"Of course, your appearance and the power of yin and yang in your body can't be faked, and the late Qing Dynasty will naturally be able to recognize you."

In the late Qing Dynasty, it was the name of the god-devourer! The voice of the god-devourer was very soft, and it was impossible to hear that it was facing an invader who invaded its own territory, but it seemed to be facing a close friend.

However, in the next moment, the God-devouring Mother Worm spoke again, causing Qin Yan to be dumbfounded.

"Late Qing, see Master!"

"Late Qing, is this your name? Who gave it to you? Why do you call the owner of the national treasure?"

Now Qin Yandu has some doubts, whether it was deliberately arranged by someone to enter the cosmic ruins, Tianchen first saw his power of yin and yang, recognized his identity, and then recognized himself as the master.

Now there is a god-devouring mother insect named Wan Qing! Qin Yan can now be sure that all this is definitely not a coincidence! "Master, the name of the late Qing was named by a yin and yang chaos beast senior, who was the senior in the past. I put it in this place, and when I left, I told me that in the future, there will be a fellow of his kind who will come here, and let me follow the yin-yang chaos beast who came here, that is, you, the master."

There is no doubt that the senior Yin-Yang Chaos Beast in the mouth of the late Qing Dynasty is the mysterious Beast God, and the old master of Tianchen is also him! Moreover, the Beast God seems to have expected Qin Yan to come here!" I see."

Qin Yan nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly Lao Kong and the others were surrounded by the army of god-devouring insects outside, and he hurriedly spoke to Wan Qing.

"Hurry up and stop those... God-devouring insects outside, the people outside are friends of national treasures!"

Chapter [-]: The crack in the universe opens! !

Chapter [-]::::: The crack in the universe is open!! In the depths of the universe, the ancestral land of yin and yang chaotic beasts.

"Oh, after sleeping for so long, the universe has changed."

A lazy voice sounded, accompanied by the sound of chewing.

At this time, the ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast was sitting in a lush green bamboo forest, holding an unfinished piece of bamboo in his hand, eating it deliciously.

"It seems that the little guy has found the opportunity I left for him. With such a powerful talent, tsk tsk, it seems that the task of guarding the universe can be left to this boy!"

The ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast muttered to himself, but the direction he was looking at was the direction of the cosmic ruins! Suddenly, the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast seemed to notice something, his huge head moved slowly, and his eyes turned to in another direction.

"Even the core of his origin law was broken and he was able to be resurrected successfully. It seems that this kid is really not easy."

If the three supreme gods of the ultimate law are here, they will definitely know the meaning of the words of the ancestor of the yin and yang Chaos Beast.

Because the supreme god of space, Muyuan, slaughtered the supreme deity, the epic battle that broke out in the entire universe ended when the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast accidentally smashed the core of Muyuan's original law.

It was also from that day that everyone knew that there was such a terrifying existence in the universe! "Hey, those guys also started to be funny, are you still thinking about this universe?"

The ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast spoke again, and there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

"Forget it, since that little guy is gone.

And I also got the chance I left him, so let him solve this matter, um, let's do it like this."

The ancestor of the yin and yang Chaos Beast slowly closed. After stretching, he fell into a deep sleep again....... KAKAKA!!! Endless Void In the middle, the originally solid space barrier was suddenly torn apart by a pitch-black hole, and the power of the law of heaven and earth rushed towards the crack in a frenzy, and the endless power of the void poured out from the crack, sweeping towards the whole. A starry sky.

At the same time, with the crack as the center, the power in the universe is madly flowing, as if a vortex is formed, constantly eroding the power of the law in the universe.

"Unexpectedly, this cosmic crack formed in advance!"

Not far away, a group of supreme gods, headed by the supreme god of destiny, stood not far from the crack in the universe, staring at the crack of the universe that was gradually getting bigger, and their eyes were full of deep worry.

Previously, the supreme god of fate predicted that this crack in the universe would only appear in a month, but I didn't expect it to appear in just a few days! "Is there no way to stop it?"

Mu Lingshang's phoenix eyebrows knitted tightly, and a pair of jade hands clenched unconsciously.

On that day, when she recalled Mu Yuan's remnant soul, Mu Yuan told her that this crack in the universe appeared because other people who understood the laws of space appeared in the universe, leading to chaos in the space system of the universe, which directly caused the universe The appearance of cracks.

