Chapter [-]: Chaos is Coming!Qin Yan is the savior! !

Chapter [-]::::: Chaos is coming! Qin Yan is the savior!! After saying these words, Qin Yan has already left with his little brother, leaving only the wooden lingerie and the supreme god of destiny Face to face.

It's too big to go away! No, Qin Yan seems to have arrogant strength! "This yin-yang chaotic beast is really no trivial matter!"

After a long silence, the supreme god of destiny spoke in a deep voice, his eyes full of fear.

"Indeed, death died in Qin Yan's hands, Qin Yan's strength seems to have completely exceeded our expectations!"

Mu Lingshang also said solemnly.

They just noticed the existence of Qin Yan, and now Qin Yan is just a cub of a yin and yang Chaos Beast, and has already been able to kill the supreme god of death.

When Qin Yan really rises, what a terrifying existence will it be? Could it be another generation of beast gods! "By the way, senior god of destiny, I have seen Mu Yuan, and he doesn't seem to be dead!"

Mu Lingshang suddenly opened her mouth, and a dignified look flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Isn't the supreme god of space already dead? How could he not die?"

Hearing the name of Muyuan, the supreme gods of destiny could no longer remain calm. Muyuan once fought against the existence of the entire universe with one person, and it was definitely a catastrophic battle! If it weren't for the divine artifact of Tianyanshen Pagoda, I am afraid that Muyuan would have become the master of the universe! "Muyuan's power is beyond everyone's imagination. Although he died back then, I always feel it. , he survived and survived, after all, with his strength, as long as the soul exists in the underworld, resurrection is not difficult.

It's just that I'm afraid that Mu Yuan will have something to do with your prophecy."

Mu Lingshang said with a worried expression.

Previously, the supreme god of destiny had predicted that a cosmic crack would appear in the universe in a month, and Mu Yuan's mastery of the laws of space could definitely create a cosmic crack! Ah! It all happened so suddenly that we didn't have any time to prepare!"

The supreme god of destiny sighed deeply, and his deep eyes were also looking into the distance.

"The supreme god of space is not dead yet, and the little monster Qin Yan has appeared again, and there is a crack in the universe that is about to appear. This universe is destined to usher in chaos!"

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely do my best to resist the coming disaster!"

Mu Lingshang said decisively.

"By the way, senior, before Qin Yan said that he wanted to accept you as a younger brother, don't take it to heart. Qin Yan is still in the puppy period, so it can be said that he is still a child!"

Mu Lingshang panicked when Qin Yan said that he wanted to accept the supreme god of destiny as his younger brother.

What is the existence of the supreme god of destiny, the first supreme god in the universe, the status is above all the supreme gods.

The mystery of this old man seems to be no less than that of the legendary beast god! If the supreme god of destiny is accepted by Qin Yan as his younger brother, it would be a joke in the whole universe! "Lingshang, after that meeting, I did it again. A prophecy, that prophecy almost consumed [-]% of my power."

"And the content of the prophecy is that chaos is coming, and yin and yang will be in chaos! And the core of yin and yang will become the savior of the world! I originally thought that this sentence was about the beast god, but unfortunately, now I may be wrong!"

The supreme god of fate sighed softly.

Hearing this, Mu Lingshang couldn't help widening her eyes, and her pretty face was full of shock.

"Could it be that the appearance of Mu Yuan and the upcoming crack in the universe will end with Qin Yan? He has just been promoted to the domain master level!"

"Ling Chang, Qin Yan has the strength to kill death."

The supreme god of fate said solemnly.

"So, no matter what, we must try our best to please Qin Yan and ensure Qin Yan's safety. Qin Yan will become the savior of our entire universe! Perhaps, even... Muyuan is not necessarily the case at this time Qin Yan opponent!"

Chapter [-]: Cosmic battlefield, mysterious power!

Chapter [-]:::::Cosmic battlefield, mysterious power! It's been three days in a flash.

"Your Majesty, why did you only let Lao Kong and Lao Yan follow you?"

Brother Pingtou said to Qin Yan with a depressed expression.

"There are only three 3 places. The king chooses me, of course, because I think my old Kong is the strongest!"

Lao Kong said with a smug look, of course... He was also curious why Qin Yan didn't choose Xiaoji, after all, Xiaoji was stronger than himself in every way.

"Okay, okay, let you stay on earth, so that you can protect the earth, in comparison, your task is more important than Lao Kong and Lao Yan, understand?"

Qin Yan said angrily, and then looked at Mu Lingshang beside him.

"Sister Mu, shall we leave now?"

Mu Lingshang nodded, and then the emerald green light lit up, and with Qin Yan, Lao Kong and Lao Yan, they instantly disappeared in place.

Who would have thought that the supreme deity of life in the dignified life is now reduced to Qin Yan's exclusive guide.

And in this short three days, the fact that the supreme god of death fell into Qin Yan's hands was also thoroughly spread throughout the entire universe.

For a time, Qin Yan's name caused an uproar in the entire universe.

Of course, no one knows the identity of Qin Yan's Yin-Yang Chaos Beast, but at this level, there is no difference between knowing Qin Yan's identity.

