"Who dares to bully the little brother of the national treasure!"

But at this moment, a voice full of anger sounded, making Tyrannosaurus rex abruptly raise its head, and a gleam of light erupted in his eyes, that familiar voice made Tyrannosaurus rex instantly have a feeling of: the rest of his life, because of this sound The owner is Qin Yan!

Chapter [-]: Does your father have a supreme destiny?

Chapter [-]:::::Does your father have a supreme god of destiny? "Who is it!"

At this time, the leading young man also raised his head suddenly, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

This frozen valley is a very dangerous place, and there are two amethyst lion kings at the entrance of the frozen valley, and most people will not come here at all.

The reason why they were able to come in was because he calculated the living habits of the two Amethyst Lion Kings in advance, and slipped in when the two Amethyst Lion Kings relaxed their vigilance.

The next moment, Qin Yan, who was riding the dragon, appeared in his eyes. After sensing the aura on Qin Yan's body, the young man's face immediately turned cold.

"My friend, I am Rocco, the son of the lord of the Rotara civilization. This little brother of yours offended me. I taught him a lesson for you. No problem."

Luo Ke looked at Qin Yan in front of him, with a little disdain in his tone.

Now Qin Yan's cultivation is only at the world master level after all, and because Jiaolong didn't dare to take a breath in front of Qin Yan, he deliberately suppressed his breath, and what he showed was just an ordinary alien beast.

Just such a combination appeared in front of Rocco, and it was not enough for Rocco to look at it.

In Rocco's view, Qin Yan certainly did not dare to hold him accountable for reporting his father's name, but he was just a little brother, because it would definitely not be worth the loss for such a small person to offend the owner of a civilized galaxy.

However, at this time Qin Yan directly ignored Luo Ke, went straight to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and threw out a healing technique.

"Your Majesty, I have embarrassed you."

Tyrannosaurus rex scratched his head and said apologetically.

"Recover well first, and those miscellaneous national treasures will be solved!"

Qin Yan patted the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head and spoke lightly, his voice carrying a bit of killing intent.

Dare to hurt his little brother like this, Qin Yan's eyes are already dead.

"My friend, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear? We don't make water in the well, so you leave here. I promise Rocco will not shoot at you."

Seeing Qin Yan ignoring him, Rocco also had a trace of anger in his heart.

"You said just now that you are from the Rotara civilization"

Qin Yan slowly turned his head and asked coldly.

"This friend has heard of the Rotara civilization. It will be easier to do this. You leave here. I promise that after returning to the real world, you will be my friend of the Rotara civilization, can you?"

Rocco couldn't help raising his head and said confidently.

His father was the master of the Rotara civilization, a true supreme god, and even if he looked at the entire universe, not many people dared to provoke him.

It's just that Qin Yan is obviously among these people! "Does your father have a powerful god of destiny?"

Qin Yan suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Rotara couldn't help being stunned for a while, and then said with a smile.

"This friend is joking, the supreme god of destiny is one of the strongest supreme gods in the entire universe. Although my father is also a supreme god, but compared with the supreme god of destiny, it is still very poor. Far.

Besides, even if you look at the entire universe, there are few supreme gods who can compare with the supreme god of destiny!"

"That is to say, your father doesn't have the most powerful gods."

Luo Ke didn't understand what Qin Yan was talking about, so he could only subconsciously nodded.

But the next moment, Rocco's mind was already blank, and his body also turned into a halo and slowly ascended to the sky.

When he died, he didn't even understand what Qin Yan was talking about.

"Damn, the supreme god of destiny dares to call and drink the national treasure. What kind of person dares to take action on the younger brother of the national treasure. When the national treasure returns to the real world, the entire Rotara civilization will disappear!"

Chapter [-]: True Dragon Ruins, Frozen Dragon Valley!

Chapter [-]:::::Remains of the True Dragon, Frozen Dragon Valley! "Your Majesty, why did you appear here?"

Under the healing of the treatment technique, the injuries on the Tyrannosaurus Rex have recovered to seventy-eighty-eighths.

