The little phoenix on the side is very anxious. After all, the Golden Crow is already a real immortal level. Although Qin Yan was able to kill two world masters in seconds, facing the immortal-level Golden Crow with the blood of a divine bird, he can really Facing the flaming arrows released by Jinwu, Qin Yan just slowly raised his head and glanced, a sneer of disdain appeared on his face.

Huh!!! In the blink of an eye, the sharp arrow had already stabbed in front of Qin Yan, and Qin Yan slowly raised his hand. The flaming arrow that could pierce the void actually stopped in front of Qin Yan, and it was difficult to move forward! See you! In this state, Jin Wu couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and a chill appeared in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yan waved his backhand, and the flaming arrow turned around and shot directly at Jin Wu. The speed was only faster than before! Seeing that Qin Yan's own tactics were easily counterattacked, Jin Wu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. , panicked and saw a flame shield propped up, barely resisting his own flame arrow.

But the next moment, a huge force came from the neck, and Qin Yan had appeared in front of him at some point, with one hand pinching his neck, as if he was lifting a chicken.

At this moment, Jinwu finally understood how ignorant he was before, and how ignorant he was! "If there is a chance, maybe the National Treasure will go back to your hometown, and the National Treasure is still very curious, what does this Jinwu meat taste like? ."

When the words fell, under the terrified gaze of Jin Wu, Qin Yan clenched his little paw slightly, and Jin Wu's body exploded directly, turning into a halo, slowly rising to the sky.

At the same time, the distant Golden Crow Ancestral Star, the Golden Crow's consciousness returned to its original body, and his eyes suddenly opened, first with a look of panic, and then slowly became: extremely cold.

"Little thing, if you dare to come to the Golden Crow Ancestral Star, I will definitely want you to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Chapter [-]: Dare to provoke His Highness Qin Yan, have you lived enough? !

Chapter [-]::::: Dare to provoke His Highness Qin Yan, are you alive enough! "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have won [-] million points, and now there are [-] million points left!"

After successfully killing the Golden Crow, Qin Yan also got all the points of the Golden Crow, and he couldn't help but shine. Sure enough, the boss is... different! Although he has obtained so many points, it is like a chicken rib for... Qin Yan generally.

Points can be exchanged for weapons, but is Qin Yan short of weapons? Qin Yan's storage space for weapons at the highest god level alone has more than a hundred pieces, which is enough to make any civilized galaxy jealous.

Points can be exchanged for elixir, but Qin Yan is short of elixir, broken five, although the elixir in the treasure house of Yunmen has been eaten by Lao Kong and Lao Yan, the two prodigals, but all the elixir are reserved. Down, the amount of elixir is terrifying, even the four supreme gods of the universe will take a breath of relief! As far as the players are concerned, points don't seem to be important! At this time, the little phoenix who was not far away looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help swallowing hard.

The dignified and immortal Golden Crow was pinched to death by this cute little animal in front of him! This Nima is too outrageous! ...... On the distant Golden Crow Ancestral Star .

"Father, you must avenge the child, the child is really unwilling this time!"

Inside a luxurious palace, the tall figure in front of Jin Wu said with hatred on his face.

And in front of Jinwu, it is the patriarch of the Jinwu clan, the only supreme god of the Yewu clan, the supreme god of flame! Looking at the golden crow in front of him, the supreme god is also a little bit puzzled, his child is already immortal, so it stands to reason It is said that it is very powerful in the entire Tianyan Continent, how could it be eliminated so early.

The only possibility is... the Golden Crow had a very powerful person, and the other party killed him directly.

Thinking of this, there was a little more anger in the eyes of the Supreme God of Flame.

"Tell me, what race is the person who killed you, do you know his name?"

"Father, I don't know what race it is, but the beast's body is black and white, and its strength is very terrifying. With the strength of the world master, it can easily kill me in seconds, and the other party also threatened to come to the Golden Crow Ancestral Star to kill me. Killing, then stewing meat, it is too much, and asking my father to kill this son!"

Jin Wu said with a look of grief and indignation, but he didn't notice his father's increasingly ugly face.

"The person who killed you, is it a small black and white bi-color alien beast that looks a little cute, and is there a divine bird with the blood of the Vermillion Bird and a flaming emerald lion beside him?"

The voice of the flame supreme god is a little trembling, he seems to already know who his son has provoked.

"That's right, father, that's... him! There is indeed a peacock and a flaming emerald lion beside him. It's great that you know him, father, so that the child will be saved from searching for it all over the universe!"

