
The big tall man said tremblingly, obviously his heart was shaken.

"Of course it's true, the national treasure is a promise!"

Chapter [-]: He has been killed by the national treasure!

Chapter [-]:::::He has been killed by the national treasure! "Okay, I believe that you are a trustworthy person, eldest brother. Since that is the case, then I will tell you everything I know!"

Having received Qin Yan's promise, the tall man said through gritted teeth.

"Brother, you should know that the ruins are opened every [-] years, and every time a small group of geniuses from the universe will enter it to find opportunities."

Qin Yan nodded and motioned for the tall man to continue.

The tall man understood and continued to speak.

"And Mazi and I just... entered here [-] years ago, and then slept in a space for thousands of years because of a mysterious power. When we woke up again, our two cultivation bases had all been completed. Reached the level of a god king, and also understood the power of space on his own."

"I rely on it, doesn't that mean that after you sleep, you will become the king of gods!"

Old Yan on the side couldn't help but complain.

The tall man nodded, indicating that this is the case, although it sounds a bit outrageous... In the universe, [-]%% of the people will never be able to touch the level of the king of gods in their entire lives. , Every god-king has a transcendent status in the universe, and is the backbone of a civilized galaxy.

Even Qin Yan is a little restless, he has become a god king after a sleep, and he can also understand the power of space on his own. This Nima's luck is a bit too unbelievable. "Fortunately, the national treasure has a system, otherwise it will be a waste of time." Can't compare to this kid!"

Qin Yan murmured, and his heart was also relieved.

"go on."

Qin Yan said in a deep voice, the next step is the key! "When Mazi and I woke up, they found us and asked us to join their gang, Po Wu, Cloud Gate!"

"Break Five, how many people are in the gang in the Cloud Gate Ruins, and how strong are they?"

Qin Yan asked.

At this time, the big tall man hesitated again, but when he thought that Qin Yan might kill him at any time, he gritted his teeth and continued.

"Before Mazi and I joined, there were [-] people in Po Wu and Cloud Sect. The leader was Po Wu. The head of Yun Sect taught Mu Po Wu, Yun, and his strength had reached the level of a supreme god, and he had understood the laws of space. , very powerful!"

"The reason why I was hesitant to tell you about this before was because Sect Master Mu once set a rule that no one should disclose the situation in the sect. Violators will hunt him down to the ends of the earth!"

"This means that starting today, I will most likely be hunted down by the headmaster. Once caught by the headmaster, my life will be worse than death!"

At this time, Qin Yan was finally able to understand why the big and tall man had been obedient to his promises and was targeted by a powerhouse of the highest god level. Even if he was the king of gods, he would definitely not be able to bear it! The headmaster chased and killed him, if he didn't kill him today, he would most likely die directly in Qin Yan's hands.

"The supreme god of the space system..."

Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately asked.

"Your... Master Mu, is it an old man, dressed in black, with a long sword around his waist?"

"How do you know if you know us?"

The tall man widened his eyes, his face full of doubts.

Because what Qin Yan described was exactly their headmaster, Mu Po Wu, Yun! Po Wu, Yunmen had a total of thirteen people, and only Mu Po Wu, Yun echoed Qin Yan's description.

"Then you may never... know how to worry about your... The so-called Wooden Palm Church is chasing you."

Qin Yan smiled lightly.

"Why is that"

The tall man's face was even more puzzled, but he was more certain in his heart that the mysterious orc in front of him must have known his own headmaster! "Because, he has been killed by a national treasure!"

Chapter [-]: Lao Yan, burn him!

Chapter [-]:::::Old Yan, burn him! "What did you say!!"

At this time, the big tall man was completely shocked. His own headmaster, the supreme god of space, has already died in the hands of this terrifying creature! Originally, Big Brother Gao was lucky, thinking that Qin Yan would be able to teach with his own head. Get to know each other so that you can let go of yourself.

But now it seems that it is not the case at all! Thinking of this, the heart of the tall man has sunk to the bottom of the valley. What is this terrifying creature in front of him? "...I accidentally killed him in the space rift. When he died, his master appeared."

Big Tall: "..."

Mu Po Wu, Yun's strength is already terrifying enough, that Mu Po Wu, Yun's master, what a terrifying existence will there be.

The most important thing, even Mu Powu and Yun's master appeared, still did not stop Qin Yan from killing Mu Powu and Yun, so how terrifying Qin Yan was! Terrifying existence! Now the big and tall people can't wait to give themselves a hundred mouths! "By the way, you are talking to the national treasure, what is broken five, is there anything in the cloud gate... worthy of national treasure one something to go”

Qin Yan rubbed his small paws and said, as if he was going to be a bandit.

Hearing this, the big and tall man also began to think hard, trying to think of something valuable, so that Qin Yan could be happy, and maybe he would let him go.

Now that even Mu Powu and Yun have died in Qin Yan's hands, what is there to worry about! "By the way, Big Brother, Powu, there is one thing in Yunmen who is very interested! Headmaster Poyun is in this ruin. I don't know how many years he has been there. He once condensed all the captured evil spirits into a 1 spiritual pill, and now the spiritual pill has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and has advanced to the divine pill, take this divine pill. , it will definitely help your cultivation!"

