A crisp metal breaking sound sounded, and the sword of death turned into two pieces and flew towards two different voids.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In the midst of the huge explosion, the body of Mie Wu directly penetrated by the power of fusion of yin and yang, and then it exploded, turning into a blood mist, and the next moment, the power of reincarnation directly erased all traces of existence, that is to say, Even if someone wanted to resurrect him, it was already impossible.

The supreme god of death has fallen! "Let you have to .. provoke national treasures, or else you will at least... ...... can live a while longer."

Qin Yan patted his little paw and said indifferently.

Chapter [-]: Promoted to the domain master level, the champion of the genius battle!

Chapter 10::::: Promoted to the domain master level, the champion of the battle of genius! "Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the supreme god of death, completing the task, and getting rewards: physique + 10 trillion, soul + [-] [-] million."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the new talent: the fusion of yin and yang can fuse the power of yin and yang, and instantly improve your cultivation!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the law of death!"

"Ding! Congratulations on the 10% increase in the host's bloodline!"

......... A series of electronic sounds sounded in Qin Yan's mind.

At this moment, Qin Yan's aura was rapidly improving, and his realm had already broken through the cosmos level and reached the domain master level.


Qin Yan rubbed his little paw with satisfaction and said.

At this moment, Mu Lingshang stared blankly at the scene in front of her, her beautiful eyes were already dull.

The supreme god of death, the strongest supreme deity in the universe, died just like that, and still died in the hands of Qin Yan, a yin-yang chaotic beast cub. Others may not understand the strength of extinguishing anger, but she is also one of the four supreme gods. , The true strength of... Mie Wu is very clear! In the entire universe, apart from... the most mysterious beast god and his apprentice Mu Yuan, who else can fight Mie Wu? At this moment, a dazzling white light bathed down, and a figure slowly paced out.

It is the supreme god of destiny! Three of the four supreme gods of the universe have appeared here! "Senior destiny, here..."

"No need to say more, I saw it all."

The supreme god of destiny sighed slightly, and looked at Qin Yan with a slightly complicated look.

"Qin Yan, congratulations on winning the championship of the Cosmic Genius Battle!"

After defeating Mie Shang, Qin Yan deservedly became the champion.

At this time, the supreme god of fate continued.

"Sacred bird peacock, flaming lion, Ghidorah...Congratulations on winning the ninth level, eighth level, seventh level...the champion of the battlefield!"

As soon as these words came out, Lao Kong couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

"This is the championship. It seems that the finals have not yet been held."

"Because of the appearance of the supreme god of death, all the contestants except you have died, so the champion belongs to you."

The supreme god of fate said helplessly.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, all your younger brothers have become champions and received rewards: physique + 13 trillion, soul + 13 trillion! "Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the domain master level four-star 44!"

Chapter [-]: Competition rewards, explore the remains of the universe!

Chapter [-]::::: Contest rewards, explore cosmic ruins! No one would have thought that the [-] million-year-old battle of cosmic geniuses would have such a dramatic ending.

Except... Qin Yan's battlefield, the champions of other battlefields ended with the death of their opponents! But all this seems to be unimportant. What matters is the most powerful and supreme god in the universe, and the supreme god of death. He actually died in Qin Yan's hands! "Wow! Your Majesty, I have broken through to the eighth level, and from now on, my old Confucius will also be a supreme one!"

Lao Kong said excitedly.

Not only Lao Kong, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Pingtou Ge and other younger brothers have successfully made breakthroughs.

Previously, Qin Yan helped them strengthen their artistic conception, but now, through the tempering of the competition, their breakthroughs are justified.

After all, with the existence of Qin Yan, they are all hanging up one by one! Of course, their strength is still too weak now, and Qin Yan will directly improve their strength in the future.

"I said old man, didn't I say that there will be special rewards for winning the Battle of Genius Championship?"

Qin Yan suddenly spoke, and the "old man" in his mouth

It is none other than the supreme god of destiny! It can be said that in the entire universe, the people who dare to call the supreme god of destiny like this are Qin Yan and the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan.


Facing such a title, the supreme god of destiny suddenly smiled helplessly.

As one of the four supreme gods, one of the rulers of the universe, the supreme god of destiny is also a very proud existence.

However, in the face of Qin Yan, the supreme god of destiny could only greet him with a smile, and he didn't even dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

The supreme gods of death have all died in Qin Yan's hands. If he offends Qin Yan, wouldn't it mean that the supreme gods will feel aggrieved in their hearts! "Qin Yan, do you know the existence of cosmic relics?"

The one who spoke at this time was not the supreme god of destiny, but Mu Lingshang.

"Cosmic relics are just a name. It doesn't seem to be a good place. Could it be that the final reward of the competition is... and what kind of cosmic relics are there?"

Qin Yan couldn't help scratching his head and asked with a puzzled look.

Qin Yan has just traveled for a few months, and his understanding of the universe is far from enough...

"The so-called cosmic relics are..."

The supreme god of fate had just opened his mouth when he was ruthlessly interrupted by Qin Yan.

"I said old man, I asked you before that you didn't speak, but now National Treasure doesn't want to listen to your nonsense, can you keep your mouth shut, National Treasure should listen to Sister Mu!"

