"Weapon Repair Restores Spirituality"

Qin Yan looked confused, then reached out and touched the long spear in front of him.

At this moment, the originally gray spear was actually dyed with a layer of silver, and the severely worn spear tip was sharpened again. A strong aura slowly emanated from the spear body, which belonged to the weapon of the supreme gods. The breath of the plane! At this time, Qin Yan slowly raised his head and looked into the distance. There were scattered skeletons on the ground, and various weapons! "Damn it! There are treasures everywhere, these. ............ have made a fortune! Lao Kong Laoyan, don't be idle, pick up all the weapons on the ground for national treasures!"

Chapter [-]: The will of the beast god, protect Qin Yan! !

Chapter 3::::: The will of the beast god, protect Qin Yan!! After half a day, Qin Yan and his party of three finally collected all the broken weapons scattered on the ground. Yan's heaven-defying talent returned to its original state.

Hundreds of weapons, many of which are dozens of weapons of the highest god level, and other low-level weapons also have immortality level! An immortality level weapon is already very rare in the universe, if a cosmos level powerhouse is Able to control an immortal weapon, its strength is not even weaker than that of a domain master! "Your Majesty, we have really made a fortune now!"

Lao Kong said excitedly, and put away the broken bronze mirror on the ground.

At this time, Qin Yan did not look for those broken weapons, but stared at a huge skeleton in front of him.

The skeleton in front of him is no different from a normal human in terms of body shape, but the difference is that a single horn grows on the skull of this skeleton. Although its hand bones are almost weathered, it is not difficult to see. , There are no fingers on this palm! "This is a human race, or an orc race"

Lao Yan came to Qin Yan and asked with a puzzled face.

"Not a human race, nor an orc race."

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully.

"This seems to be a new race. Although it has been dead for many years, it still retains the breath of its life in its bones. This breath makes me feel very unfamiliar."

"But one thing I can be sure of, the strength of this guy in front of him during his lifetime may not be weaker than that of the supreme god of death!"


As soon as these words came out, both Lao Kong and Lao Yan were shocked, their bodies unconsciously took a few steps back, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

What is the existence of the supreme god of death? Although he died in the hands of Qin Yan, no one can deny that he is the strongest supreme god in the current universe.

Of course, beast gods and space supreme gods must be excluded.

"Keep going, it's a very interesting place."

Qin Yan slowly got up, looked into the distance, and then stepped forward.

Seeing this, Lao Kong and Lao Yan hurriedly followed.

In such a mysterious space, there may be dangers anywhere. If they want to survive, they can only rely on Qin Yan's thigh! ...... Virtual Universe Headquarters.

The supreme god of destiny stood in front of the window, staring at the endless starry sky with deep eyes, and an old face was full of worry.

Suddenly, an emerald green light lit up, followed by a beautiful figure slowly pacing out, it was Mu Lingshang! "Have you sent Qin Yan to the cosmic ruins?"

The supreme god of fate did not look back, and there was a bit of exhaustion in the old voice.

"I watched him walk into that star field with my own eyes."

Mu Lingshang nodded and said.

"It's just senior, is Qin Yan the reason why you came back from the depths of the universe?"

Before, the supreme god of destiny took a group of supreme gods to the depths of the universe, that is, the place where the crack of the universe is about to appear.

Now that the supreme god of destiny suddenly appeared here, the only reason can only be Qin Yan.

This time, the supreme god of fate was silent.

Qin Yan is the savior of the universe he predicted. Qin Yan's safety is extremely important to them, and even to the entire universe! Qin Yan's realm is still at the domain master level. If he wants to improve and enter the cosmic ruins, it is undoubtedly the best at present. Choice! In that mysterious space, there is a chance that even they want to get.

But at this moment, the two raised their heads suddenly, their eyes trembling.

A thought entered their minds at the same time, and they directly ignored the obstruction of their spiritual thoughts! And the only one who can do this is the beast god! There are only five simple words in the spiritual thought.

"Protect Qin Yan!!!"

Chapter [-]: Pretty boy, your style is very unique!

Chapter 3:::::Young boy, you look very unique! In the ruins of the dead starry sky, Qin Yan and the three of them walked aimlessly, and the treasures that Qin Yan had in their pockets along the way were not counted. Counting, it is simply... making a fortune in silence! Cosmic relics have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and there are countless cosmic geniuses who have entered here.

However, for them, these weapons that have been damaged or even turned into a pile of scrap iron are basically useless.

"Your Majesty, how long do we have to wander around, I don't think this is an interesting place!"

Old Yan drooped his big head and said helplessly.

They have been here for half a day.

Apart from... harvesting hundreds of weapons above the immortality level, there is nothing to gain.

As for the chance in the mouths of the supreme gods of life and destiny, they have not even seen bird feathers! Of course, for... other cosmos powerhouses, so many advanced weapons are like treasures, which can be obtained at one time With so many high-level weapons, it is already a great opportunity.

But for a coercion like Qin Yan, uh... it seems to be a great opportunity... "Your Majesty, I always feel that there is a strange force in this space that makes I feel very uncomfortable."

Lao Kong also nodded and said.

Before entering the cosmic ruins, Qin Yan had already felt that mysterious power, and it was this power that prevented the powerhouses of the world master level from entering the cosmic ruins.

"Go on, the national treasure always has a hunch that there seems to be a big secret hidden here!"