"If the national treasure doesn't come, I'm afraid no one will collect the body for your kid!"

Qin Yan said angrily.

Indeed, the previous Tyrannosaurus rex had no power to resist, and if Rocco wanted to kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex, I am afraid it would be effortless.

"This... this lord, we..."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded, and it was the remaining two people in the group of five.

The five groups of five people are all from the Rotara civilization. Among them, Luo Ke is the most powerful. Although the strength of the remaining two people is not weak in the entire Tianyan Continent, in front of Qin Yan, they are not at all weak. No fighting back.

As the son of the supreme god, Luo Ke would not be merciful to them if he killed Qin Yan if he killed him? Well, I accidentally buried the entire civilization galaxy in it.

"Silly Dragon."

Qin Yan glanced at the two of them lightly, and then the Jiaolong beside him spit out a dragon's breath, sending them directly to the west sky.

The poor two were still thinking about how to please the killing god in front of them to escape this disaster.

"Your Majesty, after all, that man was also the son of a supreme god. If he was killed like this, if it would lead to revenge, wouldn't it..."

Looking at the two civilized people who were turned to ashes in the dragon's breath, a hint of worry flashed in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"The son of the supreme god can even kill the national treasure of the son of the dead! When the national treasure leaves this Tianyan Continent, the first thing is to... flatten the Rotara civilization!"

Qin Yan opened his mouth with disdain and filled the air.

In Qin Yan's view, even the entire Rotara civilization combined is not as important as a single hair of his younger brother. If he dares to hurt his younger brother, he will make the other party pay the price! Seeing Qin Yan so domineering, overlord There was a hint of warmth in the dragon's heart.

"By the way, Your Majesty, this is... a real dragon"

At this time, Tyrannosaurus Rex's attention suddenly fell on Jiaolong, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

Today's Tyrannosaurus Rex already has a trace of dragon blood by chance, and the Jiaolong is definitely not far from the real transformation, and the dragon blood is extremely rich, so it is reasonable for the Tyrannosaurus to be afraid of the Jiaolong.

"No, this is just a Flood Dragon, it hasn't fully transformed into a real dragon."

Qin Yan shook his head and explained.

At this time, Jiaolong, who had been silent for a long time, looked around and suddenly said.

"Master, this place doesn't seem easy!"

"Oh it's not easy"

Jiaolong did not answer Qin Yan immediately, but revealed his body, and the huge dragon body slammed into the surrounding frozen valley. The ice that had been frozen for an unknown number of years was directly turned into a piece of ice under the impact of Jiaolong. Flakes of ice fog.

"This...this is a dragon bone and a real dragon bone"

The Tyrannosaurus Rex looked at the scene in front of him, and was extremely shocked for a while, and the blood flow in the body increased rapidly.

Behind the ice layer, there is actually a huge keel hidden, and looking at the size, it is enough to crush the dragon, which is enough to prove that these... are the bones of the real dragon! In other words, this is not a frozen valley, but a real dragon relic, a real frozen dragon valley! The dragon fruit obtained by the Tyrannosaurus Rex before is just a piece of fruit brewed in the rich dragon breath. A normal fruit, and this one with a keel is the biggest chance here!

Chapter [-]: Ssangyong is born!

Chapter 20::::: Double Dragon is born! "Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering the real dragon ruins, and getting rewards: physique + 20 trillion, soul + [-] trillion."

"Ding, release the task, the two younger brothers under his command successfully transformed, and the reward received the bloodline of the real dragon, and the physique and bloodline have been greatly improved!"

"The two little brothers under my command take shape"

Qin Yan's gaze couldn't help but look at Jiaolong and Tyrannosaurus Rex. These two little brothers have a very clear goal! Moreover, the blood of the real dragon sounds very fragrant. After all, the dragon family is the head of all spirits, and its blood is powerful. One can imagine.

"Your Majesty, why are you looking at me like that?"

