However, at this moment, Mo Yu, who had just recovered, looked aside with a curious expression. Because the soul and the body were separated by [-]%, and the lifespan began to decrease sharply, the shadowy supreme god who had turned into a silver-haired old man looked curiously at him. Qin Yan asked.

At this time, Qin Yancai remembered the one who came back... the only living person.

But now the Shadow Supreme God has fallen into a coma.

Now his situation is extremely pessimistic, because as long as there is a slight incompatibility between the soul and the body, a person's strength will plummet.

As long as the degree of incompatibility reaches [-]% of the strength of a single person, almost all of them disappear.

As long as there is a [-]% mismatch, it is equivalent to a permanent vegetative state.

What's more, the soul and body of the current Shadow Supreme God at this time are only [-]%: they are still connected.

He fell into a coma after holding on for only a few seconds.

"By the way, this old man is not easy for me. I seem to feel that Arthur has already burped, and this old man is still alive!!" And Qin Yan looked at the Shadow Supreme God and immediately touched his chin.


However, at this moment, the space not far away suddenly fluctuated.

The next moment, a graceful emerald green figure slowly walked out of the endless void.

And this person is naturally Mu Lingshang who was staying on the earth and was waiting for Qin Yan and the others to come back.

"Sister Mu, you are here!!"

Qin Yan asked immediately after seeing Mu Lingshang.

After three days of getting along with Mu Lingshang before, Qin Yan's relationship with the other party is very good.

"Yeah, I just felt your breath, what, what happened!"

Mu Lingshang faced Qin Yan slightly, and immediately waved her slender jade hand towards the void, and the next moment, Qin Yan appeared in her arms.

"Cough cough cough!!!"

However, Mu Lingshang's words made Qin Yan a little embarrassed.

After all, it seems that this time it was me who got into trouble.

"This is a long story!!"

Qin Yan was a little embarrassed.

However, just when Qin Yan was about to explain, Mu Lingshang's emerald green eyes discovered the shadowy Supreme God who was unconscious in the void.

Her hole suddenly shrank violently.

"Shadow what happened to him!!"

Mu Lingshang frowned slightly, and then said calmly.

However, at this time, her heart was already extremely shocked. At the same time, her whole body was directly bursting out with the power of the endless source of life law, which directly enveloped Qin Yan, and at the same time she looked around vigilantly.

Obviously, her actions were thinking that Qin Yan and his party were ambushed by an extremely powerful being.

And it is absolutely terrifying to be able to beat the Supreme God of Shadow, the Supreme God who has comprehended the high-level principle of origin, into such a serious injury.

"Hey Mu sister, you know who he is!"

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the supreme god of life to know such an existence. Of course, only Qin Yan knew the identity of Mu Lingshang, but Qin Yan's other younger brothers were also a little curious as to why Mu Lingshang still knew this old man. .

However, the next moment, Mu Lingshang's words made all Qin Yan's younger brothers sluggish.

"His identity is a bit special. He is... the strongest person in the civilization of the Shadow God you are in is also the ruler, the Supreme God of Shadow!!"

Mu Lingshang's red lips parted slightly, and she said calmly!! As soon as her words came out, it was... Qin Yan was a little confused.

The Shadow Supreme God was almost killed by himself! What is this situation? Is the situation so serious as the system said before! "I think his vitality has begun to decline. If this continues, he will die within [-] years, so Serious injury, what is going on! Have you encountered any strong enemy?"

Mu Lingshang asked Qin Yan and others curiously.

And as soon as her words came out, all Qin Yan's younger brothers immediately turned to Qin Yan.

Suddenly being stared at by so many eyes, Rao Yi Qin Yan's cheeky face turned red.

"Look at my national treasure and I didn't do it on purpose. Also, who made this old man come to Arthur's spaceship without any problems!"

Qin Yan suddenly said speechlessly.

But his words made Mu Lingshang stunned, listening to Qin Yan's words, the meaning is not that the supreme god of shadow was made by Qin Yan, but how could Qin Yan's strength achieve this! He is not just A cute yin-yang chaotic beast? Why is its strength so terrifying? After all, although Qin Yan is powerful, it is impossible for him to surpass the world master level, let alone the world master level. The existence of this level is very weak and very weak.

However, Qin Yan, who was so weak in her eyes, could almost kill a supreme god.

It's as incredible as watching an ant punch an elephant straight into the air.

"Cough, cough, I said, this is an accident, I will try to see if I can get this old man back!!"

Wu Mu Lingshang looked at it with astonished eyes... Qin Yan was also a little embarrassed.

He immediately stretched out his little hand.

Suddenly, he stopped again.

