Under a green light, Liu Xing's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Healing was Qin Yan's heaven-defying talent, even the dragon's tail could be reborn, not to mention Liu Xing's broken arm.


Looking at his gradually growing arm, Liu Xing couldn't help but widen his eyes, his eyes filled with disbelief.

To be honest, he cares about this broken arm, after all, this is just a virtual world, his body and arms in the real world are still there:.

However, now that the arm is reborn, Liu Xing's heart naturally has a trace of joy.

In just a short time, Liu Xing's injuries have completely recovered, and the broken arm has also grown back, and it seems that there is no sense of disobedience.

That's the power of healing! "Tell me, what's the news"

At this time, Qin Yan spoke lightly, but he did not forget the task he gave to Liu Xing, that is, to find his little brother! When Qin Yan's words were pulled out of his joy, Liu Xing hurriedly straightened his face and said.

"Your Majesty, according to your previous description, I finally found information about one of your younger brothers, that is... that Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex has followed a group of people into the frozen valley!"

"It's just a pity that the people who followed me to find them all died in the beast swarm, and I was the only one who survived."

Speaking of this, Liu Xing also showed a trace of loss in his eyes.

"What is Frozen Valley?"

Ghidorah asked, as for the life and death of those... little brothers, Ghidorah doesn't care.

"Frozen Valley is a very dangerous place. I heard that there are many very powerful alien beasts in it, and there are many unknown risks, but there are also many opportunities."

"But there's no need to worry. I heard that the Tyrannosaurus Rex has been promoted to the Immortal Rank before entering the Frozen Valley, so there should be no accident."

"Eternal life, it seems that Lao Kong's son also has his own chance."

Qin Yan smiled lightly, his younger brothers were all here to find the opportunity to beat him, and his strength was improved, he was naturally happy.

"Silly Dragon, do you know where the frozen valley is?"

"Go back to the master, Frozen Valley is not far from here, do you need to leave now?"

"Of course, I don't want my little brother to die there!"

Chapter [-]: The Amethyst Lion King who was scared to pee!

Chapter [-]:::::The Amethyst Lion King who was scared to pee! As Jiaolong said, the frozen valley is not far from them. outside the frozen valley.

Frozen Valley, as its name suggests, is a frozen valley, but only the cliffs outside the frozen valley are frozen, and when one looks into the valley, it is pitch black.

Before coming to Frozen Valley, Qin Yan felt an extremely deep breath blowing towards his face, and then a weak force of law entered Qin Yan's perception.

You must know that the Tianyan Continent is a virtual world constructed by the Tianyan Pagoda, and its own laws are not perfect, and can even be said to be very broken, and generally do not breed the power of laws.

And Qin Yan was able to perceive the existence of the power of the law in this place, which has already destined this place to be extraordinary.

"Your Majesty, Frozen Valley is right in front. Although I haven't been here before, it seems to be this place after listening to their description."

Beside Qin Yan, Liu Xing pointed to the front and said respectfully.

After he was reborn from his broken arm, Qin Yan in his eyes was not just a simple boss, but a real god, an omnipotent god.

Liu Xing knew very well that as long as he followed Qin Yan in the Tianyan Continent, he would definitely survive to the end! "It's just, it seems that there are two guardian beasts in this frozen valley, and they are very powerful!"

After a pause, Liu Xing added, with a little more worry in his eyes.

And just as Liu Xing's voice fell, a beast roar sounded, and the earth seemed to tremble because of this roar.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure walked out of the valley. This alien beast was purple in color, and its skin was like crystal.

"Purple... Amethyst Lion King and Immortal Amethyst Lion King"

Looking at the huge beast that appeared in front of him, Liu Xing couldn't help turning pale, and his body trembled involuntarily.

An immortal-level alien beast is already at the level of a beastmaster, and even Ghidorah would never be able to hold up a move in the hands of the beastmaster in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Amethyst Lion King looking behind him, and a purple figure slowly walked out of the valley, and it was an Immortal Amethyst Lion King again! "This... Your Majesty, should we retreat first, and then make a long-term plan?"