Jin Wu was completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter and said excitedly, as if Qin Yan was already a dead person in his eyes.

Slap!!! But the next moment, a huge force slapped him directly, and then fell heavily on the wall, knocking out countless cracks in the hard wall, and Jinwu even spit out a mouthful of golden blood, breath Instantly slumped.



The flame supreme god roared, and the violent breath made Jin Wu's heart tremble.

"You still have the fucking face to call my father, I don't have your son, and you actually provoke His Highness Qin Yan, are you getting impatient!"

Chapter [-]: The opportunity of Lao Kong, the inheritance of Suzaku!

Chapter [-]:::::Old Kong's chance, Suzaku's inheritance! "Father...Father, what's going on here, how do you..."

Jin Wu shivered and said, but his heart was half cold.

You must know that it is extremely difficult for the Golden Crow to reproduce as a lineage of divine birds, which is one of the reasons why there are very few divine beasts in the universe, and he is exactly... the only son of the supreme god of flame! The supreme god of flame has always favored him Youjia, he has lived for five thousand years, and the supreme god of flame has never done anything to him, and now the supreme god of flame has made a violent attack, even with his butt, he can think that this time he has provoked something he shouldn't have provoked. People! "Nizi, Nizi!"

At this time, the supreme god of flames has already panicked, and there is no place for the majesty of the superior.

He had seen Qin Yan before the crack of the universe, this young man didn't even care about the supreme god of destiny, and even the supreme god of destiny had to curry favor with him.

And he also knows that the supreme god of death is... at the hands of Qin Yan! When he thinks that his son has provoked Qin Yan, he even has the heart to kill him! "Wait for His Highness Qin Yan. When I come out of Tianyan Continent, I will bring you to the door to apologize in person, if His Highness Qin Yan does not forgive you, then I will have to help His Highness Qin Yan to boil water and stew you!"

The supreme god of flame roared angrily, then flung his sleeves and left, leaving behind only the blind-eyed Golden Crow.

............Tianyan Continent.

"Your Majesty, you're awesome, that stupid bird with one hand: it's pinched to death, my old Confucius really admires it!"

Lao Kong's daily flattery is possessed, and it is also a burst of blowing immediately.

Qin Yan couldn't help but glanced at Lao Kong, if it wasn't for his younger brother, he would be stewed sooner or later! The next moment, Qin Yan waved his little paw, and a light spot slowly condensed from the place where the Golden Crow fell, and then Qin Yan shook his hand slightly, and a cry broke through the sky, and a bird phantom slowly condensed.

This bird is wearing multicolored wings, and when you look closely, it is...a bit similar to Lao Kong.

"Vermilion Bird Inheritance This turned out to be the Vermillion Bird Inheritance!"

The little phoenix suddenly screamed, revealing the identity of the bird.

The giant bird phantom that appeared was the Suzaku clan among the three divine birds, and Lao Kong had impure Suzaku blood flowing in his body! As expected, Lao Kong looked at the Suzaku phantom in front of him, and felt as if his own blood was flowing. They all boiled, and an inexplicable thought of wanting to worship appeared in my heart.

No one would have imagined that a Golden Crow would carry the inheritance belonging to the Suzaku clan.

"Good man, that Golden Crow is indeed a good man, and he brought me such benefits when he died!"

At this time, Lao Kong was even a little grateful to the Golden Crow. If he accepted the inheritance of the Suzaku, his bloodline would be able to rise to the level of a real divine bird and transform into a Suzaku! At that time, his strength would definitely increase greatly, and by virtue of the divine bird Bloodline, the future cultivation will also become: very smooth! This is almost to go to the peak of bird life! "It''s cheaper for you."

Qin Yan couldn't help laughing, and with a wave of his little paw, the inheritance of the Vermillion Bird had already arrived in front of Lao Kong.

"Xiaoji, help Lao Kong find a place to retreat, and wait: once Lao Kong comes out, maybe he will be able to fight with you!"

"My lord, can I retreat with him? My Phoenix inheritance has not yet been fully accepted."

The little phoenix suddenly spoke, and there was a little more respect in his voice.

Hearing this, Qin Yan couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a knowing smile at Lao Kong.

"Go, go, it's better to spend more time, this kind of thing can't be sloppy! Lao Kong, you have to take good care of the little phoenix!"

Chapter [-]: Take you to fight the country!

