"Boss, save me!"

At this moment, Liu Xing hurriedly shouted towards the tall figure.


Turning his head slowly, he saw Liu Xing first, and then Qin Yan next to Liu Xing, his whole body trembled immediately, and then he bowed his head and said respectfully.

"See Your Majesty!"

Liu Xing was stunned, Lao Kong and Lao Yan were stunned, and even Qin Yan was stunned! What the hell is going on with this Nima! The tall figure in front of him is Qin Yan's younger brother, Ghidorah, the alien beast of the universe. Dora! What surprised Qin Yan was that Ghidorah's aura had already reached the level of immortality!

Chapter two hundred and forty-seven: Big brother, your left side is strong!

Chapter [-]:::::Brother, your left side is stronger! "Xiao...Xiaoji, I haven't seen you for a few days, I've gained more than one lap, what are you eating? Good stuff!"

Qin Yan looked at Ghidorah, who was several times bigger in size, and was a little confused for a while.

I have only been away for half a month, and Ghidorah has changed a little too much, let's not talk about the size, that is... In this realm, the immortal-level powerhouse, even if he looks at the entire universe, is enough to dominate one side! You know, you Before leaving, many younger brothers were promoted to the cosmos level because of the rewards of the battle of the universe! "You are really Xiaoji, shouldn't you be Xiaoji's biological father!"

Lao Kong was also full of doubts and muttered.

On the other hand, Ghidorah was not angry at this, but scratched his head honestly and explained.

"Your Majesty, Senior Mu came to Earth five years ago to let us enter the Tianyan Continent. After the thought was cast, all of us were scattered, and when my thought fell on the mainland, I accidentally smashed into a cliff. , and that... the cliff left a legacy about my bloodline, I stayed at the bottom of the cliff for two whole years, completed the bloodline inheritance, and my cultivation level has directly reached the immortality level."

"Later, I left the cliff and slowly formed my own small force. Now there are [-] people under my command. This kid is... one of them."

Hearing this, Qin Yan's face also showed a little clarity. Ghidorah is a cosmic beast, and its bloodline is extremely powerful. Even without this bloodline inheritance, Ghidorah can reach the level of immortality after practicing for hundreds of years.

Right now, the inheritance of the bloodline directly promotes Ghidorah's improvement, and together with the bloodline, there are only advantages and no disadvantages for Ghidorah.

"By the way, Your Majesty, why did you bring this kid back? Did he provoke you?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xing on the side couldn't help shaking his legs. He had recovered some of his complexion because he had escaped the catastrophe, but instantly became extremely pale again.

I know very well what the strength of my boss is. Even if I call the other party a king, what the hell did I offend today! Even Liu Xing wondered if he was watching the almanac today, so unlucky! "Old.. ....Boss, I...crack!!! Before Liu Xing's words were finished, Qin Yan slapped him up and slapped Liu Xing's eyes with gold stars.

"Big... Big Brother"

"This slap is a national treasure to reward you, and I will brighten my eyes in the future!"

Qin Yan said expressionlessly, and then his eyes fell on Liu Xing's face.

Seeing Qin Yan like this, Liu Xing instantly felt uncomfortable, and before he could open his mouth, a small paw kept expanding in his pupils.

Slap!!! "After punching the right cheek and punching the left cheek, it looks more well-proportioned, ... it's finally pleasing to the eye."

After this slap, Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction, as if he had just completed a beautiful piece of work.

At this time, Liu Xing's cheeks on both sides were red and swollen, and it looked no different from a pig's head.

"Your Majesty is really powerful, the two slaps are so well-proportioned, and the strength is just right!"

Lao Kong flattered Qin Yan behind him.

"Big... big brother, you... your left side seems to be stronger..."

Liu Xing said weakly, his left cheek was indeed swollen a little more than his right.

Suddenly, three eyes fell on Liu Xing at the same time like sharp knives, causing Liu Xing to feel agitated, and immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

"Brothers, I..."

But before Liu Xing could open his mouth to explain, Lao Kong Laoyan and Xiaoji had already greeted Liu Xing with their fists at the same time.

Dare to question their king, it is simply impatient to live!

Chapter [-]: The new king ascends the throne!

Chapter [-]:::::The new king ascends the throne! Half a day later, in front of the cave.

The originally empty flat ground has now gathered nearly a hundred people, and these people, without exception, are all the younger brothers whom Ghidorah received after entering the Tianyan Continent.

