Because the Tianyan Continent is just a virtual continent established by the virtual universe, everyone is just throwing in their consciousness, including Qin Yan.

And Qin Yan's storage space is on top of his body. Now that he is only conscious, it is absolutely impossible for him to use the things in the storage space. Looking at myself with anticipation... This is too embarrassing! "...Xiaoji, how many people can your cultivation cave hold?"

Qin Yan suddenly opened his mouth, which made Ghidorah a little confused, and answered truthfully at the moment.

"Back to the king, there is no problem in this cave accommodating hundreds of people."

"That's good."

Qin Yan smiled slightly, and then said to the younger brothers in front of him.

"Now this cave behind the national treasure belongs to you. When your cultivation is over, the national treasure will take you to fight the country!"

Immediately afterwards, a burst of cheers sounded, knowing that this cave where Ghidorah cultivated consumes a lot of points, and only at his level has the opportunity to enter here to cultivate. This is already great news for all the younger brothers.

At this time, Ghidorah's face couldn't help but turn a little darker, how could he not react, he was sold by his own king!

Chapter [-]: There are stronger people outside the universe!

Chapter [-]:::::There are stronger people outside the universe! The younger brothers happily entered the cave to practice, while Qin Yan brought Xiaoji, Lao Kong and Laoyan with him Let's discuss how to find all the little brothers scattered in Tianyan Continent in the shortest time.

To be honest, Qin Yan didn't need the group in the cave... little brother, the reason why he left them is only to let them help find his remaining little brother.

Tianyan Continent is a good place, Qin Yan also expects that his younger brothers can all complete the breakthrough here before leaving, at least to reach the level of Xiaoji! ...... Somewhere on Earth , The supreme god of life, Mu Lingshang, sat cross-legged, and the green life laws were intertwined around her body, causing the concentration of spiritual energy on the earth to increase linearly.

Before promising Qin Yan to take good care of the earth, Mu Lingshang was not ambiguous at all, and directly condescended to stay on the earth.

If other powerhouses above the earth know that there is a supreme god, the whole earth will not be allowed to explode! Suddenly, a wave of space fluctuations came from not far from Mu Lingshang, which made Mu Lingshang involuntarily. Opening her eyes, a familiar figure appeared in front of her.


That's right, the one who appeared in front of Mu Lingshang was the supreme god of space, and her only apprentice, Mu Yuan.

To be precise, it should be a spiritual thought of Mu Yuan.


Looking at Mu Lingshang, Mu Yuan said with a wry smile.

"This time, I have something to tell you."

"You can't tell me what happened."

There were a few tears in Mu Lingshang's beautiful eyes, and the voice changed: The appearance of the black mist last time made everyone realize that what Mu Yuan did back then might really be protecting the universe! "Master, Even if I tell you, you won't believe it, I just need to stick to my beliefs, as long as I feel like I've done nothing wrong, that's enough!"

Mu Yuan's eyes were extremely firm, which made Mu Lingshang even more believe that everything Mu Yuan did had his own difficulties.

For the belief in his heart, he did not hesitate to use the entire universe as an enemy, and even ended up with the death of his soul and soul. It takes a firm heart to do this! "We have already seen that black fog.

You can also tell me about your troubles now."

At this moment, Mu Lingshang suddenly opened her mouth.

"What! Did he attack you? Are you injured?"

Mu Yuan suddenly said excitedly, his eyes were a little more red, showing how important Mu Lingshang was in his heart.

Mu Lingshang smiled gratified and said slowly.

"We're all fine, tell Master what exactly happened to you back then."

Hearing this, Mu Yuan sighed heavily, then looked up at the sky.

"After I understood the laws of space, I also discovered the existence of cosmic barriers. After many attempts, I successfully broke the cosmic barriers and reached the outer universe."

"Originally, I thought that my cultivation had reached the peak of this world, but then I found out that I was wrong, and it was very wrong."

"There are several powerful races outside the universe, and each of them may be stronger than me. The owner of the black mist you saw was also the first person I dealt with after I left the universe. And I also know that he belongs to the Demon Race from the outer universe!"

Listening to Mu Yuan's narration, Mu Lingshang couldn't help but widen her eyes, her face full of disbelief.

There are stronger people in the outer universe, and it is even said that everyone is stronger than Mu Yuan! You must know that Mu Yuan can resist the existence of a universe by one person, and how terrifying those people outside the universe should be. !

Chapter [-]: The Secret of the Past

Chapter [-]:::::Mystery of the past "After that person discovered me, he also noticed the aura that belongs to our universe in me. Until now, I still clearly remember that when that person looked at me Your eyes are like discovering a new continent."

"Later, he directly tried to break through the space barriers of our universe, but fortunately, our universe law was relatively perfect at the beginning, and the whole universe became stable, and that person did not succeed."

