The next moment, a force that was stronger than the power of reincarnation that had extracted [-]% of the soul of the Supreme Shadow of the Supreme God instantly rushed out of the endless void.

And this endless power of reincarnation instantly turned into a huge palm, and this huge palm slapped towards Mu Yuan.

"It really is the power of rules that surpasses the power of laws, and it is really powerful!!"

Mu Yuan's hole shrank violently, looking at this huge reincarnation palm, his body instantly burst out with the power of space law.

The power of the infinite space origin law was directly mobilized by Mu Yuan using the supreme divine power.

In an instant, the power of space in the entire cosmos started shaking, and after three thousand epochs, these... power of space met the return of the king once again.

The power of endless space instantly jumped to the whole body.

And at this moment, Mu Yuan seemed to be transformed into an endless space.

The power of the supreme law of the origin of space is madly flowing around him.

"Let's go!!!!"

The next moment, he made his move, and slammed his palm towards the endless void.

A large handprint of space condenses in an instant.

This big handprint in space directly covers a distance of several thousand trillion light-years, directly shrouding an advanced civilization in it.

Of course, the Mahamudra of Samsara is also huge, and the power condensed in the Mahamudra of Samsara is far stronger than the quality of Muyuan's space origin law.


With a terrifying roar that only Mu Yuan, who came out of the underworld, could hear, the Mahamudra of Samsara and the Mahamudra of Space disappeared and became invisible in an instant.

Everything seemed as if it had never happened, but the power that erupted from the center of the explosion was enough to turn an ultimate god into nothingness in an instant, with no soul left.

"I don't want to play with you anymore, I'll go first, I hope I don't attract the attention of that... Defying giant panda!!"

When Mu Yuan saw that the reincarnation passage was actually preparing to condense the big handprint again, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and the next moment, he disappeared into the void directly under his feet.

His figure instantly escaped the shrouded range of the reincarnation channel.

With Mu Yuan's strength, as long as his soul comes into contact with space, then he is... immortal.

In other words, after Mu Yuan escaped from the reincarnation passage, it meant that he was resurrected again.

Therefore, this time Qin Yan created this reincarnation space as an indirect resurrection of Mu Yuan.

However, it's easy to say, but the difficulty of escaping from the underworld with the body of the soul is not... it's that simple.

.................The Chaos Galaxy is a galaxy located in the center of the universe. It is said that it was formed after the battle between the two supreme gods. The area of ​​chaos is more terrifying than the average civilization of gods.

Here the endless space turbulence is raging in the surrounding starry sky.

At the same time, there are elements of chaos and flames that appear from time to time. These powerful elements can reflect that the two supreme gods who fought here were the supreme gods of chaos and the flames. Supreme God.

Since this place is called the Chaos Galaxy, many people will guess that the result of the war is... the Chaos Supreme God wins.

Unfortunately, the fact is just the opposite. The reason why it is called the Chaos Galaxy is because the Chaos Supreme God finally fell into this galaxy.


And after a wave of space fluctuations, a young girl in emerald green clothes walked out of the endless void with a chubby red panda.

At the same time, behind her, giant beasts flew over the chaotic galaxy.

They were naturally Mu Lingshang and Qin Yan.

And Chaos Galaxy is also the place where the finals of this competition will be held.

Because in the center of the chaotic galaxy, a huge space crack hangs across the endless void.

And the place where this space crack leads is... the Chaos Supreme God Realm transformed after the death of the Chaos Supreme God.

This time the finals of the competition will be held in this space!! "Hmm!!!"

But at this moment, Qin Yan's eyes were curiously looking in the direction of the reincarnation passage, and there was a trace of surprise in his small eyes!

Chapter [-]: Cosmic Five Stars!Finals begin! ! (two more)


But at this moment, Qin Yan's eyes were curiously looking in the direction of the reincarnation passage, and there was a trace of surprise in his small eyes! "Qin Yan, what's wrong?"

But Mu Lingshang, who was holding Qin Yan in her arms, immediately noticed Qin Yan's strangeness and asked Qin Yan curiously.

At the same time, she also turned her gaze towards the direction Qin Yan was looking at.

Her perception has directly passed through dozens of civilizations of gods, but in the end she still didn't perceive anything strange.

Or anything that made her feel that something was wrong.

"It's nothing, it's just that I seem to feel that there is a problem with the reincarnation space, but it seems that there is nothing wrong now!"

: Qin Yan shook his head, he didn't feel too much difference.

It's just that he doesn't know why he always feels a little bit wrong in his heart.

Of course, he didn't think too much about it.

"In that case, let's go to the competition first, the powerhouses of other gods' civilizations have also arrived!"

