Chapter [-]:::::Beautiful boy, are you an armored warrior? "Damn it! Did you see that the king can even beat the supreme god of death?"

Lao Kong jumped up excitedly and said excitedly.

"I have seen it, I have seen it, the supreme god of death is still bleeding!"

"I will say that the king is an invincible existence, and no one in the world is the opponent of the king!"

"That's it..., what is a mere supreme god?"

Seeing that the supreme god of death was injured, Qin Yan's younger brothers also became extremely excited.

My boss is awesome, so wouldn't he just take them to fly.

In the future, they can walk sideways in the universe! "Cough!"

After coughing twice, Mie Anu slowly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes turned to Qin Yan.

At this moment, Qin Yan only felt as if he was being stared at by a... fierce beast, and there was an indescribable discomfort all over his body.

What's even more weird is that there is no anger in the eyes of the anger at this time, some are just calm, and there is endless cold.

As if he was injured by Qin Yan before, it was nothing to him at all.

In other words, Qin Yan at this time was already a dead person in his eyes.

"Very good, you are the first person in tens of thousands of years who can hurt this king!"

Mie An opened his mouth slowly, but his voice revealed endless killing intent.

And those two sharp eyes were like two sharp swords of death, causing Qin Yan's younger brothers to feel cold all over their bodies, and they didn't dare to touch the eyes of extinguishing anger.

The only one who can look directly at the anger, and only Mu Lingshang.

"Missing anger, he's just a junior, why should you be embarrassed?"

At this moment, Mu Lingshang suddenly opened her mouth, and her voice was somewhat cold and rebuke.


Mie An sneered, and the originally calm gaze suddenly became: extremely ferocious.

"Mu Lingshang, you should be clear about Mie Shang's position in this king's heart. If nothing happens in the future, he will be... the successor of the next supreme god of death, do you think this kid kills Mie Shang, this king will Do you let him go easily?"

Hearing this, Mu Lingshang couldn't help but look down slightly, and her eyes became a little complicated.

Indeed, the position of Mie Shang in Mie Fur's heart, almost all the supreme gods are well aware, Mie Shang is completely... regard Mie Shang as his heir.

Now that Mie Shang is dead, how can Mie An give up and let the thing that he worries about the most happened... "Boy, if you can hurt me with one blow, you are also qualified to be this king's opponent. In this case, this The king will let you see, what is the real supreme god of death!"

When the words fell, I saw Mie An suddenly raised the black robe on his body, and in an instant, the whole world was shrouded in vermilion rays of light.

The space at this time seems to be the purgatory of death! At the same time, pieces of vermilion light prints emerged from the ground and slowly landed on Mie Wu.

And the aura of extinguishing anger became more and more with the increase in the number of vermilion light seals: it became more and more powerful, and a powerful aura emerged spontaneously.

The black robe on Mie Nu's body gradually smiled under the vermilion light seal, and those...the vermilion light seal also gradually turned into reality, and it was a piece of red armor exuding the ultimate breath of death! The armor on his body is different, every piece of armor on Mie Wu exudes the ultimate power of death and is full of death elements.

And this is the true face of Suppression, the true strength of the strongest supreme god in the universe! "Hey!"

A long sigh sounded, and a green light lit up from Mu Lingshang.

"Exterminate anger, do you have to do this?"

But at this moment, Qin Yan who was not far away suddenly took a step forward with a surprised expression on his face.

"I rely on pretty boy, are you an armored warrior?"

Chapter [-]: The fusion of yin and yang, Qin Yan explodes!

Chapter [-]::::: The fusion of yin and yang, Qin Yan exploded! As a good contemporary young man in the [-]st century of the earth, Qin Yan, before crossing the road, has also seen armored warriors.

Now Zanu is dressed in red armor, just like the armored warriors he saw on TV when he was a child! It seems to be a little different, that is, Zanu has no helmet...... ......"Qin Yan, after retreating quickly, the current Anger has released the complete law of death, and now you are not the opponent of the Anger. "

Seeing that Qin Yan is still "I don't know whether to live or die"

, Mu Lingshang couldn't help shouting anxiously, and at the same time, the laws of life all over her body were running wildly, resisting the pressure from Mie Wu.

It's no exaggeration to say that the power of death that was released when the anger appeared just now has already harvested the lives of most of the powerhouses.

But now, the strength of the law of death is more than several times stronger than before! If it wasn't for the timely departure of those strong men, I am afraid that they would have been completely annihilated under the destruction of the law of death.

This is the true strength of the supreme god of death! "Hurry up and leave here, I will temporarily stop the anger!"

Feeling the increasingly powerful aura on Mie Wu's body, Mu Lingshang couldn't help but speak solemnly.

Now the space they were in was completely shrouded in that terrifying vermilion light, and the only pure land was the realm that was barely propped up by the supreme god of life, Mu Lingshang.

However, this green field of life is also crumbling under the destruction of the law of death, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

The law of death and the law of life are two completely opposite laws, just like fire and water.

And the strength of extinguishing anger is far more than Mu Lingshang, so when the law of life faces the law of death that extinguishes anger, it is like fire encounters water.

"Big... Your Majesty, why don't we hurry up?"

At this time, the voice of the elf passed into Qin Yan's ears, and he asked carefully.

In her opinion, although Qin Yan did not know where his strength came from, he was able to fight against a strong man like the Supreme God. It can be said that Qin Yan at this time was already powerful enough to defy the sky, but after all, he was only a cosmic level. The strong, faced with the wrath of the supreme god, are simply impossible to contend with.

