"Master, I heard it right, God Eater, you are an Immortal God Eater anyway, and you have so many God Eaters as your thugs, but you recognize a garbage with only Domain Master level as your master. Look at your brain is broken!"

The big tall man said with a sneer, his eyes unconsciously glanced at Qin Yan.

From his point of view, Qin Yan looked like a pet, and he was so cute, so thieves liked by girls.

Suddenly, the big tall man looked at Wan Qing strangely as if he wanted to understand.

Even though the late Qing is a god-devouring insect, it is also a female one, can't you tell me! "Hey hey, god-devouring insect, I don't know if this little pet is your owner, but soon, we will The two brothers will be your new masters!"

Mazi face smiled coldly, and then with a big hand, a long knife appeared in Mazi face's hand, and the powerful space force instantly scattered all the surrounding god-devouring insects.

"The power of space again"

Qin Yan couldn't help frowning slightly, it seemed that the creatures in the cosmic ruins all possessed the power of space, no matter...

It's Tianchen... the undead body, or the god-devouring insect clan headed by the late Qing Dynasty, and the one he met in the space rift... Mu Yuan's apprentice, and the one in front of him. These two ugly looking people.

Not to mention how well they mastered the power of space, being able to comprehend the power of space is already a very difficult thing.

There are tens of thousands of laws of heaven and earth, and the laws of space are definitely one of the most difficult to understand, and the premise of understanding the laws of space is... mastering the power of space.

In the vast universe, there are only a handful of people who can master the power of space.

"Could it be that here, the power of space is already the existence of a bad street?"

Qin Yan muttered to himself.

"Little pet, what are you muttering about?"

Mazi face seemed to have heard Qin Yan's words, and asked with a frown.

Hearing this, Qin Yan looked at Mazi's face with a harmless smile on his face.

"The national treasure said, you are not worthy to be called the masters of the national treasure!"


Mazi laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Returning the national treasure, I think you are a living treasure! You say, we are not worthy of it, give a reason, I will spare you not to die!"

A cold color flashed in Qin Yan's eyes.

"Because you're ugly, you don't deserve it!"

Chapter [-]: One Punch, One Child!

Chapter [-]:::::One punch for a kid! "..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became: stiff, and the smiles on the pockmarked face and the big tall man's face were all stiff, replaced by hideous! "Boy, do you know what you are talking about? You are only a domain master. rubbish, believe it or not, I can pinch you to death with just one finger!"

Mazi's face was stern, and his voice was filled with a bit of murderous intent.

To be honest, the appearance of the pockmarked face and the big tall man is really ugly, the big tall one can be better, at least it can be seen, but the pockmarked face is completely different. Just looking at it makes me feel a little nauseous.

Before they came here, they were despised by other people, and after being here for thousands of years, they have forgotten the fact that they are ugly. Now that they are mentioned by Qin Yan again, it is no doubt that they are hurting their wounds. Sprinkle with salt.

"You're not happy if you say you're ugly, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Qin Yan sneered and took a step forward.

"Come on, it's a national treasure... I want to see how you pinched the national treasure to death with one finger."

"You! You are courting death!"

Mazimian was furious, and immediately shouted, the long knife in his hand volleyed down, and the terrifying blade burst out of the air, bringing a powerful hurricane! You must know that Mazilian has been here for thousands of years. The cultivation base is already a six-star 6-star god-king level, but it belongs to the middle and late stages of the god-king level. Even the original god-king Arthur might not be his opponent.

A full-strength blow from a god-king-level powerhouse under the madness, even in the late Qing Dynasty, would never dare to easily resist.

"Originally, I wanted to keep you alive, but now, I am dead!"

Mazi's face was full of grimness, his eyes were full of endless killing intent, his hand fell, like a... hibernating, the long-awaited tiger suddenly shot! "Master, be careful!"

In the evening, Qing hurriedly shouted, and at the same time, countless god-devouring insects madly attacked Mazi's face.

