At the same time, the virtual universe headquarters.

The supreme god of destiny looked at the endless starry sky in front of him, and the day when the black mist appeared in his mind kept coming up.

He understands that the entire universe is now in danger, and the owner of the black mist will one day enter their universe.

Originally, he simply thought that the strength of the people on the other end of Yuxiong was similar to them, otherwise he would definitely not have spent so much effort to open a crack.

But the pressure brought by the black fog that day was greater than the pressure brought on him by the supreme god of space, Muyuan! After that day, he very much wanted to make predictions again to see the fate of the universe.

But because the previous two prophecies have consumed too much power, now he can no longer support a prophecy, if forcibly prophesy, it will greatly overdraw his life! "Hey!"

All the worries of the supreme god of destiny finally turned into a heavy sigh.

"Lord, the supreme god of destiny, the geniuses of Tianyan Continent have dropped by [-] in one day!"

And at this moment, a message passed into the mind of the supreme god of destiny, and it was the message sent to him by the person in charge of monitoring Tianyan Continent.

"What did you say a hundred thousand!"

The supreme god of fate said in surprise.

You must know that those who can enter the Tianyan Continent are all geniuses of the major civilizations of the universe, and those who stand out in the battle of the universe geniuses.

The total number of people entering the Tianyan Continent is only [-] million, and now it has dropped by [-] a day, which is a full [-]%% reduction! "Yes... Your Highness Qin Yan!"

In the face of such an answer, the supreme god of destiny is not too surprised, it seems that he has already expected it.

In the entire Tianyan Continent, I am afraid that only Qin Yan can kill so many geniuses in one day.

"Let's start a beast tide."

The supreme god of fate said indifferently.

"Lord Beast Tide, if you start the Beast Tide, how many geniuses will fall into the hands of alien beasts!"

"The beast tide is just to make His Highness Qin Yan have some fun. Believe me, if this continues, the geniuses in the Tianyan Continent will be killed faster."

The supreme god of fate said lightly, no one knew Qin Yan's terrifying better than him. If a wolf fell into the flock, and it was still a captive flock, then the flock would perish in an instant!

Chapter [-]: The beast tide strikes!

Chapter [-]:::::The beast tide is coming! Tianyan Continent.

Boom boom boom!!! An immortal white tiger born with different pupils was bombarded by a powerful force of destruction, its body was directly blasted into nothingness, and then turned into a halo and rose to the sky.

Behind Qin Yan, Ghidorah calmly looked at the scene in front of him, as if he had come to understand it.

Qin Yan's so-called take him to conquer the world, I am afraid that he wants to kill the entire Tianyan Continent.

In just one day, the number of strong men who died in Qin Yan's hands was in excess of ten thousand.

Every time he passed a place, Qin Yan would not only kill the boss there, but also those... younger brother Qin Yan would not let it go.

Moreover, every time Qin Yan makes a shot, it is a means of thunder, killing people without blinking an eye.

As the saying goes, if you kill a person at ten steps, you won't leave a thousand miles.

But Qin Yan is completely...killing ten people and ten people in one step! "Your Majesty, do you want to continue?"

Ghidorah asked.

"Of course we have to continue, the national treasure has just become interested!"

Qin Yan rubbed his small paws and said lightly.

He killed [-] geniuses in one day, and now Qin Yan's points have reached a terrifying over [-] billion. I am afraid that no one in the entire Tianyan Continent can compare with Qin Yan.

But at this moment, the voice of the elf sounded in Qin Yan's mind.

"Warning! Warning! Countless alien beasts were detected rushing towards the king, and the Tianyan Continent found that the beast tide was coming!"

For a time, Qin Yan and Ghidorah couldn't help but look at each other.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on. In the five years I've been in, there's never been such a thing as a beast swarm."

Seemingly aware of the doubts in Qin Yan's eyes, Ghidorah spoke first.

At the same time, Qin Yan and Kido's feet trembled for a while, followed by the roars of alien beasts from afar, and suddenly countless flying alien beasts appeared in the sky.

