"This black fog should have its own wisdom."

Mu Lingshang also came to Qin Yan's side, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking at Master Xiao in front of him, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"That's right, Master Xiao has the weakest cultivation base on the scene. This black mist should have recognized this, so he entered the body of Master Xiao."

The supreme god of destiny also saw it and said with a sigh.

Master Xiao, who was entangled in the black mist, was able to struggle at first, but after just a few moments, he was completely wiped out and turned into a corpse.


For a time, everyone around him gasped, and Master Xiao, who was fighting alongside them just now, had turned into a cold corpse in the blink of an eye.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, what do you think at this time?"

The supreme god of fate looked at Qin Yan, and only Qin Yan knew what happened just now and how the black fog appeared.

"Come on, it's not over yet."

Qin Yan pointed to Master Xiao's corpse in front of him and said, because he felt a very strong resentment on Master Xiao's corpse, and its resentment was even stronger than the law of resentment, perhaps it can no longer be called resentment! Qin! As soon as Yan said these words, everyone's eyes fell on Master Xiao's corpse again, and then their pupils suddenly shrank.

Because at this time, Master Xiao, who had no life, did not fall down, but stood in an extremely strange posture.

"Hey hey!!!"

"Hey hey!!!"

............ One after another chilling laughter spread to everyone's ears, as if from the nine secluded demons, making all the supreme gods have a feeling of shivering.

Then, "Master Xiao"

Suddenly he raised his head strangely, his eyes were filled with dark mist, and his body exuded a strange and powerful aura.

"It's really a good world. Although the laws are not perfect, it can also become a place for the deity!"

"Master Xiao"

He spoke strangely, his voice was shrill and piercing, like a rolling demonic sound! "You... Who are you!"

The supreme god of destiny spoke coldly, and a heart was even higher, because he was in "Master Xiao"

On my body, I smelled the breath of death! "Who am I, hehe, don't worry, the deity will meet you soon!"

Saying so, "Master Xiao"

Suddenly turning his head to look at Qin Yan, there was a trace of killing intent in his dark eyes.

"Little thing, dare to destroy the deity's good deeds, when the deity arrives, I will kill you first!"

Chapter [-]: Muyuan, where are you?

Chapter [-]:::::Mu Yuan, where are you "Master Xiao"

Under the anger, the surrounding laws suddenly became: chaotic, and the moving space was trembling faintly.

However, at this time Qin Yan took a step forward unhurriedly, while "Master Xiao"

The black mist on his body also seemed to have dissipated because of Qin Yan's step.

"There are many people who want to kill the national treasure, but in the end, it seems that they are all killed by the national treasure."

Qin Yan said with a sneer, with a hint of coldness in his voice.

"No matter who you are in the national treasure, I can only advise you, go back to where it came from, this is not a place where you can run wild!"

"Hahaha, you have the courage, like that kid back then! But trust the deity, we will meet soon!"

"Master Xiao"

After saying this sentence, the black mist all over his body suddenly evaporated, turning into wisps of black smoke and dissipating in the void, and then his body quickly dissolved, and finally turned into a pile of dead bones.

At this point, the terrifying pressure gradually dissipated.

Looking at the scene in front of them, at the scene, many supreme gods were all solemn and solemn, because this scene really shocked them too much, and the power of this mysterious powerhouse was far beyond their imagination.

Just a wisp of breath can put pressure on their souls. If they really show up, killing them would probably only be a matter of raising their hands! After a long silence, everyone present did not move, but did not say a word.

The first to break the silence was Qin Yan.

"Old man, who do you think the kid who was stabbed by a thousand swords would be?"

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan is joking, the old man doesn't know that...mysterious powerhouse, how can he know..."

Halfway through the words, the supreme god of destiny suddenly stopped, and a shadow gradually appeared in his mind.

It was a young man with cold eyebrows.

But I once fought against the entire universe with one person's strength, making the entire universe fall into crisis.

It was because of that young man.

The number of supreme gods in the universe has dropped sharply, and their vitality has been greatly damaged! There is no other reason, just because of that...mysterious powerhouses come from outside the chaos, and in the entire universe, the only one who can break the barriers of the universe and go to the chaos universe is Muyuan. One person! That is to say, the only person who can get in touch with that...mysterious powerhouse, and who can say from that...mysterious powerhouse's mouth, is only Muyuan! At this time, Mu Lingshang is also stunned, A pair of beautiful eyes were filled with emptiness, and memories emerged like spring water.

"All this! It's no different from what you see, I'm going to kill those... The supreme god is naturally out of my own thoughts, if you give me another chance, even if I know that I will die , my choice is still the same!"

"Maybe it's what you said, I shouldn't have grown up in this world!!"

............Perhaps Mu Yuan really had his own difficulties in doing that.

Then why is Mu Yuan unwilling to mention it to himself, and why does he have to bear everything alone!! Thinking of this, Mu Lingshang felt heartbroken for a while.

There used to be such a hairy boy who followed behind her all day long, shouting to the master one by one, doing the best in everything, for fear that she would be so unhappy.

"Master, Master, today I peeked at Erya taking a bath and she found out, and I was beaten by her!"

"Master, Master, look at the power of space I comprehend, I also learned to teleport!"

"Master, Master, sooner or later, I will be like you and become a supreme and supreme god to protect our world!"

............ Mu Lingshang slowly opened her eyes, with a little tear glittering in her beautiful eyes, her eyes looked up at the sky, and murmured like a dream.