Mu Lingshang nodded slightly, then moved her body, and immediately flew Qin Yan towards the location of the huge space crack.

All of Qin Yan's younger brothers also quickly followed.

............A huge continent is flying in the void outside the Chaos Supreme God Realm.

This continent is several light-years long.

And at this time, this continent has been occupied by some powerful... strong people directly built a huge arena, and above the arena are occupied by the younger generation of powerhouses of countless races in countless universes.

In the surroundings, there are countless virtual projections, these.......the virtual projections are each super strong who have reached the level of the world master, and they are... the finals audience.

And the group in the center is the immortal-level powerhouse! least the number of immortal-level powerhouses, actually filled the inner circle of the entire venue. .

If Qin Yan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that there are so many immortal-level powerhouses in the universe, "Only contestants and those who have bought tickets in the virtual universe can enter the Chaos Continent!!"

However, just when Mu Lingshang and Qin Yan and others were about to enter the Chaos Continent, a loud shout suddenly came from afar. The direction of several people rushed over.

There are more than [-] immortal-level escorts, such a terrifying handwriting is to protect the Chaos Continent and Chaos Supreme God Realm, enough to see the dignity of this Chaos Supreme God Realm to the powerhouses of the universe.

“This is a pass order!!!”

In the face of this team's investigation, Mu Lingshang was not angry, but a small hand waved slightly in the void, and instantly a token appeared in the void.

With the appearance of this token, the face of the captain of the escort team instantly became solemn.

"I have seen the adults of the supreme gods of life, please forgive me where I just collided!!"

The captain of the escort said respectfully to Mu Lingshang.

At the same time, he was also slightly puzzled. Haven't the people of the civilization of the God of Life been led in by an emperor of immortality? Why are there people of the civilization of the God of Life, and this high-level token is at least the king of the gods. Only the strong are eligible to use it.

“No problem!!!”

After Mu Lingshang finished speaking calmly, she flew directly towards the Chaos Continent not far away.

She didn't want anyone to know her real identity so she took a random token.

, However, even a token she casually took out was enough to scare everyone present.

You must know that although the Cosmic Genius Battle is relatively famous, for the strong players above the immortality level, there are at least tens of thousands of events that can be encountered in a lifetime.

Not to mention the immortal level, or the powerhouses above the immortal level, therefore, the people who come here are just some ordinary world master level powerhouses.

There are only a small number of immortal-level powerhouses, and as for the immortal-level powerhouses, there are definitely no more than one hundred.

And most of these hundred are leaders of other gods' civilizations! Therefore, Mu Lingshang's status as a god king is definitely the most honorable existence among the countless people present.


If there is a backstage... well, just come in!!"

Qin Yan also sighed slightly. If it was him, he would have to prove his identity, and at the same time he would be censored. It has been a long time since it started.

"Qin Yan, you should go to the player area first and I won't follow!!"

But as the group descended to the entrance of the competition, Mu Lingshang spoke slowly.

"Mmmm, sorry for your troubles, Sister Mu!!"

Qin Yan nodded slightly.

After he finished speaking, the figure of Mu Lingshang disappeared in the next instant.

On the field, only Qin Yan and his party were left.

"Let's go, our game is about to start! First, we must pack all the national treasures!!"

Qin Yan turned his head and said seriously to his younger brothers.

This time, it is related to the improvement of his strength, so he must take it seriously.

"Good king!!!"

"As ordered!!!"

"Don't worry bro!!!"

........Lao Yan and the others quickly spoke to Qin Yan respectfully, and at the same time his eyes were filled with incomparable confidence.

At this time, Qin Yan's... The younger brother's strength is much stronger than before.

Because Qin Yan already had enough strength to win the champion of the domain master at this time, therefore, Qin Yan directly raised Chi You's realm to the cosmos-level five-star 55.

Of course, being able to raise Chi You's realm to a cosmos-level five-star 55 naturally also means that Qin Yan's realm at this time has reached a cosmos-level five-star 55.


Not to mention the improvement of other martial skills and exercises.

And after Chiyou's strength was raised to 55 stars at the cosmos level, it meant that Chiyou could only participate in the cosmos-level competition area.

However, it is definitely not very difficult to get the first place only with the strength of the cosmos-level five-star. Therefore, Qin Yan specially tailored a set of domain master-level intermediate-level weapons for Chiyou, and it is also a legendary-level weapon, including battle armor. , there are weapons, and there are countless formations in it.

Qin Yan had already foreseen that if Chi You exploded this set of armor and weapons later, the entire universe would be an instant sensation.

Legendary weapons, like his rank name, only exist in legends, and it can be said that no one has ever seen them, let alone possessed them.

However, the power of this level of weapons and the improvement of the user's strength are definitely not comparable to the epic level items.

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