................................"Ah, you're not the one... Brother Ball!!"

And Mo Yu, who was among Qin Yan's group, also recognized Mo Yun at this time, and suddenly cried out in surprise! However, as soon as his words came out, Mo Yun's sadness was instantly aroused.

His face instantly turned from gloating to darkness, and the fat on his face was directly squeezed into a ball.

Back then, he and Mo Yu were in the final match of the final.

However, after his full strength erupted, he found that he had no room for resistance in the face of Mo Yu. In the end, because he was very fat! Mo Yu took it and kicked it directly as a ball.

After more than ten minutes of kicking, Mo Yu was kicked out because Mo Yu accidentally used too much strength.

At this moment, Mo Yu's words, Brother Ball, made him so angry that he was about to explode.


The ball Mo Yu, don't say that this Xiongtai really looks like a ball, I don't know how it feels to kick it!"

Qin Yan even added fuel to the fire and said something.

And as soon as his words came out, all the players around were stunned.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

A small number of people were unhappy with the rhythmic Mo Yun from the beginning, and now they can't help laughing after hearing Qin Yan's words.

"Boy, you just insulted me, I fought with you!!"

Amidst the jeers, Mo Yun, whose self-esteem had been completely broken by Qin Yan and Mo Yu, roared frantically and rushed in the direction of Qin Yan and his party.


However, at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly descended from the sky.

At the same time, there was an air of terror.

These terrifying breaths directly froze the surrounding air.

Everyone was locked in place, unable to move a single bit.

In an instant, everyone's complexion changed, because this breath was actually the breath of King Arthur.

Of course, the only thing that can still be active is Qin Yan and a group of Qin Yan's younger brothers.


And as the surrounding dazzling light began to vibrate wildly, a middle-aged man shining with golden light slowly walked out of the endless void.

Chapter [-]: Qin Yan takes action, yin and yang are reversed, and the dead are resurrected! ! (two more)


And as the surrounding dazzling light began to vibrate wildly, a middle-aged man shining with golden light slowly walked out of the endless void.

The middle-aged man just appeared, and the faces of the players around him suddenly became solemn.

"I have seen His Majesty King Arthur!!"

"I have seen His Majesty King Arthur!!"

"I have seen His Majesty King Arthur!!"

................................. All the contestants respectfully started to salute Arthur.

And Mo Yun, who was going to kill Mo Yu, also changed his face, and then quickly bowed his hands to God King Arthur respectfully! "I have seen God King Arthur!!"

Because he is a direct disciple of the God King, Mo Yun's name for the God King Arthur is also different from others.

At this time, God King Arthur glanced at Mo Yun coldly.

And this look of him made the cold sweat on Mo Yun's back almost flow down.

"This time, because of my communication error, these players did not know the size of this spaceship, so this tragedy was created.

Therefore, I am responsible for this matter. I will make corresponding compensation for the civilization and clan where the dead players belonged. Don't discuss it any more! The spaceship is about to set off, find a place to recharge, and strive to win the supreme glory for the civilization of my Shadow God!"

God King Arthur spoke calmly, and as soon as his words came out, the hundreds of millions of players who were still alive suddenly nodded.

I didn't expect it to be a communication problem. Thinking about it carefully, Qin Yan and others didn't do it on purpose.

Of course, the most important thing is.... God King Arthur has spoken. Whoever dares to say anything can only nod again and again to show that they know it.

On the other hand, Mo Yun gave Mo Yu and Qin Yan an indignant glance.

Immediately, he walked to the side angrily, ready to be out of sight and out of mind.

"Mo Yun!!!!"

However, at this moment, Arthur spoke slowly.

His words, like an oracle, instantly made Mo Yun tremble.

Immediately, he hurriedly turned his body nervously and bowed his hands to Arthur respectfully! "The Lord God King Arthur has something to do.

Please order!!"

Although Mo Yun didn't know what Arthur called him to do, he quickly replied respectfully.

At the same time, there was a little excitement in my heart, I didn't expect God King Arthur to remember his name.

Do you want to give yourself a small title like leader of the team? Mo Yun is very happy when he thinks of this.

