At this time, Qin Yan, who met the three conditions at the same time, directly merged the souls and bodies of hundreds of millions of players under the watchful eyes of the public.


As the soul of the last contestant finally merged with his body, Qin Yan nodded in satisfaction.

However, at this moment, the mutation happened!! "Om!!!!"

Suddenly! The reincarnation channel leading to the underworld that Qin Yan used the power of yin and yang to create started to vibrate wildly.

The surrounding space also began to shake crazily.

"Uh, what's going on!!"

Qin Yan was also a little stunned, he actually felt that the reincarnation channel he had built had begun to expand.


And an earth-shattering terrifying roar instantly spread across the space of trillions of light-years around.

This loud noise did not cause any damage, but at this moment, all creatures within trillions of light years were shaking frantically.

It was as if the soul had been shaken.

Even the Shadow Supreme God felt that his soul was almost taken away at that moment.

In an instant, his complexion changed, and that feeling actually made him feel a sense of death.

That's right...death.

You must know that a martial artist's lifespan is theoretically... infinite when his strength reaches the immortality level, because at this level, how much lifespan you consume will restore as much lifespan.

And at the immortal level, because the power of the soul will undergo a transformation, even if the body is destroyed.

Even the soul is damaged by the bombing, and the soul can be repaired at a very terrifying speed.

Before the underworld extracts it, it can basically be reborn, unless the incompleteness of the soul is too terrifying.

And beyond the immortal level, the two levels of the god king and the supreme god can condense a fleshy body again in the next instant after the body is destroyed.

Therefore, the only way to kill a god-king-level existence is to destroy the opponent's body and soul in an instant.

And it is even more difficult to kill the supreme god, because, at the level of the supreme god, even if the soul and body are destroyed in an instant.

As long as there is still the power of the source law that he has comprehended around him, he can still be reborn.

The only way to kill an existence of this level is to isolate the power of the source law around the opponent, and then destroy his soul and body in an instant.

To do this, one needs to be far stronger than this supreme god.

Therefore, in the entire universe, only the comprehension of the four ultimate supreme laws can kill ordinary supreme gods.

And just now, the Shadow Supreme God was instantly pulled away from his soul under that loud noise.

Moreover, that...withdrawal is still a complete withdrawal.

At this time, the supreme god of shadow can still feel the rejection of his body and soul. He knows that as long as he comes here a few times, his soul will be completely separated from his body.

You must know that even if the soul and the body are destroyed at the same time, the power of the source law that he has comprehended can regenerate him again, and the reborn soul and body will not have the slightest rejection reaction.

But now I have no harm in the slightest, but the body and soul have produced rejection.

It also means that if his soul and body are completely separated, he will no longer be able to use his soul to condense his body.

And what awaits him will only be swept away by the underworld, which is no different from a complete fall.

"What the hell happened, what did Qin Yan do?"

The Shadow Supreme God is really afraid at this time, nonsense, he is just here to be Qin Yan's nanny, who would have thought that it is possible to take his own life into it! If this is true, then he is not bad luck It's a pity that only Qin Yan can see the reincarnation space created by Qin Yan, so the shadow supreme god at this time doesn't know that a terrifying channel that can swallow him at any time has become bigger and bigger.

And with the passage of time, no one knows to what extent this channel will grow, and even Qin Yan doesn't know what will eventually happen to this enlarged reincarnation channel.

................................"Goo dong!!!!"

At this time, Qin Yan on this side was also scratching his head in embarrassment as he watched the larger and larger reincarnation space.


It seems to be in trouble, what should I do!"

Qin Yan was a little stunned, the passage that was originally only ten meters in diameter was already several thousand meters.

The power of reincarnation is becoming more and more violent, and Qin Yan also feels that the power of reincarnation contained in it is getting bigger and bigger.

It has reached the point where his strength cannot be repaired.

"Brother, what happened? I feel like I can't control my body!"

At this time, Mo Yu, who was beside Qin Yan, said to Qin Yan in a dizzy manner.

You must know that if the world leader dies, although the attraction of the underworld is definitely not as strong as the immortality level, the immortality level has already begun to forge the soul.

After the soul is forged, the degree of resistance to the underworld is also much greater.

Therefore, he and all the world master-level powerhouses present were definitely the most terrifying ones affected by the loud noise just now.

After listening to Mo Yu's words, Qin Yan sensed that half of Mo Yu's soul and body had already been excluded.

Qin Yan was able to use the power of yin and yang to see half of Mo Yu's soul floating outside his body.

"I'm going, something really happened!!"

Qin Yan's heart was startled, and then he hurriedly waved his small paw with a force of yin and yang, instantly knocking out the power of reincarnation in Mo Yu's body.

Without the repulsion of the power of reincarnation, Mo Yu's soul was instantly taken back.