"And I naturally can't let him enter the universe we are in, so I hit him directly. The funny thing is that I thought I could easily defeat him, but I never wanted to be seriously injured by his palm, if it wasn't for my power in space He has very deep attainments, and I am afraid he would have died by that time.”

"After escaping from that person, I found a no-man's land, and it took me [-] billion years to recover!"

Mu Lingshang's eyes trembled. It turned out that the [-] billion years of Mu Yuan's disappearance were healing! Being able to shoot Mu Yuan into a serious injury with one palm, one can imagine how powerful the countermeasure is. Once that person is allowed to enter the universe, then For.. the entire universe may be a catastrophe! "Then what do you think... the stronger and the weaker between the human and the beast god senior"

Mu Lingshang suddenly asked, and the picture of the ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast, a bamboo knocking Muyuan to death, appeared in his mind.

Mu Yuan was silent for a long time, and then spoke up.

"Although the person outside the universe is very powerful and can seriously injure me with one palm, I feel that the beast god is stronger. After all, he even shattered the source of my law!"

One move severely injured him, and one move directly destroyed his soul. Mu Yuan naturally made a decision in his heart as to which of the two was stronger or weaker.

"Go on, why did you go back to the universe and start slaughtering the supreme gods?"

"In the [-] billion years that I recovered, I did nothing. Relying on the laws of space, I also secretly returned to the universe. I gradually discovered that the power of laws in the universe is gradually weakening. , and the originally stable universe began to show signs of rupture."

"At that time, I understood that the supreme gods that are constantly produced in the universe draw the power of the law in the universe, and the birth of each supreme god will weaken the law by a percentage point, and with the number of supreme gods increases, the universe begins to become: fragile."

"You may not have discovered that at that time, a space crack had already appeared, and it was the guy who tried to enter our universe back then!"

"Although my injury has fully recovered back then, I was not his opponent at all, so I could only stop him from another aspect."

"So you chose to go back to the universe and start massacred the supreme gods, so that the power of the law in their bodies returned to the universe to ensure the balance of the universe."

Mu Lingshang is so smart, she has already guessed the whole story at once:

Indeed, no one would believe such a thing even if Mu Yuan opened his mouth to explain it back then, and how difficult it was to cultivate to become a supreme god, who would be willing to sacrifice himself for the balance of the universe! Mu Yuan was very clear back then, even if he forced an explanation , in the end it will be the same result, so he can only defend this universe with his own actions, even his own life! Until now, Mu Lingshang did not realize how outrageous he was wrong, and that day will be Mu Yuan's remnant soul recalled what he said, how hurtful! But at this time, Mu Lingshang was also a little relieved, at least what Mu Yuan did made her understand that her vision was right after all!

Chapter [-]: The core of the law is condensed, and the demons return!

Chapter [-]::::: The core of the law is condensed, and the demons return! "Master, you are the supreme god of life, and you fear life more than anyone else. I know you will not Indiscriminately killing innocents, if I tell you my plan, you will definitely try to stop me, so I haven't told you."

There was always a smile on Mu Yuan's face, and he didn't feel that it was unfair to him. In Mu Yuan's cognition, as long as he could protect the universe and his loved ones, it was enough! Mu Lingshang's only apprentice, no one understands Mu Lingshang's kindness better than Mu Yuan, if he reveals everything, even if Mu Lingshang believes him, he will never agree to his actions.

"Silly boy!"

Tears flickered in Mu Lingshang's beautiful eyes. After she became the supreme god, the only thing that made her cry was the last time she learned the truth before the crack of the universe, and now! What Mu Yuan endured was not only The spirit and soul are all destroyed, and there is also the confusion and rejection of the world.

But he still has no turning back. Isn't this exactly what she hopes for Zhongmuyuan's growth! "By the way, you said that the last time the appearance of the crack in the universe was related to Qin Yan, what happened?"

At this moment, Mu Lingshang suddenly recalled the last conversation between Mu Yuan and herself, and immediately asked.

"The purpose of my coming here this time is to explain this matter to Master."

Mu Yuan said slowly.

"In those [-] billion years, I have almost figured out the rules, except... there can't be too many supreme gods, the same law can't have two supreme gods, just like !"

As soon as this statement came out, where did Mu Lingshang still refer to Mu Yuan? Now that Mu Yuan is still alive, he is still the supreme god of space, and now Qin Yan has comprehended the laws of space. This is not a kind of law. There are two supreme gods What is the situation of the gods? But then again, if it is only the world master level, it has not reached the level of the supreme god! It seems that he saw the doubts of Mu Lingshang, and Mu Yuan explained again.

"Although Qin Yan hasn't reached that level yet, his strength is enough. As far as I know, the guy who died is... at the hands of Qin Yan!"