"System, if I open the underworld now, it will make the previous passage: bigger?"

Qin Yan hurriedly asked his own system in his mind.

"Ding... As long as any dimension does not disappear, at the same time mobilizing the power of reincarnation in the same universe will make the reincarnation channel stronger.

Unless there is a more powerful force of the law of yin and yang, the comprehension channel of reincarnation is closed.

Therefore, until the reincarnation channel is completely extended to one light-year and finally disappears, the host's ability to resurrect the dead will be invalid.

In addition, the supreme god of shadow is a powerhouse at the level of a supreme god, and the strength of the host cannot unleash the power of reincarnation in his soul and body."

However, the system's answer immediately made Qin Yan bewildered.

"How long will it take for that reincarnation channel to disappear!"

Qin Yan suddenly asked curiously, it seemed that he just had to wait.

"Ding... According to the current expansion rate of the reincarnation channel, it will take at least [-] billion years to expand to the limit, and if it needs to disappear, it will take an epoch, that is, a trillion years."

Unfortunately, the data given by the system directly left Qin Yan speechless. One trillion years, let alone day lily, is... the day lily is fucking cold! "Fate, life, old man, I It can't be saved, let alone me, that is... no one in the entire universe can save him, unless the beast gods come forward!!"

Qin Yan suddenly shook his head helplessly.

As soon as his words came out, Mu Lingshang was stunned for a moment, and the one who was dressed in black and white like Qin Yan appeared in his mind, but the aura revealed from the whole body was an existence that made the world tremble.

"Can only His Majesty the Beast God go out? I understand!!!"

The supreme god of life, Jia Kong, wrinkled slightly, and then nodded slowly.

I don't know why, she didn't say anything about the... Shadow Supreme God is about to die, but instead probed her consciousness into the endless void, as if she was: observing something.

"Brother, then our competition is so bad that God King Arthur is dead, who will take us to the competition?"

However, at this moment, the nervous Mo Yu spoke up.

And Qin Yan was stunned after hearing this.

Yes, I still have a game.

There is no hope for the unlucky Arthur and the others for the time being, but they can try their best to improve their strength as soon as possible. As long as their strength is improved to a certain level, can't they close the reincarnation channel in advance? Can resurrect Arthur and the others with their absolute strength.

Of course, these...... are only incidental, the most important thing is to improve their own strength.

As for Arthur and the others, Qin Yan's resurrection is considered to be Qin Yan's good conscience. Even if Qin Yan doesn't do anything, he can't blame him, after all, this is an accident.

Of course, with Qin Yan as a person, he still doesn't care about resurrecting them again.

Therefore, Arthur and the others can die, but this time the game cannot end.


I almost forgot, the elf gets the coordinates, we're rushing over now!!"

Qin Yan hurriedly ordered to his elf.

The coordinates are naturally the coordinates of the game location.

However, at this moment, Mu Lingshang smiled slightly.

"It's okay, I'll take you there!!"

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Chapter [-]: The Resurrection of the Supreme God of Space!Chaos galaxy! ! (one more)

A huge reincarnation space in the endless void is rapidly expanding around.

And in this space, only one spaceship is flying alone.

And there are hundreds of millions of corpses lying in this spaceship, and each of these hundreds of millions of corpses is the most talented person in a top civilization.

However, these people just died silently in this sky.

You must know that if the power civilization behind these geniuses knew that they all died here, the entire civilization of the Shadow God would start to riot.

However, what was even more shocking was that in the control room, the body of a middle-aged man stood upright.

But his whole body has disappeared.

In other words, he is completely dead.

And this reincarnation channel is still slowly expanding towards the surroundings, without causing any fluctuations, even... even if a supreme god comes here, he can't see that the space here is covered with a reincarnation channel.


And at this moment, after a wave of space fluctuations, a soul slowly emerged from the reincarnation channel at this time.

In the end, this soul struggled to rush out of this space with its own strength.

If Qin Yan saw this, he would definitely be surprised.

"Huh!! I didn't expect such a reincarnation channel to appear here, it's incredible!!"

After the soul rushed out of the reincarnation channel, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time his spiritual body began to slowly condense.

After the soul was condensed into a complete entity, a handsome young man appeared in the endless void.

If it is those in the universe...the supreme gods will definitely turn pale with fright after seeing this young man, because this young man is the one who destroyed the integrated universe a few thousand years ago. The supreme god of space, Muyuan! And from the soul fluctuations emanating from him, it can be seen that the strength of Muyuan at this time has been improved to a more powerful level than before.


However, at this moment, an invisible wave suddenly came out from the... reincarnation channel just now.

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