And his strength will be greatly improved.

After all, the power of rules is a power that even the supreme gods cannot comprehend! "I'm very sorry, because the current host state is not enough... and I can't fully grasp the power of rules."

In this regard, Qin Yan no longer pursues it, the system has improved his understanding of the power of rules, and there is the power of rules in this space.

The rest, just comprehend it by yourself! Thinking of this, Qin Yan sat cross-legged on the ground, comprehending the power of the rules in this space.

............Another space in the space gap.

A black-robed figure sat cross-legged, his eyes were slightly closed, and a very strong space law was surging around him.

And the space tearing here is completely ignored for him! If Qin Yan is here, he will be surprised, because this black robe figure is a human race, and it is an old man who is about to die! Suddenly, the old man suddenly When I opened my eyes, the slightly cloudy eyes reflected two sharp rays of light, piercing the void, as if they could penetrate everything.

After a long time, the old man slowly got up, his eyes retracted, and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Hey hey, it's been so many years that this old man has encountered a living body here, and it doesn't look like it was torn to shreds after entering here."

Saying this, the old man slowly raised his hand, his dry palm was slightly exposed, his fingertips lightly tapped, and the rich spatial power gathered crazily.

"These little prey, the old man will enjoy it!"

Chapter [-]: Do you try to move him again? !

Chapter [-]::::: Try moving him again! In the space cracks, because the laws of space are too powerful, there are space turbulence everywhere, and a very strong space tear has always existed .

However, all of this has no effect on Tian Chen, who is an immortal body.

At this time, Tian Chen was still there: by Qin Yan's order, he took his younger brothers to find a way out of this space in the fissures of space.

Suddenly, Tianchen stopped his footsteps, two sharp eyes suddenly looked at a certain place in the void, and said coldly.

"Don't hide, come out!"

"Oh, you can still find my existence, it seems that your little skeleton is a bit difficult."

A playful voice sounded in the void, followed by an old man in black robes walking out of the void.

"I can understand that a small god-king-level skeleton can resist the tearing of the space here, but these small skeletons can also survive here, the old man....I am very curious, what are you guys doing? what race"

Saying this, the old man waved, and the two small skeletons of the world master level were directly thrown to the ground by him.

"Let's talk about it, if your answer can satisfy the old man, maybe the old man can let you live."

"Oh yes, the old man can feel that not far from here, there seem to be three auras that are different from yours. The old man has to go and play with them. I don't want to waste too much time on you, do you understand?"

The old man who seemed to be in control of everything in his own hands, received a violent punch from Tianchen.

Bang! After a loud noise, the figure of Lei Chen flew upside down! After the continuous rolling of space, Tian Chen barely stabilized himself, and the two cyan flames in a pair of eyes trembled gently.

Tianchen is an immortal body of the god-king level, even if his combat power is not strong, he still has the realm of the god-king level.

But even so, the old man still shook it away, which means that the strength of the old man in front of him is at least in the late stage of the god-king level, or even above the god-king level, the supreme god! "Let's talk about it. , Don't have futile struggles, you are not the opponent of this old man."

The old man played with a dagger in his hand and threw it at will.

The dagger turned into a green light and shot directly at Tianchen.

Tianchen didn't have time to dodge at all, the dagger directly penetrated Tianchen's body, and then turned into a green light and returned to the old man's hands.

However, at this time, Tianchen still maintained his original posture, as if it was not the one that was penetrated by the dagger just now.

Kacha!!! The next moment, the bones pierced by the dagger began to automatically connect, and in just a few breaths, the wound on Tianchen's chest was completely healed! This is the horror of the immortal body! "Oh interesting Extremely, it is really interesting! Now the old man is very interested in you, and he can't wait to dig out your secrets!"

While playing with the dagger in his hand, the old man observed Tianchen in front of him, as if he were looking at a work of art.

"What kind of race can have such a strong resilience, and even if the strength is not enough..., it can resist the space tearing here. Sure enough, there are still many unsolved mysteries in this place that even the old man doesn't know!"

"Skull boy, you'd better tell me everything this old man wants to know, otherwise, the old man will let you understand what it means to be unable to survive and not to die!"

The next moment, the old man's whole body space law gathered, and he wanted to take another shot at Tianchen.

But at this moment, a cold voice with endless killing intent sounded.

"You try to move him again!"

Chapter [-]: The younger brother was bullied,

Chapter [-]::::: The younger brother was deceived, and the elder brother came forward! "Yin and Yang Chaos Beast!"

Qin Yan's sudden appearance caused the pupils of the old man to shrink suddenly, and his face was full of shock.

"Old man, you dare to bully the younger brother of the national treasure, are you tired of living?"

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and said murderously.

What a joke, bullying Qin Yan's younger brother, isn't that just hitting Qin Yan in the face? How could Qin Yan swallow this bad breath! "Little master, I'm fine.

You must be careful, this man is very powerful."

Tian Chen came to Qin Yan's side and said, looking at the old man with a look of jealousy.

It never thought that it would be able to meet a super strong here.

The people involved in the space rift are basically dying, and looking at the appearance of the old man in front of him, it is obvious that he has been here for a long time, which is enough to reflect the horror of the old man! "Little Skull, you can rest assured, the king is absolutely not. Will allow my little brother to be bullied."

The old man beside him said with a smile.

"It's..., the younger brother was bullied, and the elder brother came forward! In this world, who the king has ever been afraid of!"

Lao Yan also agreed.

