The old man's eyes were like copper bells, and his face was full of disbelief.

"This is absolutely impossible, the power of rules is above all power, the strongest power in the universe, even the supreme gods are difficult to comprehend. Power!"

The old man kept shaking his head, as if affirming his own thoughts, but the power displayed by Qin Yan forced him to accept such a fact.

A domain master comprehends the power of rules, which is completely beyond his understanding! "Old man, you still know the power of rules"

Qin Yan asked with some doubts.

As a rule that is above the law, it is the strongest power in the universe. Even the most powerful gods cannot touch the level of the power of rules. Therefore, in the entire universe, few people know the power of rules. Few, if there is no systematic explanation to Qin Yan, Qin Yan will not know the existence of the power of rules until now.

But the old man in front of him was able to directly say the power of rules, which meant that the old man understood the power of rules, and even had contact with the power of rules.

"Heh, boy, I didn't expect you to be able to access the level of the power of rules, it seems that the old man underestimates you.

It's just that if you just want to beat me with the power of the rules you just learned, it's still a bit of an idiot.

But you also made me see one thing clearly, that is, I will kill you here today no matter what!"

The old man said with a grim expression.

in spite of....

Whether it is the strength against the sky, or the understanding of the power of rules, these... all tell the old man one thing, that is, Qin Yan's talent is too terrifying, and it can even be described in words. .

If Qin Yan is allowed to escape successfully, the old man believes that with it, Qin Yan will reach a level that makes it difficult for him to solve it! Therefore, he must kill Qin Yan here today! Even at the risk of: offending The risk of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan! The next moment, the old man was big, and the strong power of space law gathered again, and the terrifying power tore the space and blasted towards Qin Yan.

"The laws of space..."

Feeling the space law released by the old man, Qin Yan suddenly heard the dialogue between Mu Lingshang and Mu Yuan that day.

The Mu Ling reward told Mu Yuan very clearly that apart from... Mu Yuan, there is no one in the universe who comprehends the laws of space! But now, Qin Yan has seen and comprehended the laws of space here. man of.

But it's not difficult to explain, after all, Mu Lingshang has never entered the ruins of the universe, so naturally he doesn't know the existence of this mysterious old man.

But at this moment, the power of space law has been oppressed, and its power is many times stronger than the previous formation! This also means that the old man is really killing Qin Yan now! "If you use all your strength, then don't blame the national treasure for making big moves!"

Qin Yan sneered in his heart, and the power of yin and yang quickly converged. One black and one white power of yin and yang rapidly revolved above Qin Yan's head, and then gradually merged! The fusion of yin and yang is the strongest talent currently mastered by Qin Yan.

On that day, Qin Yan relied on the fusion of yin and yang to kill the supreme god of death! Now that the fusion of yin and yang has reappeared, Qin Yan's breath has skyrocketed! Yan's aura is still there: soaring, immortal! Immortal peak! At this moment, Qin Yan's aura has stabilized, and the powerful immortal aura is slowly exuding.

On that day, because it was the first time to face the supreme god, the system forcibly raised Qin Yan's realm to the level of the supreme god.

Now that the fusion of yin and yang has reappeared, Qin Yan has actually reached the immortal level!

Chapter [-]: My master is the supreme god of space

Chapter [-]:::::My master is the supreme god of space! With the eruption of Qin Yan's aura, the entire space crack seemed to tremble, not because of Qin Yan's realm, but because of Qin Yan's realm. This terrifying power of yin and yang! "This... how can this be the peak of the immortal level? This is impossible!"

Feeling the change in Qin Yan's breath, the old man couldn't help roaring angrily, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

At the domain master level, you can fight back and forth with him, comprehend the power of the rules, and instantly raise your realm to the peak of the immortal level.

Every point, I am afraid it is a shocking talent.

Every point is an existence that defies the sky! When these three points are concentrated on one person, it creates a monster that defies the sky! "Boy, this old man is fighting with you!"

The old man shouted angrily, and the power of the surrounding space law surged wildly, and his own breath even mentioned the peak. With a punch, the space was shattered! Today's old man has had to use up all his strength, even so, it is possible Not Qin Yan's opponent.

"Good come!"

