"Your Majesty, you have something to do with us!"

"I have seen the king!!!"

........And as time went by, Qin Yan's younger brothers also came to Qin Yan's face quickly.

"Let's go, the final of the genius battle is about to begin. This time, our goal is to win the championship of the entire universe! Take as many as you can, but don't give me slack!!"

Qin Yan put his claws on his hips and said solemnly to his group of younger brothers.

You must know that this time, he has a system task, if he completes all of them, Qin Yan expects that he will receive a lot of rewards.

Thinking of the possible reward, the corner of Qin Yan's mouth couldn't help but rise.

"I know the king!!!"

"Follow your orders, Your Majesty!!"

"The number one world leader is handed over to my big brother!!"

................................. With Qin Yan's words, all his younger brothers expressed their attitude towards Qin Yan excitedly, they knew that After this time their fame will be spread throughout the universe forever.

Therefore, they absolutely do not allow this time to embarrass themselves.

After thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

"Very good, remember what you said now, let's go, that... Arthur of Roshzi seems to be waiting for us outside, and they will be impatient if they don't go out!"

Qin Yan smiled and then with a wave of his little claw, he took all his younger brothers and Mu Lingshang and disappeared into this endless void!  … .....And at this time, a ship outside the solar system is only a few million kilometers in length, which is definitely very rare in a spacecraft that is at least above the cosmic level.

It's too small for the size of this spaceship.

But it is different from different spaceships! There are countless mysterious laws engraved on the metal shell of this spaceship.

That's right... the power of the law.

The extraordinary level that can burn the power of law is at least above the immortality level.

And the horror of the number of laws recorded by this spaceship is definitely not something that an immortal-level spaceship can have.

It is definitely a god-king level above the immortal level! The owner of this spaceship is the god-king Arthur.

At this time, he was standing respectfully in the control room! At the same time, beside him was a middle-aged man in a black robe, and he was the supreme god of shadows! The supreme god of shadows was watching Staring at the azure blue planet not far away.

"Is this the earth that gave birth to two yin and yang chaos beasts? It's still an ancient planet at the cosmic level!!"

He touched his chin and looked at the earth curiously.

The number of cosmos-level ancient planets in the entire Shadow God civilization is definitely not large, but it is definitely not too many. The total number does not exceed [-], and each of them is in the record.

He didn't expect that the earth in front of him actually didn't know that he was a little surprised when he thought of this place.

But after reading the information he had read from the surrounding civilizations.... Civilizations, he knew that this planet seemed to be just an ordinary impenetrable planet before. I didn't expect it to be remodeled in a few months.

"Could it be the handwriting of His Majesty the Beast God? If this is the case, then it seems that Qin Yan and Mo Yu are definitely very important in His Majesty's eyes."

In the mind of the Shadow Supreme God, there are random guesses.

However, he knew that his only mission this time was to protect the safety of Qin Yan and Mo Yu, and he must not let the two suffer any harm in the next competition.

After all, the finals of the Cosmic Genius Battle actually means that a lot of players will die in this battle, and this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed. In a supreme god, it is not even a fight for children, and it is easy to prevent them from being hurt in battle.

But for some unknown reason, before he came here, he had already sent the news of their upcoming pick-up to Qin Yan and his group, but now no one has come to pick them up for more than half an hour.

However, as a supreme god, the shadow supreme god does not feel the difference between .. a few hours and a moment, so he is not in a hurry.

Arthur, who was on the side, just stood respectfully beside the Supreme God of Shadow and stood silently.

Even the Shadow Supreme God is not in a hurry, and he is even less in a hurry.

It's a pity that the Xeons in these two universes didn't speak, but some of the players couldn't sit still.

"It's been a long time and it hasn't come out. It's even if the people are not gathering at the corresponding meeting point. It's so arrogant to make Lord Arthur wait for so long!"

I saw a fat boy like a world leader and a ball-like boy, shouting loudly.

And as soon as his words came out, the players around who passed the second round were all angry.

"Yeah, it's been three days. Don't waste everyone's time if you don't gather at the meeting point. I didn't expect that His Majesty God King Arthur would come to pick them up and be late!"

"Humph! In my opinion, this kind of player who doesn't even respect the competition will be eliminated directly. After going to the Chaos Galaxy, he will die!"

"That's right!!!"

........ Countless players have had some complaints before! Because God King Arthur this time went to the other [-] billion first. Only after the members took over one by one did they find that Qin Yan and the others did not gather at the dozens of meeting points he explained.

So I decided to come to Earth to pick up Qin Yan and his party.

After all, [-] billion players, if all of them are picked up one by one, it will definitely consume a lot of time in the end.

Of course, not going to the meeting point is not because Qin Yan and others are playing big cards, but the original God King Arthur never told Qin Yan and Mo Yu about the meeting point.

So Qin Yan thought that Arthur came to pick them up directly.

At the same time, because he knew that Lao Yan and his group were Qin Yan's younger brothers, Arthur did not send the message again.

Of course, even if Arthur informed Qin Yan that Qin Yan would not go, he would eventually come to pick up Qin Yan and others.