This also means that there is a person in the universe who understands the laws of space, and this person is likely to be... Qin Yan! "I have gathered the power of hundreds of supreme gods, plus dozens of The masters of the formation method teamed up to prevent this crack from continuing to expand, as for how long it can last, I don't know."

The supreme god of destiny sighed deeply and looked in the direction of the cosmic ruins.

"Now I can only hope that my second prophecy is accurate. I hope that yin-yang Chaos Beast cub can really prevent this catastrophe!"

Chapter [-]: Domain Master Level Eight Stars! !

Chapter 8::::: Domain Master Level Eight Stars [-]!! The chaotic universe is an existence outside the universe, which is the so-called outer universe.

And here, the power of powerful laws and the power of terrifying rules are intertwined, and the strength of the laws of heaven and earth is many times stronger than that in the universe! In the depths of the chaotic universe, an illusory figure floats in the starry sky, around its body Permeated with the power of space law, a law core like a crystal is slowly condensing.

Isn't this person the supreme god of space, Muyuan, who escaped from the underworld! Suddenly, Muyuan, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and two sharp eyes looked directly into the depths of the void, as if he could Pierce through the void and spy on everything! Gradually, Mu Yuan's eyes became deeper and deeper, and a dignified expression appeared on his face.

"Why did it start so quickly, this has completely exceeded my expectations!"

Saying this, Mu Yuan looked at the core of the law that had already condensed in front of him, and frowned deeply.

"It's really abominable. The source of the law was shattered by the giant panda that defied the sky with a bamboo stick. Now, I don't know how long it will take to condense it again!"

"Is it all in vain that I have done, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!"

A roar spread to the entire universe, the surrounding space collapsed inch by inch, and a huge vacuum was formed with the wood source and the core.

"Qin Yan, why did you appear! Everything I did before was to protect the universe, but your appearance has pushed the entire universe to destruction!"

"Give me a few more days, and the source of my law will be able to gather again, and then I will have a chance to prevent this catastrophe from coming!"

Mu Yuan's roar resounded through the entire star like thunder.

Except for Muyuan, there is no life breath around.

...........Cosmic relics.

This happened outside the relics of the universe, and it was all caused by Qin Yan, but Qin Yan, who was the party involved, didn't know anything.

"Master, don't panic, I can express my thoughts to all the god eaters through my thoughts, and your friend will be fine."

Looking at Qin Yan who was anxious to go out, Wan Qing couldn't help laughing.

"Damn it, you said it earlier, the national treasure is afraid that if it goes out late, that group of... boys will be hiccups. Those are the loyal brothers of the national treasure!"

Knowing that Lao Kong and the others were all right, Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianchen's group... undead bodies are fine, even in the face of thousands of god-devouring insects, they will not suffer any harm.

But Lao Kong, Lao Yan, and the little bugs are completely different. In the face of such a huge number of god-devouring insects, if one fails, their little lives will be directly involved.


The last time Qin Yan subdued the army of the dead, there were thousands of younger brothers.

But this time, Qin Yan actually conquered nearly 8 god-devouring worms and became his younger brother. If only the number of younger brothers is considered, if Qin Yan is the second in the entire universe, no one will be able to recognize the first! After receiving the reward, Qin Yan The aura on his body suddenly climbed, directly breaking through the domain master level seven-star level, reaching the domain master level eight-star [-]! "...more than [-], god-devouring insects, isn't the card level higher than the god-devouring mother insects? , why the reward will be less?”

Qin Yan couldn't help but complain in his heart, but there was no sound from the system.

Chapter [-]: Are you also worthy of the idea of ​​playing the national treasure?

Chapter [-]:::::You are also worthy of the idea of ​​the national treasure, "Okay, okay, go out with the national treasure, or the brothers of the national treasure will have to wait in a hurry."

Qin Yan spoke lightly, and stepped out of the cave.

But at this moment, the late Qing suddenly turned into a streamer and stopped in front of Qin Yan, and the communication between the god-devouring insects was sent out, and the terrifying aura slowly spread out, completely ready for battle. appearance.

"Master, an uninvited guest is here!"

