However, some immortal-level powerhouses who had an ominous feeling in their hearts had already started to run away at this time.

I didn't even have the mood to watch the final battle.

And Mu Lingshang in the endless void also slowly frowned.

She also saw the strength of Mie Shang, if she didn't meet Qin Yan this time, Mie Shang would definitely become the next super genius to lead an era.

Therefore, she also knows that the supreme god of death has absolutely very high expectations for... annihilation.

"Looks like it's really going to be an event this time!!"

Mu Lingshang's eyes flashed slightly.

........And after just a few seconds of the battle, all the sounds disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the life force around Qin Yan also slowly calmed down.

There is no other reason, the death at this time has been smashed into nothingness under the endless power of life.

Not even a trace of flesh was left.

"The power of the element of death is still quite powerful!!"

Seeing that dozens of trees were smashed into the forest of his own gods, Qin Yan couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration. Although there were only a few dozen trees, this strength was already really powerful.

Xie Shang is a [-]% swordsman comprehension, plus the epic martial arts skills of the whole body, and at the same time, the power of the extremely powerful law of death blesses the whole body.

The combat power is strong enough to obliterate the general genius of the world master level limit.

Unfortunately, he was facing Qin Yan.

Although Qin Yan only used less than [-]% of his strength at this time, Mie Shang's strength was enough to surprise Qin Yan.


However, at this moment, Qin Yan suddenly raised his brows.


Suddenly, terrifying waves erupted in the surrounding space.

The next moment, an aura of death comparable to heaven and earth burst out from the endless abyss.

"Crack clap clap!!!!"

With the sound of smashing one after another, the surrounding space began to shatter frantically.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

At the same time, a terrifying force of the law of death descended from the sky and crushed it directly towards the earth.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

In just an instant, countless players turned into blood mist at this moment and disappeared into the universe.

And those around the arena... the immortal-level powerhouses are also all spewing blood from their mouths.

Almost everyone is in a coma in an instant.

As for Qin Yan and his younger brothers, they were directly shrouded in a mysterious and mysterious power without suffering any harm.


At the same time, after a wave of space fluctuations, Mu Lingshang appeared directly beside Qin Yan.

Qin Yan didn't know what happened after seeing Mu Lingshang coming to his side and looking at the sluggish powerhouses in the surrounding auditorium."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that the supreme god of life has become the nanny of the yin and yang Chaos Beast! If it is known to the world, I don't know what uproar it will cause!!"

Chapter [-]: The supreme god of death?what is it

What is the death of the supreme god! "Exterminate the anger, you still show up."

Mu Lingshang said in a low voice, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the void in front of him, and the laws of life around him were slowly released.

Countless powerhouses around him died suddenly, and the entire space was filled with the ultimate power of death.

No, this can no longer be called the power of death, but the power of the law that surpasses the power of death, the law of death! And there is only one person in the entire universe who can master the law of death, the supreme god of death, who destroys anger Under everyone's gaze, a black-robed man slowly walked out of the void, with some obscure runes surging around him, and he released the most terrifying law of death with every gesture.

"What a yin and yang chaotic beast, who dares to kill even my son, today this king will smash you to pieces to sacrifice my son!"

The appearance of Extinguishing Fury made the few remaining strong men feel chills in their hearts, and the law of death that filled the space invaded their bodies every moment, as if they would be killed directly at any time.

"Even if you dare to kill the son of the supreme god of death, even if anyone comes, you won't be able to keep him."

"Now you are still: worry about this, your own life is not important!"

"The special is still there: what nonsense, hurry up and run!"

.................................In just a moment, the surviving powerhouses left the battlefield with the fastest express in their lives, for fear that death is the supreme god. anger spread to them.

What is the existence of the supreme god of death? It is the strongest supreme god in the universe. I am afraid that only the supreme god of space, Muyuan, who fought against the entire universe with the power of one person, and that...mysterious beast god can be stable. Hold down the supreme god of death....

"Exterminate the anger, as long as I am alive today, you Qin Yan!"

At this moment, Mu Lingshang stood in front of Yanshen and said coldly.

Mu Lingshang understood that if something happened to Qin Yan, the clan of yin and yang chaotic beasts would be disturbed, and then the whole universe would be a bloody storm.

And the one with the supreme destiny... The prophecy seems to be related to Qin Yan, so Qin Yan must not have an accident! "Mu Ling reward."

Mie An's dark eyes slowly looked at Mu Ling reward, as if the abyss could swallow everything.

"You thought you would be my opponent"

"It's just a yin and yang chaos beast that hasn't even reached the level of a world master. If I let him ride on my head, what dignity will I have as a supreme god in the future!"

With a scream of anger, the surrounding void shattered, and the terrifying law of death swept the entire space like a flame.