"I'm not interested in medicine pills."

Qin Yan shook his head and said that he is already a master-level existence, and he is also called the Supreme Medicine God. With the energy of refining medicine alone, Qin Yan will definitely not be weaker than Mu Yun.

"not interested......"

The big and tall man also wanted to cry but had no tears. Even a god king like him needed this kind of medicinal pill very much.

"Brother, Po Wu, there are still many well-preserved weapons in the cloud gate warehouse, and there may be immortal-level or even god-king-level weapons!"

The tall man spoke again.

However, Qin Yan still shook his head.

"When I first came to the ruins, I already picked up a lot of weapons of the highest god level."

Big Tall: "..."

A god-king-level weapon is already very good, and it can be preserved for a long time, all of which are fine.

But Qin Yan said that he picked up a lot of weapons of the highest god level, which is a bit outrageous, they broke five, Yunmen searched hard for thousands of years to find three weapons of the god king, and Qin Yan found it as soon as he came. ...... um... many, many weapons of the highest god level.

"Your Majesty, please let me go, Po Wu, Cloud Gate...you don't need to go to the Po Wu place!"

"It's gone"

A look of disappointment flashed across Qin Yan's face.

"Lao Yan, burn him!"

Lao Yan took the lead, and a group of flames swept directly towards the tall man.

"No! You don't keep your promises, you said that as long as I talk about the broken five, Yunmen, you will let me go!"

The tall man roared incompetently, but Lao Yan's flames had already started to burn on his body.

At this time, Qin Yan looked back at the tall man and said with a sneer.

"National Treasure just promised me that I would let you go, but now Lao Yan doesn't want to let you go, and National Treasure has no choice!"

Chapter [-]: The national treasure is here to loot!

Chapter [-]:::::The national treasure is here to loot! Half a day later, above a broken star.

"This is the... The so-called Broken Five, the star where Cloud Gate is located?"

Qin Yan stood in the space and looked down at this piece of stars. There was not a big gap between it and the other stars in the ruins. The only difference was that this piece of stars was relatively well preserved.

"I didn't expect that old man to be quite picky about places."

Qin Yan narrowed his small eyes and looked at the stars in front of him. It can be said that this is the most complete star Qin Yan has ever seen since he came to the ruins.

"Little master, what should we do next?"

Tianchen stepped forward and asked.

Above the sky, there are only Qin Yan and his party of three, Tianchen and the late Qing Dynasty. As for the army of undead and the army of god-devouring insects, Qin Yan has included them in the space ring.

After all, it is really inappropriate to go out with a mighty army wherever you go.

"We don't have to do anything, they will show up."

Qin Yan's two small claws were wrapped around his chest, and the power of the law of space slowly radiated from his body.

According to Da Gao, there are a total of thirteen people in Po Wu and Cloud Sect, all of whom are stronger than the God King. At present, Qin Yan has killed three 3s, including the strongest Po Wu, Cloud Sect Headmaster, That is to say, the entire Po Wu, the only supreme god of the Cloud Sect, the others, in Qin Yan's view, are no longer enough to be feared.

"My subordinates welcome the return of the headmaster!"

At this moment, a Lang Lang shouted, followed by three figures in white clothes quickly approaching Qin Yan.

Seeing this, the corners of Qin Yan's mouth twitched slightly.


The next moment, three people in three uniforms appeared in front of Qin Yan. The leader of them was an old man who looked like an old man. His body was full of twilight and his lifespan was not very long...

The other two were middle-aged men, and their breath was slightly weaker than the old man.

It's just that these three are all real god-king-level powerhouses, and they are supreme in the outside world! "Who are you!"

After seeing Qin Yan and his party, the head of the old man's pupils shrank slightly, and the old man's face showed a little bit of vigilance.

He only appeared when he noticed the power of space law, and in the entire ruins, there was only one person who understood the space law, and that was their head teacher Mu Powu, Yun, but this strange creature in front of him exuded space. The law! It's just that the old man saw at the first time that Qin Yan's cultivation realm was only at the domain master level, so he wasn't too vigilant.

"Old old bamboo, I don't know where this little friend came from. Come and break five, what's the matter with Yunmen?"

Gu Zhu said with a smile, but the smile on Gu Zhu's face made people feel uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

As for the two middle-aged men behind Gu Zhu, both of them stood with their hands behind their backs, and the aura of a god-king slowly spread out, and they only needed Gu Zhu's order, and the two of them would directly attack Qin Yan.

After all, in this kind of place, life and resources are the most important, as for strangers, they can be killed directly.

"...Your headmaster has been killed by the national treasure, and a pock-faced and tall man died in the hands of the national treasure."

Qin Yan gave a haha ​​and said very casually.

At this moment, the three people of Gu Zhu burst out with powerful spatial power at the same time, and the killing intent in their eyes no longer continued to hide.

"It's a fool's dream, the headmaster is a powerhouse at the supreme god level, how can he die in the hands of a younger generation like you."

"Whether it died in the hands of the national treasure, you will find out if you try it yourself. As for what the national treasure is for today, it doesn't matter if I tell you, the national treasure is here to loot today, and hand over all the valuables! "

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty: Slaughtering the Cloud Gate!

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