It's just, these... How could the ordinary god-devouring insects be able to stop the god-king-level powerhouse Mazilian? Broken, there is no vitality! Although the defense of the God-devouring insect is amazing, but in the face of absolute power, it is completely unable to resist.

As the blade fell, the black and white hair on Qin Yan's body fluttered in the wind, but Qin Yan's body did not move, and his eyes were always looking at the long knife that was getting closer and closer to him.


Seeing Qin Yan like this, Mazi-face naturally thinks that Qin Yan is already terrified at this time. Under the deterrence of his divine king's strength, how could a regional master level have a chance to react? When the long knife was still half a meter away from Qin Yan, Qin Yan's little paw slowly lifted up.

The next moment, the expression on Mazi's face suddenly froze, and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he saw the most terrifying picture in the world.

His long knife was actually caught by Qin Yan's little claws! At this time, he only felt a distance coming from above the long knife, making it difficult for him to move forward, and all the power of space he released seemed to be caught in an endless stream. of black holes in general.

Under the shock of his mind, Mazi-face subconsciously wanted to draw the knife, but found that he couldn't do it at all! "Is this what you call killing a national treasure with one finger?"

Qin Yan sneered, and immediately threw out a punch, the terrifying force of destruction directly enveloped Mazi's face, the long blade of Mazi's face shattered section by section, and his body exploded into a cloud of blood after a scream. .

A god-king-level powerhouse has fallen! Qin Yan's punch has fully demonstrated to everyone what it means to be a child with one punch!

Chapter [-]: The humblest king of gods!

Chapter [-]:::::The humblest king of gods! "Sigh!!!"

Witnessing with his own eyes that Mazi's face was smashed into nothingness by Qin Yan's punch, the tall man couldn't help but take a breath, his body unconsciously took a step back, and his face became extremely ugly.

You must know that Mazilian's strength is similar to his, even if he is stronger than Mazilian, he is definitely not much stronger.

Qin Yan can kill Pock's face with one punch, so how many tricks can he persist under Qin Yan's hands! The most important thing is that he didn't even see Qin Yan's true strength clearly, and he was clearly only at the realm of the domain master level. But the strength that burst out at that moment was stronger than the king of gods! This made him extremely convinced that Qin Yan was... a monster, an out-and-out monster, and a monster who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. !"You...you don't come here!!!"

At this moment, Qin Yan suddenly took a step, so frightened that the tall one almost jumped up, then the tall tall stretched out a trembling finger and pointed at Qin Yan, and said in a trembling voice.

The big and tall man was completely terrified, Qin Yan in front of him was no longer a cute pet, but a killing god, a killing god from Jiuyou Purgatory! "What's the matter, didn't you say that I was a pet all the time? Aren't you going to feed me fat for nothing? Why are you so afraid of me now? Can I still eat you?"

Qin Yan spread his little paws helplessly, the god-king-level powerhouse in front of him seemed to be a little too cowardly, he didn't even have the majesty of a god-king! If the tall man knew what Qin Yan was thinking at this time, I'm afraid I will be directly depressed to death! The majesty of the king of God is so dead that he will talk to me about the majesty of the king of God. "You...you...what the hell are you!"

The big and tall man trembled violently, and his body barely gathered the power of space. He wanted to leave this place while Qin Yan was not paying attention, and stay away from Qin Yan, the killing god! "Don't try to escape, I have no chance to escape. "

Qin Yan spoke coldly, and then a force of space law directly enveloped the tall man, completely blocking the space around him.

"This...this is...the law of space!!!"

The big and tall eyes trembled violently, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

He is very clear in his heart that the power of the law can only be comprehended by the highest god level! Now he is a god king level seven star, and he is only three small levels away from the highest god level, but now he is But he didn't even touch the edge of the law of space! He could clearly perceive the level of cultivation that Qin Yan radiated, and it definitely did not exceed the level of the world master, but the power of the law of space was a real existence.