The star field where the earth is located is very far away from the place where the cosmic relics are located, but with Mu Lingshang, the group only took half a day to arrive.

The cosmic relics are not far from the core of the universe, and before everyone has even reached the so-called cosmic relics, all around are already dead star fields, without any breath of life.

"Sister Mu, do you really not know who the person who fought in the Ruins War was?"

In Mu Lingshang's arms, Qin Yan rubbed lightly, and after changing a stronger posture, he asked lazily.

"Since I have memories, the cosmic relics have existed, and perhaps only the mysterious beast gods and the wood source who have the ability to enter them know the secrets of the cosmic relics."

Mu Lingshang shook his head and said.

"Oh, yes, maybe the senior god of destiny also knows something. After all, he is the first supreme god in the universe, and the most mysterious supreme god."

"Oh, that old man still has such a background. It seems that the national treasure will definitely take him as a younger brother!"

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and said very seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Lingshang couldn't help staggering under her feet.

One who can conquer the supreme god of destiny as a younger brother every day, I am afraid that there will be no second person in the entire universe! After half an hour, Mu Lingshang finally stopped.

"I can only send you here. You only need to continue in this direction, and then you can directly enter the cosmic ruins."

Mu Lingshang said, pointing in the direction in front of her.

"Okay! Sister Mu has worked hard!"

Jumping down from Mu Lingshang's arms, Qin Yan immediately noticed a strange force permeating the space.

This is a completely unfamiliar force, different from any force Qin Yan has come into contact with.

In other words, this is a force that does not belong to this universe at all! "Perhaps you have already noticed this mysterious force. It is the existence of this force that prevents us from entering the ruins. No one knows about this force. How did it come about."

Mu Lingshang seemed to see Qin Yan's doubts and explained.

"So that's the case, then let the national treasure go in and find out!"

Saying this, Qin Yan took Lao Kong and Lao Yan and flew straight in the direction Mu Lingshang pointed.

Looking at Qin Yan's figure, Mu Lingshang couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

"Is this little guy the savior of the universe? Then I wish you good luck!"

After all, Mu Lingshang has disappeared in place.

At the same time, an extremely obscure space law fluctuation flashed past where Mu Lingshang disappeared.

Chapter [-]: There are treasures everywhere, this is the time to make a fortune!

Chapter [-]::::: There are treasures everywhere, this is a fortune!! Continuing on for a while, Qin Yan only felt that the mysterious power became clearer and stronger.

However, this power does not seem to have any obstacles to Qin Yan and his party.

Perhaps just as Mu Lingshang said, this mysterious power will only block the strong above the realm of the world master.

"Your Majesty, why do I always have a feeling of unease in my heart."

Lao Kong's eyes kept looking around, his feathers were standing up, but at first glance it looked like a bird with fried feathers.

On the contrary....Lao Yan, who seemed to have calmed down a lot, followed Qin Yan steadily step by step.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Yan's surroundings were completely dead, and the planets that had been destroyed long ago were wandering in the starry sky, and the entire space was a dead gray.

Suddenly, Qin Yan's eyes lit up, and a barrier covered with black light appeared not far in front of him.

"It seems that as long as you pass this black barrier, you should be able to enter the so-called cosmic ruins."

Qin Yan murmured that the power of yin and yang was operating unconsciously.

That mysterious power became clearer and clearer, as if a big hand was controlling this space.

"Come on, let's go in!"

Qin Yan let out a low voice, and then the power of yin and yang erupted, forming a black and white protective barrier, wrapping Qin Yan's three people in it, turning it into a black and white light, hitting the black barrier directly.

Without any obstruction, and without any strange feeling, Qin Yan just passed the black barrier and entered the so-called cosmic ruins.

After the black light dissipated, Qin Yan couldn't help but widen his small eyes at the scene in front of him.

It's a grey world, grey.

The color of the earth, without any plants, and without any breath of life, there is only a dead silence.

There is no ups and downs, and the air seems to be filled with the smoke of gunpowder that has not dissipated.

The only discovery was the huge skeletons on the ground.

Although the skeleton had already weathered, the aura it exuded made Qin Yan secretly startled.

"The master of each of these bones is probably not weaker than the general supreme god!"

Qin Yan frowned deeply.

As soon as these words came out, both Lao Kong and Lao Yan were shocked.

As the most powerful existence in the universe, the supreme god is probably only numbered two thousand in the entire universe.

But the number of skeletons in front of me has already exceeded ten, which means that there are more than ten high-level powerhouses in front of me! "What is this place, these... ....who will be the owner of the skeleton?"

Lao Kong opened his mouth with a trembling voice. He, whose strength has reached the cosmos level, actually feels that he is so insignificant at this moment.

"Big... Your Majesty, look what this is..."

Lao Yan suddenly spoke, and in front of him was a long spear.

The spear is similar to this world, the whole body is gray, and there is no spirituality at all. Even an ordinary fine weapon is a bit stronger than this spear.

"Ding... It is detected that the host has found a damaged weapon of the supreme god, and the system will unlock the weapon repair talent for the host, which can repair any damaged weapon and restore the spirituality of the weapon!"

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