However, that ray of light directly penetrated the flame, and it did not slow down the speed by half! At this moment, Lao Kong only felt that he was falling into an ice cellar, and a sense of fear emerged in his heart.

Huh! Suddenly, Qin Yan's figure appeared directly in front of Lao Kong, and he stretched out his hand and pointed towards the dark red light, and the violent destructive power rushed out wildly, directly bombarding the dark red light. light.


This time, the dark red light finally stopped, but the power of destruction did not hurt it! What appeared in front of everyone was a body that was only about one finger in length: a small insect, a small insect with a single horn. , The whole body is covered with dark red scales, if you observe carefully, there are sharp protrusions on the scales, which look extremely sharp.

Seemingly aware of Qin Yan's strength, Xiao Zong did not attack again, but looked at Qin Yan very vigilantly.

"What the hell is this?"

Qin Yan looked at the little insect in front of him, and was secretly surprised.

The destructive power he released before, although it was just casual, was enough to kill a world master level powerhouse.

But the little bug in front of me didn't even take any damage, and it seemed that it completely resisted the power of destruction! That is to say, the strength of this inconspicuous little bug in front of me turned out to be the world master level, or even the world master level. Above! "Little master, this is a god-devouring insect, a creature in the ruins, specializing in devouring spiritual thoughts, known for its speed and powerful defense."

Tianchen came out and explained.

Chapter [-]: Be a pet of a national treasure!

Chapter [-]:::::Be a pet of a national treasure! "God-devouring insects specialize in devouring divine thoughts!"

Qin Yan was slightly startled, spiritual sense is the most vulnerable part of a warrior, especially those... low-level warriors, divine sense can be easily corroded.

The god-devouring insect that can devour the mind is undoubtedly the nightmare of countless warriors.

Judging from the speed of the god-devouring worm just now, even an ordinary immortal-level powerhouse would probably have difficulty reacting when the god-devouring worm came into contact with him.

Previously, the reason why Lao Yan had the opportunity to take action was because Qin Yan secretly dislocated the space, temporarily slowing down the speed of the God-Eating Insect.

Otherwise, when Lao Kong saw the God-Eating Insect, or even said that he had not seen the God-Eating Insect, the God-Eating Insect would have already penetrated into his spiritual sense! "Yes, the God-Eating Insect is one of the ruins. A very common creature in the world, do you still remember, little master, I once mentioned to you that there are countless evil spirits formed after the spiritual senses of the powerful people lost their minds”

Qin Yan nodded, Tianchen did tell Qin Yan about evil spirits before, and he also wanted Qin Yan to devour those evil spirits to improve his strength.

"Those...evil spirits are...these...the food of the god-devouring insects, it is precisely because of those... .The existence of evil spirits, so creatures like god-devouring insects appear in the ruins."

"God-devouring insects can be said to be a very terrifying creature. Not only are they extremely fast, but their defenses are astonishing. Even powerful god-devouring insects can mobilize the power of space, making it hard to guard against! In legends, some powerful god-devouring insects are known to be extremely powerful. , even the strongest at the level of the highest gods can be swallowed!"

Tianchen explained to Qin Yan very seriously.

Although Tian Chen's memory during his lifetime has been completely erased, but based on what he has seen and heard for hundreds of millions of years, Tian Chen can completely become Qin Yan's guide in the ruins of the universe.

"Oh God-devourer is so powerful? It's a national treasure....!"

Listening to Tian Chen's explanation, Qin Yan's pair gradually glowed.


Tianchen wondered why Qin Yan would say "heart" to such a terrifying creature

Two words, it's too late for ordinary people to hide from creatures like the god-devouring insect, "chichichi!!!"

It seemed that he felt the power of Qin Yan's spiritual sense, and the god-devouring insect no longer had any scruples, and directly turned into a dark red light and attacked Qin Yan.

Seeing this, Qin Yan unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

The next moment, I saw Qin Yan's little claw wave, and the terrifying space law directly shrouded the God-Eating Insect, completely blocking the space where the God-Eating Insect was located.

