Therefore, Huda really didn't associate this inconspicuous little thing in front of him with the legendary yin-yang chaotic beast. We must know that the universe is big, and there are countless creatures that look similar to pandas.

"Four holy beasts.

I heard Sister Mu say before that the creatures on earth are all made from the powerful creatures in the universe.

It was created by her, the supreme god of destiny and the ancestors of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

That is to say, the legends on the earth are basically adapted from the experience of the strong in the universe."

The four holy beasts are naturally the blue dragon, white tiger, phoenix and basalt in the fairy tale of ginseng in the Celestial Dynasty.

Of course, in some legends, it is not a phoenix but a Suzaku, but this is just a different version that appeared when the legend was circulated.

In fact, Suzaku is just a descendant of the Phoenix family.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan is also guessing. Could it be that the prototype of the legendary Nuwa who created human beings is actually the supreme god of life, and Mu Lingshang is just Qin Yan's guess. He doesn't care what it is, but when he sees this Qin Yan was still very curious about a huge big white tiger, after all, it was the first time Qin Yan had seen the white tiger, whether it was in the previous life or in the future.

"Game start!!!"

However, at this moment, a calm notification sound instantly reached the ears of Qin Yan and Bai Hu.


However, at this moment, the white tiger on the opposite side slowly remembered because of the sound of the competition bell, Hu Da roared, and the violent and extreme wind energy burst out in an instant, and then he turned into a white hurricane directly towards him. Qin Yan rushed over, and wherever he went, a terrifying ripple appeared in the surrounding space.

In just an instant, his figure appeared in front of Qin Yan.


After another roar, his huge tiger claws shot directly towards Qin Yan frantically.

Although his strength ranks among the top in the entire division, the players who can reach the same round as him now are all in the top [-] of the leaderboard.

The powerful existence of this level can be said that the combat power must not be underestimated, if he is careless, the person who may lose is him.


It’s not too fussy to do it directly at the beginning!!”

Qin Yan felt helpless when he saw the huge tiger claw above his head. He didn't have a good conversation one second before, but the next second, he started directly.

However, in the face of Hu Da's attack, Qin Yan was naturally unambiguous. As his small paws were slightly lifted towards the endless void, an invisible wave instantly spread to the surrounding space.


As the fluctuations instantly enveloped the entire arena, everything was instantly banned in place.

Hu Da's animal claws were actually fixed in the void by a terrifying force that he could not resist, and at this time his animal claws were less than ten meters away from Qin Yan's body.

This scene immediately made Hu Da's hole shrink. He was horrified and quickly mobilized all his strength, but he found that his whole body couldn't even move a single hair, and he panicked instantly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could this kid have such a powerful strength!"

Hu Da, who was terrified to the extreme, looked at Qin Yan, who flew out from under his claws, and kept asking himself in his heart.

"Big white tiger, it's not okay to use violence casually, especially when you encounter an opponent you are not familiar with, you don't have to check beforehand whether the opponent's strength is beyond your ability to compete."

Qin Yan slowly flew over Hu Da's huge nose, Hu Da's nose was as big as a sun, I don't know how many times.

Therefore, Qin Yan's appearance on the other side's nose at this time can be said to be insignificant.

However, it is... such a tiny little bit, but it is directly let Hu Da this is... facing the existence of ordinary world master-level powerhouses who can casually bombard and kill, it is impossible to do it even with a single touch.

Hearing Qin Yan's lesson, Hu Da was also stunned.

It's not that he doesn't want to take a good look at it, it's mainly because Qin Yan is also a player at the limit of the domain master level. According to his guess, Qin Yan's strength at this time is... stronger than him, but not so strong that he can instantly kill himself.

After all, as a descendant of a supreme god, everything is already the limit of this side of the universe, and it is absolutely impossible to kill him in seconds at the same level.

Therefore, he did not observe Qin Yan's strength well, because in his opinion or in the opinion of any martial artist who can enter this round and beyond, it is unnecessary.

However, what shocked him at this time was that Qin Yan's strength was so powerful that he could kill him instantly, even more powerful than some people who could kill him instantly. After all, Qin Yan's strength could make him even move a bullet. Can't do it.

The strength of this level is definitely more than one level stronger than the powerhouse who can kill himself in seconds.

At this time, Qin Yanhuda's heart, who was looking at the tip of his nose, was suddenly filled with fear.

The intention in his eyes was also captured by Qin Yan.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are actually afraid of being the Four Holy Beasts, you are afraid that if your national treasure kills you, you still have the face to say that you are a white tiger clan!"

Qin Yan asked Hu Da directly.

But there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

Sure enough, under Qin Yan's ridicule, the original fear instantly turned into endless anger in Hu Da's heart! Furious, he mobilized his body that had given up resistance again, and instantly a violent and extreme wind force began to flow. exploded out of his body.

