However, when he faced the supreme god of space, he had no room to fight back.

From this, it can be seen that there are at least twenty layers in the endless void.

And when a martial artist's strength reaches the level of immortality, in addition to... realm to divide his strength, there is another way to divide his strength, that is to see him break through the layers of the endless void.

After all, the strength of the realm does not necessarily represent a person's strength. Some people are only at the level of immortality, but their combat power is that they can fight against the level of immortality.

At the same time, there are some powerhouses with the limit of immortality, and even the combat power is not as good as the ordinary immortality level seven or eight, star.

Therefore, the endless void that can break through several layers has been included in a new combat power division standard.

From the previous introduction, we know that to open the first floor of the Endless Void, you need to reach the eighth level of combat power.

But if you want to break through the second layer of endless void, you need a real world master level.

If you want to break through the weakest of the third layer, you need to go to the immortality level.

The immortal level is the space that can be broken through more than five layers.

As for the supreme gods, the weakest one can break through the endless void of ten layers and ten.

According to this statement, the entire universe is like a huge egg, and this egg has an egg shell with an unknown number of layers.

Only when you break all the eggshells can you get out of this huge egg.

Moreover, these....the more the eggshells face outward, the more...the more terrifying it is.

At the same time, there are endless spatial turbulence among the layers of eggshells, these...... The power of spatial turbulence is also different, only when you have enough strength Only when the corresponding spatial layers are broken can you have the strength to resist the spatial turbulence emanating from it.

However, the intensity span of the turbulent void between the first layer of endless void and the second layer of endless void is from the full-strength strike of the eighth-level warrior directly to the full-strength strike of the domain master-level powerhouse.

And Qin Yan brought his little brother here in order to mobilize these....Void turbulence to attack them.

At the same time, every one of them was infused with a terrifying force of life by Qin Yan.

The power of life is extremely powerful, Qin Yan predicts that his power of life seems to have reached the original level just like his power of yin and yang.

In other words, the quality is terrifying, and the strength far exceeds the other three ultimate elements of the same level.

If you transform the life elements in your body into the power of the law, as long as your strength reaches the standard, then your realm can directly reach the level of a supreme god.

Become the second supreme god of life that could not exist in the universe.

And thinking of this, Qin Yan also had a deeper impression of the strength of those strong in the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan.

Perhaps, in the yin and yang chaos beast family, there is more than one existence that is powerful to the level of the supreme god.

However, the most powerful is the patriarch, and almost no one from the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan will go out and do it. Therefore, their strength is only in speculation.

Closer to home, Qin Yan used the power of life to break into his younger brothers to ensure that they would never be bombed to death by these... terrifying turbulent voids.

At the same time, because of the power of life, their injuries will recover at an extremely terrifying speed, and their bodies will gradually be strengthened in every destruction and rebirth.

This kind of strengthening is not the strengthening above the realm, but the strengthening from the bloodline itself.

Although all of Qin Yan's younger brothers have been strengthened by Qin Yan to the level of atavism, they have basically not developed it.

The reason why they can crush all the powerhouses in the entire civilization of the Shadow God is also very simple. Among all the contestants in the civilization of the Shadow God, there is absolutely no direct descendant of the supreme god.

Even if there are some descendants of the supreme gods, because the bloodline concentration is too low, the bonus to combat power is far less than that of Lao Yan.

According to Qin Yan's prediction, Lao Yan and the others' bloodlines have been developed by Qin Yan to more than [-]%%.

This bloodline concentration is...those...... the direct descendants of the supreme gods are few people can reach.

Therefore, just the bloodline is enough to make all of them invincible in the same realm.

Even in the face of the entire universe's battle, there are not many people of the same level who are their opponents.

And this is just the first blessing that Qin Yan gave them, and the second blessing is... an epic-level martial arts technique that has been cultivated to the limit.

You must know that almost all the descendants of the supreme gods have epic-level martial arts skills, which is no big deal, but these.... Even most of the comprehension of the exercises is just proficiency.

If you haven't even mastered it, let alone cultivate to the limit.

Blood, plus martial arts and martial arts, plus Qin Yan's matching epic weapon.

After all this is calculated, all of Qin Yan's younger brothers can easily kill by leaps and bounds.

But all of this is just the result that they haven't fully comprehended their own bloodlines.

According to Qin Yan's expectation, it would be very simple if they doubled their combat power after developing their bloodline at this time.

This development does not mean to increase the bloodline concentration, but to burst out all the explosive power of this bloodline concentration.

Therefore, Qin Yan thought of making their bloodlines and fleshly bodies more and more compatible through repeated destruction and rebirth.

In the end, although it is impossible to develop all of his bloodlines, he can definitely increase his strength.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Therefore, countless turbulent voids in the endless void of the entire first floor began to bombard Qin Yan's body....... The whole body of the younger brother was bombarded frantically, and at the same time, the emerald green rays of light appeared in the They quickly recovered their physical bodies, while Qin Yan was lying on a chair watching his.... little brother's movements.

As for himself, with the help of the system, Qin Yan's bloodline power is completely under his own control.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Yan's combat power is so terrifying.