Bang Bang Bang!!! God-devouring insects kept hitting the blocked space, making a dull loud noise.

Although God Eater is also proficient in the power of space, but facing Qin Yan who has already comprehended the laws of space, God Eater has no chance, unless it is a very powerful God Eater, will have the opportunity to fight against Qin Yan.

The blocked space is like a cage, and the God-Eating Insect is directly locked in it, and there is no way to break free.

If the God-devouring worm escaped at the first time, perhaps Qin Yan would not be able to block the God-devouring worm so easily. After all, this is the site of the God-devouring worm. Regarding the space intensity here, the God-devouring worm is better than Qin Yanke. more familiar.

The blame is that the god-devouring insect was too eager to devour Qin Yan's spiritual sense, so he took himself in.


The imprisoned god-devourer kept making noises, as if roaring, unwilling to be controlled by Qin Yan.

At this time, Qin Yan walked towards the blocked god-devourer step by step, his small eyes twinkling brightly, as if he was appreciating a delicate piece of art.

"Little guy, be a pet of the national treasure, the national treasure will surely pamper you!"

Chapter [-]: Is it fragrant to roast the gods and insects?

Chapter [-]:::::The fragrance of fire-roasted gods and insects is not fragrant. For this little master in front of him, Tian Chen said that he has a headache.

What kind of existence is the God-Eating Insect, it is the nemesis of many strong people. Ordinary people see the God-Eating Insect before it is too late to hide, but they never thought that Qin Yan actually wanted to cultivate the God-Eating Insect into his own pet.

This is just... the behavior of a lunatic! "Chucky! Don't think about it!"

Regarding Qin Yan's idea, the God-devouring Insect refused directly without even thinking about it.

In the eyes of the god eater, Qin Yan is his own food, how could he possibly submit to his own food?

"Oh no"

Qin Yan, who is proficient in the language of all animals, can naturally hear the words of the god-devouring insect, and immediately put a wicked smile on his face, and said to Lao Yan not far away.

"Lao Yan, how long have we eaten hot pot?"

"Hot pot back to the king, the last time we ate hot pot together was on Earth, and it has been a long time since we ate it."

Although he didn't know what Qin Yan was doing, Lao Yan still answered truthfully.

"Since I haven't eaten it for a long time, let's have a meal today and eat the worm! This little worm has grown by sucking countless spiritual thoughts, and its body contains a huge amount of energy. If we can eat this little worm. After eating, I am afraid our soul will grow a lot."

There is no doubt that the god-devouring insects that grow up by consuming spiritual thoughts are themselves... a great supplement! Compared with devouring those evil spirits... who have gone mad, the This little bug was stewed, and Qin Yan seemed to be more able to accept it.

Although eating insects is very cheap for something like him.

"Your Majesty, such a small worm, how can the stew be stewed like we are braised!"

Lao Kong looked at the god-devouring worm in front of him, and his eyes were also full of light. Small worms like this just matched his taste. After all, before cultivation, his food was... all kinds of worms.

"Chi chi! You dare to play this god's idea, you should be damned!"

At this time, the god eater was also panicked. Originally, it regarded Qin Yan and the others as its own food, but the situation seemed to be reversed. Qin Yan and the others were actually discussing how to eat it! In addition, now that he has become a prisoner of others, one might actually be eaten by himself. In such a situation, how could God-devourer not panic.

"That's because Lao Yan didn't have to discuss it, it caught fire!"

"Got it!"

"You said, is it fragrant to roast the gods and insects?"

Qin Yan said with a mean smile.

"Whether it's fragrant or not, let's bake it first!"

Lao Yan took the order, and a flame swept away directly towards the God-Eating Insect.

However, the God-Eating Insect’s defense is amazing. It had already resisted the flames of Lao Yan without getting hurt. Now facing the flames of Lao Yan again, the God-Eating Insects just let the flames burn around their body and struggled at all. No.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that the national treasure has to be added to you!"

