The terrifying difference between the two is enough for Chi You to fill the gap between him and powerhouses.

You must know that the difference in physical strength from the cosmos-level five-star 55 to the cosmos-level ten-star is only sixteen times! Moreover, these... The genius of the universe-level limit, that one There is no powerful martial arts, bloodline and artistic conception.

It's a pity that what they are about to face is Chi You after the opening.

At this time, if Chiyou's strength exploded with all his strength, no one in the entire universe at the same level would be his opponent! Even those... Supreme gods may not be able to defeat him when they are young. Chiyou defeated.

And this time the finals, after Qin Yan and others went through a simple certification, just waited for a few hours to start.

.................The finals of the Universe Genius Battle is to select the genius with the most powerful combat talent in the entire universe. Therefore, the content of the competition is very of simplicity.

That's a one-on-one battle!! One battle after another!! And this competition is almost exactly the same as the third competition in the previous Shadow God Civilization Division! The only difference is..., this time it is the real If you die in battle, you are really dead.

The competition, under the auspices of a god-king-level powerhouse, soon began.

................................. And at the same time! In the depths of the endless starry sky, a soul body is located in the endless void of the twenty-fifth floor crazy. Absorbs the power of the surrounding space laws.

And these... The laws of space are also madly instilled into his soul.

With the infusion of the soul, traces of flesh and blood began to emerge out of thin air.

These... flesh and bones quickly condensed in the void.

As time passed by, a complete body slowly appeared in the endless void of the twenty-fifth floor.


As the flesh body finally condensed, Mu Yuan slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

His eyes opened instantly, and a dazzling light flashed directly from his eyes.

"I didn't expect that I would have a chance to escape from the underworld, it's incredible!!"

Mu Yuan said with a slight emotion.

Chapter [-]: The Four Holy Beasts, the White Tiger! ! (three more)

"I didn't expect that I would have a chance to escape from the underworld, it's incredible!!"

Mu Yuan said with a slight emotion.

At the same time, his eyes fell into contemplation as he looked at the void around him.

"The channel has already been opened. I didn't expect my final plan to fail. It seems that this time I have to plan again!"

Mu Yuan's figure was suspended in the endless void, and he began to think about the surrounding space.

"But then again, that... what's going on with the little panda? He's also called Qin Yan, what the hell happened!"

After thinking of Qin Yan's name, Mu Yuan's expression became: very puzzled.

But then he didn't think about it any more.

"It's better to go outside the universe to see, that... When will the existence break through the seal!"

After thinking of this, Mu Yuan directly broke through the endless void of the thirtieth layer, appeared outside the universe in an instant, and then turned into a streamer for hours around the chaotic universe.

.................The finals of the Cosmic Genius Battle went very fast.

There are only more than [-] billion players in each division to participate in this competition, so in one battle after another, countless talented players were directly eliminated due to failure.

At the same time, almost [-]% of the players died in the battle.

However, this is the meaning of the cosmos genius battle, and what he wants to choose is the most powerful group of powerhouses in the entire cosmos.

And no matter how strong the talent of the dead genius is, it has no meaning. Therefore, in this competition, no one will rescue a certain player because a certain player is the son of a certain god king. Here, even if you are the supreme The biological son of the gods, if you lose, you will lose. Even if you sacrifice your own life, no one will hold the murderer accountable.


At this time, Qin Yan directly appeared on a new arena after killing one of his opponents after a wave of spatial fluctuations.

"Your Majesty, you have now won thirty-two and thirty-two games, and you have entered the top 32!!"

As Qin Yan's figure just fell, the elf's excited reminder sound also spread to Qin Yan's mind.


These... The genius strength of the domain master level is still good, and the national treasure uses one tenth and 10% of its strength to defeat them!"

Qin Yan said with some emotion, but if his words were heard by others, he would be desperate.

With only one tenth and 10% of his strength, he can instantly kill the powerhouses who have reached the limit of the domain master level. You must know that Qin Yan's weakest opponent in the next ten battles is the one of the other gods. The most powerful being of the same level in civilization.

At the same time, Qin Yan's strength is only a cosmos-level five-star 55.

With the strength of the cosmos-level five-star, the super genius of the domain master-level ten-star limit is more than [-] times worse than Qin Yan from the basic level. All this is the result of Qin Yan's powerful space power. , If there is no power of space, Qin Yan will not be able to compete with these...... The powerhouse of the domain master level limit is probably not an opponent.

After all, none of these geniuses are without exception.... They are powerful beings who can kill in several realms. "Ding...Congratulations to the host, all your younger brothers are in the previous one. Ten thousand!! Obtained attributes: physique + 2 trillion, soul + 2 trillion!!"

However, at this moment, a system prompt sounded to Qin Yan's mind! "Boom!!!"

The next moment, with the sound of the sound system, Qin Yan's whole body cells began to be madly strengthened.

In just an instant, Qin Yan's strength doubled directly, reaching the terrifying cosmic level six-star 6.

You must know that the cosmic level six-star 6 only needs to have a physique of [-].


