Seeing that Liu Xing didn't respond, Yun Tu couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"Shut up Laozi!"

After Yun Tu shouted like this, Liu Xing's mind was completely chaotic, and he immediately kicked Yun Tu and kicked Yun Tu several meters away.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xing turned to look at Qin Yan, his face extremely solemn.

"This brother, we offended us just now, please don't take offense, brother, I'll leave right now, from now on we won't break the river!"

Having said that, Liu Xing was about to leave.

Qin Yan's strength has exceeded his expectations, and he does not need to take risks to snatch Qin Yan's points.

But, I want to leave.

Will Qin Yan really agree? The answer is of course no.

"Wait a minute, how could So Huan, who was still barking before, learn to be a man with its tail tucked like a dog now?"

Qin Yan sneered, obviously not planning to let Liu Xing go.

Thinking of his dignified existence at the national treasure level, he can still be robbed by others, can Qin Yan endure this? Human? "What do you mean by that?"

Liu Xing, who had already started walking, couldn't help but stop in place, his face also changed: very ugly.

"What do you mean, you want to run after your mouth is over, and the national treasure can't stand people like you the most!"

Qin Yan said with a sneer.

"Didn't you still want to rob the points of the national treasure just now? Didn't you want to kill the national treasure? The national treasure is standing here now, but you're....Come on!"

Liu Xing: "..."

With Qin Yan's ill-fated appearance, Liu Xing couldn't hold back, but it was really hard for him.

At this time, Liu Xing also knew that this matter may not be good, and immediately pulled down and said in a deep voice.

"Brother, it was just a misunderstanding just now, and you have beaten my brother, let's take a step back on this matter, forget it, how about it?"

"It's good to take a step back! Before the national treasure, I didn't think it was a misunderstanding, and I beat your brother because the kid made the first move. How can you forget it?"

The smile on Qin Yan's face became stronger and stronger, making Liu Xing feel a chill in his heart.

"what on earth do you want"

Liu Xing gritted his teeth and said, his eyes flashing a stern look.

Hearing this, Qin Yan smiled lightly, and then spoke slowly.

"I don't want to do anything, you want me to let you go, it's very simple, just kneel down and sing conquest!"

Chapter two hundred and forty-four: The dead fire python!

Chapter [-]::::: Fire python! "Brother, have you ever heard a sentence, stay a step in your work, and see you in the future! You have to force me to nowhere. , aren't you afraid of my counterattack?"

Although Liu Xing did not understand Qin Yan's words of "kneel down and sing conquest"

What the hell does that mean, but he can see with his butt that it's insulting him.

Although Liu Xing only existed in the upper and middle reaches of Tianyan Continent, before he came in, he was also one of the top [-] geniuses in the battle of the universe. Looking at the entire Yanshen civilization, there were not many people who could compare with him.

But now a newcomer is insulting him in all kinds of ways, how can he bear it! Before he knew it, Liu Xing's fists were clenched, and the power of flame was slowly emitting from his body. Obviously, he had already made a plan! He had already thought about it, If Qin Yan just let him go, he wouldn't say more and just left, if Qin Yan didn't let him go, then he wouldn't mind fighting Qin Yan! "It's just garbage like you who still want to fight our king. I'm afraid you have to rush to reincarnate, boy!"

Lao Kong stretched his feathers and said to Liu Xing with a look of disdain.

"That's right, don't you know how much you are? If you want to fight, you don't need our king to take action. Our two brothers are enough to solve you, a big fool!"

Lao Yan also looked like he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, staring at a pair of copper bell-sized eyes and said.

At this time, Qin Yan couldn't help pulling three black lines from his forehead.

What on earth did he think, accepting such two idiots as younger brothers! "Old Yan, since you have the heart to do something for the national treasure, the national treasure will give you this opportunity."

Qin Yan opened his mouth lightly, and let it go at once.