Tyrannosaurus rex felt Qin Yan's "greed"

eyes, said somewhat innocently.

"Boy, are you interested in becoming a real dragon?"

"True Dragon King, I only have a trace of dragon blood by chance. It is almost impossible to become a true dragon."

Tyrannosaurus rex smiled bitterly and said that he was originally just a dinosaur alien on the earth, although there was a "dragon" in his name

The character, but his bloodline is completely different from that of the real dragon.

"It's okay, now you have this chance!"

Qin Yan smiled lightly, and with a wave of his little paw, a strengthening technique landed directly on the surrounding keel.

Strengthening can strengthen all things in the world, and now there is still a weak real dragon power in the keel. Under the stimulation of strengthening, this weak real dragon power will also be fully stimulated.

"hold head high!!"

One after another high-pitched dragon chants sounded, resounding throughout the valley.

At the same time, a vast force fell, and the keels lit up with seven-colored rays of light, and the power of the real dragon instantly filled the entire valley.

"This... Thank you master for making it happen! Feeling the mighty power of the real dragon around him, Jiaolong couldn't help showing excitement in his eyes. It is not far from its transformation, and now it is under the blessing of the power of the real dragon. , this time I have a great confidence that I can successfully transform into a real dragon, soaring thousands of miles! The flood dragon bathed in the colorful rays of light, the brown scales on its body gradually turned blue, and it reflected bright eyes. 's light.

The formation of a dragon into a real dragon is a transformation in the true sense, not only will the bloodline be greatly improved, but the strength will also be improved.

At this time, it is not only the Flood Dragon who has transformed into a dragon. It is bathed in colorful rays of light. A pair of dragon horns gradually grow on the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had nothing to do with the dragon family, has also obtained the power of the real dragon at this moment. Favored by him, the true dragon bloodline in the body has been continuously improved, and the appearance has also begun to gradually become a dragon.

"hold head high!!"

Just hearing a high-pitched dragon roar resounding through the sky, the dark brown Jiaolong had completely turned into a green dragon, with two horns on its head, and four dragon claws under it. Today's Jiaolong has completed its transformation, and it will be a real blue dragon from now on! The Tyrannosaurus Rex not far away has also completed its transformation, and it has also transformed into a hundred-foot dragon, and its realm has also reached the peak of immortality. The level is only one step away! The two dragons transformed at the same time, the entire valley was covered by colorful rays of light, and the countless skeletons of the giant dragons gradually turned into smoke and dust, and disappeared with the wind.

The last trace of true dragon power was inhaled into the body by Qinglong, Qinglong opened his eyes violently, and under a strong coercion, the power of law was born, and the realm of Qinglong really stepped into the realm of the highest gods! Jiaolong turned into Qinglong He was already at the level of a god king before, but now he has successfully transformed himself, and he has also successfully broken through the realm, comprehended the power of the law, and became a supreme god!

Chapter [-]: Half-dragon body, promoted to immortality level!


"Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking the new talent, Dragon Transformation. When you release it, you can temporarily obtain the body of a half-dragon, the combat power is increased by a thousand times, and the defense speed is greatly improved!"

"Fuck, there's a new talent, so hi"

Feeling a new power in his body, Qin Yan was also very relieved for a while, and he finally didn't come to save this Tyrannosaurus Rex in vain! The so-called dragon transformation technique is...  ..It is somewhat similar to the Beast God Transformation, the only difference is...Dragon Transformation can greatly improve its own defense and speed, and it can also release the unique skills of the dragon family.

More importantly, the blood of the dragon clan has a great suppressing power over most of the beast clan. Even the previous Jiaolong, in front of Qin Yan today, may not be able to exert one-tenth of his strength.

"Ding, it is detected that there is still a lot of dragon power left in the space, is it all absorbed?"

At this moment, the sound of the system came again.

There are hundreds of giant dragon remains in this frozen dragon valley, and the energy remaining in one of the giant dragon remains is enough to make one of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Flood Dragon complete the dragon transformation. The power of the remaining dragon is so huge.

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