"You just maliciously incited other players to attempt a riot, you are guilty!!"

However, the next moment Arthur's words came out, everyone present and Mo Yun were instantly stunned.

Mo Yun's face turned pale in an instant.


Mo Yun fell to the ground with a terrified look on his face, trembling all over.

"His Royal Highness King Arthur, listen to my explanation, I just..."

An anxious Mo Yun prepared to explain to Arthur in horror.

However, Arthur interrupted his movements with a cold snort.

"Enough! I don't want to listen to any explanations, I'll give you two choices, one, give me this time of the Universe Genius Battle, it's the same with you or without you.

Two 2 is that I will personally send you back to your teacher!!"

Arthur spoke coldly.

Anyway, I want to be a villain, so I will do it to the end. Of course, in fact, he looks like he is punishing Mo Yun, but in fact he is saving Mo Yun's life.

You know, according to Mo Yun's character, he will definitely be a stumbling block to Mo Yu in the finals.

If it really reached that level, Mo Yun would not be the only one who died, and perhaps his master would also be implicated.

It can be said that it is the best way to drive him away now.

Of course, this depends on whether Mo Yun knows each other or not. Sure enough, as soon as Arthur's words came out, the expressions of Zhou and all the contestants changed greatly. They looked at God King Arthur in disbelief, knowing that the murderer had just killed But Qin Yan and his party, but now it is Mo Yun who is being punished.

Of course, some people frowned when they remembered what happened just now, as if they were really being played by Mo Yun as a fool.

Many of them knew the news that Mo Yun was not the No. [-] in the world master level. Now it seems that Mo Yun just wanted to get them to build a momentum to drive away the number one of the world master level.

In this way, the world leader should be number one among Qin Yan's group.

Thinking of this, the wiser person's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Although none of the people present did not have the strong background of Mo Yun, they were all powerful families behind them.

Now he is actually being played by Mo Yun as a monkey.

Immediately, many people looked at Mo Yun as if they were watching a play.

At this time, Mo Yun was already stupid. God King Arthur actually took care of such trivial matters as himself, which was definitely something he never guessed.

He knew that many people could guess his own tricks, but he knew that the top management would never care about his own inferior tricks.

Coupled with his own identity, only Mo Yu and his party would be unlucky.

But what he didn't expect was that God King Arthur not only shot himself, but also directly exposed himself.

This situation is as incredible as a person walking on the road and seeing two ants fighting over and pulling the frame.

But now he knew it wasn't the time to be cranky here.

"I'll go, I'll go, and I hope His Majesty God King Arthur will forgive me!!"

Not being a fool, he certainly couldn't mess around in front of Arthur, or reveal his master's name.

You must know that although God King Arthur and his master are both God Kings, they are definitely not at the same level. When their master sees God King Arthur, they should respectfully call their predecessors.

This gap is not only in strength but also in status in the civilization of God.

Therefore, after talking about me, Mo Yun hurriedly rolled out in the direction of the exit of the spaceship, and finally disappeared in front of Qin Yan and his party.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, the spaceship will start immediately, it will take a day before the arrival time, and you should prepare well during this period of time!"

After seeing the plump Mo Yun disappear in front of their eyes, Arthur Shenwu calmly spoke to the hundreds of millions of players present, and immediately turned into a streamer and disappeared in the original after he glanced at Qin Yan and his party. land.



.................Everyone present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after the disappearance of King Arthur.

You must know that the horror of Arthur's breath just made many people present pale.

"Your Majesty, it seems a little embarrassed that so many people have died!"

On Qin Yan's side, he was only seven or eight meters tall after shrinking, and Xiaoji said to Qin Yan with some embarrassment.

Qin Yan nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Yeah, I'm really embarrassed!! If that's the case, then the national treasure will resurrect them!"

: Qin Yan said calmly, but as soon as Qin Yan's words came out, the younger brothers around were stunned.

Resurrecting the dead can still resurrect Qin Yan. He is not joking. Resurrection of others is something that even the highest gods cannot do.

"What big brother, how can you also have the talent of the ancestors!"

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