Qin Yan smiled coldly, and immediately a strengthening technique fell directly on the flame released by Lao Yan.

Strengthening can strengthen everything in the world, and Lao Yan's flame is no exception! At this moment, the temperature of the surrounding air suddenly increased, and the power of the burning flame increased several times in an instant!" Chi Chi Chi !!!”

Under such a strong flame, the defense of the god-devouring insect also seemed a little unbelievable, and let out a scream that was exclusively for it.

Gradually, I saw that the dark red scales on the Divine Devouring Insect began to slowly melt, and the Divine Devouring Insect completely succumbed.

"Don't bake, I give in, see Master!"

Chapter [-]: Just call you a worm!

Chapter [-]:::::I'll call you a worm! At the moment when the god-devouring worm succumbed, the flaming flames disappeared without a trace, and the temperature in the air gradually returned to its original state. .

"The National Treasure has to warn you, it's best not to play tricks on the National Treasure, otherwise, if you really become a fire-roasted god-devourer, don't blame the National Treasure."

Qin Yan said with a threatening face, and then he removed the space power that blocked the God-Eating Insect, and the God-Eating Insect regained its freedom.

However, the god-devouring insect did not escape. It was very clear in its heart that Qin Yan's achievements in the power of space far exceeded it. If it wanted to escape, the success rate would not exceed [-]%. If Qin Yan catches it, he can also imagine the consequences! It is a god-devouring insect that has made countless strong people terrified, but he doesn't want to just become a roasted insect.

"Yes, Master."

Under Qin Yan's lewd power, the god-devouring insect could only succumb.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for conquering a god-devouring worm to become his little brother, and get a reward: +10 trillion in physique and 10 trillion in soul!"

"What do you call the master, you want to call the king, do you know that only the little skeleton... Leng will call the master!"

Lao Kong took a step forward and slapped his wings on the god-devouring insect.

Tianchen slowly pushed his palms deep into Lao Kong's neck... Then, Lao Kong's miserable cry rang out in the entire space ruins, and it didn't stop for a long time.

"To you, since you have surrendered to the national treasure, then the national treasure should also give you a decent name. I can't keep calling you God-Eating Insects."

Qin Yan looked at the god-devouring insect thoughtfully.

"Please give your name to the king!"

At this time, the god-devouring insect was also a little excited. After all, he was born without a name, not only it, but the entire god-devouring insect race has no name.

If Qin Yan could give it a mighty and domineering name, God Eater would naturally be very happy to accept it.

"...Look at you, although you are not big, your dark red scales are like armor, and your whole body is full of a dangerous aura, which makes people feel terrified at a glance."

After Qin Yan's praise, God Eater also raised his head arrogantly, and his eyes were extremely proud.

Although he is small in size, in terms of appearance, he has absolute advantages, especially the dark red scales on his body, how mighty and domineering he looks.

Just under the full expectation of the god-devouring insect, Qin Yan spoke slowly again.

"There is another very important point, that is your special ability, which can devour God's mind. Even if you look at the entire universe, there are probably not many races that can have this ability. At least for now, the national treasure only knows that you devour God. Insect clan!"

"Your Majesty, I don't know about the rest. Just relying on the aspect of Devouring Spiritual Mind, if our God-devouring Zerg Race is ranked second, no other race in the universe would dare to be the first!"

God Eater said again proudly.

"...Let's talk about National Treasure, your little brother is definitely not ordinary, so your name National Treasure has just been thought of, so let's call you Little Bug!"

Bugs: "..."

Co-author Qin Yan praised himself a lot just now, and finally came up with such a name, the mighty and domineering he imagined was completely absent, it sounded like... a pet! Uh... it seems that Qin Yan also said that he wanted to subdue himself as a pet... As far as the ability of Qin Yan's name is concerned, the God-devouring Insect can't compliment it.

"Your Majesty, can we talk about this name later?"

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