"It seems that the beast tide this time has something to do with me killing so many people."

Looking at the sky, Qin Yan muttered to himself.

"Ding... Publish system tasks, kill [-] alien beasts above the immortality level, you will get talent rewards, and alien beast control can control any alien beast!"

The system that has been silent for a long time is finally starting to function again.

"When the alien beasts are in control, I can kill all the geniuses in the entire Tianyan Continent without doing it myself."

Qin Yan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly, this talent is simply too heaven-defying in Tianyan Continent! At the same time, a giant eagle in the sky discovered Qin Yan's existence, and immediately swung its wings and dived towards Qin Yan. .

This giant eagle only has the cultivation level of the domain master, and its own intelligence has not been activated. Otherwise, if there are cosmic beasts like Ghidorah by Qin Yan's side, it will definitely not dare to approach easily.

When the giant eagle was approaching, Ghidorah suddenly shot, grabbed the giant eagle with his bare hands, and then pulled hard, the giant eagle's blood splashed all over the ground, and then turned into a ray of red light and entered Ghidorah's body.

And with the tragic situation of his companion, the other giant eagles also realized Ghidorah's horror, and immediately flew into the distance, no longer going to provoke Ghidorah.

But at this moment, a roar sounded, and then a huge figure descended from the sky, landing directly not far from Qin Yan, and the whole earth seemed to shake when it landed.

"How can such a powerful alien beast appear in an immortal-level violent ape and an immortal-level eight-star 8!"

Ghidorah lost his voice, if he encounters such a powerful Rampage Ape alone, he probably won't even have the chance to escape! Rampage Ape itself is known for its speed and strength, and there are few opponents at the same level! "Tsk tsk tsk, just Let the carnival begin!"

Qin Yan smiled slightly, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Chapter [-]: God King Jiaolong!

Chapter [-]:::::God King Jiaolong! "Roar!!!"

The immortal-level eight-star 8-star violent ape has already turned on its intelligence. In its perception, neither Qin Yan nor Ghidorah can pose a threat to it, and immediately roared and punched them directly. Come.

The terrifying violent power instantly enveloped Qin Yan and Ghidorah, and enormous pressure poured in from all directions, as if they had nowhere to hide under this punch! It's just that Qin Yan and Ghidorah have long since disappeared. A giant tree was directly broken under the punch of the violent ape, and fell down.

At this time, a look of doubt appeared in the eyes of the berserk ape.

But at this moment, the violent ape suddenly turned his head and saw Qin Yan in the sky at a glance.

"It's not too stupid, I'll give you a punch!"

Qin Yan chuckled lightly and threw out a punch, the terrifying force of destruction was like a cannonball shot towards the berserk ape.

Boom!! Although the violent ape was extremely fast, it had no chance to escape from Qin Yan's punch. It was blasted into nothingness and turned into a red light and entered Qin Yan's body.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the immortal-level violent ape, the progress of the task: [-] in [-], %!"

"Xiaoji, you have to rely on yourself next. The national treasure is going to find something more interesting, so you just need to protect yourself!"

Qin Yan said with a smile, before Ghidorah disappeared directly into place.

Looking at Qin Yan, who had disappeared, Ghidorah couldn't help but let out a wry smile. The dark red rays of light shot towards him. It was three immortal fire pythons! Fortunately, these three fire pythons were only one immortal fire python. Star, can't pose a threat to Ghidorah yet.


Ghidorah roared, the power of destruction was released wildly, and a punch slammed into the fire python closest to him.

............ Above the sky, Qin Yan's figure appeared strangely on the back of an immortal-level giant eagle, and then he punched the immortal-level giant eagle without hesitation. Before he could react, he had already become Qin Yan's dead soul.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for killing the immortal giant eagle, the task completion progress: 2/[-] [-]!"

"Hey, it would be great if Xiao Skull and Wan Qing were here, and it would save the national treasures to be killed one by one. What a pity!"

Qin Yan couldn't help shaking his head and sighed, and then his eyes were already looking at a giant bird not far away, this giant bird has a trace of Phoenix blood, and its strength has reached the immortality-level three-star! "Cute little bird, hurry up and let me Kill the national treasure!"