After all, the difference between the two is five or six, a big realm! But at this time, Qin Yan smiled indifferently, raised his small paw to point at Mie Anger, and said lightly.

"Today, I will show you the national treasure, and dare to provoke the fate of the national treasure!"

When the words fell, a black and white yin and yang formation was suddenly propped up in front of Qin Yan's body, and the terrifying power of yin and yang spread in an instant, actually resisting the law of death that quenched anger.


Feeling this powerful force of yin and yang, Mu Lingshang couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

Qin Yan's strength seemed to be far beyond her expectations.

However, even so, the law of death still occupies an absolute advantage, after all, the realm of extinguishing anger is the pinnacle of the supreme god, and Qin Yan is only a cosmos-level nine-star 9.

"Ding... Detecting that the host has encountered an extremely powerful enemy, the system will temporarily unlock a new ability for the host, the fusion of yin and yang!"

"I rely on it! The system is still powerful at critical times!"

Hearing the cold electronic sound, Qin Yan couldn't help but feel happy.

The next moment, the yin and yang formation in the sky suddenly revolved rapidly, and the power of yin and yang of black and white was slowly blending! The power far exceeds the law of death.

Even the most extreme law of death! At this time, Qin Yan's aura was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, Qin Yan's realm reached the same level as that of extinguishing anger. Supreme God! "...This... armored warrior, tremble at the feet of this national treasure!"

Chapter [-]: The terrifying red panda!The Fall of the Supreme God of Death!

"What's going on, how did the king's realm suddenly soar to such a terrifying level?"

"Fuck! I knew that the king had hidden a hand, and this Nima is too outrageous, the supreme god!"

"Wow wow, I knew that the king is the strongest, how can the supreme god of death be the opponent of the king!"

.................Feeling Qin Yan's soaring realm, his younger brothers said they could no longer calm down.

Soaring from the cosmos level to the highest god in just a few short breaths, this is not outrageous, but far beyond normal cognition! The gap between the two is like an ant suddenly bursting out... Tyrannosaurus rex ripped apart as terrifying.

"This... Qin Yan's strength has always been: hiding clumsiness"

Aware of Qin Yan's change, Mu Lingshang also frowned slightly, jumping directly from the universe level to the supreme god level, even she felt very absurd.

As the supreme god, she is well aware of the difficulty of cultivation, and it took tens of trillions of years for even a genius like her to cultivate from the cosmos level to the supreme god.

Moreover, this is because she is the first spiritual tree in the world to have the energy of opening the sky as the backing.

But Qin Yan, even if the yin-yang chaotic beast is extremely talented in just a few breaths, it is not so outrageous, right? Could it be that Qin Yan was infused with the energy of the ancestors of the yin-yang chaotic beast, "Interesting, really interesting, the secret method of forcibly improving the cultivation level. , it must have cost you a lot of life force."

Mie An looked at Qin Yan quietly, a sarcastic smile hung on the corner of his mouth, but there was a flash of greed in his eyes.

In the eyes of normal people, to be able to forcibly raise the realm from the cosmos level to the supreme god must be the use of a shocking secret method, and it will pay a great price! The supreme god level, that is the strongest existence in the universe , How many people are so poor that it is difficult to touch the level of the supreme god.

And if he can get this secret method to extinguish his anger, will his realm directly break through to a whole new level? After all, he is already the pinnacle of the supreme god! He has already studied the yin and yang chaotic beasts. If Fang's bloodline is grafted Come here, my strength can definitely improve a lot, but unfortunately, the strength of any adult yin and yang Chaos Beast clan is at the level of a god king.

And there is also the guardian of the ancestors of the yin and yang chaos beasts.

The appearance of Qin Yan now allows him to see the expectation of breaking through to the level of a supreme god.

At that time, it is... the ancestor of the yin and yang Chaos Beast is here, and I am afraid that it is not my opponent.

"This... armored warrior, your nonsense is indeed a bit too much."

However, at this time, Qin Yan raised his small paws and said with a look of disdain.

As far as Qin Yan's current appearance is, it looks like he has to be as cute as he is.

Ordinary people are afraid that they really can't associate the four words Qin Yan with the supreme god.

"Hehehe, when I kill you, the secret of your body belonging to the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan will naturally be mine."

Mie An said with a sneer, and then the sword of death mercilessly slashed.

Immediately, a blood-colored blade of light pierced through the void, as if it instantly divided the surrounding space of trillions of light-years.

"...Since you are in such a hurry, then the national treasure can only reluctantly send you to see your son."

Qin Yan spoke with a helpless expression, and then the little paw slowly swung down.

In the sky, the power of yin and yang that slowly merged suddenly burst into a dazzling light, one black and one white completely intertwined, exuding a very ancient aura of prehistoric times.

"This...why is this familiar!"

Feeling the power of yin and yang that merged, Mie Wu suddenly felt uneasy, and a sense of fear emerged spontaneously.

"The breath of the beast god!"

Mu Lingshang was also shocked, and her beautiful eyes trembled.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

The anger roared wildly, and at the same time, the sword of death in his hand turned into a blood-red light and shot towards Qin Yan.

"In front of the national treasure, all struggles are in vain!"

Qin Yan sneered, and the terrifying yin and yang fusion power instantly pressed down.


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