Although the old man is Mu Yuan's apprentice, Mu Yuan doesn't seem to care about this apprentice.

"It was useful to keep him, but now I need to change my plans."

Mu Yuan muttered to himself, and the power of the space around his body poured out wildly.

"Qin Yan, I'm looking forward to meeting you next time. As a... yin-yang chaos beast, I hope you won't let me down!"

After the words fell, Mu Yuan's spiritual thoughts began to slowly dissipate in the void.

But at this moment, Qin Yan grabbed it casually, and an extremely strong space law rushed directly to Mu Yuan's spiritual sense.

"Since it's here, let's keep it for the national treasure!

Chapter [-]: Zhanmuyuan Divine Intent!

Chapter [-]:::::Zhanmuyuan Spiritual Mind! Under Qin Yan's interference, Muyuan's body, which had gradually disappeared, slowly condensed again, completely escaped from the void, and returned to the ground. Arrived in front of Qin Yan! "You have already comprehended the laws of space!"

Mu Yuan was greatly shocked, knowing that the last time he saw Qin Yan, Qin Yan's power of space was still far from being transformed into the law of space.

But it has only been so long, Qin Yan has already comprehended the laws of space, and was even able to forcibly retain his own spiritual sense! "The yin and yang chaotic beasts are indeed terrifying!"

Mu Yuan said unwillingly, he knew that since his spiritual sense had been retained by Qin Yan, he should not be able to leave.

"Tell me about the national treasure, where have you been in the [-] billion years of disappearance? Why did you fight against the entire universe? This old man is what you use it for, and why do you know my name!"

Qin Yan asked all the doubts in his heart.

However, at this time, Mu Yuan slowly shook his head.

"Now is not the time to tell you. I have already told you before. If you want to know more, go to the Void Dimension and have a look. There, you may be able to find the answer you want."

"By the way, there is one thing I can tell you."

At this moment, Mu Yuan narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"Because you have comprehended the laws of space, the original plan of the universe will be broken, and there is a door that will only be opened in trillions of years. Because of your appearance, the universe will usher in a catastrophe. I hope you can Improve your strength as soon as possible to stop this catastrophe."

"What a catastrophe!"

Qin Yan is even more puzzled, Mu Yuan has a huge secret, and it seems to be related to the fate of the entire universe! "You should know, one day you will know."

Mu Yuan still refused to reveal half a word, saying that he had left enough room for Qin Yan to imagine.

"Forcibly keeping my spiritual sense will not do you any good. You have already killed my apprentice, so there is no need to keep me too."

"I started to follow the national treasure from outside the cosmic ruins. The national treasure is very curious. What is your purpose?"

Qin Yan said in a cold voice, the murderous intention in his eyes! "Did you find out that you didn't understand the laws of space at that time? The yin and yang chaotic beasts are all heaven-defying existences, I really want to know, in the future, Is it possible for you to reach that level!"

When the words fell, Mu Yuan stomped on the ground with one foot, and his body shot straight towards Qin Yan, mixed with the power of the terrifying space law, as if it turned into a cannonball.

"court death!"

Qin Yan snorted coldly, and slammed a yin-yang big handprint with his backhand, directly hitting Mu Yuan's spiritual sense.

At this moment, the entire space seemed to collapse, and the two forces of space law collided together, forming a terrifying storm.

"It took me at least tens of thousands of years to achieve your understanding of the laws of space now, Qin Yan, you are truly a monster!"

In the storm, Mu Yuan's spiritual thoughts slowly dissipated.

However, this time the dispersal was not caused by Mu Yuan himself, but the power that supported this divine sense was destroyed by Qin Yan! In the storm, Mu Yuan's gradually weakening voice came out.

"Qin Yan, remember what I said, now that you have comprehended the laws of space, after you reach the level of immortality, go to the void dimension and take a look!"

"In the near future, my body will meet you, and then I will definitely avenge you for killing my spirit!"

Chapter [-]: The Chance of Lao Kong and Lao Yan!

Chapter [-]:::::The chance of Lao Kong and Lao Yan! Mu Yuan's voice gradually turned into nothingness, and his spiritual sense completely dissipated in that storm.

The storm can't stop for a long time, and the power of the extreme law of space permeates every corner! "Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a spiritual sense of the supreme god of space, and get the reward: physique + 30 trillion , soul +30 trillion"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the laws of space and getting rewards: physique + 2 trillion, soul + 20 trillion!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the domain master level nine-star 9!"


Qin Yan spoke lightly, his eyes looking into the distance through the void.

Qin Yan, who has already understood the laws of space, can now break through the space barriers and leave here at any time, just like the old man and Mu Yuan can come and go freely.

The reason why Qin Yan was able to comprehend the laws of space was also due to the appearance of Mu Yuan.

As the most powerful person in the space law, Mu Yuan's accomplishments above the space law are unparalleled in the world, even the old man who also understands the space law is far from being on a par with Mu Yuan.

It is precisely because of the power of space law at the highest level that Mu Yuan exerts, which promotes Qin Yan's understanding of the power of space. The moment of enlightenment, Qin Yan directly transforms the power of space in his body into a power of space. The power of space law! "Your Majesty, can we stay here for a while longer? I seem to have an epiphany suddenly!"

At this moment, Lao Yan suddenly said.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Kong's voice also came over.

"Your Majesty, I seem to have grasped the power of space!"

Sure enough, Lao Kong and Lao Yan were surrounded by the power of space at the moment. Although they were extremely shallow, that... was also the power of space! In the entire universe, those who master the power of space can simply use the power of space. It is rare to describe it, after all, the power of space is extremely profound, and if you want to achieve something in the power of space, you need a very strong talent.