Qin Yan's small eyes shone brightly, and the little paws snapped it outright. It was a single strike of the Yin-Yang Mudra! It's just that the power of the Yin-Yang Mudra at this time was hundreds of times higher than the previous one! The huge Yin-Yang Mudra is long For tens of thousands of miles, it not only crushed the old man in terms of momentum, but also completely crushed in terms of body shape.

The yin-yang big mudra collided with the old man's fist, and the sound of space breaking sounded, accompanied by the sound of dislocated bones and the old man's screams.

Boom!!! The old man's body was smashed to the ground, his right arm drooped weakly, and the original withered palm is now bloody, no, it should be said that the old body is bloody, and even can only A human figure could barely be seen.

Even if the old man has tried his best, the difference between the two is easy to see! It is not that the old man is too weak, but Qin Yan is too strong. "The little master seems to be too strong!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tian Chen couldn't help but said.

What kind of existence is that old man, who can slap it flying with a slap, and his strength is at the level of a supreme god.

But in front of Qin Yan, he was so vulnerable! Originally, Tianchen thought that his little master had not grown up, but now it seems that he was really wrong.

My own little master is... a complete monster! "This is the end of the national treasure. I thought you were so hard to beat, that's all!"

At this time, Qin Yan walked slowly to the old man's side, stepped on the old man's chest, raised his head and said.

"Old man, weren't you fierce just now? Didn't you want to kill the national treasure? Come on!"

Old man: "..."

The old man expressed his sadness for Qin Yan's act of making up the knife... "By the way, Xiao Kuo, you also step on a few feet. This old man beat you up just now."

Tian Chen took the order and directly stepped on the old man a few times, causing the old man to vomit several mouthfuls of old blood.

"Your Majesty, let me have two feet too!"

Old Kong was itching to see it, and he couldn't help stepping forward and stepping on his feet.

Then came Lao Yan... The old man who had barely recovered his senses suddenly saw thousands of small skeletons behind Lao Yan, his eyes were darkened at that time, and he almost fainted.

"It makes you crazy, and you have to be crazy. You have to provoke a national treasure. It's too late to regret it!"

As soon as Qin Yan shot down, he wanted to trample the old man to death with one foot.

But at this moment, the old man suddenly sighed and barely raised his voice.

"You can't kill me! My master is the supreme god of space!"

"If you kill me, my master will definitely hunt you down to the ends of the earth and make you pay the price with your life!"

Chapter [-]: Muyuan Appears!

Chapter [-]::::: Muyuan Appears! "The Supreme God of Space, Muyuan!"

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and his small eyes were also full of doubts.

Mu Yuan even has an apprentice, and it is in the ruins of the universe. I am afraid that people in the entire universe do not know about it.

The name of the supreme god of space, Mu Yuan, can be said to be resounding throughout the universe. In that battle, thousands of supreme gods fell into the hands of Mu Yuan, but he fought against the existence of the entire universe with one person! Suddenly, Qin Yan seemed to I remembered one thing.

Before Mu Yuan became an enemy of the entire universe, he disappeared for [-] billion years. Even Mu Lingshang, the master, did not know where Mu Yuan went. The only thing he knew was..., Mu Yuan After coming back, his temperament changed greatly, just like a different person.

Could it be that the [-] billion years when Muyuan disappeared was... Mu Lingshang and the supreme god of destiny who spent in this cosmic ruins also had a conversation, and the cosmic ruins rejected all powerhouses above the immortality level. Enter, the only supreme god in the world who may enter the cosmic ruins, and only the supreme god of space Muyuan who has understood the laws of space! However, if Muyuan disappeared for [-] billion years in the cosmic ruins, then, What exactly exists here will make Mu Yuan's temperament change greatly, even at the expense of the entire universe, he will end up with the end of his soul and soul. "Yes, my master is the supreme god of space, you are the best Hurry up and let me go, or my master will make you die miserably!"

Knowing that Qin Yan knew Mu Yuan, the old man also had some confidence in his heart.

The strength of Mu Yuan, even though he also understood the laws of space in the old man's heart, but compared to Mu Yuan, he is like a child learning to talk! However, at this time, Qin Yan slowly shook his head, his face With a harmless smile.

"Old man, National Treasure is not afraid of Muyuan, and it hasn't been long since we last met, but now National Treasure gives you a chance to live, ask you a few questions, if your answer can satisfy National Treasure, The national treasure may consider letting you go."