Just a trillion.

Qin Yan's strength at this time has been far surpassed.

"Well! I didn't expect this kind of benefit!!"

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment at the sound of the system's prompt.

You can get so many attribute point rewards with just the first [-] points. It seems that this time, if you can really get the first place in six or seven divisions, you will get a lot of rewards in the end.

Thinking of this, the corner of Qin Yan's mouth suddenly rose slightly.

"Little Elf, let's start the next one!!"

Since the rewards of the system were so generous, Qin Yan naturally wouldn't be polite, and immediately spoke calmly to the elf.

Although this place is not in the virtual universe, each player can communicate with their own elf in the virtual universe, and at the same time order the elf to assist themselves.

You must know that the most powerful intellectual brain in the entire universe is... the core master brain of the virtual universe.

And each elf assigned as the master brain of the virtual universe can use a part of the computing power of the core master brain.

Although the corresponding permissions are required, even the limited computing power is absolutely infinitely more powerful than the computing power of the most powerful mastermind of any civilization.

Of course, even in the most virtual universe, it is impossible to provide such a free service, and he will also take over all the intellectual brains in the entire universe to complete almost all calculations.

At the same time, this is actually one of the reasons why the computing power of the core master brain of the virtual universe is so powerful.

This point, although it was opposed by countless civilizations at the beginning of the virtual universe, but all the opposition disappeared as time passed.

Because if your civilization does not want to be taken over by the virtual universe, then the virtual universe will suspend all services in this civilization.

That is to say, even if it is the civilization of the gods, if you do not accept the takeover, your civilization of the gods will be isolated from all other civilizations, which is equivalent to returning directly to the closed country.

For.. the development of civilization will suffer an unprecedented hit.

Of course, it doesn't mean that if you don't enter the virtual universe, the civilization will go backwards, it just means that other civilizations are evolving and upgrading rapidly.

And your civilization is because of the underdeveloped consultation, underdeveloped transportation, and at the same time unable to get in touch with the outside world.

The final result is nothing more than... the original civilization like you will far surpass you in millions of years, hundreds of millions of years later, and will eventually be annexed and erased! Therefore, although Qin Yan at this time is not in the In the virtual universe, but this time the event is still controlled by the master brain of the virtual universe.

Therefore, as Qin Yan's order was slowly issued, the ring he was in suddenly sent out a wave of teleportation, and the next moment, a player instantly appeared opposite Qin Yan.

On the other hand, the player on the other side is a... a terrifying monster with a height of [-] billion kilometers long, which directly occupies half of the entire arena. Qin Yan is like a trivial person in front of the opponent. like ashes.

However, the appearance of the other party made Qin Yan.

Because, this is actually a... white tiger! A... a white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes, the unique king character between the eyebrows exudes an aura of supreme dignity.

At this time, the white tiger had a disgusting look on his face....... glanced at Qin Yan who was like an ant.

Seeing Qin Yan's small body, he immediately smiled disdainfully.

Among all the starry beasts, they are all based on their size to distinguish their strength. Of course, he is not a fool to know that Qin Yanneng is definitely an extremely powerful being here, but even so, seeing Small: Qin Yan, he still laughed noncommittally in his heart.

"Little thing, I don't know how to salute when I see Uncle Ben, don't you know the identity of Uncle Ben!"

Bai Hu's deep voice slowly spoke to Qin Yan.

At the same time, his huge body walked towards Qin Yan's position with light steps.

"You know, aren't you a white tiger?"

Qin Yan suddenly scratched his head in doubt, and said doubtfully.

However, as soon as his words came out, the face of the white tiger on the opposite side suddenly darkened.

"Shut up, I am Huda, the direct descendant of the royal family of the Four Holy Beasts, the White Tiger Clan, and if you dare to be disrespectful to me, you won't be able to kill me!!"

Hu Da of the White Tiger Clan instantly let out a roaring voice, and his voice directly penetrated into the endless void, smashing the surrounding space directly.

With such a loud voice, Qin Yan couldn't help digging out his itchy ears.

"It's weird, am I wrong, you're not a white tiger! Hu Da, do you have a brother named Hu Er?"

Qin Yan immediately asked Hu Da curiously after listening to the other party's words.

And when his words came out, Hu Da was stunned for a moment.

Yes, the white tiger clan is also a white tiger. Speaking of which, he really has a twin brother named Hu Er, who is also fighting on other arenas.

Only then did he know the origin of his name.

"Damn, it's so perfunctory when Dad gave me a name!!"

Huda thought silently in his heart.

"But this little thing seems familiar, have I seen it somewhere!"

Suddenly, a trace of doubt appeared in Hu Da's head.

But unfortunately, even though he turned over all the powerful races he knew in his mind, he still didn't think of Qin Yan's identity.

In fact, I don't blame him. Although the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts are taboos in all the royal families of the civilization of the gods, they almost never appear, so let alone the younger generation... the older generation is born from I have never seen any members of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan until my death.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast gradually became a legend.

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