When the words fell, I saw Tianchen beckoning at the small skeletons behind him, and immediately all the small skeletons were half-kneeling on the ground.

"Zizzizi...see Master!"

"Didn't I collect thousands of younger brothers at a time by relying on national treasures! And they are some immortal bodies that master the laws of space! It's really cool!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for subduing 365 younger brothers at one time, and getting rewards: 20 trillion physique, +20 trillion soul."

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for subduing a god-king-level powerhouse to become his little brother, and getting rewards: physique + 40 trillion, soul + 40!"

Chapter [-]: Our luck doesn't seem to be very good!

Chapter [-]::::: Our luck doesn't seem to be very good! After receiving the rewards from the system, Qin Yan's realm has been directly raised to the domain master level seven stars.

In just one day of coming to the cosmos ruins, I first harvested hundreds of weapons above the immortality level, and then conquered a group of undead bodies as little brothers.

Based on these two aspects alone, I am afraid that no one who has entered the ruins of the universe for hundreds of millions of years can compare with Qin Yan.

"By the way, Little Skeleton, you've been here for a while, you should know where there is a big chance in this place."

Qin Yan rubbed his little paw and asked expectantly.

He and Lao Kong and Lao Yan entered this place where chickens don't lay eggs and birds don't poop. They are extremely unfamiliar with everything. The entire star field is dead silent, and there is no life.

Previously, the three of them could be said to have been wandering around without any purpose at all.

Only it's different now.

Tianchen has been here for hundreds of millions of years, perhaps since the existence of this cosmic relic, Tianchen has been here.

As for this place, the most familiar person is probably only Tianchen! "Little master, my name is Tianchen, not a little skeleton."

Tian Chen also struggled with Qin Yan's name for himself.

It's just that the struggle is ineffective! "The national treasure calls you a little skeleton, you call it a little skeleton, there are too many nonsense, so I want to fight!"

Immediately afterwards, Lao Kong's sharp claws had slammed on Tian Chen's skull.

Tianchen: "..."

"Little master, the situation here is just like, there are broken stars and corpses everywhere, it seems that there has been a battle here."

"In the beginning, there was a lot of resentment everywhere. Although many strong people died, their spiritual thoughts did not dissipate."

"Until now, innumerable years have passed, and the will of these resentments has gradually been wiped out and turned into some evil spirit-like existence."

"If little master, you can swallow up the power of these... evil spirits, presumably the realm should be greatly increased!"

"Devouring evil spirits, you can figure it out, national treasures won't touch those... filthy things,!"

Qin Yan righteously refused to say.

"Besides... this one, is there... anything else, such as is there any... treasure house, or some more foolish people like you? Han volunteered to be my little brother"

"Little master, although many creatures have entered this place for hundreds of millions of years, most of them have been swallowed up by those... evil spirits, and only a small part of them have gotten the chance. Escaped back, and a small part..."

Speaking of this, Tian Chen's eyes couldn't help looking around.

Boom!! Qin Yan's little paw mercilessly knocked on Tian Chen's forehead.

"What's wrong with a small part, tell me quickly, don't sell the national treasure!"

"The other part was swallowed up by the space storm here and brought into the space rift."

Tianchen replied.

"Space rift, what is that"

"Little master, the so-called space rift is... it belongs to the junction between here and the outside world, where the laws of space are extremely profound, even if it is an undead body like us, although entering it can save life, but I am afraid it will never be ...it's hard to come out."

As soon as Tian Chen's voice fell, a violent gust of wind suddenly blew from the starry sky not far away, and a strong power of space law madly raged in this star field.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind also blew in the other direction, and its power was only stronger than the previous one! And the two gusts just surrounded everyone and monopolized their retreat! At this time, Tianchen looked at the raging winds on both sides. , said helplessly, spread his hands.

"Little master, it seems that our luck is not very good!"

Chapter [-]: Enter the space rift!

Chapter [-]::::: Enter the space rift! "What does bad luck mean? I said little skeleton, aren't you in control of the laws of space? Summon a dark rift like the one before and teleport us all away. it's fine"

Feeling the space being torn apart, Lao Kong couldn't help but said towards Tianchen.

"It can't do it."

It wasn't Tian Chen who responded to Lao Kong, but Qin Yan! "These two storms are mixed with the law of wind and the law of space, and the power of the law in it must surpass the law mastered by the little skeleton, so now we have There is no way out."