Hearing this, Lao Yan was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't react and sold it, and immediately said with a flattering smile.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about, my youngest might be having fun with you, right? I just said it, Your Majesty, just have fun!"

"You... deceive people too much!"

Listening to the three people in front of him turning 3 times, Liu Xing only felt a burst of anger rushing to his heart, blue veins bulged on his forehead, and a strange dark red color appeared on his body.

But at this moment, a sound of air bursting suddenly came from behind Qin Yan, and a fiery red figure attacked Qin Yan directly like a sharp sword.

Seeing this, Liu Xing couldn't help but light up. Isn't this fiery red figure the same fire python they were chasing before! Before the fire python was injured, it had an immortal level of cultivation. It is enough to explode the strength of the world master level peak! What's more, Qin Yan is still facing it, the speed of the fire python, even if he is in Qin Yan's position in his heyday, he will surely die! It's just fleeting. In time, the fire python was less than half a meter away from Qin Yan, and a cold light flashed in Liu Xing's eyes, waiting for the fire python to kill Qin Yan.

But at this moment, Liu Xing suddenly noticed a sneer on the corner of Qin Yan's mouth, and then his heart tightened, and a sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.

The next moment, the fire python had come behind Qin Yan and wanted to open his huge mouth to swallow Qin Yan.

But at this moment, Qin Yan's small claws were raised, and the huge head of the fire python appeared strangely under Qin Yan's claws.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yan slowly patted the little paw.

Pfft!!! The fire python, whose head was the same size as Qin Yan, was directly shot down by Qin Yan, the head slammed hard on the ground, and then its body burst open one by one, dissipating as light spots all over the sky.

After all, Tianyan Continent is a virtual world, and this fire python naturally does not exist. After death, the fire python turns into power and returns to the world.

Chapter [-]: So conquered by you!

Chapter 1:::::I am conquered by you like this! This scene is naturally seen by Liu Xing, whose body can not help but tremble slightly, and there is a bean-sized bean on his forehead. Sweat drops slowly.


Liu Xing's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he swallowed hard, his hands were still trembling, and his face was even paler without a trace of blood.

What kind of monster is this Nima! After all, that fire python is also an immortal beast. Even if it is injured, it cannot be easily killed by a world master, not to mention that the fire python is Qin Yan who attacked! On the other hand, Qin Yan , with a wicked smile on his face, as if he was in his calculations from beginning to end.

At this moment, Liu Xing finally realized that what he kicked was not an iron plate at all, but an extra-large spaceship! One kick would kill him! Even an immortal-level powerhouse cannot do this. Kill this fire python calmly! Is this Nima still a newcomer? A newcomer is so fierce, so how can they live? "Congratulations to the king for killing the immortal fire python and getting [-] points!"

The voice of the elf entered Qin Yan's mind, causing Qin Yan to be stunned for a moment.

The immortal-level fire python only has [-] points, so isn't the points too expensive! But Qin Yan doesn't think it's the case. After all, he didn't come here for points, he just wanted to come here to find them. Have some fun and increase your strength by the way.

It's no exaggeration to say that when Qin Yan came here, it was like... a full-level player who had opened a plug-in came to the novice village, and the wolf entered the flock! "Boy, hurry up if you want to do something, Bao has other things to do. Do!"

Looking at Liu Xing, who was trembling and pale, Qin Yan's face became even darker.


The trembling Liu Xing didn't say a word, which made Qin Yan feel a little dissatisfied, and immediately raised his little paw.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xing jumped all over his body, and then quickly said.

"Hero, stop, I just want to ask you, that... how does Conquer sing!"

Up to now, Liu Xing didn't dare to challenge Qin Yan anymore. The fire python in front of him is a living example! Qin Yan can slap this fire python to death, and he is fully capable of slapping him to death. For such a death-like existence, how can Liu Xing have any dignity to talk about! Living is more fragrant than anything else! At this time, Yun Ying, who was severely injured, finally swallowed his breath, and his body turned into a halo and floated towards him. Sky.