It's just that Lao Kong and Lao Yan were deep in the space rift, and because of the previous fight between Qin Yan and Mu Yuan, a space storm broke out. Under the bathing of the ultimate space law, Lao Kong and Lao Yan also gave birth to... The understanding of power! "It's not bad, I really didn't expect you to have such a chance. If you can understand the power of space, at least you won't come here for nothing!"

Qin Yan said with a smile, and waved it out, the laws of space around Lao Yan and Lao Kong's bodies instantly became several times stronger.

Chapter [-]: The birth of the domain master-level younger brother!

Chapter [-]:::::The birth of the domain master-level younger brother! Both Lao Kong and Lao Yan have entered a state of epiphany, and their auras continue to rise. Under the coverage of the power of space laws, neither of them need Withstand the space ripping here.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qin Yan mobilized the power of the laws of space, and wanted to take this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the laws of space.

"Little master, I feel a little familiar with the aura of the divine sense that I fought with you earlier."

Tianchen came to Qin Yan's side and suddenly said.

"He did come here, and he seems to be here for a long time."

The fact that Mu Yuan's spiritual sense can appear here means that Mu Yuan must have been to this place before, and even left his apprentice here.

And it is very likely that the [-] billion years when Muyuan disappeared was... spent here.

It is a pity to Qin Yan that this time he did not get useful information from Mu Yuan's spiritual sense, and the only useful information that Mu Yuan told him was that the universe would usher in a catastrophe.

That's all.

"Little master, that person didn't stay here for a long time. It seems that every time he comes here, he will leave within a short time."

"Because that person is a strong space law, every time he appears, I can feel it."

Tianchen said slowly.

According to Tianchen's own statement, it has been here for hundreds of millions of years, and now it is only [-] billion years since Muyuan launched a war with the entire universe.

In terms of time, when Mu Yuan entered the cosmic ruins, Tianchen was already in the cosmic ruins.

"It won't be long, will it?"

Qin Yan murmured thoughtfully, the words floating in his mind.

Wait for yourself to reach the immortality level, and take a look at the empty dimension.

Perhaps the [-] billion years when Muyuan disappeared was... spent in the void dimension, or perhaps the place where Muyuan disappeared was related to the void dimension.

But in either case, Qin Yan will personally go to the void dimension to check it out.

And just when Qin Yan was still: thinking, a loud voice pulled his thoughts back.

Looking up, the five-color divine light in the sky is extremely dazzling, but in this world of ashes, it looks so picturesque.

At this time, Lao Kong was bathed in five-color divine light, and the power of space was surging around him! The most important thing is that Lao Kong's aura was rising in a straight line. In just a moment, Lao Kong's realm has reached the cosmic level. Eight Stars 8! At the same time, a roar resounded through the sky, and Lao Yan's body was ignited with raging flames, and there were traces of light in his eyes.

Just like Lao Kong, the aura on Lao Yan's body was constantly rising at this time, obviously because he realized the power of space and got an improvement above the realm.

"Let National Treasure help you!"

I saw Qin Yan waved his hand, and the strengthening technique had already landed on Lao Kong and Lao Yan, strengthening the power of space they had just realized! "啾!!!"


With the sound of two voices, the realm of Lao Kong and Laoyan broke through the cosmos level at the same time, and completely stepped into the domain master level! And under the blessing of the strengthening technique, the two of them may not understand the power of space. Weaker than the average immortal-level powerhouse! "Haha, from now on, the national treasure is also a panda with a domain master-level younger brother!"

Qin Yan laughed loudly and said, because of Lao Kong and Lao Yan's breakthrough, his mood was also very happy.

However, Qin Yan's words have attracted the contempt of all the little skeletons. These.... little skeletons, the weakest are all domain master-level strengths! Especially Tianchen, who has already cried and fainted in the toilet...

Chapter [-]: Relic creatures, god-devouring insects!

Chapter [-]:::::Relic creatures, god-devouring insects! It is a god-king-level powerhouse. In Qin Yan's eyes, it is not as well-received as the two domain master-level younger brothers. This is human nature after all The annihilation is still the loss of morality! In short, Tianchen's mood is very complicated... After comprehending the laws of space, the space barrier of the space rift was torn apart by Qin Yan, and then Qin Yan took a group of younger brothers and returned directly to the ruins among.

"I said little skeleton, now my brother is also a divine bird that masters the power of space. Your previous skill in space travel was... the skill of drawing black cracks and being able to travel freely, can you teach me?"

As soon as everyone landed in the ruins, Lao Kong ran to Tianchen's side with great enthusiasm, spread his wings and patted Tianchen's shoulder, as if he recognized Tianchen as an iron buddy.

"I want to learn to run before I learn to walk"

Tian Chen glanced at Lao Kong and said with a look of contempt.

"With the power of space you currently have, you still can't achieve a short-distance teleportation, so if you still want to travel through space, let's wait for you to practice for another hundred and eighty years!"

Indeed, the power of space of Lao Kong and Lao Yan can only be regarded as a first glimpse, and they can only simply invoke the power of space.

This is still the result after Qin Yan used the strengthening technique, otherwise their grasp of the power of space would be much worse.

"Hmph, what a bullshit, sooner or later, my old Kong will surpass you!"

Lao Kong was also very unhappy about Tian Chen's ridicule, and responded with a look of resentment.

"I'm sorry, I'm a god king."

Lao Kong: "I..."

It's okay to be ridiculed by his boss, and he's also ridiculed by a younger brother of his boss.

Today, this world is really difficult! "By the way, Your Majesty, let's go next... Before the old Confucian words were finished, the spatial fluctuations came from not far away, and then seemed to appear out of thin air. A dark red light shot directly towards the old hole with extremely fast speed.

"Old Kong be careful!"

Lao Yan was the closest to Lao Kong, he immediately shouted, and the power of flame swept away directly towards the dark red light.

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