However, in response to Lao Kong's answer, the little phoenix snorted coldly and burst out with terrifying flame power. The next moment, it rushed towards Lao Kong. The flame power around his body turned into a phoenix that covered the sky and the sun. A phantom, and this phoenix phantom is the dharma image of Fengzu.

"Really, are all little girls so irritable these days?"

Lao Kong saw that this little phoenix in front of him actually exploded with all his strength, and was immediately speechless, but the opponent's strength was also extremely strong, so at this time Lao Kong knew that he must not be careless.

"Five-color divine light!!!"

And with Lao Kong's low voice, the terrifying power of the Five Elements Law erupted from his body in an instant, and the power of the Five Elements Law instantly condensed in his whole body, and suddenly a head... a peacock dharma that exudes five-colored divine light. It erupted directly from his whole body.


With an earth-shattering cry, the surrounding sky suddenly began to tremble wildly.

And seeing this... the power of the peacock, which is not inferior to his own Fengzu, the face of the little phoenix suddenly changed.

"Could it be that he really belongs to the Peacock family! Could this five-color power be... the legendary five-color divine light!"

Little Phoenix began to be a little shocked.

But even if the other party is really a peacock family, she will never show mercy now that she is on the ring.

"Feng dance nine days!!!"

With a low voice, the phoenix ancestor that rushed down towards Lao Kong suddenly burst into endless Guan Hui, and these...... The brilliance contains the power of terrifying flames .


And the peacock law with a roar, burst out a force of terror to the extreme.

“Boom rumble!!!”

With a loud bang, the two attacks collided directly.

The whole world is full of terrifying ripples, "Boom boom boom!!!"

In the ripples, the two figures began to collide frantically, and the surrounding space began to crazily shatter.

"Hahaha, little sister, your strength is not bad!!"

The huge peacock wings directly knocked the entire body of the little phoenix into the air, and then said with a joke.

"The little girl is over [-] years old, how old are you!"

However, the opposite Little Phoenix said angrily and as soon as her words came out, Lao Kong's face suddenly became embarrassed.

Because his age is only a few decades old, he seems to be hundreds of times younger than the other party.

"Ahem, I... I'm four thousand years old, a little older than you!!"

Old Kong immediately stiffened his neck and said to the little peacock.

"Four thousand, I think your bone age is no more than [-] years old!"

However, Little Phoenix immediately looked at Lao Kong with contempt.

Chapter [-]: Son of the Supreme God of Death (three more)

"Ding...Congratulations to all your little brothers who have successfully entered the top ten!! Rewards: Physique + 16 trillion! Soul + 16 trillion"

On the other hand, the system's notification sound also reached Qin Yan's ears, who had already entered the final round.


At the same time, a terrifying force poured into Qin Yan's body instantly, and the terrifying power began to flow crazily in his body. At the same time, Qin Yan's whole body strength began to rise rapidly as it flowed. stand up.

"Om!!!" As the power of the law in the body slowly subsided, Qin Yan's strength was also twice as strong as that of Zhixiang.


And the realm of the universe-level nine-star 9 is only the realm that can become the supreme of a party's advanced civilization.

"Finally, they are all in the top ten. I don't know if Lao Yan and the others can successfully enter the top five!!"

Although I don't know if there will be rewards for the top five, Qin Yan still has some expectations. Of course, the final big winner is the reward for the final first place! "Your Majesty, your opponent is about to appear, please be prepared!!"

However, at this moment, a small elf's prompt sound also passed into Qin Yan's mind.

"Om!!" However, at this moment, after a wave of space fluctuations in front of Qin Yan, a young man in red armor appeared in front of Qin Yan.

This is a young man exuding the power of death. His blood-red eyes slowly looked towards Qin Yan, and after seeing Qin Yan, the young man frowned.

"Yin-Yang Chaos Beast! Qin Yan's sullen eyes looked at Qin Yan with a trace of entanglement.

"Hey you know me!"

Qin Yan suddenly opened his mouth to Mie Shang curiously.

"Death! Son of the supreme god of death!!!"

However, Mie Shang slowly spoke to Qin Yan.


The big man's son!!!!"

Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this, and he said in surprise that he didn't expect the other party to be a supreme god and also the son of the supreme god of death.