Under the anger of Yun Tu, he also lost his wits and shot directly at Qin Yan. He was slapped to death by Qin Yan without any accident, and followed in the footsteps of Yun Ying.

"Congratulations to the king for getting [-] points!"

The [-] points more on the scoreboard made Qin Yan even more depressed. The previous fire python was an immortal beast after all, and it only cost [-] to kill him. Now these two rubbish have given him [-]. integral.

How big is the difference between humans and alien beasts! This also makes Qin Yan conclude that if he wants to get points, he has to rely on other "good people" in Tianyan Continent

The death of Yun Ying and Yun Tu made Liu Xing's body tremble more and more violently. Qin Yan in front of him was simply... a god of killing! Although death here does not mean real death, all the Feelings will be brought to the real world! Who wants to experience death in person! At this time, Qin Yan's little paw was lightly tapped, and a light spot disappeared into Liu Xing's mind, which is the singing method and lyrics of conquest.

Thump!! Liu Xing is also unequivocal, kneeling directly on the ground with his knees bent, and then sings at the top of his voice.

"I was conquered by you like this, cutting off all escape routes..."

Chapter [-]: Domineering debut Ghidorah!

Chapter [-]::::: Domineering debut Ghidorah! "What is this?"

Looking at the funny scene in front of him, Lao Yan was full of doubts, as was Lao Kong.

Except... Qin Yan, a good young man in the [-]st century, who can feel the beauty of this song! I have to say, this Liu Xing is really worth it As a star, Qin Yan felt a little underpowered if he didn't participate in the good voice of the Celestial Dynasty.

"My plot has ended, and my love and hate have been buried!"

The perfect ending, if this scene is put on the screen, it will definitely attract a burst of applause! And Liu Xing also seems to have entered a state of ecstasy, his eyes are slightly closed, and he seems to feel the faint sadness in this song.

Bang!!! But at this time, Qin Yan kicked him unceremoniously, which made Liu Xing sober all of a sudden.

"Big... big brother, I can sing well."

Liu Xing asked cautiously, for fear that Qin Yan would slap himself to death if he was unhappy.

"Not bad! It seems that it is not enough to let the national treasure let go of you just based on this... ah!"

Qin Yan glanced at Liu Xing and said lightly, and a bit of slyness flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, Liu Xing couldn't help feeling agitated, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

But just when Liu Xing was about to give up his struggle, Qin Yan had already spoken again.

"It is not impossible to let the national treasure spare your life. I heard from you before that the national treasure has a boss above you. If you bring the national treasure to meet your boss, the national treasure can consider letting it go. you!"

Liu Xing's brows twitched, he didn't understand, the monster in front of him was going to attack his boss! And Qin Yan's heart had already made a plan.

Instead of...killing this Liu Xing here, it is better to rely on this small force after he came, and then slowly nibble the entire Tianyan Continent! For... Qin Yan, who is a full-level opener For players, this is not difficult.

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

After a brief hesitation, Liu Xing agreed with a grit of teeth, maybe his boss can beat the monster in front of him! ...... After half an hour, before a cave.

"This is where our boss practiced."

Liu Xing pointed to the huge cave in front of him and said.

This is not a simple cave, but a unique cultivation holy place in Tianyan Continent, which requires consuming points to cultivate here.

At this moment, Qin Yan stepped on the ground with a single step, and the ground shook suddenly, as if the whole earth was shaking.

Ang!!! There was a high-pitched roar from the cave, but it made Qin Yan and the old Yan Lao Kong behind him look very strange.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow flashed across the cave, shot straight into the sky, and then turned into a hurricane and roared down, splashing a large amount of dust when it landed! Such an appearance can be described as domineering! "Who dares to disturb Lao Tzu's cultivation? , You're impatient to live!"

A dull voice sounded, as if the whole world trembled in this roar.

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