Chapter [-]:::::Take you to fight the country! After Lao Kong and Xiao Fenghuang were settled, Qin Yan sent all the younger brothers under Gideola's hands to find what was left of him. 's younger brother.

Although Qin Yan has the talent of space movement, but after all, it is not clear how big the Tianyan Continent is. Even if this talent is used, it will probably take a long time to find his little brother.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

Beside Qin Yan, Ghidorah asked.

"Xiaoji, I don't know the rules for cultivating in this Tianyan Continent."

"Back to the king, Tianyan Continent is a virtual battlefield. Unlike the battle of the universe, the only rule of Tianyan Continent is that there are no rules. Everyone just needs to survive and keep earning points. Close, I don't know that."

Ghidorah answered truthfully,'s the same as the description of the elf.

And for Qin Yan, rules are meant to be broken! In the previous battle of the universe, how many new rules were set according to Qin Yan's mood! "Xiaoji, you have been here for so many years, you should There are many enemies."

Qin Yan asked suddenly, his eyes flashing a little bit of coldness.

"Yes, if you want to gain a foothold in this kind of place, you must offend a lot of people, just like the Golden Crow you killed earlier, I have fought against him before, but because the difference in strength is not big, we don't want to. Both sides suffered in the fight, and thus a feud was formed."

"Besides that, there are quite a few people who are similar to the Golden Crow. There are both human races and beast races, and their forces are all around this place."

In the Tianyan Continent, only by constantly grabbing points can one survive.

In this process, the friction between the strong is avoided. In this world of meat and strong food, the strong live and the weak die, and the typical food chain is more complicated than before... ...a lot more brutal.

Precisely because there are no rules here, it is more difficult to survive.

As for the situation here, Qin Yan is now quite aware of it. As for the next step, it's... the abuse of vegetables that belongs to him! "Xiaoji, the national treasure will take you to fight the country!"

............In a secluded forest not far away, a strong human race stood with a sword, and opposite him was a black giant ape.

The strength of the two is similar, the human race powerhouse is probably at the immortality level four-star 44, while the giant ape is the immortal-level three-star.

However, with its powerful physique, the giant ape was stunned to fight back and forth with that...human powerhouse.

"Beasts, die!"

Right at this moment, the powerful man of the famous clan let out a loud shout, and at the same time, a sword stabbed down suddenly, and the sharp sword qi slashed down with the power of terrifying ice.

Seemingly feeling a threat, the giant ape roared angrily, and his eyes suddenly became: extremely scarlet, his blood and energy were burning wildly, and his aura instantly increased greatly.

But just when the sword of the powerful man fell, a terrifying force of destruction fell, and the aura of the giant ape suddenly shriveled, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a corpse.

The giant ape is a spiritual beast that belongs to this space, and after death, it is equivalent to completely dissipating.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the powerful man of the famous clan couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and he was able to kill the giant ape in front of him, which means that the strength of the comer is very terrifying! At this moment, two figures appeared in the void, it was not Qin. Yan and Ghidorah! The previous giant ape died in Qin Yan's hands.

Looking at Qin Yan and Ghidorah who appeared in front of him, the human race powerhouse's pupils shrank, and his eyes fell directly on Ghidorah.

As for Qin Yan, he was directly ignored by him...

Chapter [-]: One hundred thousand people drop sharply in one day!

Chapter [-]:::::A drop of [-] people in one day! "Ghidorah, what do you mean, this giant ape, but I'll focus on you first, you're probably breaking the rules by doing this, right? "

The powerful man said coldly.

He is very clear about Ghidorah's strength. Although Ghidorah has the bloodline of alien beasts, he has just been promoted to the immortality level after all.

In the past, Qin Yan used the power of destruction to kill the giant ape, and this is also the ability that Ghidorah has mastered, so the famous clan powerhouse should think that the giant ape was killed by Ghidorah.

As for why Ghidorah was able to kill a powerful giant ape in seconds, he just attributed the reason to his fight with the giant ape, and Ghidorah took advantage of it.

"it's him"

Qin Yan pointed to the human race powerhouse in front of him, while Ghidorah nodded.

"I said Ghidorah, what the hell are you..."

The human race powerhouse has not finished speaking, he only feels a huge force bombarding him heavily, and when he wakes up again..., his mind has returned to the present world.

"Congratulations to the king for getting 292 million points, and the remaining points are [-]!"

"Too weak, next!"

Qin Yan patted his little paw and said with a look of disdain.

............No one noticed, with Ghidorah's territory as the core, the number of people around began to decrease sharply on this day.

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