But the little skeleton seemed to have just been blasted away and was not injured in any way!

Chapter [-]: Immortal body, undead army

Chapter [-]:::::The undead body, the army of skeletons appeared! Rolling dozens of times in the air, the body of the little skeleton slammed into a meteorite.


After the bombardment of the power of destruction, the long sword in the little skeleton's hand was completely shattered and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

But the little skeleton did not suffer even the slightest damage, not even a single bone was missing on his body! "I really don't believe it is a national treasure, and I can't break a broken five, skeleton today!"

Qin Yan said with a bit of anger.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Qin Yan slammed a small paw towards the small skeleton, and a large black and white handprint suddenly condensed and slammed towards the small skeleton! At this time, the small skeleton that had just landed seemed to have not recovered I came back to my senses from the bombardment of the power of destruction just now, just shook my big head twice, and the yin and yang big mudra has been photographed brazenly.

Boom boom boom!!! For a time, the entire starry sky seemed to tremble a few times, and countless broken stars exploded directly under the destruction of the Yin-Yang Mudra.

"This time it's so damn good, I've forced out the little tricks of the national treasure. This palm uses one-tenth and 10% of the power of the national treasure!"

Qin Yan let out a sigh of relief and looked at the little skeleton through the starry sky.

However, at this time, the petite figure of the little skeleton appeared again, and slowly stood up with a 1 meteorite on his feet.

The little skeleton, who was bombarded twice in a row, was obviously a little stunned at the moment.

A pair of big empty eyes looked in front of him, and three sentences seemed to be written on his forehead.

Who am I! Where am I! What am I doing! "I rely on!!!"

Qin Yan was a little violent, and his small temper can be said to have come up.

"Yin-yang reversal, you give the original!"

As soon as he pointed it out, the terrifying power of yin and yang turned into a death beam and directly penetrated the body of the little skeleton.

However, the little skeleton is still standing in the same place, there is no manifestation of any state of death! "This is not dead!"

Qin Yan's eyes widened, and a look of disbelief appeared on his little face.

When Qin Yan performed the yin and yang reversal, not even the supreme god of shadows and god king Arthur did not escape.

The power of yin and yang is the power of Qin Yan's origin, and if he exerts it with all his strength, even the immortal-level powerhouse will never survive! A pair of empty eyes finally looked at Qin Yan again.


A sharp sound cut through the entire starry sky, and then the little skeleton waved his hands constantly, and black cracks slowly formed in front of the little skeleton.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and kill this little thing, it's so weird!"

At this moment, Lao Kong shouted anxiously.

However, Qin Yan slowly shook his head and pointed to the little skull.

"It's not that I don't want to kill it, it's that it seems to be undead!"

"What! The Immortal Body"

Old Yan's eyes stared like copper bells.

"Is there really an immortal body in this world?"

Today's Qin Yan finally understands what the inanimate body means in the system's mouth.

An inanimate body, that is, no life, but a real existence and thinking, is a real immortal body! At this moment, the entire starry sky suddenly trembled, and among the black cracks in front of the little skeleton, a The petite body slowly squeezed out, and it turned out to be a small skeleton, and it was exactly the same, and there was no difference in the appearance of the small skeleton! A small skeleton appeared in Qin Yan's line of sight, only a short time Counting the time, the number of small skeletons that appeared has already exceeded a thousand! These densely packed small skeletons have formed a real army of skeletons!

Chapter [-]: Damn, you are touching porcelain!

Chapter [-]:::::Fuck, you are touching porcelain! Looking at the army of skeletons in front of him, Qin Yan only felt that his head was getting bigger.

A small skeleton can't kill itself, not to mention thousands of small skeletons in front of you, which are also thousands of immortal bodies! "Your Majesty, why don't we get away quickly?"

Lao Kong cautiously suggested.

"Slip away in the dictionary of national treasures, the word retreat is not there!"

Qin Yanyi said righteously.

"These little things, although national treasures can't kill you, they can beat you!"

In front of him, the number of small skeletons still did not stop growing, but the small skeletons that appeared did not attack Qin Yan and others, as if they were waiting for their team to be assembled.

Qin Yan was naturally very curious about the existence of an immortal body like the little skeleton.

After all, before this, there has never been an undead body in the vast universe.

Even if he is stronger than the supreme god, his life will come to an end one day.

"Your Majesty, it seems that it is almost over."

Lao Yan looked at the black cracks that were gradually decreasing in number in front of him, and his eyes were a little dignified.

The thousands of small skeletons in front of them exude not only the domain master-level aura, but even a few powerful auras that have reached the immortality level! Finally, with the efforts of the small skeletons, one is more black than the other. A crack that was several times larger appeared, followed by a silver skeleton slowly walking out.