This made the tall man inevitably wonder if Qin Yan was taken away by some monster-level evil spirit, otherwise, how could it be so terrifying! "Big brother, please let me go, yes I have offended you without knowing Mount Tai, and I will kowtow to you as an apology!"

Hearing a thud, the tall man knelt down directly to the ground, and at the same time began to kowtow in the direction of Qin Yan.

Bang dong dong! The dull crash sounded, and in just a short moment, the big and tall forehead was already a blur of blood.

In front of Qin Yan, the tall man completely removed his body protection, and now he is really hitting the ground with his own flesh and blood! Now, he just wants to live, that's all! The tall man understands very well that in In Qin Yan's hands, who had already understood the laws of space, he had no chance of escaping at all, not even a chance to use the power of space.

It can be said that the tall man in front of him is definitely the most humble god king Qin Yan has ever seen, no one!

Chapter [-]: The National Treasure One Promise!

Chapter [-]:::::The national treasure is a promise! "You stop the national treasure!"

Looking at the tall man in front of him, Qin Yan said helplessly.

It is rare for a dignified king of gods to be so humble.

Hearing Qin Yan's voice, the tall man quickly listened to it, and blood columns flowed down from his forehead, but he didn't care at all.

"Brother, did you promise to let me go?"

The tall man asked expectantly.

But to his despair, Qin Yan just sneered.

"A person who threatens to conquer the national treasure and keep the national treasure as a pet, you let the national treasure let go of your wishful thinking!"

"Your Majesty, are you there?"

"Your Majesty, we have already broken through the siege, don't be afraid, Lao Yan and I will come to rescue you right away!"

At this moment, the voices of Lao Kong and Lao Yan came from the entrance of the cave.

Not long after, Lao Kong and Lao Yan had appeared in front of Qin Yan, and behind them were Tian Chen, the mighty army of the dead, and the army of god-devouring insects... "Little master, you have already subdued the god-devouring mother. Is it a worm?"

Tianchen stepped forward, and at a glance, he saw the late Qing beside Qin Yan, and the two ghost fires in his pupils trembled slightly.

"Mother bug, long time no see!"

"Undead Tianchen, you have surrendered to the master too"

Seeing Tianchen, there was also a hint of surprise in the eyes of the late Qing Dynasty. You must know that the army of the undead is a very powerful existence in the ruins, and the undead body plus its own tyrannical battle.

Able to dominate the ruins.

"Little master, this is the human race"

At this time, Tianchen also noticed the tall man who was blocked by Qin Yan in the space, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It is known that there are human races in the ruins, but in the huge ruins, the number of human races is not very large at all, and it can even be described as poor. After all, some people are willing to stay in such a ghost place that may die at any time.

But Tianchen could not help but be a little surprised when he could meet a human race whose strength was faintly equal to his own in such a place.

And the appearance of Tianchen also shocked the big tall man.

Even through the blockade of space, the tall man can still feel the strength of Tianchen, and such a strong person is worthy of Qin Yan's master, which means that Qin Yan's strength is still above Tianchen! Once, but kicked a real iron plate! "Little master, what are you going to do with him?"

The incomparably chaotic spatial elements in the cave, as well as the bloodstain on the wall not far away, all confirm that there was a big battle here! Will not hesitate to kill the big tall man here.

Dare to attack Qin Yan, in Tian Chen's eyes, he is already regarded as a mortal enemy! "Don't rush to deal with him first, it's still useful to keep him."

Qin Yan seemed to see what Tian Chen was thinking, so he shook his head and said.

Saying this, Qin Yan walked slowly to the big tall man, and the big tall man was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

Now the tall man can be said to be tense all the time, for fear that Qin Yan will kill himself if he is unhappy.

"National Treasure, I ask you, in this ruins, besides the two of you, are there any other people..."

Since the two of them can appear in the ruins, it also means that there may be other people.

"No... no more..."

The big tall man's eyes trembled, as if trying to restrain his panic.

"To be honest, the national treasure will let you live, otherwise..."

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