"uninvited guest"

"That's right, the god-devouring insect guarding the entrance of the cave just now was attacked, and the opponent's strength is very strong, it should be the strong human race!"

Seemingly seeing Qin Yan's doubts, Wan Qing explained.

"The master doesn't know that the ruins will be opened to the public every ten thousand years. During this period, some strong people from the outside will come in. Most of the strong people died in the terrifying spiritual sense left behind... Only a few left alive, or died elsewhere.

But there are also a very small number of strong people who have stayed here relying on their own strength, and relying on the resources here to improve their cultivation, and now they have reached a very terrifying level!"

"I guess the two people who came here are the two god-king-level powerhouses who have been looking for me for a long time. They want to catch me, relying on the power of the god-devouring insect to capture the residual thoughts in the ruins, in order to suck the food. Those...cannibalism to improve your own cultivation!"

"That's it, I didn't expect that there are still living people here, then the national treasure must go and meet them!"

Qin Yan's eyes were slightly cold, a trace of murderous intent was revealed, and the power of the terrifying space law slowly radiated.

He actually wanted to make his younger brother a puppet to find the remnants of improving his strength, how could Qin Yan endure this! As soon as he finished speaking, before the late Qing Dynasty could arrive in time, Qin Yan's figure had already disappeared in place.

Seeing this, I became anxious in the evening.

Immediately it turned into a streamer and followed.

In the late Qing Dynasty, he could feel the cultivation of Qin Yanyu's main level, while the two human race powerhouses outside had the god-king level cultivation level. Letting one domain-level master face two god-king levels, isn't that just courting death? At the same time, at the entrance of the cave.

"Big brother, we have been following this god-devourer for three years, and we have never encountered such a good opportunity today!"

A middle-aged man with a pockmarked face slapped a god-devouring insect flying with one palm, and said with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

"This time, if we can successfully capture the god-devouring worm and rely on the god-devouring worm to help us deal with those... powerful residual thoughts, it will not take long for our cultivation to reach the supreme god level, When the two of us go out to the outside world, isn't that a call for wind and rain, we can do whatever we want!"

In front of Mazi's face, a tall man blasted the three god-devouring insects into the surrounding stone walls with a single palm, with a gloomy smile on his face, he said with a cold snort.

"Mazi, you and my brothers have stayed here for two thousand years, in order to be able to raise the cultivation base to the level of the highest gods, today those... the little guys who can't open their eyes help us hold off. With so many god-devouring insects, we will be able to successfully capture the god-devouring insect, and then the two of us will go to the outside world and create a civilization of our own!"

Obviously, it was Tianchen who dragged the god-devouring insect army and gave them such an excellent opportunity.

The two brothers are depicting their great cause, it seems that for them, the goddess is already in the bag.

But at this moment, a spatial fluctuation came out, and Qin Yan and the God-devouring Mother Insect appeared at the same time.

"Hey, you two big idiots are also worthy of the idea of ​​a national treasure, are you impatient?"

Chapter [-]: Because you are ugly, you are not worthy!

Chapter [-]::::::Because you are ugly, you are not worthy! "Who!"

Qin Yan's voice attracted the attention of Mazi-faced and Tall Tall at the same time, their eyes fell on Qin Yan at the same time, and then they looked at Wan Qing beside Qin Yan, with a bit of greed in their eyes.

"God-devourer, you dare to come out, don't you have to give up your resistance, don't worry, our brothers will definitely treat you well!"

The pockmarked face looked at the God-devouring Mother Insect, and her gaze was as if she was looking at a girl in bloom.

As for Qin Yan, who was by his side in the late Qing Dynasty, he was directly ignored by Maziface. A domain master-level trash was nothing in his eyes.

The tall man on the side looked at Qin Yan with interest, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"I said God-devourer, where did you get this pet from? To be honest, it's quite long... It's very cute. I'll give it to our brothers in the future. Raise it, I will definitely feed you fat for nothing!"

Qin Yan's face darkened at that time.

You are so cute! You are so chubby!! "You dare to be disrespectful to your master, and I will make you pay the price!"

Qin Yan was insulted, and in the late Qing Dynasty, he was furious on the spot, and immediately let out a long, sharp howl, and countless god-devouring insects flew back into the cave from the outside, enclosing the pock-marked face and the tall man.

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