It's just that it's not over yet, Qin Yan's figure followed the dragon, and then stepped on the dragon's tail.

"You dare to smoke a national treasure, don't want your tail!"

Pfft! As soon as I stepped on it, the dragon tail of the Jiaolong was actually trampled into a mist of blood! The extremely hard body of the Jiaolong was so vulnerable in front of Qin Yan.

The severe pain from the tail made Jiaolong's eyes turn red, and a flame erupted from his mouth again, but it was ruthlessly transferred back by Qin Yan with the power of space, and the rich flame directly burned himself.

From the beginning to the end, this was not a battle, but a one-sided beating! Countless beasts around looked at the beating Jiaolong, and all of them retreated subconsciously for a while. Qin Yan's jealousy and fear It has reached the extreme.

The next moment, Qin Yan waved his hand, and the flame disappeared.

"Silly dragon, get up quickly and continue to be beaten!"

Chapter [-]: Give you a chance to become the mount of the national treasure!

Chapter [-]:::::Give you a chance to become a mount for a national treasure! "Arrogant, is this Dragon King really your opponent?"

It is a dignified god-king-level dragon, and it also has the blood of the dragon family. It is naturally unbearable to be so insulted by others.

After angrily reprimanded, the scales on Jiaolong's body glowed with pitch-black light, and the wound originally punched by Qin Yan healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that the burst tail can't grow again.

"Hoo!! Die, lowly race!"

I saw a flame spewing out of the Jiaolong's mouth. This flame was several times stronger than the previous flames. Obviously, the Jiaolong used some kind of method.

However, Qin Yan sneered disdainfully, and then released the power of space law, directly blocking the flame in place, no matter how the flame hit, he could not break through the blockade of space.

"The law of space turned out to be the power of the law! How is this possible!"

Jiaolong also felt the laws of space released by Qin Yan, and immediately widened his dragon eyes, his eyes filled with disbelief.

It itself has become a god king, and it is natural to understand the power of the law.

But it really couldn't understand how an unknown creature whose strength was only at the world master level could control the power of the law, and it was also an extremely powerful space law.

As soon as the power of the law came out, Jiaolong's heart sank to the bottom. He knew very well that he would never be the opponent of Qin Yan, who possessed the power of the law, even if the opponent's realm was only a mere world leader.

The law is the most primitive power in this world. The power of the law and the ordinary power are simply worlds apart and cannot be compared at all! Bang Bang Bang!!! At this time, Qin Yan didn’t… keep his hand and punch On Jiaolong's body, the healed mouth just burst open again, the dragon's blood spilled all over the ground, and pieces of dragon scales kept falling.

Today's Jiaolong can only be beaten by his powerful body, and facing Qin Yan, who possesses the power of space law, it has no power to fight back at all.

This violent beating lasted for a full half an hour, and knowing that Qin Yan was tired, he stopped.

The Jiaolong in front of him was already covered in bruises, and there was not a piece of good flesh all over his body. Qin Yan had torn off a large piece of dragon scales, and the scarlet flesh was exposed. He could only use "miserable"

Two-word description.

At this time, Jiaolong didn't mention how wronged he was. Originally, it was in retreat to attack the dragon, but an inexplicable summon directly lured it out, and then...was beaten by this terrifying creature in front of him.

Right now, as long as Qin Yan thinks about it, he may not be able to save his life! "Silly Dragon, do you want to die or live?"

Qin Yan, who stopped his hands, let out a deep breath, and then looked at the Jiaolong in front of him and said coldly, with a hint of killing intent in his voice.

"I want to live! I want to live! Please keep your hands, adults!"

Jiaolong replied immediately, as for the dignity of the dragon clan, it has already been sent to the sky.

Besides, I am not a real dragon, just a Flood Dragon! "Give you a chance to become the mount of the national treasure, and the national treasure can spare your life!"

Qin Yan opened his mouth again, and the power of the law of space above his palm quickly condensed.

