None of this is in line with their ideas.

Therefore, everyone is thinking in their hearts, what happened in this, so this group of players from the civilization of the Shadow God led by Qin Yan has been noticed by many people from the beginning! "I just don't know this black and white. What race is the creature of color, and it can actually reach the runner-up!!"

"Yeah, and I seem to see that there is a strong man of the same race as him on the world lord level arena. He has entered the top three, and even in the previous duel, he was all killed! This mysterious Could it be that the race is some kind of hidden and powerful race!"

"I just don't know how long it will take for His Highness Mie Shang to kill the opponent this time. The opponent who fights with him seems to be dead as long as he doesn't admit defeat at the beginning. I don't know if this black and white little thing can survive!!"

"It seems that I underestimate you!!!"

Mie Shang said to the void suddenly, and at the same time his eyes slowly looked towards the direction of Qin Yan's voice, and at the same time there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes! Unexpectedly, Qin Yan's The strength can so easily deceive himself, this strength may not be at the same level as he guessed! And Qin Yan scratched his head speechlessly after hearing the other party's words.

Where is it that you underestimate yourself? It's just... never taking yourself seriously.

"You just attacked your national treasure, now it's the national treasure's turn to attack you!!"

However, at this moment, Qin Yan spoke slowly.

After he finished speaking, the face of Mie Shang on the opposite side suddenly became solemn.


However, at this moment, Qin Yan's body instantly burst out with the power of the law of life.

The endless power of the law of life began to condense frantically around Qin Yan's body.

“Boom rumble!!!”

And suddenly, under the catalysis of Qin Yan's life force, a huge tree grew wildly in the earth.

This tree grew frantically from the earth toward the sky, and in just an instant, a huge willow tree with a length of tens of thousands of kilometers appeared in front of everyone.

And those...the audience's expressions changed instantly after seeing this scene.

"The power of life! What's the matter with the comprehension of the power of life!"

"The power of life, isn't this an existence that only exists in the civilization of the God of Life for hundreds of billions of years? Why does it appear in the civilization of the Shadow God?"

"Unbelievable, no wonder I came to this final, it turned out to be supported by the force of life"

................. After seeing the terrifying tree that has grown to trillions of kilometers at this time, everyone is stunned. of shrunk.

These...the audience are not fools, they all know that Qin Yan's ability to reach the finals at this time is not just relying on his powerful bloodline.


And at this moment, the divine tree suddenly moved, and the huge wicker slammed towards Mie Shang like chains.

“Sweep Sweep!!!”

The sound of wicker swiping in the void made the surrounding space begin to crazily shatter.

"The power of life! I didn't expect you to hide something!!"

On this side, Mie Shang snorted coldly after seeing Qin Yan's action, and then the blood-colored long sword in his hand shook slightly.


The long sword slashed towards the countless wicker swords in the void in an instant after a sword cry.

"Boom boom boom..."

In just an instant, the hand of the annihilation blasted out millions of swords.

And in the terrifying roar of these... The wicker was also shattered in a frenzy.

However, what made Mie Shang's face change slightly was the powerful strength contained in these... wicker sticks.

These strips of wicker seem to be weak, but the power contained in them definitely surpasses a group of World Lord-level powerhouses.

Of course, Mie Shang's strength is also extremely powerful, and its strength is so powerful that it can destroy hundreds of millions of willows in just an instant.

However, the most important feature of the power of life is that it is endlessly alive, and only one second before it was destroyed, hundreds of millions of willows were smashed. Stronger wicker.

"Blood Fury!!!"

But after the two sides were deadlocked for only a few seconds, a loud shout erupted directly from Mie Shang's mouth.

The next moment, his whole body suddenly burst out with endless blood energy, and with the endless blood energy, a pair of blood-colored armor was instantly condensed around his body.

"Blood energy fluctuations! Death!!!"

After another roar, Mie Shang moved, and the blood-colored long sword in his hand instantly slashed toward the endless void.


After a wave of endless fluctuations, a blood-colored sword light erupted directly from his long sword.