Qin Yan frowned slightly and looked into the depths of the starry sky.

Along the way, they saw countless strange skeletons, but there were also some skeletons that Qin Yan could recognize at a glance, belonged to the human race and other races in the universe.

It's just that no matter how long they go, this star field seems to be dead gray, and there is no other color.

There was always a sense of destruction in the space, and there was a strange law that even Qin Yan couldn't tell.

I don't know how long they have been gone, but a gust of wind suddenly blew in the very peaceful space.

A strong law of wind quickly filled the air, and the blink of an eye had enveloped the entire space.

"Ding! Detected whether there is a living body close to the host!"

At this moment, the cold electronic sound of the system sounded in Qin Yan's mind.

"Nani inanimate body, what the hell"

Qin Yan was stunned.

The next moment, the originally dead gray space suddenly lit up with a strange light.

And in the starry sky not far in front of Qin Yan, there was a space fluctuation, and it was accompanied by the ultimate space law! "Could the space law be the supreme god of a certain space system?"

Lao Kong had a vigilant look on his face, and the five-color divine light lit up.

"Your Majesty, the supreme god of life said that the powerhouse above the world master level cannot enter here, this may be a primitive creature that belongs to this place!"

Under the gazes of Qin Yan and the three of them, a dark crack suddenly appeared in the space in front of them, and a petite figure squeezed out from the crack.

The figure in front of him was a petite skeleton. It was about the same size as Qin Yan, but the skull was huge, and the proportions of its body were extremely uncoordinated.

The little skeleton also held a rusty long sword in his hand, which seemed to be some years old.

The more important point is that the aura emanating from this little skeleton is only at the regional master level! However, the fluctuations in the laws of space that appeared earlier are real law power! "This...what the hell is this? !"

Looking at the small skeleton in front of him, Lao Kong couldn't help but ask in doubt.

At this time, Qin Yan was looking at the so-called inanimate body in front of him with great interest.

"Liangzi, your style is very unique!"

Chapter [-]: Weird little skeleton!

Chapter [-]::::: Weird little skeleton! "Damn it! Is this a human race?"

Looking at the slightly cute little skeleton in front of him, Lao Yan couldn't help exclaiming.

Indeed, from the perspective of body size alone, this little skeleton is somewhat cute, especially the big head and the big empty eyes.

It's just that this is a skeleton after all, and it's far from a cute little panda like Qin Yan! "Whatever it is, let me come and meet it first!"

Lao Kong Qing snorted, and then a five-color divine light shrouded directly towards the... small skeleton.

The gray star field space was illuminated by the five-color divine light, and then a peacock image formed in front of Lao Kong! "Zizzizi!!!"

Seemingly aware of the danger, the little skeleton let out a sharp cry, and the rusty long sword in his hand swung down, looking like a child dancing a sword.

"It's really self-defeating. Now that I am promoted to the cosmos level, the power of the five-color divine light has greatly increased. Even if the domain master level wants to take it down, it will not be too easy!"

The old man said proudly.

As Qin Yan's younger brother, Lao Kong was able to completely abuse the eighth-level powerhouse at the seventh level. Now that he has been promoted to the cosmos level, his artistic conception and strength have been greatly improved. Even the domain master-level powerhouse, Lao Kong is absolutely True! But the next moment, the disdainful expression on Lao Kong's face froze, followed by a look of shock in his eyes.

The long sword in the hand of the little skeleton chopped down, not the attack from the little skeleton.

The long sword cut through the starry sky, and actually formed a strange black crack in front of the little skeleton, but......it was somewhat similar to the black crack when the little skeleton appeared.

More importantly, the little skeleton seems to follow.

It actually triggered the fluctuation of the laws of space! And the five-color divine light emitted by Lao Kong did not touch the small skeleton, but the black crack in front of the skeleton directly swallowed it, but in an instant, he could not detect any aura of the five colors at all!" …”

"The law of space! This little thing is enough to mobilize the law of space at will!!"

Both Lao Kong and Lao Yan were trembling in their pupils, and the shock in their hearts could not be calmed down for a long time.

In the outside world, the power of the law can only be accessed by reaching the highest god level, even the powerhouse of the king of the gods, under the power of the law, there is no power to fight back.

Of course, with the exception of Qin Yan who opened the hook.

But now, a strange skeleton whose strength can reach the domain master level can actually release the law of space! It is conceivable that if the sword of the small skeleton slashes at Lao Kong, Lao Kong will be instantly torn apart by the power of the law of space. Fragment! "Your Majesty, this little thing is a little weird!"

Lao Kong didn't dare to continue rashly, looking at the little skeleton with fearful eyes.


At this time, the little skeleton also seemed to sense the hostility from Qin Yan and others in front of him. A big head swayed suddenly, and his entire body was diffracted directly towards Qin like a cannonball! Seeing this, Qin Yan did not have any Hesitating, raising his little claws, the endless power of destruction directly oppresses the little skeleton.

Now that Qin Yan has been promoted to the domain master level, with the blessing of many talents, a single blow with all his strength is enough to destroy a world master level powerhouse.

Even an immortal-level powerhouse, Qin Yan has the power to fight.

Boom boom boom!!! The terrifying force of destruction directly bombarded the little skeleton, and the little skeleton flew out.

"Well not smashed"

Qin Yan was puzzled.

Qin Yan's comprehension of the power of destruction has reached the ultimate level, and even a single blow may be enough to kill a world master.

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