Qin Yan had a harmless smile on his face, and then his body appeared beside the giant bird, and the terrifying force of destruction directly drowned the giant bird.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for killing the immortal-level pseudo-phoenix, the task completion progress: [-]/[-]!"

Ang!! After killing the giant bird, before Qin Yan could find the fourth prey, a high-pitched dragon roar suddenly came out not far away, and the surrounding beasts also cast their fearful eyes in that direction. .

The next moment, I saw a huge figure entrenched in the sky. Although it looked like a giant python, it was dissatisfied with the dark black scales and had two horns on its head. It was actually a dragon! Hualong, the one in front of me... Jiaolong is releasing a very strong pressure, I am afraid that it is not far from Hualong.

The moment the Flood Dragon appeared, all beasts adored it. After all, the Flood Dragon also had a trace of dragon blood on its body! Moreover, the aura emanating from this Flood Dragon was actually no weaker than that of the God King Realm! A... God King-level Flood Dragon, Even looking at the entire Tianyan Continent, it is enough to be king and hegemon!

Chapter [-]: Beat the dragon!

Chapter [-]::::: Beat the Flood Dragon! The Flood Dragon's eyes in the sky suddenly fell on an immortal human race powerhouse in the distance, and immediately spit out a dragon's breath, directly bombarding that... human race On the strong man, he directly sent it back to his hometown.

Even if one looks at the entire Tianyan Continent, there are several people who can reach the level of the god-king, at least up to now, Qin Yan has not seen a single one.

And this God-King-level Flood Dragon is without a doubt... a large-scale existence! Looking at the God-King-level Flood Dragon that suddenly appeared in front of him, Qin Yan's eyes couldn't help but shine.

"Tsk tsk tsk, although it's not a real dragon, it looks really domineering!"

Immediately after the figure flickered, Qin Yan was already not far from Jiaolong.

"Hey, silly dragon, look here!"

Qin Yan blew a whistle, deliberately attracting Jiaolong's attention.

The next moment, Jiaolong's huge head slowly moved, and a pair of dragon eyes the size of copper bells stared straight at Qin Yan, his eyes full of disdain.

"The lowly race dares to insult this Dragon King, it's simply not knowing whether to live or die!"

When the words fell, Jiaolong opened his bloody mouth, and a flame sprayed directly towards Qin Yan.

Although the God-King-level Flood Dragon did not have the power to control the flame, the flame it released was a bit stronger than the Phoenix Flame and the Golden Crow Flame! Qin Yan slowly raised his hand, and a space barrier formed in an instant, the turbulent flame. The flame was actually divided into two, rushing towards the rear around the space where Qin Yan was.

"The lowly race doesn't know if Senior Beast God hears these words, will he come directly to pull your skin and cramp your muscles!"

Qin Yan sneered and dared to call the Yin Beasts a lowly race, and this silly dragon in front of him was also unique.

"But it's just a mere Flood Dragon. It's far worse than the savage dragon and evil spirit encountered in the ruins of the National Treasure Dangzhou. It dares to be so crazy. Today, the National Treasure will teach you a lesson and teach you to do it."

The next moment, Qin Yan waved his big hand, and the flame was sent back by Shengsheng! The dragon's giant tail swayed, and the flames scattered directly into the sky.

But in the next moment, Qin Yan's figure appeared beside him, and a palm shot outrightly, it was the Yin-Yang big mudra! Kacha!! Even Qin Yan's palm is not something that ordinary god-king-level powerhouses can bear. live.

And after receiving this palm, large scales on Jiaolong's body fell off, and the dragon's blood was scattered in the sky.


Under the severe pain, Jiaolong waved his tail again, trying to kill Qin Yan directly.

But I saw Qin Yan grabbed his hand and grabbed the huge dragon's tail directly, and then waved his arm, the small body actually threw the Jiaolong out.

Boom!!! The huge dragon smashed to the ground, and countless giant trees collapsed.

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