"God king level powerhouse!"

At the moment when the silver skeleton appeared, Lao Kong and Laohu shouted.

The body shape of the silver skeleton is no different from that of a normal human, and the whole body bones are like a layer of silver light, giving people a metallic texture.

Moreover, the eyes of the silver skeleton are not as hollow as other small skeletons, but two cyan flames are burning quietly.

God-king-level powerhouses, even if they look at the entire universe, belong to one party's supreme, just like God-king Arthur who was accidentally killed by Qin Yan, he is a thunderous existence in the entire shadow civilization.

"Zizzi...it's this little thing that hit you"

The silver skeleton picked up a small skeleton very casually, and it was obvious that this was the small skeleton that Qin Yan had beaten up before.

At this time, the little skeleton nodded vigorously, if it had a face, it would definitely make a resentful expression at this moment to express its anger towards Qin Yan.

Slowly placing the small skeleton on the ground, the silver skeleton looked at Qin Yan, and the two cyan flames in his pupils were burning, showing the anger in his heart.


The silver skeleton let out a long whistle, and the entire body turned into a silver ray of light, directly moving towards Qin Yan.

In an instant, strong spatial law fluctuations appeared in the entire space, especially the space where Qin Yan was, as if it was instantly cut into several parts.

"God-king-level undead body seems a bit difficult to handle!"

Looking at the silver light and shadow in front of him, Qin Yan couldn't help muttering to himself, and then the power of yin and yang was released frantically.

At this moment, the originally extremely fast silver skeleton suddenly stopped in place, and the two cyan flames in the pupils began to tremble violently.

"What the hell, is this ghost afraid of our king?"

Seeing the appearance of the silver skeleton, Lao Kong couldn't help sneering.

The next moment, the silver skeleton suddenly stepped forward and walked towards Qin Yan step by step.

Seeing this, Qin Yan raised his small claws without hesitation, and just as he was about to make a bigger move, the silver skeleton knelt down on one knee.


Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and he didn't seem to have made a move yet... "Fuck, what the hell, the national treasure hasn't been shot yet, you are just touching porcelain!"

Chapter [-]: Collect thousands of younger brothers at a time!

Chapter [-]:::::Received thousands of younger brothers at a time! The sudden gift of the silver skeleton made Qin Yan a little confused.

This is the first time I have come to this cosmic ruin, and this group of undead bodies seems to be the creatures in this cosmic ruin.

in spite of....

From any aspect of analysis, it seems that he has nothing to do with this group of skeletons.

And just when Qin Yan was puzzled, the silver skeleton finally spoke.

"Tianchen, I have seen the little master!"

"What did you call me? Don't scare the national treasure, the national treasure doesn't know you at all!"

Qin Yan, who was already stunned, became even more stunned... What the hell is going on with this Nima? This guy was yelling to kill him before, but in the blink of an eye, he called his master again.

Should Nima change so quickly? "Little master, is the old master who asked you to come here, where is the old master?"

The silver skeleton calling himself Tianchen spoke again.

"What little master, old master, you are so special... Explain to the national treasure, the national treasure has no idea what you are talking about!"

Qin Yan said very helplessly.

"You don't know the existence of the old master, so how did you come here?"

The two cyan flames in Tianchen's pupils seemed to have turned into two big question marks.

Looking at Tian Chen with a blank face in front of him, Qin Yan seemed to have thought of something.

The reason why Tianchen bowed to himself is because he released the power of yin and yang, and in this universe, only the chaotic beasts of yin and yang can control the power of yin and yang.

It can make a god-king-level immortal body like Tianchen recognize the Lord, the entire universe.

It seems that there is only the mysterious beast god, the ancestor of the yin and yang chaos beast! "Your old master, the national treasure has not been seen until now!"

Qin Yan said angrily.

"By the way, where exactly is this place, what race are you, why do you have an immortal body, and why are you here?"

Qin Yan asked all the doubts in his heart in one breath.

"I'm very sorry, little master. Since my death, my memory has been erased. The only memory left is my name and the old master."

Tianchen said apologetically.

"Death, you mean you are already dead, aren't you immortal?"

Never mind....

No matter what kind of power Qin Yan uses, it is impossible to hurt a small skeleton of the domain master level, and the skeleton of the god king level in front of him can kill its existence, at least it must be detached from the supreme gods! "Immortal! We, as we are now, seem to be really... undead."

Tian Chen opened his mouth to explain.

"I don't know the reason for our death. My memory has been erased. As for why I became such an existence, it is because our lives were sealed by the old master, and the seal will be lifted.... .., we will naturally dissipate between this world."

In other words, Tian Chen and all the little skeletons at this time were just walking dead.

"By the way, little master, since you have come to this place, then we can become your slaves."

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