"Otherwise, National Treasure doesn't mind killing you directly!"

"I surrender, I have seen the master!"

Jiaolong is also unequivocal, in order to survive, he can only submit to Qin Yan.

"Hmph, you still have some eyesight."

Qin Yan sneered, and then threw a healing technique towards Jiaolong.

The rich green light instantly wrapped the Flood Dragon in it, the pitch-black dragon scales regrew, the injuries on the body recovered at an extremely fast speed, and even the shattered dragon tail was slowly growing!

Chapter [-]: The task is completed, all animals worship!

Chapter [-]::::: The mission is completed, and the beasts worship! Feeling the rapid recovery of his physical injuries, Jiaolong was greatly horrified, and his awe for Qin Yan also increased a bit.

You must know that although the Jiaolong is only a spiritual body in the Tianyan Continent, as a god-king-level alien beast, its own spiritual intelligence is no less than that of ordinary people.

"Thank you master for taking action!"

After the injury was fully recovered, Jiaolong couldn't help but bow his head and said respectfully to Qin Yan.

At this time, Qin Yan, who was standing on the top of Jiaolong's head, looked around at the strange beasts around him, and for a while, he had an idea in his heart.

"System, will the alien beast killed by Jiaolong be counted in my mission?"

"Go back to the host, Jiaolong is already the little brother you subdued, and the alien beasts killed by Jiaolong will naturally be counted on you."

After receiving a positive answer from the system, Qin Yan couldn't help but slightly raise the corner of his mouth.

"Silly dragon, kill all the alien beasts over there for the national treasure!"

Qin Yan stretched out his finger and pointed to a group of alien beasts not far away. There are no less than a hundred alien beasts in this area, and all of them are above the immortality level! The task given to Qin Yan by the system is to... kill [-] immortals. Rank alien beasts, killing alien beasts below the immortality level is useless to Qin Yan.

And now that I have subdued such a powerful little brother, it would be a pity if I don't use it! "Yes, master!"

In the face of Qin Yan's orders, Jiaolong naturally did not dare to neglect, although these...... alien beasts belong to the same kind as it, but compared to his own life, these... ....What is the alien beast! As for Qin Yan's name for himself, it was completely given by Jiaolong.

If there is no absolute strength to crush, or this title, Jiaolong also has to.. tear the opponent to pieces.

I saw the huge body of the Flood Dragon rushing directly towards the alien beasts, spit out the breath of the dragon, and hundreds of immortal-level alien beasts were instantly burnt to ashes, turning into a body of energy surging.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully killing 252 immortal beasts, the current task completion progress: [-]/[-]!"

"Silly dragon, kill all the alien beasts around the immortal level and above, and then follow the national treasure to another place!"

Qin Yan said indifferently, such a large-scale beast tide, almost all the alien beasts in the entire Tianyan Continent were dispatched, and the alien beasts above the immortality level alone were more than ten million.

With such a large-scale beast tide, it is estimated that the number of geniuses in the entire Tianyan Continent will be sharply reduced by more than half this time. Most geniuses are not strong.

"hold head high!"

After receiving Qin Yan's order, Jiaolong let out a high-pitched dragon roar, and then locked all the alien beasts above the immortality level around him, and then shot out brazenly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing 523 immortal beasts..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing 155 immortal beasts..."

............In just half a day, with the help of Qin Yan's spatial mobility talent, Jiaolong successfully helped Qin Yanzhen to kill a full 50 immortal beasts. During this period, Qin Yan was not required at all. Yan did it himself! "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing 50 immortal-level alien beasts, the task is completed, and you will get rewards: physique + [-] trillion, soul + [-], the new talent alien beast control can control any alien beast!"

At this moment, Jiaolong under Qin Yan's feet suddenly felt a special energy entering his body, making him feel that he couldn't bear to worship Qin Yan. It seemed that Qin Yan was... its king! The alien beasts were all crawling on the ground at the same time, and the direction they were facing was exactly the direction Qin Yan was in!