Besides, this time it was his fault.


Just as the [-] billion players in the player activity area were complaining, with a wave of space fluctuations, more than a dozen figures instantly appeared in the spaceship.


However, at this moment, something puzzling happened, because the spaceship was only one million kilometers in length. Therefore, Qin Yan's younger brother and a group of people immediately filled the entire spaceship as soon as they came in.

You must know that the other... star beasts, star beasts are tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of times larger than Ghidorah and the others, but they all use their own size. It descended to a height of only ten meters at most. However, Lao Yan, who didn't know it, filled the spaceship just as soon as they arrived on the spaceship.

"Grass, where did these few come from, hurry up and shrink, or I'll do it!"

"I'm going, I just seemed to see a weak little brother being squeezed to death!"

"Where are the people who don't know that this spaceship is small!"

........ Hundreds of millions of players who were pushed to the wall one by one in an instant scolded furiously.

But I really don’t dare to do it. After all, this is the spaceship of God King Arthur. Whoever dares to do it is an existence that dares to kill even the biological children of the supreme gods!” Burning the butt of the national treasure, hurry up and get smaller!!”

Qin Yan, who was squeezed to the corner, muttered to his younger brother speechlessly.

After hearing the complaints from the surroundings and Qin Yan's rants, the little brothers who were divided into huge volumes quickly shrank their bodies in embarrassment.

However, after shrinking this time, the scene in front of them made them all stare at each other.

You must know that there are players below the fifth or sixth level on this arena. How can players of this level withstand the huge tonnage of the little brother.

This squeeze directly killed hundreds of millions of low-rank players.

After seeing that he was in trouble, Qin Yan's younger brothers all shrank their necks and looked at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was also stunned.


This has killed hundreds of millions of people before going out, ah, this unlucky Arthur doesn't know how to get a bigger spaceship!!"

Qin Yan looked at the blood all over the ground and touched his head speechlessly.

Among them, there are even champions of the second, third, fourth and fifth tiers. This is the hope of the civilization of the Shadow God. This has killed them all. Qin Yan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"How dare you kill so many contestants!!!" However, at this moment, a violent shout came from the crowd.

I saw a chubby young man walking towards Qin Yan and the others with a group of supporters with dark faces.

And the chubby young man at the head is actually a powerful world leader, that is, a person in the world leader arena.

This guy was the first to scold Qin Yan and others for being unpunctual just now.

He is... the second place in the world master class, the most powerful young generation in the world master class of the civilization of the Shadow God originally recognized by everyone is named Mo Yun.

His strength is so powerful that he can even fight with ordinary immortal-level powerhouses.

Unfortunately, Mo Yu's appearance caused him to be directly abused.

The corner of Mo Yun's mouth rose slightly after seeing Mo Yu in Qin Yan's group.

Just now, he provoked Qin Yan and others to be late because he saw that Mo Yu was not there, he guessed that Mo Yu was among those who were late.

And his purpose is obvious, that is to prepare to stir up trouble and let Mo Yu be eliminated directly or even be punished by high-level officials.

Now that Qin Yan and the others actually killed hundreds of millions of players, he laughed wildly in his heart.

If you arrive late, you will be eliminated at most. However, in front of His Majesty God King Arthur, killing hundreds of millions of players is definitely a dead end.

Of course, there was a reason why he was so angry with Mo Yu.

"That's right, you are so maddened, and you are so murderous to the younger generation in the civilization of my Shadow God!"

"Damn it, the arrogant son of the civilization of the Shadow God did not die on the battlefield, but... he was murdered by a few of you, it is simply unbearable... forgive me!"

"Also ask God King Arthur to come forward and punish the people in front of you!!"

"Yes, we must avenge the brothers who died!"

"King Arthur, please come forward!!!"

...................... The remaining hundreds of millions of players are all in the field The most powerful group, and these people were all furious and looked at Qin Yan and the others with cold eyes.

Of course, although some of these people are really angry, most of them are for other reasons, some just want to lick Mo Yun, after all, the other party is a direct disciple of a god king! I was pressed and squeezed, so I was angry in my heart.

Others are not too big to watch the fun! ...... And at this time in the control room watching the scene in the picture, the shadow of the supreme god and the king of Arthur All were speechless.

This Qin Yan killed so many players as soon as he appeared, he was really a master who likes to cause trouble.

Of course, because Qin Yan and others didn't do it on purpose, and in principle, this matter is still God King Arthur's fault, so the two of them don't have much burden.

"Arthur, go and solve it. Remember, you can't let: Qin Yan and the others be wronged. Of course, you can't let others have something to say, otherwise His Highness Qin Yan will be unhappy when he hears any rumors!"

The Shadow Supreme God spoke slowly.

And his words suddenly made Arthur speechless, and he couldn't let Qin Yan and others have something to say when they were wronged. Isn't this just letting him take all the blame! But for Arthur, such a small thing is also a big deal. It's nothing.

"As per your order, Your Majesty the Supreme God of Shadows!!"

Arthur said respectfully to the Shadow Supreme God.

Immediately, the surrounding space flashed and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

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