Chapter [-]::::: Slaughter Break Five, Cloud Sect! "Bold, just rely on you as a domain master-level trash, you dare to be presumptuous in front of me Break Five, Cloud Sect, and die for Lao Tzu!"

A middle-aged man behind Gu Zhu suddenly burst into a fierce look, his huge palm shot directly at Qin Yan, the power of space burst out in an instant, and the power of the god king was unquestionable.

"Qingfeng, no......!"

Seeing this, Gu Zhu was in a hurry, but it was too late to stop Fang Qingfeng now.

You must know that Fang Qingfeng is already a god-king eight-star 8, and Gu Zhu is only a god-king nine-star 9. The difference between the two is only a small realm. Besides, Gu Zhu is already old, and his strength can't exert [-]% at all. .

The reason why Gu Zhu kept holding back and didn't make a move was precisely because he sensed the space law aura emanating from Qin Yan's body.

How can a domain master level understand the laws of space, so Gu Zhu can conclude that Qin Yan is definitely not simple.

When it was too late, Fang Qingfeng slapped it with a palm, while Qin Yan on the opposite side raised his eyelids in disdain, and then waved his paw very casually.

The next moment, the terrifying power of yin and yang burst out in an instant, and Fang Qingfeng, the **** king, stagnated in the same place in an instant, the palm still kept the original movement, but there was a look of incomparable horror in his eyes.

Pfft!!! The palm closest to Qin Yan exploded first, then the entire arm, and finally, under the shocked gaze of Gu Zhu and another person, Fang Qingfeng's whole body exploded into a cloud of blood.

The air was quiet again, but there was a strong smell of blood around him.

" is this possible..."

Gu Zhu spoke with difficulty, as if all his strength had been exhausted.

Fang Qingfeng, a god-king-level eight-star eight-star powerhouse, even if he breaks five, Yunmen's strength is enough to rank fourth.

But it was such a supreme powerhouse that Qin Yan slapped him to death. He even felt that the scene in front of him was so unreal, as if he was dreaming.

A scumbag of the domain master level, slapped a god king with a slap, can you believe it when you say it, "You...what are you...who are you!"

The man beside Gu Zhu also spoke with a trembling voice, his body involuntarily retreated, and he planned to escape directly.

The Qin Yan in front of him was really too terrifying. He slapped an eight-star 8-star god king to death, which made them compete with Qin Yan! The god king was like a joke in front of Qin Yan! At this moment, Gu Zhu suddenly remembered what Qin Yan had said before, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Their headmaster, it is very likely that they really died in Qin Yan's hands! That means that Qin Yan's real strength is comparable to that of the supreme gods, so is it necessary for them to escape? Escape from your hands ."

Qin Yan spread out his paws helplessly, and then the power of space law directly shrouded the two god kings in front of him.

Aware of Qin Yan's killing intent, the two of them retreated at the same time, but they were still shrouded in the laws of space. Then, their bodies were instantly twisted into pieces! The three 3 God Kings all fell.

From the beginning to the end, only a few dozen breaths have passed! They were also quite unlucky when they encountered Qin Yan, a monster.

"Let's go, today's national treasure will take you to slaughter and break five, Cloud Gate!"

After doing all this, Qin Yan patted his little paw, still wearing a harmless smile on his face.

Chapter [-]: There is no one who can fight!

Chapter [-]:::::There is no one who can fight! Breaking five, although there are only thirteen people in the Cloud Gate, they still have an extremely huge palace. After all, among these ruins, the least What's missing is a place.

When Qin Yan and the others approached, they broke five, and two people flew out of the Cloud Gate again, one was a god-king five-star 55, and the other was a god-king six-star 6, their strength was inferior to that of Big Tall and Pock-faced.

"Breakthrough Five, Cloud Gate, Die!"

The two shouted in unison, without giving Qin Yan any chance to react, they directly attacked Qin Yan with the sharpest means.

"As for being so unfriendly? This national treasure is my first time here. Can you be a little bit more welcoming?"

Qin Yan looked at the menacing two men in front of him and said helplessly.

If Gu Zhu, who had already died, heard these words, he would probably be able to come back to life and give Qin Yan two mouths. The first time you met him, you killed him. What is the first thing to say now? The next meeting should be friendly. For these two brave men with lofty ideals who are not afraid of death, Qin Yan of course chose to fulfill them.