"When the strength is reached, it is equivalent to the emergence of two supreme gods of space in this world. This led to the chaos of the universe and gave that guy a chance. Fortunately, Qin Yan appeared in time to stop that guy."

"Then what should we do"

Mu Lingshang asked, "I can't let the entire universe sit still."

"The opponent's strength is beyond our imagination. If it's just that guy, maybe the senior beast god can make a move, but if the demons behind that guy are involved, I'm afraid it won't be so easy this time!"

Mu Yuan clenched his fist slightly, and there was a bit of worry and determination in his eyes.

"Master, now I am trying my best to condense the core origin of the law. You must let Qin Yan grow up as soon as possible. Once my core origin of the law is successfully condensed, the two supreme gods of space appear in the universe at the same time, which will inevitably cause the universe to re-emerge. Chaos, then that guy will definitely seize this opportunity and enter the universe!"

"This time, I will not take the extreme method like last time, but will choose to confront that guy head-on. I am confident that when the core origin of the law is reunited, I will be able to take this step. , to achieve a higher level!"

Mu Yuan's face is firm, this time he will not choose to escape, but let the guy who invaded the universe know that this universe is not something he can afford!

Chapter [-]: The Fleeing Little Phoenix!

Chapter [-]:::::Fleeing little phoenix! Tianyan Continent, in a hidden cave.

The cave, which was originally dark, was now illuminated by fire, as if it were daytime.

In the firelight, a phoenix waved its wings slowly, and the rich flame power slowly radiated from the phoenix's body, and the flames that filled the sky seemed to turn into a huge phoenix phantom to surround it.

If Lao Kong was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is the [-]-year-old little phoenix he encountered in the arena of the battle of the universe! However, at that time, the little phoenix was only at the level of eighth level, and now it is The aura emanating from his body is probably only stronger or not weaker than that of Lao Kong! Suddenly, the little phoenix in the flames stopped his movements, and the flames from the sky returned directly to the body of the little phoenix, and then a pair of eyes looked at the phoenix. At the entrance of the cave, there was a slight chill.

"As expected of the Phoenix inheritance, it is indeed extremely powerful, and even allowing you to step directly into the world's master level is also the envy of this divine bird!"

An arrogant voice sounded, and then a scorching aura like the sun instantly filled the entire cave, and an extremely violent force spread out.

Immediately afterwards, a big bird with a golden body and three legs appeared in front of the little phoenix, causing the little phoenix to tremble involuntarily, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

The big bird in front of him is the Golden Crow, which is also known as the three divine birds along with Suzaku and Phoenix! Among the three divine birds, the Golden Crow has the deepest understanding of the power of flames, and its power is also the most violent.

As for the golden crow in front of the little phoenix, the aura emanating from its body is comparable to that of an immortal-level powerhouse. Even if he encounters an immortal-level alien beast like Ghidorah, he can still fight with the golden crow's blood! At this time, Little Phoenix felt in his heart that he had already accepted the inheritance and had reached a critical period. As long as he gave... himself some time, he would be able to complete the Phoenix inheritance this time. Even facing the Golden Crow, he had no fear at all! At this critical period, Jin arrived at her! Moreover, there were two human races behind Jin Wu, and their strengths were at the peak of the world master level, and none of them could be dealt with by me! Right now, it is already a desperate situation!" Phoenix inheritance and points, this divine bird can also give you a chance to stay here, don't wait for me to do it myself, everything will be too late by then."

Jin Wu said unhurriedly, as if the little phoenix was already in his pocket.

"If you have the ability, come and get it yourself!"

Little Phoenix was also not to be outdone, with a pair of eyes staring at the Golden Crow, with a flash of fire on his body, ready to act at any time.

"Don't eat or drink a toast, give it to me!"

Jinwu gave an order, and the two human races behind him burst out in unison, and their palms went straight to the little phoenix.

But at this moment, a loud phoenix roar resounded through the sky, followed by a dazzling bright light, even the Golden Crow had to raise his hand to block it.

Boom!!! At the same time, a loud noise came out, and the entire cave collapsed instantly.

After the dust dissipated, only Jin Wu and his two younger brothers were left at the scene. As for the little phoenix, it turned into a firelight and rushed into the distance.

Looking at the flame that belonged to the little phoenix not far away, Jin Wu couldn't help but sneer.

"Catch up with her and bring her to me, or you two won't have to come back!"

Hearing this, the two younger brothers couldn't help but tremble slightly. The madness of the Golden Crow was obvious to all. To have such a big brother is simply like a tiger with a king.

At that moment, the two younger brothers didn't dare to hesitate at all, their bodies soared into the sky, chasing towards the little phoenix.

Both of them are at the peak of the world master level, and Little Phoenix only relies on the power of inheritance to break through the world master level five-star 55, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Chapter [-]: Uncle Biao, why are you here?

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