The next moment he exuded the power of yin and yang again, and all the people around who had their souls drawn out help them, and all the power of reincarnation in their bodies was shot out.

............"Your Majesty the Shadow, what was that loud noise just now, how can I feel that my body is a little out of order!!"

In the control room, God King Arthur looked horrified as he asked the Supreme God of Shadows in horror with his trembling hands.

However, the next moment he was horrified to discover that the hand of the Shadow Supreme God was also trembling slightly.

Suddenly, God King Arthur's heart fell to the bottom.

Even the Shadow Supreme God has an accident! How is this possible! "This time, something big has happened!!"

And the shadow supreme god saw an ominous premonition in Qin Yan's heart, who was in a hurry to remedy it! "Boom!!!!"

Sure enough, at this moment, the mutation happened again, and another loud noise that shook the sky and earth spread throughout the whole world.

But this time along with the loud noise came the more terrifying power of reincarnation and tearing.

The horror of the tearing force this time is definitely dozens of times stronger than the previous force, so it is only an instant.

The souls of everyone present were directly pulled out.

One by one, the world masters who were driving the spaceships, and even some immortal-level team captains fell heavily towards the ground in an instant.

Even God King Arthur, who was standing next to the Supreme God of Shadow, rolled his eyes at this moment and fell to the ground.

The Shadow Supreme God sitting on the side can only watch God King Arthur fall to the ground, unable to do anything, because at this time, only one-tenth of 10% of his soul has not been rejected. .

He was so dignified that a supreme god could not even move a single cent.

"Qin Yan, Qin Yan, you killed me this time!!"

The Shadow Supreme God let out a wry smile, and Qin Yan, who was looking at the stunned face in the monitor, was helpless.


At this time, Qin Yan was completely stunned, not only the players he had just rescued had their souls drawn out again, but even his younger brother had all had their souls drawn out.

Of course, he still quickly mobilized his yin and yang power, and quickly pulled the souls of all his younger brothers out of the reincarnation channel.

As for others, Qin Yan has no time to pay attention to it now! "Fuck, system, what's going on here, didn't you say that I can use the talent of resurrection from the dead casually? What's going on here!"

After finally rescuing all his little brothers, Qin Yan hurriedly asked the system!! "Ding......

Chapter [-]: No solution, dead, no help! ! (Four more!)

"Ding...returning to the host, reversing yin and yang, and reincarnation can indeed revive others at will, but the system does not say that the host can directly revive hundreds of millions of people at one time.

According to the power of yin and yang that burst out from so many creatures, at least one comprehension of the power of yin and yang of the god-king level is needed to completely suppress it! With the current strength of the host, it is better to take your men to escape! This The reincarnation space will dissipate after expanding to the size of a light-year!! Note, other people's hosts should be left alone, because the more you pull them back from the underworld, the more terrifying the power of yin and yang will be. At that time, it may cover the entire universe!"

However, at this moment, a sound from the system also reached Qin Yan's mind.

Qin Yan was instantly stunned after hearing this.

"Grass, System, you're such a jerk, you didn't say that I could resurrect hundreds of millions of people at one time, but you didn't say that I couldn't revive it!!"

Qin Yan was speechless.

But he didn't pay attention to his ranting system.

In desperation, Qin Yan could only wave his small hand and directly use his space power to directly shroud everyone who was still alive in it.

What puzzled him was that in addition to all his younger brothers, there was actually a warrior living in the direction of the control room, and it seemed that it was not Arthur.

But it's not now... When Qin Yan was in a daze here, he directly moved his mind and instantly teleported everyone present and himself out of the spaceship.


After a period of violent fluctuations in space, a huge space crack appeared in the sky above the earth in an instant.

The next moment, Qin Yan took all his younger brothers and fell directly to the ground.

After seeing the earth below, all of Qin Yan's younger brothers had lingering fears on their faces.

Because, they all died just now, and they even went to the underworld.

When they went to the underworld, they saw the souls of countless people they had killed before attacking them.

Fortunately, at that moment, they were all pulled back by Qin Yan.

"Go back... come back!!" "I just seemed to be dead, it's not true!" "Hey... what's going on? That scene was definitely not an illusion, Your Majesty, you Do you know what happened!"

.................Lao Yan, Xiaoji and others were all terrified in their hearts, and at the same time asked Qin Yan in disbelief. .

And Qin Yan because of his guilty conscience, after all, he just accidentally killed all his younger brothers.

"Cough, cough, what happened just now was just an accident, and it won't happen in the future, but then again, it's not because you crushed those... innocent players to death that led to this situation!! "

Qin Yan shamelessly chose to throw the blame like the system.

After hearing Qin Yan's words, Lao Yan and the others quickly lowered their heads in fear, for fear that Qin Yan would scold them again.

"By the way, big brother, who is this old man!"

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