At this time, Mu Ling rewarding powder fist was clenched tightly, the law of life was running rapidly, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Indeed, although Mu Ling Reward and Shui Wu are both the ultimate supreme gods, one is the strongest of the four ultimate supreme gods, and the other is the weakest, and the difference in strength is obvious.

"Mu Ling reward, don't force me to do something to you!"

Mie Fury slowly raised his right hand, and a huge seal of death quickly condensed.

Tatata! Under the oppression of the Death Seal, Mu Lingshangfeng frowned, and her body couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But at this moment, a huge supreme willow tree took shape in an instant, penetrating the heaven and earth, and at the same time, the body of Mie Wu was penetrated! Just then, the figure of Mie Wu had appeared in another space, and it had penetrated just now, but It's just his phantom! "The power of life and the law of life have actually appeared someone who understands the law of the origin of life! Who is it?"

The icy gaze of the supreme god of life looked around, the breath just now was definitely not Mu Lingshang.

But the strength is definitely not under Mu Lingshang.

At this moment, Qin Yan's naive figure walked out slowly, with a harmless smile on his face.

"What are you, the supreme god of death,"

Chapter [-]: You forced the national treasure to take action!

You forced the national treasure to take action! As soon as these words came out, all of Qin Yan's younger brothers shivered.

What happened, what happened, what happened, what the king said, who still remembers!! Dare to say such disrespectful words to a supreme god, and he is the strongest supreme god in the universe, the whole universe may not be able to find a second person "Qin Yan, you..."

At this moment, Mu Lingshang was about to say something, but was interrupted directly by Qin Yan.

"Sister Mu, leave this stupid big man to the National Treasure to solve it. The National Treasure also wants to know what the strength of the strongest supreme god in the universe is!"

Saying this, Qin Yan rubbed his little paw, facing the anger, he did not have the slightest fear, and even said that he did not pay any attention to it! In other words, Qin Yan at this time was not panicking at all! "Ding ! Detected that the host was about to challenge the supreme god of death, and issued a system task: defeat the supreme god of death, the host will obtain a substantial increase in physique and soul, as well as the understanding of the law of death!"

"What a huge increase"

Hearing the mission released by the system, Qin Yan couldn't help narrowing his small eyes.

The opponent is the strongest supreme god, and to defeat him, at least let himself enter the world master level peak! However, the system is silent.

"Hahaha! A yin-yang chaotic beast that doesn't even have even hair, is so arrogant!"

At this moment, Mie Wu laughed wildly, and the icy voice seemed to come from hell.

"It seems that this king has not moved his muscles and bones for too long, so that you have forgotten this king. This time, I will let you experience the feeling of death, I believe it will be very wonderful."

"...I said stupid big guy, just do it with your hands, why are you doing so much nonsense"


Facing Qin Yan's provocation, Mie Nu scolded, and a blood-red long sword suddenly appeared in Mie Nu's hand, making Mu Lingreun's pupils shrink.

"Sword of Death"

Now the sword of death in the hands of Mie Wu, but the real supreme artifact, is the weapon of the highest level in this universe.

"Suffer to death!"

I saw the killing anger sword slashed down, which seemed to be just a bland sword without any fancy movements.

But at this moment, the whole sky was suddenly shrouded in a layer of darkness, and the scarlet rays of light that symbolized death were reflected down.

A blood-red blade carried a terrifying hurricane and whistled directly towards Qin Yan.

"As expected of the supreme god of death, he is much stronger than your trash son!"

Qin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, his right paw slowly raised, and moved slightly towards the blood-red blade.

In an instant, the power of yin and yang burst out, and a black and white claw print directly attacked the blood-red blade.

The Yin-Yang Big Mudra! Among the many abilities currently mastered by Qin Yan, the power of Yin-Yang is definitely the most powerful and terrifying existence.

Even the supreme god of shadow has lost nearly [-]% of his life under the power of yin and yang! "Hmph, a mere cosmic trash dares to take action on this king, it's just... impatient to live. now!"

Feeling the power emanating from Qin Yan, Mie An couldn't help but sneer, his eyes full of contempt.

But at the next moment, the anger's smile was stiff on his face, a pair of dark pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

The big mudra of yin and yang touched the blood-red blade, the blade shattered inch by inch, and the law of death disappeared in an instant under the destruction of the power of yin and yang! "Bang!!!"

The yin and yang big mudra bombarded Mie Nu's body violently, causing Mie Nu to retreat a few steps! A stream of blood slowly flowed down the corner of Mie's mouth! The supreme god of death was actually injured! At this time, Qin Yan He slowly shook his head and said with a sigh.

"You forced the national treasure to shoot, don't blame me if you are injured!"

Chapter [-]: Pretty boy, are you an armored warrior?

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