Qin Yan asked in confusion.

On the other side, there is no waiting: the supreme god of destiny opened his mouth, and Mu Lingshang has already opened his mouth to explain.

"Tianyan Continent is the supreme battlefield of the virtual universe, in which time has been re-planned. A year in Tianyan Continent is only a day away from the outside world, and many of Tianyan Continent have already passed. The alien beasts that unlock the intelligence allow the entrants to have the opportunity to cultivate. More importantly, the predecessors of the supreme gods once placed a god-king-level weapon on the continent, and those who can survive to the end can get it. This weapon!"

"Of course, weapons are important, but the cultivation in Tianyan Continent is even more important. In the past, the worst person who could survive in the end has also improved by two great realms, jumping from the world master level to the immortal level! "

"and then"

There was a faint smile on Qin Yan's face, and he didn't seem to be moved by it at all.

But it is also, Qin Yan's cultivation base does not need to be improved to be able to abuse high gods. As for weapons, I have bamboo in hand, and I have them in the world. Where does Qin Yan need weapons! Facing Qin Yan's answer, Mu Lingshang couldn't help but be stunned. After a moment, Qin Yan was about to say something, but Qin Yan had already spoken again.

"But the national treasure participates, tell the national treasure how to get there"

"National Treasure is not interested in... weapons, cultivation, etc. The most important thing is to be able to go there and abuse vegetables to relax, it is enough!"

Qin Yan smiled indifferently, while the corner of the mouth of the supreme god of destiny on the side kept twitching...

Chapter [-]: Another newcomer is here!

Chapter [-]::::: There is another newcomer, here! But as long as Qin Yan agrees, it is enough, as for Qin Yan thinking about how noisy it is, it doesn't matter.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, as long as you want to go, I can throw your consciousness into it at any time."

The supreme god of destiny said.


Qin Yan frowned slightly, his consciousness cast also meant that Tianyan Continent was just a virtual space set up by the virtual universe, which could explain why a year in Tianyan Continent was equivalent to a day in the outside world.

"That's right, Tianyan Continent is also part of the virtual cosmic space, which is somewhat similar to the previous cosmos battlefield, but Tianyan Continent is an independent space, and the consciousness of those who die in it will also be transmitted back to the present world. , and cannot enter Tianyan Continent again."

"No problem, send the national treasure in."

Qin Yan spoke calmly, and then looked at Mu Lingshang.

"Sister Mu, please help the national treasure to take care of the earth."

Earth is Qin Yan's birthplace after all, and there are only a few strong people on the earth today. Once Qin Yan's younger brothers leave, it can be said that there are basically no strong people on earth, and any random wave of space pirates can sack the earth. Empty! "No problem, I will send down a thought and put it on the earth. Once the earth is in trouble, I will appear as soon as possible."

Mu Lingshang nodded in agreement.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, come with me."

The supreme god of destiny stretched out a finger to point out a direction, and Qin Yan followed.

............Tianyan Continent, somewhere in the dark.

Because the Tianyan Continent is a cultivation place specially set up for the geniuses in the universe, the entire continent is basically jungles, mountains, and deserts and other cool places to survive.

Of course, there are also those alien beasts in the Tianyan Continent that are extremely powerful and have enlightened intelligence. It is food in the belly of alien beasts.

Although Tianyan Continent is a projection of consciousness, if you die here, you will really experience the pain of death. For example, if you are swallowed by a foreign beast, you will have to suffer the feeling of being bitten off by your body! If you experience this feeling once in your life, you will have to experience the pain of death. It will cast a huge shadow! In the huge jungle, three figures quickly shuttle between the trees. A closer look shows that these three people are all extremely young faces, but the weakest one has reached the level of the domain master. Seven stars.

And the young man at the head, the cultivation base has reached the peak of the world master level, and he is only one step away from the immortality level.

"Brother Xing, this time the boss asked us to find the injured fire python, did he intentionally want to train us?"

One of the young people asked.

Known as Brother Xing, formerly known as Liu Xing, the super genius of Yanshen civilization, he won the top [-] achievements in the world leader battlefield of the Cosmic Genius Battle, which is enough to disdain the genius of most of the universe! The two youths were also from the Yanshen civilization like him, the one who spoke was named Yun Tu, and the other youth was named Yun Ying, who were a pair of brothers.