"Hehehe, boy, do you think that if you can defeat the old man, you can fight against my master? It's just a joke! With your current strength, you are simply vulnerable in front of my master, and you ask your question. Before, the old man gave you an answer, the old man will never reveal any information about the master, not even in death!"

The old man firmly believed that since Qin Yan knew his master, Mu Yuan, Qin Yan would not dare to do anything to him.

This kind of self-confidence is naturally based on the fact that Mu Yuan is strong enough! It can be said that in the entire universe, almost no one dares to provoke Mu Yuan, let alone form a deep hatred with Mu Yuan.

It is definitely not a good thing to be targeted by a supreme god who understands the laws of space and has unprecedented strength.

"Unfortunately, your answer is not satisfactory to National Treasure."

At this time, the smile on Qin Yan's face did not diminish, but he had a little more murderous intent on his body.

When the words fell, I saw Qin Yan's small paw snapping at the head of the old man! "Boy, you!!!"

The old man was stunned, he never thought that Qin Yan was so cruel, and it seemed that he really didn't take his master Mu Yuan in his eyes! "Hey!"

At this moment, a long sigh sounded, and an extremely strong space law instantly enveloped Qin Yan, and Qin Yan's palm stopped in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, a young man slowly walked out of the void, and it was Muyuan, the supreme god of space! "Qin Yan, we meet again."

Chapter [-]: Leave it for the national treasure!

Chapter [-]::::: Leave it for the national treasure! With the appearance of Mu Yuan, the power of the surrounding space surged wildly, and the original space tearing power completely disappeared at this moment. "Is Master really you!"

Looking at the person in front of him, the old man's face showed ecstasy, and then he struggled to get up from the ground.

But at this moment, Qin Yan, who was beside him, kicked the old man directly, and stepped the old man on the ground again.

Surprisingly, Mu Yuan did not stop Qin Yan's attack this time, but looked at Qin Yan very calmly. It seemed that as long as Qin Yan did not kill the old man, he would not attack.

"Master, save me!"

Being stomped on by Qin Yan, the old man spit out a mouthful of blood again, and his gaze towards Mu Yuan was also full of begging.

"Qin Yan, spare his life, how about"

Mu Yuan spoke calmly, without any fluctuations in his voice, but his tone did not seem to be discussing with Qin Yan, but seemed to be ordering Qin Yan, even though he brought "How"

Two words.

"Why do you spare his life? Is it just your spiritual thought?"

Qin Yan sneered, with a bit of disdain in his eyes, and the foot on the old man's body increased a bit more.

At the moment when Mu Yuan appeared, Qin Yan had already noticed a trace of strangeness. As the supreme god who once fought against the entire universe with one person's power, Mu Yuan's strength was naturally above that of the supreme god of death. far more than that of the supreme god of death.

But when Mu Yuan appeared just now, the pressure on Qin Yan was not much stronger than that of the supreme god of death... and even worse than the remnant soul of that day.

The only explanation is..., the Mu Yuan that appeared in front of Qin Yan's eyes was not his body, but just a divine sense! Even if it was just a divine sense of Mu Yuan, it was at the realm of the highest god level! Seeing through Qin Yan, Mu Yuan's mind was completely different. Yuan couldn't help frowning slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"I really can't let him go"

Mu Yuan did not give up, and continued to speak.

"A person who has the intention of killing the national treasure, the treasure will never allow him to survive in this world."

Qin Yan sneered, and then the little paw slapped the old man's head directly.

At this moment, Mu Yuan suddenly raised his hand, and the dense space law shrouded again, making Qin Yan feel as if his body was about to be torn apart.

The space crumbles inch by inch, and the space barriers in the space cracks are extremely hard, which is the biggest reason why the space cracks can trap people in them.

However, in front of Mu Yuan, these...hard space barriers are like glass.

"With just one divine thought, I want to stop the national treasure"

Qin Yan smiled disdainfully, the power of yin and yang erupted, and the terrifying power was vented out like a flood, which directly shattered the power of space released by Mu Yuan! above the head.

Pfft! The old man, who had lost his fighting power, was slapped by Qin Yan, and he couldn't die any longer.

Seeing the death of the old man, Mu Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, but he was not angry.

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