Indeed, even in the face of the supreme god of death, Qin Yan did not show a trace of timidity, and even confronted the supreme god of death, and finally killed the supreme god of death! "Hehe, you are a god-king level, Are you willing to recognize the trash at the main level of the next district as a big brother?"

The old man said with a strange smile, looking at Qin Yan with disdain.

"It's just a yin-yang chaotic beast cub, with the realm of the domain master, do you think the old man will be afraid of you hahaha, if you reach the immortality level, maybe the old man will look at you highly, it's you now, but also Inappropriate!"


As Qin Yan's loyal little fanboy, Tianchen naturally wouldn't let others insult his little master.

But just when Tianchen was about to shoot, Qin raised his hand to stop Tianchen.

"Old man, the national treasure is going to congratulate you."

"Congratulations on a few meanings"

The old man looked bewildered.

"Congratulations on your success in provoking National Treasure, don't worry, National Treasure will make your death ugly, even if you beg for mercy now, it's useless."

"Hahaha! Little guy, you must be a little too confident. Is it because of your domain master-level strength? I said little guy, no wonder your yin-yang chaotic beast clan is so rare, and everyone is so ignorant of life and death!"

Qin Yan's self-confidence also made the old man wonder whether to laugh or cry.

A dignified man of the highest god level is now threatened by a waste of the domain master level. If this spreads out, does it mean that he will lose all face! "I don't know whether to live or die"

Qin Yan sneered, and the power of yin and yang slowly revolved.

"It's a national treasure... I want to see who is dead or alive!"

The next moment, Qin Yan stopped talking nonsense to the old man, and threw a yin and yang mudra.

An excellent national treasure animal like Qin Yan has always conquered people by force! Feeling the strength displayed by Qin Yan, the old man was slightly surprised.

The strength of this attack alone is definitely far beyond the power of the domain master, and even the world master is not as good! Coupled with the power of yin and yang, even if Qin Yan encounters an ordinary immortal power There is the power to fight! This also means that once Qin Yan reaches the immortality level, it is enough to threaten a supreme god like himself! "The Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts are really not simple. It seems that the old man can't let you leave here alive today. !"

The old man muttered to himself, and then a pair of dry hands quickly condensed a seal in front of him, and the strong power of space law raged.

Chapter [-]: Shoot yourself in the foot!

Chapter [-]::::: Shoot yourself in the foot! Boom boom!!! Every time Qin Yan and the old man fight, the space will collapse, and the entire space crack seems to be shaking.

At this time, the old man was even more frightened, because he had used [-]% of his power from the beginning, and now he has used [-]% of his power, but Qin Yan was still able to stay strong! In theory, a master-level powerhouse should be a one-shot kill, but now this is not the case at all.

Qin Yan, who has now reached the seven-star domain master level, has opened the beast transformation and the blessing of many talents, even in the face of immortal level and even immortal level powerhouses.

But meeting the real supreme gods, it is still a little weak now.

"Boy, I've been playing with you long enough, this old man doesn't want to waste time on you!"

After a short fight, I saw the old man form a seal with one hand, and the strong power of space law rushed towards the old man frantically. The power of space law was intertwined, and it slowly formed a formation!

Qin Yan was a little surprised that the unremarkable old man in front of him was actually an array mage, and he was also an array mage who had reached the highest realm.

The cultivation of the Array Master is quite demanding. For a powerful Array Master, the cultivation base will generally be weaker. After all, the Array Master needs constant study, and most of the time is spent on it, so the cultivation will naturally fall.

It is already quite terrifying that the realm of an array mage can reach the level of a supreme god.

"Boy, if you want to blame, you can only blame you, I met the old man!"

A stern look flashed in the old man's eyes, and then the huge formation with big hands directly enveloped Qin Yan in it.

At this moment, Qin Yan only felt that his body was about to be torn apart, and the terrifying tearing force came from all directions, and it was like a flood. God-king-level powerhouse, you should give up your struggle!"

The old man said proudly, his face full of pride.

However, Qin Yan, who was in the great formation at this time, suddenly closed his eyes and let the huge tearing force raged on his body, as if he had really given up resistance.

Seeing this, the corners of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Finally feel it!"

The next moment, Qin Yan murmured, and immediately opened his eyes slowly.

At this moment, an extremely strong force erupted from Qin Yan's body, instantly sweeping the entire formation.

"This... what is this"

The old man was completely stunned, and a very strong force appeared in his perception, even stronger than the force of the law! "Old man, I have to thank you for the national treasure!"

I saw Qin Yan waved his hand casually, and the great formation that the old man had set up collapsed in an instant, and the power of the laws of space also dissipated in an instant.

"If it wasn't for your formation that concentrated all the power here, it would be really difficult for a national treasure to comprehend the power of this rule. Although it is only a first glimpse of the door, it is enough to break your formation!"

Previously, Qin Yan had been comprehending the power of rules. Although the system had improved his understanding of the power of rules, it was still difficult for him to come into contact with the powerful power of rules.

Finally, just now, the old man cast a great formation and gathered all his strength in the great formation. The strong power of law was mixed with the power of rules, which completely made Qin Yan comprehend, and was able to mobilize the power of rules! Speaking of which, the old man still You've helped Qin Yan a lot! I don't know if the angry old man would vomit blood if he let the old man know about this. This is like shooting himself in the foot!

Chapter [-]: The fusion of yin and yang reappears, the pinnacle of immortality!

Chapter [-]::::: The fusion of yin and yang reappears, the pinnacle of immortality! "What do you say about the power of rules"

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