Not only is the bloodline strong, but even the degree of control over the bloodline cannot be compared by ordinary people.

Qin Yan predicts that although the strength of his bloodline is far inferior to that of the ancestors of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan, coupled with the degree of control over the bloodline, the fighting strength between the two is definitely a lot closer. Coupled with a series of factors such as martial arts skills, Qin Yan at this time might not necessarily lose if he faced a beast god of the same level.


Miss, how long would it take for them to completely control their own blood at the current speed!"

Qin Yan drank milk tea and said slowly to Mu Lingshang, who was watching Qin Yan's younger brother being abused by Qin Yan.

This method is actually what Mu Lingshang told Qin Yan.

Because there are many descendants of the mythical beasts who use this method to give themselves more control over their bloodlines.

It's just that they couldn't find a plug-in like Qin Yan who realized the power of life.

, you must know, those ...... descendants of divine beasts, if they recover with their own strength, the time to recover from a serious injury is at least tens of thousands of years. If the realm is stronger, it may even take tens of millions of years. , it takes hundreds of millions of years to fully recover.

And now, with Qin Yan's life force, they are frantically repairing their bodies, and every one of them has experienced at least ten million times from serious injury to recovery in one day.

Of course, those ...... descendants of divine beasts can also use some auxiliary methods such as elixirs, but if they use elixirs, erysipelas will be produced, unless the elixirs they take every time are Above the extraordinary level, only in this way can the erysipelas be completely eliminated.

However, even if it is a descendant of a divine beast, it is very troublesome to obtain the same level of elixir above the extraordinary level.

Therefore, a bloodline condensing will cost at least the savings of the descendants of these mythical beasts from small to large.

Moreover, the number of serious injuries to recover will never exceed [-] times! That is to say, the bloodline improvement that Qin Yan's younger brother encountered in one day is enough to be comparable to the bloodline improvement experienced by some divine beasts in a lifetime. Under such a terrifying accumulation, it is foreseeable that they have directly increased their control over their bloodline several times in three days.

The most powerful one, Lao Yan, has even raised his bloodline control from [-]% to the current level of [-]%.

Unfortunately, this is still far from Qin Yan's expectations.

"It is absolutely impossible to use this method to completely control one's own bloodline. Now, all they can do is to learn more about their own bloodline as much as possible. I estimate that they control [-]% of their bloodline. This method will be ineffective!!”

However, as soon as Mu Lingshang's words came out, Qin Yan felt a little helpless.

"Achieving five achievements is invalid! It seems that we still need to find other ways to abuse... no, exercise them!!"

Qin Yan said seriously.

If Lao Yan and a group of people happened to hear Qin Yan's words that he almost missed, they would all doubt whether Qin Yan was really just being abused by himself and others.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you have a message!!"

However, at this moment, the voice of the elf reached Qin Yan's mind.

Qin Yan curiously opened the message and was stunned for a moment.

"Is it time so soon?"

Chapter [-]: Cards!Shadow Supreme God is a bodyguard in secret! ! (one more)

"Is it time so soon?"

Qin Yan scratched his head suspiciously after hearing the words of the elf.

"Since you can only control [-]% of the bloodline at most, then it will be forgotten for the time being!!!"

Qin Yan said helplessly.

Now the most powerful ones can use [-]% of their bloodline power. It seems that if they want to gain [-]% of their bloodline control, it will take at least a few months. With this time, Qin Yan can improve their bloodline by several degrees. .

"If that's the case, let's go to the competition first! Now it's very easy for their strength to get the first place in the same division!!"

After Qin Yan thought of this, he waved his small claw directly into the endless void, and in an instant, an invisible wave directly enveloped the surrounding space of hundreds of thousands of light years. The endless space turbulence shrouded around the little brothers disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Qin Yan's actions, Mu Lingshang seemed to think of Mu Yuan's terrifying strength back then.

You must know that there was a saying in the group of more than [-] supreme gods that you must not teleport into the endless void in front of the supreme god of space.

Because, as long as you go in, you will find that the turbulent void that was originally riotous but still regular will become extremely crazy at that moment, and any existence that enters it will be bombarded and killed in a very short time.

And now, on Qin Yan's body, she seemed to see signs of that legend reappearing.

It's too scary for others to be able to manipulate space.

If you can beat it, you can't catch up, and if you can't beat it, you can't even run.

"Brother, what's wrong!! I feel like I have to control [-]% of my blood."

After the turbulent flow in the surrounding space slowly subsided, Qin Yan's group of younger brothers suddenly flew towards Qin Yan's direction curiously, and Mo Yu, who was headed by him, asked Qin Yan curiously.

After becoming Qin Yan's younger brother, Qin Yan was not stingy at all, and directly raised Mo Yu's bloodline concentration to a terrifying [-]%%.

Of course, even if it is only [-]%%, this bloodline concentration far exceeds the bloodline of all the supreme divine beasts in the entire universe.

At the same time, because his bloodline has long been awakened, his control over his bloodline is far more than Qin Yan's other younger brothers.


You are still far away from [-]% control, and it's been three days, you don't know!"

: Qin Yan rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

As soon as his words came out, Mo Yu immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

So soon... it's been three days! The days go by so fast.


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