Looking at the two amethyst lion kings in front of him, Liu Xing couldn't help but suggested in a trembling voice.

The immortal Amethyst Lion King is already at the top of the food chain in the Tianyan Continent. For practitioners like them, this can almost be the final appearance! Liu Xing knows Qin Yan's power well, but he I don't think Qin Yan can deal with two powerful Amethyst Lion Kings at once.

"Isn't it just two little lions? What's the panic?"

At this time, Qin Yan spoke lightly, facing the two Amethyst Lion Kings, his expression did not change.

"Silly Dragon, come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, a high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and then the size of the dragon dramatically enlarged, and in the blink of an eye, it had turned into a thousand-mile dragon entrenched in the sky. The pressure is released.


Aware of the powerful aura of the dragon, the two amethyst lion kings could not help making a few muffled sounds, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and two purple liquids flowed down from the amethyst lion king's legs at the same time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Xing couldn't help being a little stunned, his eyes widened, and he stared at the two amethyst lion kings who were in a state of extreme fear, his face was full of disbelief.

The immortal-level amethyst lion king of the dignified beast king level was actually scared to pee by Nima!

Chapter [-]: The crisis of Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Chapter [-]:::::The crisis of Tyrannosaurus Rex! Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Xing couldn't say a word for a long time, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

Previously, because of Jiaolong's deliberate suppression, his own strength did not show much at all... In Liu Xing's view, it is just an ordinary alien beast that has always been immortal.

But now the dragon is showing its might, Liu Xing discovered this "little snake" that looks harmless to humans and animals

, it would be such a terrifying existence.

"Okay, let's go in."

Qin Yan glanced at the two amethyst lion kings who were scared to pee, and did not intend to pay attention to them, but rode the flood dragon directly into the frozen valley.

...........Deep Frozen Valley.

"Big man, hurry up and hand over the things, the brothers can still let you live in the old love, and if you continue to resist, the brothers can only send you back to the real world!"

A full five 55 immortal-level human race powerhouses surrounded an alien beast that was over three meters in height. All five of them released a strong coercion, and their gazes towards the alien beast were also somewhat solemn. This alien beast is very afraid.

And the alien beast surrounded by them is exactly the Tyrannosaurus rex that Qin Yan wanted to find on his trip! However, the Tyrannosaurus Rex at this time has undergone tremendous changes compared to before, not only its size has become larger Several times, there is a layer of fine scales on the body, and the lines on the scales are clear, reflecting the prismatic light.

More importantly, today's Tyrannosaurus rex actually has a trace of the breath of the silk dragon family. In terms of aura strength, although it is not as good as the Jiaolong that is about to turn into a real dragon, it is not much worse! Moreover, Tyrannosaurus Rex's current cultivation realm , is the immortality level! Among Qin Yan's younger brothers, the only one who has reached the immortality level is Ghidorah, who is inherited by blood! "Hypocritical human beings, want to get the dragon fruit, first step on my corpse Go over there!"

The Tyrannosaurus rex snorted coldly, and with a flick, the huge airflow directly forced the five people back a few steps.

Originally, these five people brought the Tyrannosaurus Rex to the frozen valley to hunt for treasures, and they were considered to be the Tyrannosaurus Rex's partners, but they did not expect that after the Tyrannosaurus Rex obtained the dragon fruit, these five people immediately.

He changed his face and wanted to snatch the dragon fruit from the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Dragon Transformation Fruit, even in the entire Tianyan Continent, is an extremely rare spiritual fruit. Dragon Transformation Fruit blooms for thousands of years and bears fruit in ten thousand years. It contains the breath of the dragon race. When swallowed by alien beasts, it can greatly improve the bloodline, especially if it has its own blood. Alien beasts with dragon blood, the effect will be more obvious.

And if the human race swallows it, the strength will skyrocket directly, and the physique will also be greatly improved.

in spite of....

Whether it is for alien beasts, or for the human race, dragon fruit is a rare treasure.

