying it? But then again, what happened this time is... no matter how troublesome it is, it doesn't seem to matter much to him.

Anyway, my current strength is definitely useless in a battle that even the highest gods are afraid of, so why are you still here to put a block on your heart? "The sky is falling, and there is a tall person on it, as long as the national treasure is well mixed. Just eat and die! It's a big deal and Mo Yu goes back to the residence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan, I still don't believe it, even the ancestors of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan can't do anything about this big event."

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly lacked interest. After all, his own strength could not participate in such a battle, so he might as well go back and eat, sleep, sleep, eat, and improve his strength when he was idle.

After thinking of this, Qin Yan couldn't help but hit a Hache.

"It's so late, I'll go back to bed first, if there's anything else, I'll talk about it tomorrow!!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yan ignored the wooden Lingshang in front of him, but just stepped directly under his feet, and disappeared directly in place with the fluctuation of the surrounding space.

Looking at Qin Yanmu Lingshang who disappeared, her eyes flashed slightly and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The purpose of her coming to earth this time has ended, but she did not leave directly, but stepped a little, and returned to the giant panda breeding base with Qin Yan.

................. Time flies so fast, three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

During the past few days, Qin Yan and his younger brother have been eating, sleeping, sleeping and eating.

He didn't take the battle three days later in his eyes at all. Of course, this was just an appearance. Qin Yan took all his younger brothers to the depths of the endless void after these days and nights.

In the endless void, how many layers may only be known by Mu Yuan back then.

Even the most powerful supreme god destroying the supreme god can only break through the eighteenth layer of the void when he was the most powerful.

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