The power of destruction wielded at will, directly strangling the bodies of the two people, and no one died! Until now, there are thirteen people in the cloud gate, and eight people have died in Qin Yan's hands! If he kills the remaining five people, Qin Yan will be able to perfectly interpret what it means to kill a team by one person! And the scene that happened just now happened to be seen by the two people who just walked out of the palace. Thinking of the fiercer two god kings, seeing Qin Yan destroying his own companions at will, he immediately felt agitated, and he was extremely glad that he was not the one who went out just now.

"Who dares to break five, Yunmen makes trouble!"

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, followed by a white-haired old man walking out slowly, and the breath of the god-king peak was slowly exuding.

"Great Elder, it is the Great Elder!"

"Elder, this person killed the two senior brothers Yunzhi, you must not let him go easily!"

The appearance of this... The Great Elder also gave the two frightened kings a little psychological and comfort.

You must know that the Great Elder is the only existence in the entire devastation, whose strength is second only to the headmaster. His cultivation base has reached the peak of the god-king level, and he only needs to comprehend the power of a law, and he can directly break through to the supreme god level! "Oh! There is such a thing!"

The Great Elder frowned deeply, and a strong murderous intent erupted in his eyes.

He had just finished his retreat and noticed that there was a fight outside, so he came out to take a look, but he never thought that his disciples were killed. How could he easily let Qin Yan go after the great elder's prestige? Zhihe Mengtu's tragic death, I don't know how I will feel.

"Boy, how dare you..."

Before the elder's words were finished, Qin Yan was very impatient and threw out a big handprint of Yin and Yang.

At this moment, the big elder's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes showed thick horror. He waved his hand in a hurry to form a defense, but it was ruthlessly destroyed by the yin and yang mudra, and then heavily bombarded him.

Great elder, pawn... The remaining two god kings are messed up in the wind... A peak god king, he was killed in seconds before he even finished a word! "The national treasure is also I don't have time to waste time with you, call the remaining two people out, and solve the national treasure together!"

Qin Yan said very arrogantly.

Now that the Great Elder has died tragically, the entire five are broken, and there are only four people left in Cloud Sect.


Just as the remaining two god kings were about to speak, the terrifying power of destruction had penetrated their bodies.

At this time, Qin Yan frowned in dissatisfaction, and said with a look of disdain.

"There's really no one who can fight, it's really boring!"

Chapter [-]: Search the treasure house!

Chapter [-]:::::Search the treasure trove! Breaking Five, the last two people of Cloud Gate were also ruthlessly killed by Qin Yan, so far, Breaking Five, Cloud Gate was finally wiped out.

A sect that existed in the ruins for tens of thousands of years was destroyed by Qin Yan alone.

You know, twelve god kings plus one supreme god, even if you look at the universe, it is absolutely comparable to a civilized galaxy! For the time being, let alone the shadow civilization where Qin Yan is located, there is only the shadow supreme god. A supreme god, the number of god-kings will never exceed ten 10.

Such a powerful force is gathered here, is it really just... accidental and Mu Po Wu, Yun is the apprentice of Mu Yuan, the supreme god of space, as Po Wu, the headmaster of Yunmen, what is he planning? In other words, it was helping Mu Yuan to plan all of this. It seemed that Qin Yan might not be able to solve the confusion until he saw Mu Yuan again.

"Little master, all searches have been done, and there is no one in this palace."

Tian Chen came to Qin Yan's side, and his tone was even more respectful.

Originally, in Tian Chen's view, Qin Yan was just a yin-yang Chaos Beast cub, and he needed its help to grow up.

But I never thought that Qin Yan killed a whole dozen god kings with one person! If it is a coincidence that Qin Yan killed Mu Po Wu in the space rift, then these twelve god kings, but He was really killed by Qin Yan! Now Qin Yan's realm is only the domain master level, if he is promoted to the world master level, how terrifying it will be! "Giggle, Tianchen, is there any... The imprisoned evil spirit, hurry up and make up for it, maybe it will be able to break through the king of gods!"

Wan Qing looked at Tian Chen and said with a smile.

However, Tian Chen did not clarify, but continued to talk to Qin Yan.

"Little Master, I have already discovered Po Wu, the treasure house of Cloud Gate, do you want to check it out for yourself?"

"Of course the treasure house is a national treasure. What good things are these old guys hiding!"

Qin Yan's eyes lit up, he destroyed Po Wu and Yunmen, and he had to gain some benefits, and everything about Po Wu and Yunmen was already Qin Yan's.