"If that's the case, then don't blame the brothers for being rude!"

He heard a light snort from the young man in the lead, and immediately chopped off the long sword in his hand, turning into a sword beam and attacking the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At the same time, the other four 44 people also shot together, all kinds of powerful martial arts and martial skills directly greeted the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the terrifying residual power directly caused the surrounding ice cubes to explode, turning into an ice fog.

Boom!!! Roar!!! After a loud bang, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's right paw drooped weakly, obviously suffering a serious injury.

However, at the same time when the five 55 human races took action, the Tyrannosaurus Rex also threw out the giant tail. One human race couldn't escape, and was directly swept by the giant tail and sent it back to its hometown.

Seeing this, the young man at the head couldn't help but look even more ugly. He didn't expect that the five of them would attack at the same time, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex would have the strength to fight back, and even took one of their companions away in an instant.

The strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex seems to be somewhat beyond his imagination.

"Shoot together, don't give it any chance!"

Chapter [-]: Who dares to bully the younger brother of the national treasure? !

Chapter [-]:::::Who dares to bully the younger brother of the national treasure! Seeing that his companion was killed, there is no need to give orders to the young man, and the remaining three shot instantly and attacked the Tyrannosaurus Rex again.

You must know that these five people are all immortal-level powerhouses. Although there are only four left now, they are definitely not the ones that the current Tyrannosaurus Rex can compete with.

"Hypocritical human race, even if I die, I will never give you the dragon fruit."

The Tyrannosaurus Rex scolded, and immediately swallowed a whole body of red fruit in his hand, the momentum of the Tyrannosaurus rex soared in an instant, and a coercion followed.

"No, hurry up and kill him!"

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus rex swallowing the dragon fruit, the young man in the lead couldn't help but let out a loud shout, and then a fierce attack erupted from his body, cutting the Tyrannosaurus with sword blades one after another, trying to directly strangle the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

They all knew that the Tyrannosaurus rex had a trace of dragon blood in its body. If the Tyrannosaurus rex completely awakened the dragon blood in its body by taking this dragon fruit, it would be a devastating blow to them.

Ka Ka Ka! One after another attack fell on the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the scales that originally protected the body crumbled, various wounds appeared on the body surface, blood spilled, and it looked very embarrassed.

At this time, none of the four people found out that although the Tyrannosaurus Rex had been passively beaten, two eyes could not help wandering on them, like a beast ready to go.

Boom!!! After an attack landed on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body swayed violently, and it came to a human race at a strange speed, and then opened its blood basin and took a big bite.


After a scream, I saw that the man was bitten off by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he turned into a halo and ascended to the sky.

So far, five of five have lost two.

"Don't keep your hands, or you will be next!"

The head of the young man's face became more and more ugly, but fortunately, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was already at the end of the battle. Although he forcibly killed one person, it was difficult to see the injuries on the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The remaining two looked at each other, and then burst out with a strong fighting intent, attacking the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And just after a round of attacks by the two, the young man headed suddenly stepped forward, rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex at an extremely fast speed, and stabbed with a sword.

Pfft! The long sword stabbed, actually directly breaking through the defense of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body, and pierced into the Tyrannosaurus' body, accompanied by a low roar from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a bloody arrow shot out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex slapped it with one claw, and it smashed the long sword directly, and the figure of the young man at the head burst back, and his eyes were also a little more proud.

Tatata! The Tyrannosaurus Rex stepped back a few steps, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and its breath was even more sluggish to the extreme, and it was obvious that it had no strength to fight again.

"Hehe, big man, even though you have eaten the dragon fruit, your blood is still very precious, don't worry, I won't let you die easily, at least until the Tianyan Continent is closed, you need to keep fighting for it. We provide your blood!"

The young man at the head looked at the dying Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him, and couldn't help laughing wildly, as if the Tyrannosaurus Rex had become their possession.

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes were also dark, and now the Tyrannosaurus Rex had no fighting power, and could only be slaughtered by the three people in front of him.

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