"Although the fire python has reached the immortality level, it has been hit hard by us before, and the strength it can exert now is not at the initial stage of the world master level. It can be said that the three of us can deal with it easily."

"If I can make a contribution this time, maybe the boss will reward me with the original nucleus of the fire python, and then..."

Saying this, Liu Xing suddenly looked at the sky, and saw a light circle slowly condensing, followed by three figures slowly walking out.

Seeing this, the corners of Liu Xing's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Little ones, there is a newcomer, here, let's go beat and beat together!"

Chapter [-]: Give you a chance to organize language!

Chapter 3:::::Give you a chance to organize your language! The three people who originally tracked the fire python immediately stopped and looked at Qin Yan, Lao Kong and Lao Yan who appeared in the sky. There was greed in his eyes.

There is a rule in Tianyan Continent, that is, the point system. Every newcomer has a thousand points in his hand, and there are many ways to obtain points, such as hunting alien beasts, improving realm and so on...

Of course, there is also a quickest way to get points, and that is to take other people's points.

Obviously, Qin Yan and his party had become the prey of Liu Xing, one thousand points for one person, three people add up to [-] points, which is not a small number for Liu Xing, after all, he came here for five Years, but only accumulated [-] points, just points.

Here, the strong are respected. Logically speaking, entering the Tianyan Continent with the strength of the realm master, although it cannot be said to be the strongest, at least it is also a top-notch powerhouse. After all, the realm master level and the cosmos level battlefield There are also many geniuses who came to Tianyan Continent.

It's just that Tianyan Continent is not only a training ground, but also a blessed land. Many people with unfortunate luck have encountered their own opportunities as soon as they arrived here, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, Liu Xing, who is now at the peak of the world's master level, can only be regarded as the upper middle level in the entire Tianyan Continent. If he hadn't been attached to his current eldest brother, he would have been killed by others and seized his points.

Now Qin Yan's three people are like three fat sheep to be slaughtered in their eyes, and they can eat them without paying any price.

The newcomer, which means that there is no group of his own, is the best target to start! At the same time, Qin Yan, who had just been teleported here, looked around and surveyed the environment here.

Its spiritual energy is indeed much higher than that of ordinary galaxies, and although this is a virtual space, there is still a law of the universe, even if it is only the law of one good.

"Welcome Your Majesty to Tianyan Continent!"

At this moment, the familiar elf appeared.

"Everyone who comes to Tianyan Continent has a thousand initial points. The king can obtain points by fighting monsters, improving or robbing other people's points, etc., and can exchange for survival resources, elixir, weapons, etc., and also It can be exchanged for spiritual energy, and there is a sufficient training place."

"Tianyan Continent is very dangerous, there are powerful alien beasts everywhere, I hope the king can have a good training trip!"

"Little Elf, can you help the national treasure find your little brother?"

Qin Yan suddenly asked, Tianyan Continent is so big, where should he go to find his younger brothers.

You must know that there is only one chance to enter the Tianyan Continent. If your little brother is killed in it, there is no chance to come back.

"Your Majesty, I'm very sorry, I don't have this function."

"Well, it's up to you.

Lao Kong, Lao Yan, let's go around first."

Saying so, Qin Yan wanted to leave this place.

But at this moment, an inappropriate and extremely arrogant voice sounded.

"Three little things, you are lucky to meet me, hand over the points in your hand, I can spare your life, otherwise, if you kill you, the points are still mine!"

The three of Liu Xing walked in the air and appeared in front of Qin Yan in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Qin Yan looked at the three people in front of him, and the strongest Liu Xing was only at the peak of the world master level, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.

In the past, I used to rob others by myself, so where could there be a chance for others to rob me! "National Treasure will give you a chance to reorganize your language."

Qin Yan said with a sneer, looking at Liu Xing as if he was looking at a dead person.

Chapter [-]: These two mouths are the national treasures to reward you!

Chapter [-]::::: These two mouths are the national treasures to reward you! Hearing this, Liu Xing's face still had a bit of a smile, but now it is ashen, and his whole body exudes a smile. A scorching aura, the power of flame spewed out like anger.

"Little thing, don't toast, don't eat and drink fine! Lao Tzu's patience is very limited. If you insist on angering me, believe me, I will never let you live until tomorrow!"