In the Tianyan Continent, if you want to earn points, it is undoubtedly the fastest to win other people's points, which Qin Yan has verified before.

For the dignified and immortal fire python, the reward points are only one-tenth and 10% of the sum of a world master and a domain master! There is no peace here, and there are only endless wars, so I want to survive here. Down, the weak must have their own support.

At this time, in front of the cave, Ghidorah stood at the forefront, followed by Qin Yan, followed by Lao Kong, Lao Yan and Liu Xing.

However, at this time, Liu Xing seemed to be no doubt like an ordinary person. After being baptized by Qin Yan's three younger brothers, Qin Yan also generously gave him a healing technique.

"Boss, is there anything important you have called us together?"

At this moment, a rough-looking young man said in a loud voice.

The young man's muscles were bulging, his body was full of explosive power, and his eyes were full of rebelliousness. It seemed that he didn't pay much attention to the big brother Ghidorah.

Of course, this is also related to the realm of the youth, because the realm of this young man is actually the same as Ghidorah, both at the immortality level! Although both of them are one star at the immortality level, there is a big gap in their combat power. Dora belongs to the alien beast in the universe, with bloodline power that is different from ordinary people.

"Fen Qi, I'm calling everyone together to inform me of something important, but I haven't spoken here yet, what are you saying, am I the eldest brother or you are the eldest brother?"

Ghidorah glanced at Fen Qi lightly, and there was a bit of air in her voice.

And the young man called Fen Qi saw that Ghidorah was so tough, and he didn't dare to say anything more at the moment, thinking that Ghidorah was pressing him back then: beat him! Seeing this, Qin Yan couldn't help but feel He looked at Ghidorah with a very different look.

As Ghidorah is now, if you don't go to Earth to be the boss of the underworld, you will be a jerk! This arrogance, this momentum! "I called everyone this time to tell everyone that from today onwards, the position of my eldest brother will be handed over to me. Your Majesty, you will all obey your Majesty from now on!”

Saying so, Ghidorah leaned to the side very wisely, exposing Qin Yan in front of everyone.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Qin Yan only felt that he was a new underworld boss ascending the throne, and all of the following were younger brothers who supported him.

..."Boss, are you sure you're not mistaken, let him be the new boss"

Seeing Qin Yan, Fen Qi couldn't help frowning slightly. After all, what Qin Yan exuded was only the aura of a realm master. The people present could not say that everyone's realm was higher than his, at least half of them were no better than Qin Yan's realm. Low! "Yes, boss, you are mistaken, this little guy doesn't look very good, I can slap him to death, believe it or not"

"That's right, let a scumbag of the world master level be the boss. If this is spread, don't be laughed at by others!"

......A group of little brothers, you say a word to me, and even regard Qin Yan as a scumbag.

It is also true that those who can become kings in Tianyan Continent have the worst strength, and they have to be immortal. For example, there are very few immortal one-stars like Ghidorah, but Ghidorah has the bloodline of alien beasts. Weaker than the immortality-level three-star! "Boss, this is not my personal intention, I am afraid that even if I agree, the brothers will not agree!"

Fen Qi put his arms around his chest and said with a fearless look.

Chapter [-]: Who else is dissatisfied?

Chapter [-]:::::Who else is dissatisfied with "You are presumptuous, what kind of thing are you, you dare to speak to the king like this, believe it or not, I will send you back to your hometown now!"

As soon as Fen Qi said this, a thunder-like voice sounded, and Ghidorah's eyes the size of copper bells were staring at Fen Qi, as if he wanted to swallow Fen Qi alive! In front of all the younger brothers, they are like gods. Now Fen Qi is arrogant and rude to Qin Yan, which is equivalent to blaspheming the gods in their hearts. How can Ghidorah not be angry! Fen Qi is also roared by Ghidorah like this To be honest, after all, he was really afraid of Ghidorah.

But at this moment, Qin Yan, who had not spoken for a long time, finally made a sound.

"Xiaoji, how many times have I told you about the national treasure that you must be kind to be a human being, whether you can understand kindness or not, you can't understand it even from your stupid appearance, and if you can't understand it, then let's see the national treasure and show it to you! "

Saying this, Qin Yan slowly took a step and came to Ghidorah, looking around at the people in front of him, with a faint smile on his face.

"If anyone of you is dissatisfied, just stand up."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned towards Ghidorah.