Not long after, Qin Yan had followed Tianchen to the door of Powu, the treasure house hidden in the cloud gate, which was quite a match for this magnificent palace. The huge stone gate was dozens of meters long. It is high, and the entire treasure house is thousands of meters long! At this time, Tian Chen stepped forward and punched the stone gate. The huge force directly caused the dozens of meters high stone gate to collapse, turning into a piece of debris.

The first thing I saw was a variety of medicinal materials, many of which were rare medicinal materials that even Qin Yan had never seen before! Although Qin Yan was said to be a supreme medicine god, the medicinal materials he came into contact with were pitifully small. After all, the title of the Supreme Medicine God was obtained by practicing medicine once.

After that, there are all kinds of weapons, and the weapons will be damaged more or less, and they are obviously picked up from the ruins.

After that... the huge treasure house can be said to be full of various treasures. As a treasure collected by the god king, although it is not of great use to Qin Yan, it is of great use to his younger brothers. , but it is useful.

At this moment, Qin Yan waved his hand, and the army of undead had already appeared in front of the gate of the treasure house, with small skeletons lined up neatly.

"Little Skull, you bring your people in and scavenge all the things in the treasure house for me, especially if there is an elixir, just give it to me directly."

"Yes, little master!"

Tian Chen led the way and stormed into the treasure house with his own group of younger brothers.

At this time, Qin Yan shouted towards not far away.

"Lao Kong, Lao Yan, you also go in and see if there is anything you need, just take it away!"

Chapter [-]: A bamboo!

Chapter [-]:::::A Bamboo! It took half a day for the army of the dead led by Tianchen to break Wu Wu, and the treasure house of Yunmen was searched. As you can imagine, breaking Wu, Yunmen How many treasures are there in the treasure trove?

As for Lao Kong and Lao Yan, when they walked out of the treasure house, Lao Kong had a golden silk feather coat on his body, and the light on the feather coat was gentle, obviously full of spirituality, and it was a good protective gear.

As for Lao Yan, he brought out a... bronze mirror. The bronze mirror exudes an ancient atmosphere. Although there are some cracks on it, it is still full of spirituality.

It can be said that my two younger brothers have also found treasures suitable for them.

"Thank you king!"

They both thanked at the same time, and then left contentedly.

At this time, Tianchen also walked out of the treasure house, holding a jade box in his left hand, like a container for holding medicinal herbs, and in his right hand, there is a bamboo! Yes, it is... a bamboo, Bamboo on Earth... Seeing the bamboo in Tian Chen's hands, Qin Yan was also a little stunned, since he entered the universe, he has never seen bamboo.

Although bamboo is the favorite food of giant pandas, Qin Yan, as a senior transmigrator, naturally cannot compare with ordinary pandas.

"Little master, this is an elixir in the deepest treasure house. It seems to be an elixir made by condensing many evil spirits. If you take it, it should improve all of you.

As for this..."

Tianchen picked up the bamboo in his right hand and said in a doubtful tone.

"I don't know why, I sensed a familiar aura from this strange object, so I brought it here to show you. As for the other treasures, I have already given Xiaoku your storage space."

Hearing this, Qin Yan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You mean, you are familiar with the breath on this bamboo"

Familiarity can bring bamboo to this place from above, and still leave the atmosphere familiar to Tian Chen, then the whole universe may not be able to find a second person, the ancestor of the chaotic beast! Once, Qin Yan received from the virtual universe elf I have seen the picture of Muyuan being killed by the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast. The bamboo that the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast was holding at that time seemed to be somewhat similar to the bamboo in Tianchen's hand! All bamboos are basically the same... Taking the medicinal pill and the bamboo from Tian Chen, Qin Yan directly put the medicinal pill into the storage space, holding the bamboo with both hands, feeling the bamboo The breath that exudes.

Although this seems to be just a very ordinary bamboo, under Qin Yan's careful feeling, a powerful and familiar force of yin and yang slowly spreads out.

This makes Qin Yan even more certain that this bamboo is... the one that was in the hands of the ancestors of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast! "Very good, this bamboo will be... a national treasure in the future!"

Qin Yan said with some satisfaction.

On the side, Tian Chen looked at Qin Yan who was holding a bamboo in his hand, and there was always an inexplicable sense of harmony in his heart... "Little Skeleton, then you can help Wan Qing, I explained something to him."

"Yes, little master!"

Tian Chen led the way, leaving only Qin Yan holding the bamboo in his hand.

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