Chapter [-]: As expected of His Royal Highness Qin Yan, he is really awesome!

Chapter [-]::::: As expected of His Highness Qin Yan, he is really awesome! "System, call up the attribute table of national treasures and see!"


"For the time being, you will go back to the old nest first, and when the national treasure is in a good mood, I will let you come out and kill the Quartet!"

Qin Yan spoke lightly, like a magical sound entering the ears of every alien beast.

The next moment, the huge group of alien beasts faded like a tide, and the alien beasts in Tianyan Continent that were fighting against the geniuses also stopped one after another, and then retreated at an extremely fast speed.

For a time, many geniuses covered in blood looked at the ferocious beasts that were quickly leaving in front of them, and couldn't help but wonder in their hearts.

This time, the sudden outbreak of the beast tide has caused many geniuses to fall, and the remaining people are also ready to fight against the alien beast, but no one thought that the aggressive alien beast suddenly retreated! But the alien beast left, they The pressure also disappeared instantly, which is a good thing for anyone..

At this time, after Ghidorah easily pinched a giant eagle to death, he looked up and saw the scene of a large number of alien beasts retreating, and he was also puzzled.

"Isn't this also related to the king!"

Ghidorah murmured in a daze, it seems that in the entire Tianyan Continent, apart from... Qin Yan, no one has the ability to stop the beast tide.

...........Meanwhile, the virtual universe headquarters.

"Report, the supreme god of destiny, the alien beasts in the Tianyan Continent suddenly returned to their lair out of control, and this time the beast tide can only be forced to end!"

The supreme god of fate who received the information could not help frowning in confusion.

"How could this happen, do we have all broken control over the alien beasts in the Tianyan Continent?"

"It's such a lord, His Highness Qin Yan subdued the strongest alien beast in the Tianyan Continent, the God-king-level Flood Dragon, and then His Highness Qin Yan seems to have mastered the method of controlling alien beasts, temporarily gaining control over all alien beasts."

"And according to the data, the number of alien beasts above the immortal level that died in this beast tide exceeded [-], and almost all of them were done by His Highness Qin Yan!"

This time, the supreme god of fate could not help but be silent.

After a long time, there was a wry smile on the face of the supreme god of destiny.

"As expected of His Royal Highness Qin Yan, he is really awesome!"

Chapter [-]: News of the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Chapter [-]:::::News of the Tyrannosaurus Rex! After the beast tide receded, Qin Yan found Ghidorah immediately and took him back to the place where Lao Kong retreated.

Fortunately, this time the beast tide was under the deliberate protection of Qin Yan, Lao Kong and Lao Yan were not affected by the beast tide.

"Your Majesty, this is"

Looking at the Flood Dragon that Qin Yan was stepping on, Ghidorah only felt her scalp tingle for a while. This is a dignified God-king Flood Dragon, a powerful beast with dragon blood! As far as blood is concerned, Even he is absolutely incomparable.

"How about the mount that the national treasure has just received, is it domineering?"

Qin Yan patted Jiaolong's horn and said with a smile.

Ghidorah: "..."

The dignified god-king-level Jiaolong was even willing to be someone else's mount, but when he thought of Qin Yan, Ghidorah knew that, in their eyes, Qin Yan was like a god, omnipotent.

"Your Majesty, there is news!"

At this moment, a weak voice came from not far away, and then Liu Xing's staggering figure appeared in Qin Yan's line of sight.

Speaking of which, Liu Xing's current appearance can really be called "extremely miserable"

To describe it, his body was covered in blood, not to mention that one arm had disappeared, just by looking at the scar on his shoulder, it was obviously bitten off by some kind of alien beast.

Obviously, Liu Xing was also hit by this beast tide and almost died.

Seeing this, Qin Yan frowned slightly, and then threw out a healing technique.

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