However, at this time, almost half of the high gods have used up nearly half of their law power, and the cracks in the universe are still expanding, and no one can predict what will happen in the next second.

"Lingshang, go to that one for help. After all, that one also belongs to this universe. Isn't that the one who solved Muyuan's affairs back then?"

Hearing this, Mu Lingjing couldn't help but her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. She knew very well who the supreme god of fate was talking about, but would they really show up to help? "I'll go now."

But Mu Lingshang didn't hesitate, now this is their only chance! But at this moment, a lazy and somewhat casual voice sounded.

"Hello old man, long time no see!"

Chapter [-]: You are too thick-skinned!

Chapter [-]:::::You are too thick-skinned! "His Royal Highness Qin Yan, you are back!"

Looking at the voice, the supreme god of destiny naturally saw Qin Yan walking out of the void, and his eyes lit up immediately, and his originally worried face also showed a bit of joy.

In his prophecy, Qin Yan was originally the savior of the world, and later, the ancestor of the yin and yang Chaos Beast personally transmitted his voice to him and asked him to protect Qin Yan.

This made him even more believe that Qin Yan would definitely be able to resolve this crisis.

Previously, he wanted Mu Lingshang to seek help from the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast.

But now Qin Yan's appearance has made him see hope again.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, it seems that this trip has been fruitful."

At the same time as seeing Qin Yan, the supreme gods of fate also noticed the aura on Qin Yan's body. The four-star 44 at the world master level! Before leaving, Qin Yan had only just been promoted to the realm master level. It has only been half a month. Yan was already a world master level four-star 44, how could he not be surprised.

"Generally speaking, the national treasure is to collect the entire ruins!"

Qin Yan responded indifferently.


At this time, even the supreme god of fate did not know how to respond.

You said you wanted to brag, at least you said it was real, and you took the entire ruins away, who would believe it! "Qin Yan, you have understood the laws of space"

Mu Lingshang suddenly opened her mouth, with a little anticipation in her eyes, but also a little bit of worry.

The expectation is that Qin Yan may be able to use the laws of space to close the cracks in the universe. After all, the laws of space are extremely deep, and even the barriers of the universe can be easily broken. The worry is that, what Muyuan said to her that day, if this universe is The emergence of the second person who understands the laws of space will lead to disaster! Qin Yan nodded, then raised his hand and waved, and the strong power of the laws of space spread instantly.

Facing Mu Lingshang, Qin Yan naturally wouldn't hide it.

"The law of space! It really is the law of space! It is the luck of the universe, the luck of the universe!"

Feeling the laws of space emanating from Qin Yan's body, the face of the supreme god of destiny is also full of smiles. A strong man who understands the laws of space, can't he solve this crack in the universe? It's just that the supreme god of destiny has ignored a point now. , that is, Qin Yan is currently only at the world master level! The law of space is the power of the universe's supreme power. After all, the power of the rules has not been discovered yet. Now Qin Yan understands the space law at the world master level. Something that has never happened before! And Qin Yan did not intend to show the power of the second law now. If this group of supreme gods knew that they possessed the power of both laws at the same time, I am afraid that the entire universe would be directly exploded. .

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, there is the catastrophe that the universe is facing now. The old man once predicted that this crack in the universe would open in half a month, but he never thought that it would be so long earlier. Fortunately, His Royal Highness Qin Yan arrived today, looking forward to Qin Yan. Your Highness Yan can take action!"

The supreme god of fate said respectfully.

For hundreds of millions of years, no one has ever been able to make the supreme god of destiny so respectful! "...Old man, the national treasure has just returned, you don't need to wash the dust of the national treasure, and you even let the national treasure do things for you, You are too thick-skinned!"

Qin Yan held two small paws in front of his chest, with a half-smile expression on his face.

And the group of supreme gods behind the supreme god of destiny has long been messed up in the wind. As the oldest and most qualified supreme god, the supreme god of destiny can scold him like this. Qin Yan is absolutely unprecedented. By!

Chapter [-]: Repair the cracks in the universe!