Liu Xing spoke coldly, his voice full of undisguised killing intent.

"Obviously hand over your points, I can spare your life, and even make you my subordinate, otherwise..."

Saying this, a flame was quietly burning in Liu Xing's hand. Although it was just an inconspicuous flame, the moment it appeared, the surrounding temperature was rising in a straight line. The breath of the peak is also slowly exuding.

Obviously, this is Liu Xing again creating pressure on Qin Yan.

Liu Xing can feel that although Qin Yan's realm has reached the world master level, he has definitely not reached the peak level, and even said that it is only four stars 44 five stars 55. As for Lao Kong and Lao Yan behind Qin Yan, although the realm is the world master level , but the aura on his body is vain, obviously he has just been promoted, and he has not even had time to stabilize his realm.

If he suddenly attacked, Liu Xing has more than 3% confidence that he can instantly kill the three people in front of him in seconds! But Liu Xing did not do this, because the most interesting part of hunting prey is... It lies in being able to play casually, prey, If you die all at once, the fun is gone.

"Little thing, didn't you hear our brother Xing talking to you? Don't think that your high status in the outside world is great. Let me tell you, in Tianyan Continent, no one will care about your status in the outside world, and it's just a matter of killing you. It's a matter of minutes, if you don't want to die, just hand over your points and get out!"

Seeing that Qin Yan was no longer speaking, Yun Ying on the side also spoke with a gloomy face, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he could swallow Qin Yan alive at any time.

"Old Kong, do you think this kid has come this far on the road to death? I almost couldn't help giving them a pretending award!"

Looking at San who is not sure whether to live or die in front of him, he said jokingly.

Although they are called children, the three of them are actually much older than them.

"Come on, dare to talk to the king like this, this is no longer on the road to death, this is already dancing on the edge of a cliff!"

Lao Kong glanced at the death trio and said with a smile.

Although the voices of the two exchanged were very small, Liu Xing and the others were so powerful, how could they not hear Yun Ying's rage immediately, the realm master level five-star strength was revealed, and he punched Lao Kong and Lao Yan directly.

But at this moment, Qin Yan, who had been motionless all the time, raised his hand, slapped it with a palm, then folded his palm back, and slapped the back of his hand again.

Papa...!!! The sound of the slap on the meat is very clear, and before Yun Ying can react, it has been slapped directly by these two slaps. His face was swollen like a pig's head.

Seeing this, Liu Xing's pupils shrank suddenly, and the speed and strength of Qin Yan's shot, it seems impossible that only a world master level four or five, a star powerhouse can do it! "Uh... ah... ..."

Yun Ying, who was paralyzed on the ground, wanted to speak, but her face was smashed, and she didn't say a word.

At this time, Qin Yan showed a contemptuous sneer on his face, and his eyes were full of disdain.

"These two slaps are considered national treasures to reward you! When you shouldn't bark in the future, it's best to keep your dog's mouth tightly shut, so as not to be severely beaten, understand?"

Chapter [-]: Just kneel down and sing conquest!

Chapter [-]:::::Just kneel down and sing conquest! "Brother!"

A shrill cry sounded, Yun Tu hurriedly ran to Yun Ying's side, helped Yun Ying's body up, and the power of flames slowly passed through Yun Ying's body, healing Yun Ying.

However, with Qin Yan's two slaps, even if Yun Ying didn't die, it would be difficult for him to continue cultivating in the Tianyan Continent, even if Qin Yan stopped.

Otherwise, Yun Tu wouldn't need to feel sad for Yun Ying in front of him, he could just come up to Qin Yan to take revenge.

"Brother Xing, this guy has ruined my brother, you must avenge my brother, you must not spare this guy and kill him!"

Yun Tu roared frantically, not noticing the solemnity and fear in Liu Xing's eyes at the moment.

After all, Yun Ying is also the strength of the four-star world master, and if he can slap Yun Ying twice, Liu Xing knows that he has kicked the iron plate this time.

Although Qin Yan in front of him was not at a high level, the strength that burst out at that moment, even he was not sure to deal with it! At this moment, he finally understood why Qin Yan was able to keep calm all the time, because Qin Yan did not put them on the list from beginning to end. In the eyes! "Brother Xing, Brother Xing! My brother is dying, you should take revenge for my brother!"

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