Up to now, even Qin Yan is a little helpless, after all, his knowledge of space laws is not strong, maybe a bit stronger than Tian Chen, but it is not enough to fight against this strange space storm.

"Little master, space storms only occur once every 100 years, and it is extremely difficult to encounter such a large star field, so very few people die in space storms."

"That's why I say, our luck is too bad."

Tian Chen explained a little helplessly.

And just as everyone was talking, two space storms were approaching them, and countless broken stars burst into pieces under the devastation of the space storm.

"Old Kong, Lao Yan, you two must keep up with the national treasure, understand?"

At this time, Qin Yan did not sit still, the laws of the surrounding space surged, and the power of yin and yang slowly radiated out.

"Good king!"

Although Lao Kong and Lao Yan have been promoted to the cosmos level today, relying on their own strength to survive in this space storm is tantamount to a fool's dream.

Once the space storm is approaching, without even touching him, it's already torn to shreds.

"Little Skull, you guys....... Immortality is enough to protect yourself."

Hearing this, Tian Chen nodded.

"Please rest assured, little master, although we can't resist the space storm, the space storm can't hurt us either, but if we are caught in the space crack, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out."

As soon as Tian Chen's voice fell, the roaring wind was mixed with the power of terrifying space, directly shrouding everyone in it.

Immediately after, another space storm followed, and the two space storms collided together. The extremely dense space law and the law of wind raged, and the surrounding space began to gradually dissolve! "Kakaka!!!"

The two space storms gradually blended together, forming a strange storm vortex.

The moment the storm vortex was formed, the huge pulling force directly sucked Qin Yan and the others and a group of small skeletons into it.

The space storm has not stopped for a long time, and a large area of ​​space has been shattered under the devastation of the storm.

However, the figures of Qin Yan and the others and the small skeletons had long since disappeared.

Qin Yan's body finally stopped after a feeling of spinning around.

This seems to be a brand new space, but the whole space is...like the ruins, a dead gray.

Feeling the power of the law in the space, Qin Yan was slightly startled.

Here, it seems that there is no mysterious power in the ruins, and the extremely strong spatial law fluctuations, even the supreme god of the space system may not have such a pure power of space.

However, in this space, Qin Yan has always been torn by a huge force, which seems to be related to the extremely strong space laws here.

Under the protection of Qin Yan, Lao Yan and Lao Kong didn't bear much pressure.

"To be able to withstand this tearing force, you must at least have the strength above the immortality level!"

Qin Yan muttered to himself, and there was a little doubt in his small eyes.

"But what is this completely unfamiliar force?"

Chapter [-]: Above the law, the power of the rules!

Chapter [-]::::: Above the law, the power of the rules! "Your Majesty, what kind of strange power are you talking about?"

Beside Qin Yan, Lao Kong asked with a puzzled look.

At this time, Lao Kong was still looking around constantly. In his opinion, there seemed to be nothing special about this place, except that it was darker than the ruins.

What Lao Kong didn't know was that if Qin Yan hadn't been by his side, he would have turned into a blood mist at this time.

"not sure."

Qin Yan shook his head and said.

"But the national treasure always feels that there is an extremely powerful force hidden in this space law, and this force seems to be above the law!"

"Above the law, Your Majesty, in the universe, the power of the law is already the strongest force.

The power that can surpass the law has not appeared in the universe at least until now."

Lao Yan said with a smile.

Indeed, even the strongest supreme god in the universe can only comprehend the power of law.

"Don't beep if you don't understand!"

Qin Yan slapped Lao Yan's head with his paw, causing Lao Yan to beg for mercy.

"If it is a national treasure, it is... yes, do you understand?"

"Understood, understand, what the king said is what!"

Lao Yan said that he was very injured... "Little Skull, your body can ignore the space tearing here, you can take them around to see if there is any... way out."

"Yes, little master."

Tianchen led the way, and scattered around with a group of small skeletons.

At this moment, just when Qin Yan was going to calm down and feel the sound, a cold electronic system sound suddenly came from his mind.

"Ding... Detecting that the host has come into contact with the power of rules, the system will improve the host's understanding of... the power of rules."

"The power of rules, what is that power that is above the rules?"

"Yes, the power of rules is indeed an existence above the power of laws, and it is also the most powerful force in this universe at present."

"System, can I directly grasp the power of rules now?"

Qin Yan asked in anticipation.

If he can really master the power of rules, I am afraid that he can directly open the space barrier and escape.

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