In their eyes, Qin Yan was nothing, and the key point was that they were still afraid of Ghidorah's anger, Ghidorah's terror, and the rest of them...... as little brothers, they still knew very well.

For a while, no one dared to stand up directly.

"I don't agree!"

But at this moment, a high-pitched voice sounded, and everyone looked for the source of the sound, isn't it Fen Qi! The next moment, I saw Fen Qi taking a step forward, and a wave of air spread directly, Immortal-level aura was directly suppressed.

"Since you want to be the boss, then use your strength. Today I will challenge you to Fen Qi. If you can beat me, I am willing to honor you!"

When he said this, Fen Qi also glanced at Ghidorah from the corner of his eye.

It's just that Ghidorah didn't make any movement at this time, but looked at Fen Qi with interest.

Dare to challenge your own king, it seems that you think your life is too long! "Okay, let's do it."

Qin Yan spoke lightly, the expression on his face did not change too much from beginning to end.

Seeing that Ghidorah didn't stop him, Fen Qi sneered and stomped his feet. The whole person was like a sharp sword that was wound and shot out! However, just as everyone was still waiting for Fen Qi When he shot, Fen Qi's aura that had just soared suddenly narrowed slightly, and then his body turned into a halo and rose straight into the sky.

At the same time, Qin Yan's small paw that had just been raised slowly lowered, and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth.


Why can't the younger brothers in front of me still understand what happened? It's clearly... Qin Yan was so far away that he killed Fen Qi in one second! Even Ghidorah couldn't do this! At the same time, above the Titan civilization galaxy, Fen Qi suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of doubts.

What happened, why was he suddenly sent back.

When he died, he didn't even know how he died!... "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for getting [-] points!"

The voice of the elf came, and Qin Yan couldn't help but sigh, and he met a good person who gave points again! At this time, Qin Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the people in front of him. Among the nearly [-] people, except... ...Besides Ghidorah, there is only Fen Qi, an immortal-level powerhouse.

This action of his own is tantamount to killing a chicken to warn the monkey, and this chicken is far stronger than this group of monkeys! "Now, who else is dissatisfied?"

A low voice sounded, and everyone present felt an endless chill in their hearts.

Chapter [-]: This is so embarrassing!

Chapter [-]::::: This is so embarrassing! For a time, the air was deadly silent, and I could vaguely hear the voices of everyone swallowing.

What the hell is going on with this Nima, an immortal-level powerhouse, he gave seconds before they had any reaction, and they didn't even see how Qin Yan made his move! Who else would dare to refuse?" I have seen the king!"

At this moment, a person bowed directly to Qin Yan.

If there is the first one, there will be the second, then the third and the fourth... Now they are completely willing to recognize Qin Yan as the king, with Qin Yan and other strong men as their backers, and they will be here in the future. Wouldn't it be possible for Tianyan Continent to walk sideways directly! For a time, Liu Xing, who was behind Qin Yan, swallowed his saliva with great difficulty, and looked at Qin Yan as if he were worshipping a god.

It wasn't until the moment when Qin Yan killed Fen Qi that he really understood how stupid he was.

in spite of....

Whether Qin Yan killed the seriously injured Huo Python or Ghidorah recognized Qin Yan as the king, none of these.... What matters is that Qin Yan killed Fen Qi at his peak. Now! Fen Qi is an immortal-level powerhouse, even that fire python is definitely not Fen Qi's opponent.

But he is such a strong man, he doesn't even know how he died! If Qin Yan was a little unhappy when he provokes Qin Yan, I am afraid that his consciousness has returned to the outside world.

To put it bluntly, I just... walked away from the gate of hell! "Well, it's not bad, Ruzi can be taught! Looking at the convincing people in front of him, Qin Yan is also satisfied.

It's just that these people in front of Qin Yan can be regarded as real younger brothers, and they are just tools he used in Tianyan Continent.

"Since everyone has recognized it, let's give everyone a gift from the national treasure."

Qin Yan said with a light smile, and subconsciously probed his spiritual sense into his storage space.

To be honest, I went to the cosmos ruins for a while, and just by looting the treasure house of Po Wu and Cloud Gate, I had thousands of weapons in my hands, many of which were immortal and immortal weapons.

Coupled with those weapons that were repaired by Qin Yan...the weapons at the level of the highest gods, now Qin Yan wants to build a arsenal of weapons himself! It's just that Qin Yan realized that something was wrong. The place where you can't access the storage space at all.

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