The supreme god of destiny was instantly embarrassed, but there was an extremely abnormal forced smile on his face.

"Okay, Your Highness Qin Yan."

Mu Lingshang looked helplessly at the supreme god of destiny, and a smile appeared on her pretty face.

It was also the first time that she could see the old-fashioned supreme god of fate shrivelled.

But in order not to make the other party too embarrassed, Mu Lingshang hurriedly took over the words.

The supreme god of destiny here is also very helpless, there is no way he can't bear it, if he can't bear it, if Qin Yan slaps him to death, then it's not because of his own blood loss. So, for the sake of his old life, bear it! A man can bend and stretch, right! Unfortunately, he didn't know that Qin Yan's strength had returned to its original level at this time.

Of course, even if he knew him, he wouldn't do anything. First, Qin Yan killed the Supreme God of Death. It was the Supreme God of Death who was at fault.

In a certain sense, he even thanked Qin Yan, because the supreme god of death has always been secretly doing something, and if he doesn't die this time, it may bring endless disasters to the universe next time.

"The so-called cosmic relic is an epic battle that took place at the core of the universe hundreds of millions of years ago. At that time, no one on both sides of the war knew who it was, but it was able to completely destroy hundreds of millions of stars. At that time, the war The intensity can be imagined.”

On this side, Mu Lingshang also spoke slowly.

"Afterwards, that battlefield was filled with a mysterious force, and the powerhouses above the world master level could not approach, but there were countless opportunities in that battlefield, and many cosmic geniuses under the world master would go to find them. There is a chance, but it only opens once every ten thousand years, and there are only three 3s for each entry, so we use this method to select the candidates who enter the cosmic ruins."

Chapter [-]: Do you, old man, consider becoming a national treasure?

Chapter [-]::::: Do you, old man, consider being a national treasure? "I said so, you should know where the cosmic ruins are."

Mu Lingshang looked at Qin Yan and said.

"Is it a battlefield relic? It sounds interesting."

Qin Yan scratched his head, and his small eyes flashed a little bit of fun.

The great battle that took place hundreds of millions of years ago, the intensity of the battle could destroy hundreds of millions of stars, and both sides of the battle were at least the supreme gods, or even the existences above the supreme gods.

"I'm sorry... can I interject"

At this moment, a weak voice sounded, and it was Lao Kong who spoke.

Although Lao Kong at this time is already an eighth-level powerhouse, but facing Mu Lingshang and the supreme god of fate at the same time, his realm is... If he raises four or five more, the 45 realm is still far from enough. of.

Not to mention that he is... the ancestor of the peacock family, Fengzu, also called a senior in front of Mu Lingshang.

"Little Peacock, what do you want to ask?"

Mu Lingshang said with a smile.

Listening to Mu Lingshang calling him, Lao Kong couldn't help feeling agitated.

From the outside, Mu Lingshang is just a young girl, and he is already middle-aged, so being called by Mu Lingshang, Lao Kong is naturally unable to adapt.

Just thinking of how many years Mu Lingshang has lived, just like the little phoenix he met before, Lao Kong felt relieved.

"Respected supreme god of life, I heard you just said that the cosmic ruins will only be opened once every ten thousand years, and the number of places to enter at one time is limited, which means that someone controls the ruins, right?"

Lao Kong asked the doubts in his heart.

"I don't know that."

Disappointingly, Mu Lingshang shook his head.

"The relics of the universe are too mysterious, even us... the supreme gods can't get close, and the law of opening once every ten thousand years is just something we figured out later, and the traces are mysterious. Shrouded in power, that power is strong enough to isolate the strongest supreme gods."


Mu Lingshang's beautiful eyes suddenly looked into the distance.

"Mu Yuan seems to have forcibly entered the cosmic ruins back then."

Mu Yuan, the supreme god of space, the man who almost ruled the entire universe! "The supreme god of space is proficient in the laws of space and can even break through the barriers of the universe, so it is not surprising that he can enter the ruins of the universe. "

The supreme god of destiny said suddenly.

"It's alright, alright, you don't need to continue to describe it, what exactly is the cosmic relic, let the national treasure go and find out."

Qin Yan impatiently waved his little paw and said.

"And you old man, didn't the national treasure not let you speak before?"

Being stared at by Qin Yan, the supreme god of destiny took a step back unconsciously, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, listen to my explanation..."

"Stop! National Treasure only asks you one question, do you want to consider being the younger brother of National Treasure?"


The supreme god of destiny was stunned. He was the supreme god of the universe, and the existence of the supreme power in the universe would one day be accepted as a younger brother by others, but the other party was Qin Yan! Qin Yan's horror, the supreme god of destiny was very clear, and It seems that Qin Yan's younger brothers are all super geniuses! Just when the supreme god of fate wanted to agree, Qin Yan spoke again.

"Old man, you don't have to rush to agree. Now that the national treasure is going to explore the so-called cosmic ruins, I can't take care of you during this time, so after the national treasure comes out of the cosmic ruins, you will promise to be me. It's not too late for my little brother!"

"Sister Mu, I'll go back to my own star field first. There are still some things that I need to arrange. When the cosmic ruins open, you can just come and pick me up."

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