Chapter [-]::::: Repair the cracks in the universe! As soon as Qin Yan said this, as a wise man in the entire universe, the supreme god of fate did not know how to answer for a while.

Do you think there is something wrong with what Qin Yan said? There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Why do people listen to their own words and do things for themselves? "Old..."

The supreme god of destiny subconsciously looked at Mu Lingshang beside him, hoping that Mu Lingshang could come forward and say something to him, after all, Mu Lingshang and Qin Yan had been together for a while, and the relationship was still good.

Seeing this, Mu Lingshang also covered her mouth and chuckled, her peerless youthfulness would definitely make every man in the universe go crazy.

"Qin Yan, don't make a fuss. Since the seniors have already spoken, you can help me with this."

"Hmph, if Big Sister Mu hadn't spoken, the nation's treasures would have ignored you, a lousy old man!"

Qin Yan glanced at the supreme god of destiny, as if saying: You are a bad old man, you are very bad! "Yes, yes, as long as His Highness Qin Yan can take action, what His Highness Qin Yan says is what he says!"

How could the supreme god of fate dare to be careless, now that the fate of the entire universe is in Qin Yan's hands, he can only try his best to please Qin Yan, and dare not have a single complaint.

"Okay, okay, let the national treasure see, what is the trouble that all of you can't solve!"

Saying this, Qin Yan no longer paid any attention to the supreme god of fate, and strode toward the crack of the universe.

Behind him, Lao Kong and Lao Yan followed tremblingly, not daring to take a breath.

Who are the people present in this Nima, most of them are the supreme gods in the universe, the giants who control one side! And the remaining small part are also famous formation masters in the universe! They are all big people Ah! As for Tianchen and Wanqing, they were captured by Qin Yan, and he didn't want to expose these two cards too soon.

Walking into the crack of the universe, a void came, mixed with various laws, and even laws that did not belong to this universe, flowing into the universe madly.

Seeing this, Qin Yan couldn't help but Wei Muyuan once said that this crack in the universe was opened because of himself! After this crack, what is it? The problem of the cracks in the universe is solved! "You all get out of the way, it's enough to hand over the national treasure here to one person!"

Qin Yan spoke lightly.

Hearing this, a group of supreme gods couldn't help looking at each other. The cracks in the universe that more than one hundred supreme gods could not stop, a master of the free world, can they really solve it? But just now, even the supreme gods of destiny were scolded by Qin Yan. Now, how dare they provoke Qin Yan, and immediately withdrew the power of the law one by one, and then retreated to the side.

Sure enough, just as all the supreme gods withdrew their power, the fissure in the cosmos, which was still calm, suddenly cracked open, and endless turbulent turbulence poured in. The power of the huge law made the surrounding supreme gods feel it. to suffocation.

At the same time, I saw Qin Yan's two small claws slammed, and the power of space law madly poured out, directly bombarding the crack in the universe.

In an instant, the surrounding space was shattered, and Mu Lingshang also appeared beside Lao Kong and Lao Yan in time, protecting them with the law of life.

"Go back to the national treasure!"

Hearing Qin Yan's clear drink, the turbulent flow of the void that was gushing out suddenly stopped instantly, and then reversed at an extremely fast speed, and the crack in the universe was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, the surrounding supreme gods breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Qin Yan with even more respect.

"As expected of His Highness Qin Yan, he is indeed amazing!"

The supreme god of fate smiled and flattered.

Chapter [-]: Weird black fog!

Chapter [-]::::: Weird black fog! The cracks in the universe are shrinking little by little, and the power of the law that was originally chaotic around is gradually becoming normal.

As if everything was going in the best direction.

At this time, the supreme god of destiny and Mu Lingshang also let out a soft breath, and the worries and vigilance in their hearts gradually let go.

However, Qin Yan frowned deeply at this time. Although the cracks in the universe gradually narrowed under the control of his space laws, a strong sense of unease suddenly rose in his heart.

"It seems that this catastrophe will eventually end in the hands of His Highness Qin Yan!"