"Muyuan, where are you now?"

Chapter [-]: People from outside Chaos!

Chapter [-]:::::From people outside the chaos! At the same time, there is a barren space outside the chaos.

A law source core that is about to take shape floats in front of Mu Yuan's chest, and the dazzling bright light illuminates the boy's resolute cheeks.

Suddenly, Mu Yuan abruptly opened his eyes, and his two eyes shot into the endless void like sharp swords.

"Master, are you calling me?"

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuan frowned, looked at the void not far away, and said in a cold voice.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?"

When the words fell, a figure had already walked out of the void. This person was dressed in black, and a dark mist was floating all over his body. If Qin Yan was here, he would definitely be able to find out that this is the mysterious black mist that killed Master Xiao!" , this is just one of your spiritual thoughts, even if the deity shows up, it can't help you!"

The man in black snorted coldly, his sharp eyes looking at Mu Yuan like a poisonous snake.

"Boy, if it wasn't for you who ruined the deity's plan, now that cosmos is already the deity's territory, and now there is a boy similar to you, which really gives the deity a headache!"

Hearing this, Mu Yuan's eyes trembled slightly, and the only person who could stop the man in black in front of him was that beast god, or Qin Yan! The wood source was still smashed by the beast god, the bamboo, to smash the core of the source of law, and although the man in black in front of him was powerful, he was far from reaching that level.

That is to say, if the beast god really made a move, the man in black would not appear here.

As for the man in black in front of him, he had dealt with him hundreds of millions of years ago in the void dimension of Muyuan, and he came from someone outside the chaos! The chaos of the universe is untouchable. With a wider territory and more unknown powerhouses! "If it wasn't for the fact that the core of my law has not been fully condensed, do you think you will have this opportunity!"

Mu Yuan spoke coldly, with undisguised murderous intent mixed in his voice.

"Hehe, stinky boy, you were not the deity's opponent back then. Now that so many years have passed, you think that you can condense the core origin of the law and you can fight against the deity. The frog at the bottom of the well is always the frog at the bottom of the well, and sooner or later this universe will fall into the deity hands!"

The man in black spoke with disdain, and looked at Mu Yuan with a look of contempt.

"When I condense the core origin of the law, I may not be able to fight with you!"

Mu Yuan's eyes were burning with rage.

Hearing this, the man in black frowned slightly, then said with a big smile.

"Stinky boy, you are the same as the kid I met today, and I have a lot of headaches. Now I am really curious, what power is in this universe that can nurture the two of you? Woolen cloth!"

"Light of Yinghuo also wants to compete with Haoyue, stinky boy, this deity still wants to advise you, it is best not to let this deity find where your body is, otherwise this deity will make you want to live and die!"

The man in black sneered, and then a punch suddenly slammed into Mu Yuan in front of him.

At this moment, the black mist directly smashed Mu Yuan's spiritual thoughts like a raptor, without giving Mu Yuan the slightest chance to escape.

At the same time, in the mysterious space hundreds of millions of light-years away, a trace of blood slowly dripped from the corner of Mu Yuan's mouth.

"Damn it, fortunately I put a few spiritual senses as a cover. If that guy really finds me, I'm afraid my life will not be saved!"

Mu Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the chaotic universe.

"Qin Yan, your growth rate is beyond my expectations. I hope you won't let me down in the future!"

Chapter [-]: Tianyan Continent, a new battlefield!

Chapter [-]:::::Tianyan Continent, a new battlefield! The rift in the universe has come to an end, although the strange black mist that appeared at the end took the life of a master of the formation, but fortunately There were no major storms.

Just don't care....

Whether it was the supreme god of fate or the other supreme gods present, their moods were strangely heavy, and the demonic voice kept reverberating in their ears, and everyone knew that the master of this black mist would one day make a comeback! "Qin Your Highness Yan, what should we do now?"

The supreme god of destiny asked with a worried look, and now he can be sure that his second prophecy has not been fulfilled, but has just begun! The so-called disaster is not the cosmic crack, but the one behind the cosmic crack. A mysterious strong man! "What else can I do, of course, wait for the one who suffered a thousand knives to come over, and the national treasure kills him with his own hands!"

"Besides, the one who was hit with a thousand knives was the first to kill the national treasure by name. The national treasure is not in a hurry, why are you in such a hurry, old man!"

Qin Yan said with a look of contempt, as if mocking the supreme gods of fate had become Qin Yan's pleasure.

"Okay, all the national treasures that should be made have been completed. Now the national treasures will go to the earth to see the younger brothers. The national treasures have been away for so long, and I don't know if this group of little brats have... Cultivation well, if the cultivation level is even Lao Kong and Lao Yan are incomparable, see the national treasures go back and don't clean them up!"

Hearing this, Lao Kong and Lao Yan couldn't help but sweat for the younger brothers on Earth. Now they are real world masters, and even if they look at the entire universe, they can completely control one side, and now they are leaving. For more than half a month, even if my younger brother tried his best to cultivate, it was absolutely impossible to catch up with them.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, wait a moment!"

But at this moment, the supreme god of fate suddenly stopped Qin Yan.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, the Tianyan Continent opened a few days ago, and all the geniuses who participated in the battle of the universe have been sent to the Tianyan Continent for cultivation, including yours.......little brothers."

"Where is the Tianyan Continent? Isn't the battle of the universe over?"

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