The bloody sword light slashed above the willow tree in the blink of an eye.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

After a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, a huge pothole instantly appeared on the trunk of the willow tree that covered the sky and the sun.

And in the pothole, the countless forces of death began to linger wildly.

Over time, the entire body of the huge willow tree began to wither.

The leaves turn yellow instantly, and the trunk begins to crack.

In less than a second, the sacred tree hundreds of millions of kilometers high all decayed.


Xie Shang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect Qin Yan to be able to create such a terrifying divine tree! Just such a divine tree requires him to explode with all his strength in order to kill it.

Immediately, Mie Shang turned his gaze to Qin Yan.

"Hey, not bad, but, I think you haven't had enough fun, how about some more trees for you!"

Chapter [-]: Kill and kill, the supreme god of death comes! !

"Hey, not bad, but, I think you haven't had enough fun, how about some more trees for you!"

However, at this moment, Qin Yan suddenly grinned, and then his little claws stretched out directly into the endless void.

"Life explodes!!"

After a calm voice, the surrounding earth began to surging frantically again.

"There's still power!!!"

After seeing this scene, Mie Shang shrank slightly. With Qin Yan's strength, he had just created such a huge divine tree that was definitely enough to drain dozens of super geniuses of the limit of domain masters.

However, Qin Yan was able to come up with a second tree or even more.

Thinking of this, he had a deeper understanding of Qin Yan's strength.

Unfortunately, the next moment, the thoughts in his mind disappeared, and his mind was blank.

"Boom boom boom!!!!!"

With the roar that shook the earth one after another, tens of thousands of terrifying giant trees that covered the sky and the sun instantly grew out of the earth, and these... Giant trees were only a moment It enveloped the whole world in it.

Mie Shang felt these.... It was several times stronger than the previous divine tree, and the shock in his heart was incomparable.


However, before he could have any idea, these tens of thousands of divine trees instantly burst out with life forces that could not resist the ultimate, and these life forces began to madly blast towards Mie Shang.


Mie Shang snorted coldly after seeing this scene, although he knew in his heart that he might lose this time, but he absolutely couldn't be afraid.


The next moment, the long sword in his hand suddenly burst out with a sharp and extreme sword cry, and at the same time, his whole body suddenly burst out with the power of the endless law of death.

The things that shrouded him.... The tree of gods suddenly began to wither like crazy.

Life! Death!! Two very different opposing elements.

It can be said that two elements can constitute the most important elements of a living body.

It is also the two stages that any living body must go through.

"Death Lotus!!!"

Mie Shang roared angrily, and the long sword in his hand suddenly began to slash towards the surroundings one by one.

Countless sword beams burst out from his hands in an instant.

“Boom boom boom!!!!!”

A series of roars spread throughout the space.

The trees of the gods exploded directly under the full force of Mie Shang, but in the next instant, they were repaired by the endless power of life around them.

................."How is this possible! Even if the comprehension of life force is born with a greater amount of elements than anyone else, but once It is absolutely impossible for sex to create so many divine trees.

What kind of race is this black and white creature, and it has such a terrifying energy content!" "Hush!!! This energy content is definitely already almost all the world masters.

No, even the World Lord can definitely produce so many powerful tree spirits at one time that are above the limit of the World Lord level!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, is this creature the pet of the supreme god of life!"

........ Countless speculations echoed in the minds of countless strong people watching the show.

However, what made them slightly uneasy was the result of this battle.

"The strength of this little thing is so terrifying, will it be okay for His Highness Mie Shang!"

An immortal-level powerhouse slowly said what the people around him dared not say.

And as soon as his words came out, the expressions of the surrounding powerhouses became solemn.

They could imagine what would happen if Mie Shang was killed by Qin Yan by mistake.

The supreme god of death would never allow one of his few heirs to be killed.

"He shouldn't dare!"

Some strong people looked at the cute Qin Yan and began to comfort themselves.

After all, not many people don't know the identity of Mie Shang, and Qin Yan may know it too.

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