The supreme god of destiny said while stroking his beard gently, a heart that was held by 1 gradually let go.

Of his two previous predictions, the first one has been fulfilled, and that is the appearance of a crack in the universe.

And the second prophecy, Qin Yan becoming the savior, is also fulfilled today in his opinion.

Now that the two major prophecies are over, the big stone in the heart of the supreme god of destiny can naturally be put down.

"Understanding the laws of space with the realm master level strength, do you think Qin Yan will become the second wood source?"

At this time, Mu Lingshang's beautiful eyes were tightly knitted, and there was a look of sadness on her beautiful cheeks.

Mu Yuan's character has changed drastically, and the massacre in the universe is a huge blow to her. After all, Mu Yuan was brought up by her own hands, not a parent-child, but it is better than a parent-child! Now that I see Qin Yan who is so evil, Mu Lingshang As if seeing the shadow of Mu Yuan.

Hearing this, the supreme god of destiny remained silent, because he knew that if Qin Yan really became the second wood source, the catastrophe that the entire universe would face would be far more intense than the last time! Under the nervous gaze, the crack in the universe has shrunk to the size of a palm, and it has become completely stable, and it is difficult to cause any disturbance.

Now even without Qin Yan, their numerous supreme forces are enough to forcibly close this palm-sized crack in the universe! "Everything, it's over."

The Supreme Deity of Fate said softly, with a bit of exhaustion in his voice.

But just as the crack in the universe was about to happen, Qin Yan's heart trembled suddenly, and then a black mist shot out from the crack in the universe.

In the next moment, the cracks in the universe are completely closed.

Before he could think about it, Qin Yan immediately controlled the power of the Space Law and shrouded the black fog, trying to control it in place.

It's just that the laws of space shrouded down, but it did not cause any obstruction to the black fog! Breaking through Qin Yan's space blockade, the black fog flew directly towards a formation master not far away, at a very fast speed. , making it impossible for all the supreme gods to catch up.

The black fog appeared without warning, and the more than [-] supreme gods present did not react.

"Be careful!"

With a loud shout, Qin Yan's body disappeared directly on the spot, and then appeared in front of the master of the formation, but his face was a little ugly.

Because at this time, the black fog has entered the body of the master of the formation! Everything happened so suddenly, at the scene, except... Qin Yan, no one reacted! "This. ...just now...what is that!"

At this moment, the dazed Master Formation Master obviously didn't know what was going on, and looked at the people around him helplessly, but in the depths of his pupils, a wisp of darkness quietly expanded.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, what happened?"

The supreme god of destiny reacted first, and hurriedly came to Qin Yan's side, looking at the formation master at the same time.

The next moment, layers of black mist emerged from the depths of the formation master's body, his pupils were completely replaced by pitch blackness, and his gradually blurred consciousness made him let out a desperate scream.

"It's something beyond the cracks in the universe!"

Qin Yan spoke solemnly, and the master of the formation was obviously unable to survive.

Chapter [-]: The magic sound fills my ears, the real crisis!

Chapter [-]::::: The magic sound fills my ears, the real crisis! "Master Xiao, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

At this moment, a supreme god not far from the formation master hurriedly spoke, and at the same time reached out his hand to help the formation master.

"Don't touch him!"

The supreme god of destiny shouted, and the movements of the supreme god stopped directly in place.

"Everyone step back and don't get close to him!"

The supreme god of destiny spoke again, and the other supreme gods hesitated a little, but they also obeyed the words of the supreme god of destiny and retreated.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, what is going on here, why did Master Xiao become like this?"

It was only at this time that the supreme god of destiny opened his mouth to ask Qin Yan.

"Uh uh uh... help me... help me..."

Master Xiao let out a painful wailing in his throat, and the last trace of strength in his body made him raise his hand, trying to seek help from the people around him.

It's just that in this situation, no one dared to step forward. The breath of this strange black mist made all the supreme gods feel deep fear.

Even if they are contaminated with this black mist, I am afraid it will definitely not feel good, let alone a master of formation.

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