"Crack Kick!!!!"

But what he couldn't believe was that Qin Yan's blockade on him was directly shattered.

"Is the power exhausted!"

A look of surprise appeared on Hu Da's face.

The next moment, his gaze was directed towards Qin Yan above the tip of his nose.

At the same time, the endless power of wind gathered directly in his eyes.


Following two loud noises that shattered the void, the beams formed by the two wind forces suddenly burst out from his eyes and blasted directly towards Qin Yan.

"Hey, it really exploded after being stimulated!!"

Qin Yan looked at the two terrifying beams of tens of millions of kilometers in diameter shot towards him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Immediately, his right hand slowly deepened a finger, "Destruction!!!!"

Following Qin Yan's low voice, a strange and extreme wave instantly burst out from Qin Yan's body, and this wave instantly cut through the void and enveloped the two beams in front of him.


And the next moment, something happened that made Huda's face instantly stiff.

The two pillars of wind power that he had condensed his whole body strength actually exploded in an instant, and instantly turned into a sky-filled light spot of wind power and disappeared into the void.

"The power of destruction! This is impossible for the power of destruction, this... how is this possible!"

A loud scream burst out of his mouth.

His huge body couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then he stumbled and sat directly on the spot.

Before Qin Yan didn't even use the power of destruction, he directly made himself unable to move. Now that he used the power of destruction, is he still an opponent? Of course, what he was terrified of was not the failure, but the fear of being directly killed by Qin Yan.

"I...I recognize..."

Therefore, fearful in his heart, he immediately opened his mouth and prepared to admit defeat.


However, something that made him desperate happened, and another wave came, and he was once again fixed in the void.

"Originally I gave you a chance to do activities to see how strong you are, but I didn't expect it to be so weak.

If that's the case, then farewell!"

And the next moment, an icy voice instantly spread through the void and reached his ears.

Chapter [-]: Five-color divine light, divine bird peacock! ! (four more)

"Originally I gave you a chance to do activities to see how strong you are, but I didn't expect it to be so weak.

If that's the case, then farewell!"

And the next moment, an icy voice instantly spread through the void and reached his ears.

This extremely cold voice instantly made Hu Da's face turn pale.

Begging the other party for mercy, however, the words still didn't come out of his mouth, because he knew that even if he really begged for mercy, the other party would not necessarily bypass him. After thinking about this, his eyes slowly closed, ready to meet death coming.

"You're a big guy who's scared to be so cowardly, isn't it?"

However, death did not wait for it, instead it was Qin Yan's rant.

After all, Hu Da was already scared by Qin Yan and his legs started to tremble.

Hu Da suddenly opened his eyes, and instantly found that Qin Yan did not know when he came to him at this time, and at the same time Qin Yan's small paws moved slightly towards the void.


After a huge roar, Hu Da's huge body was directly blown upside down by the terrifying power that Qin Yan erupted.


After another loud noise, Hu Da's body directly smashed the ground into a huge deep pit, and the endless cracks around the deep pit expanded toward the surroundings.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for your victory!!!"

And the voice of the elf also spread to Qin Yan's mind.

"Go straight to the next one!!!"

Qin Yan also spoke slowly to the elf without the slightest hesitation.

And his next game is even easier.

Although his opponents were the most powerful of all the domain masters in the universe, they still didn't have much resistance when facing Qin Yan.

Unless Qin Yan wants to play with the other party, and if he doesn't let him, no one can hold on for a minute in Qin Yan's hands.

And as Qin Yan reached the thirty-eighth game, another system prompt sounded to his mind.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, all your younger brothers have entered the top 4 rankings! Congratulations on getting the attributes: physique + 4 million, soul + [-] million!"

At the same time, a system prompt sound was also transmitted to Qin Yan's mind.

Afterwards, when Qin Yan came to the top ten, that is, when three games were over, the system prompt sound came again.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, all your younger brothers have entered the top 8 on the leaderboard! Congratulations on getting the attributes: physique + 8 trillion, soul + [-] trillion!"

Every time Qin Yan's attributes are improved, it is directly doubled, and his strength at this time has directly reached a formidable [-] trillion.

He was ten times stronger than when he just came to the arena before. Such a powerful increase in strength made Qin Yan's combat effectiveness skyrocket. It stands to reason that as Qin Yan's ranking became higher and higher, the opponents he encountered would increase. The probability is that they are getting stronger and stronger, but Qin Yan's strength has changed from 10/[-]% of the original [-]% to the current [-]%%.

"Is it all in the top [-]? Fortunately, I used my top-level authority to modify Lao Kong's opponents on the seventh-level arena. Otherwise, I am afraid that they may be directly matched and eliminated!"

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