And Qin Yan's words did not cause any expression of Mie Shang.

But he still spoke slowly.

"You admit defeat, if I do it, you will die!!"

Mie Shang spoke calmly as if what he said was... as if he was stating a fact.

As for the yin-yang chaos beast family, as the son of the supreme god, he is very clear.

Before reaching the immortality level, the yin and yang Chaos Beasts, the comprehension of the power of death, would definitely not be an opponent.

And as soon as his words came out, Qin Yan immediately scratched his head.

Yes, if an ordinary yin-yang chaotic beast faces this handsome boy, he will definitely lose.

As for death, can this kid dare to kill someone?

"I do not believe!!!!"

Qin Yan opened his mouth in disbelief.

As soon as his words came out, Mie Shang frowned.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome!!"

In the face of Qin Yan who does not know whether to live or die, he will naturally not be polite. As for whether he dares to kill Qin Yan, he absolutely does not care about it! Because, everyone who has realized the power of death ignores death, and no one will Put other people's lives and deaths in their eyes.

If it wasn't for the supreme god of death, the supreme god of space was not pleasing to the eye, unless the other party hit him on the head, or the supreme god of death would never shoot.

Therefore, this is the reason why the Supreme God of Death did not appear at the meeting organized by the Supreme God of Destiny this time.

"The competition begins!!!"

And at this moment, a prompt sound fell in the sky, and instantly, Mie Shang moved.

His feet appeared directly in front of Qin Yan in an instant.

In his hand, a blood-colored long sword appeared in his hand at some point.

And this long sword also stabbed directly towards Qin Yan's weak body.


Mie Shang spoke calmly and the long sword in his hand directly penetrated Qin Yan's chest.

And this scene was also seen by the supreme god of life who watched Qin Yan fight in the endless void.

Mu Lingshang's brows instantly wrinkled.

"Mie Shang's character is exactly the same as his father's, and he is so determined!!"

Mu Lingshang saw Mie Shang and "killed" with a sword.

After that, Qin Yan began to worry a little in his heart.

Of course, it wasn't Qin Yan that she was worried about. After all, she could see at a glance that Qin Yan was teasing Que Shang.

What she was worried about was her father, who was the supreme god of death.

In her opinion, the threat of the supreme god of death to the universe was definitely more terrifying than Muyuan back then.

Even after Mu Yuan did what she did back then, she still thought so! But now, when she saw Mie Shang, she seemed to see another supreme god of death.

"Alas! I hope you don't do anything, High God of Death!!"

Mu Lingshang's eyes slowly looked towards the endless void, and then she sighed slightly.

................................"Yin-Yang Chaos Beast, but that's it!!!"

With a puff, he pulled out his long sword, Mie Shang snorted coldly, and immediately put away his long sword to prepare to end this battle!".

Pretty boy, isn't your sword good!!"

Chapter [-]: The Power of Life, Supreme Willow! !


Pretty boy, isn't your sword good!!"

However, at this moment, the only voice that could only be heard in Mie Shang's mind instantly caused Mie Shang's hole to shrink violently.

................................., "Hey, isn't that the son of the supreme god of death, His Highness Mie Shang? Why doesn't he seem to know who his opponent is? Pass!"

"It is said that it came from the civilization of the Shadow God. The only contestant in the civilization of the Shadow God is a domain master. I don't know what happened. God King Arthur, who should have brought them, lost all contact! Even the other players disappeared!"

"How is it possible that King Arthur is missing!"

"Hey! What's the matter with being able to disappear under the leadership of a powerhouse at the level of a god king?"

................................. And at the same time, all the audience who noticed that Qin Yan had come to the finals suddenly began to frantically discuss the "Shadow God". The changes that have occurred in civilization, you must know that the most developed in this universe is communication.

The disappearance of King Arthur is such a big thing that it can be said that Qin Yan and the others have spread throughout the virtual universe not long after they came to the arena.

You know, that's a god-king, the most powerful beings apart from...the supreme gods in the universe, each of them is the supreme powerhouse of a party's top civilization.

And these powerhouses disappeared at this time, but for some reason, the high-level did not give any instructions, and did not issue any search orders.

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